So Be It

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So I promised that the story is going to get better so it is!!




Chapter 6

Sonny's POV- 8:00 P.M.

I was getting my equipment ready for tonight's show that didn't start till 10. But it's better to be early than late! I sound too corny today. "Sonny!" Danny called out my name, angry. "Yeah?" I answered back. She ran up to me. She shoved a piece of paper in my hands. "She's gone!" Danny exclaimed to me. Porter held her for comfort. I scanned through the note. Ellie she's gone.

"I heard yelling, what the fuck is going on?" Joel asks. I handed him the note. Then Danny showed me some forward text messages Ellie sent her. I grabbed out my phone and I showed her that I never even texted Ellie today. "What the fuck! Who would do this to Ellie and you?" she asks. Oh fuck she's back. "Jennifer?" Joel questioned me. "Yeah, she's fucking back" I tell him. Jennifer was my crazy ex-girlfriend. She would call me ever night and day for no fucking reason. Why did she have to fucking come now. I  even have a restraining order against her. Anyway fuck her! Right now I just need to get to my Ellie.

"What time does the next flight to L.A take off" I ask Danny. "In like 20 minutes" she replies, sobbing. "I'm going to go get her" I proposed. I started to run out the door of the stadium. "Hey! Skrilly!" I head Joel call my nickname. I turn around and throws me the keys to his Ferrari. "Thanks!" I yelled to him. His car was fucking awesome in my tastes. I smoothly glided through the streets of Vegas. thank god there were no cops around. I was going about 110 mph by the time I was at the airport.

"Ok I have 5 minutes!" I tell myself. I park the car in the front of the airport and I run in. Please say she didn't leave. Please! Please! I ran into the waiting area. And there I saw her. My angel was sitting there her head in her hands, all it took was just one sob to break my heart. I run over to her. I took a seat next to her and I wrapped my arms around her. "Sonny?" she sniffled. "I'm right here babe" I tell her softly. "But the texts" she gulped. I put her head against my chest. "I'll explain to you when were in the car" I whisper softly. I picked her up like a bride. She held her suitcase in one hand.

 "So your fucked up minded ex-girlfriend, Jennifer somehow did some freaky shit and hacked into my cell. So she can pretend to be you" she repeated me after me. "Yeah, I'm sorry you got mixed in all of this bullshit" I apologized. "It's ok, I'm just happy right now that you came back for me" she softly said to me. When we were at the first stop light, I pulled her closer to me. "Sonny, I love you" she murmured softly. She loves me! That's all I needed to hear from her.

"I love you too, I'll never let anybody hurt you ever" I promised. She kisses me softly on the lips.

4 HOURS LATER.................................................

Ellie's POV:

"How the fuck are you already packed?" I asked Sonny. "Well, I packed earlier so I can have some time to work on Joel's track" he started o explain. He took out his sleek silver Mac and turntables. "Where's your famous trigger finger?" I asked, amused. He pulls it out of his large black suitcase. I started to play with it. Of course I knew how to use one. When I was 13, I went through the Dj phase in my life. I put some of my tracks on Youtube they got like 900,000 views. I didn't really fucking care. I just liked music.

"Hey I'll be right back I need to go ask Anton something" Sonny disclosed. He left his bedroom. I wonder. I played Joel's track, hmm it's to slow at the beginning. People won't be pumped up enough. I fiddled around with Garage band and I mess with the turn tables. "I like the goin in hard bass drop you did in the beginning" I hear Sonny tell me. Sonny and Anton are at the doorway watching me. "Well people won't be pumped up enough at the beginning if it's slow" I sighed. "That's true" Anton adds in.

"So wanna help me make the song?" Sonny asked me. "Me? Make a song with Skrillex?" I echoed. "And Zedd" Anton comments. I looked at Sonny with a confused face. "He's good with vocals in a song" Sonny responded.

"Oh, well then yeah sure!" I exclaim. They both give me a big bear hug. I can't believe it I'm making  a song with Skrillex and Zedd.


Sonny, Anton, and I have been working our asses off for this song. We planned on playing it in Paris. I really don't know why we picked that concert. Joel was nice enough to give us the song. So now we had total rights over the song. "Ok so tonight's the big night!" I exclaim to Anton and Sonny at 9:00 a.m.. They were still sleeping. Anton slept in our room because I guess he lost his key card at the show last night. "No wakey need sleepy" Anton mumbled. He was sleeping on the bed next to mine and Sonny's.

"Ok, fine guys I'll just go get Krispy Kreme. By myself then!" I shout at them. They instantly get up and get ready for the day. Sonny wore a black V-neck shirt( like always), he had on hi dark blue jeans that dais 96 on the back pocket, and black Vans. "I can't see!" he exclaimed loudly. I laugh a little and I pick Sonny's glasses off of the floor. I quickly put them on. "My name is Skrillex!" I giggled. Anton kept laughing at my impression. "Oh no your not" Sonny joked. He grabs me by the waist and he grabs the glasses from me.

"Well let's go! I'm starving" Anton whined. "Ok, you big baby" I joked. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was barrel curled and I put light eyeliner, blush and pink lip gloss. I was wearing a white Darling bow tube top, black skater skirt, and black combat boots.

When I started to walk out of the bathroom, Anton ran over to me and picked me up and threw my over his shoulder. "I've got your girl Sonny!" Anton taunted. Anton opened the door to the room and he ran down the hall way. "Sonny!" I screamed down the hallway.

Sonny came running down the hall. "She's mine now!" Anton teased him. Anton ran inside the elevator holding me still. Before the elevators closed Sonny made it in. "Ha!" Sonny laughed. Anton put me down and we all had a good laugh.


"Pic for instagram!" I laughed. I took a picture of them with their mouths filled with glazed doughnuts. I started to laugh. "Perfect!" I laughed. "Oh my god its Zedd and Skrillex!" I heard a young couple scream. They run over to our table. "Oh my god can we get a picture?" The girl asks. "Yeah sure!" Zedd answers. The young couple takes pictures with them. ust as they were going to leave the girl walks up to me.

"Aren't you Ice of the Fae?" she asks me. Ice of the Fae, I haven't heard that name in a while.

"What are you talking about?" Sonny asks her.

"Yeah, I'm Ice of the Fae" I answer her.

"Can I get a picture! Please!" she begs me. "Yeah, chill out" I reassured. She holds up her phone so we can take a selfie. Her boyfriend totally photo bombed our picture. "Thanks guys!" the guy thanked. He gives me a hug. As I was giving the guy a hug Sonny just glared at me. What the fuck! I'm just giving him a hug. "Thanks for making great music" the thanked me. He then ran back to his girlfriend.

"Now tell me who the fuck are you?" Sonny snapped at me. "Hey Sonny calm down" Anton told him.

"No I'm not going to fucking calm down! Ellie! Why did they call you that!" he shouted at me.


Yay! Sonny and Elena are back together! I'm really happy for them! Lol

So why do you guys think they called her "Ice of the Fae"?


Ellie ;) :)


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