The Fire That Touched The Ice

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So Elena has a secret which Sonny wants to find out.  Which he finds out in this part!




"Ok I'll tell you, but not here" I sighed. I forced them to go to the park with me. We actually wen to Parc des Buttles, a famous park. "Ok so why are you called that" Sonny whined. We all sat at a near by park bench. I pull a cigarette out of my backpack and I lit it. And I started to explain.

"When I was 13 I started to make my own music. That's why I know my way around the turn tables and stuff like that. I put my music on Youtube for about 3 or 4 years. I became pretty popular, I had over 900k views and things were going great....until" I started to tell them. "Until?' Sonny addressed. Oh god I can't tell him my heart will break and I'll just break done and cry. I sucked it up and told him.

"My parents said making music is a fucking worthless profession. They said it was a hobby not a job. My mother made the biggest fit. She threw away all of my turn tables, trigger fingers, and even my computer. They put me in therapy just because they liked something that they didn't. The therapist said there was nothing wrong with me. But that didn't stop my mom. So she set up a system in the house. If I listened to any kind of dubstep or house music I was put in the........closet. Even if I just listened to one word she would throw me in there for an hour. My stage name was Ice of the Fae. Because I loved fairies and sprites because I knew that if I was one I would be free. I think I was in the closet about 100 times before I turned 18. Once I turned 18 I got the fuck out of there and I moved in with Danny." I finished the story.

When I was about to blow the smoke out of the cigarette I felt someone's arms wrap around me. I threw my cigarette on the ground and I turned around. Sonny was hugging me from behind. Anton then stood up and gave me a hug. It felt like more of a group hug than a regular hug. "I'm sorry" Sonny apologized. "It's fine you didn't know" I sighed. "Well you're going to have a life so amazing that you'll never forget it!" Sonny smiled. "I'll help too!" Anton broke in.

"Aww! I love you guys!" I interrupted. "First thing first me and Anton got a surprise for you!" Sonny shouted. They both let me go. "Surprise?" I questioned them . I cocked my head. "We want you to perform tonight!" Anton exclaimed. I screamed in excitement. "Oh my fucking god! Seriously!" I shouted. They both nodded in excitement. I gave Anton a big hug. Sonny on the other hand I gave him a kiss.

"We're going to make sure we tell all of Paris that Ice of the Fae is playing tonight!" Sonny yells out loud.


"So Ice of the Fae is back?" Danny asked me. She adds some more neon pink eye shadow on my eyes. "Mm hmm" I mumble. "Now the finishing touches, put on you outfit" she orders me. My outfit was an outfit I've been saving if I ever wanted to be a fairy. It was a white and neon pink bra top that was in a vines pretty much. And in the middle was a small pale pink fake rose. For my bottoms I'm wearing an extremely short white rave skirt. I of course wore pale pink Victoria Secret lace underwear. For my shoes, I wore vine typed sandals.

I put my outfit on quickly. "Face me" Danny orders me again. "You're missing something" Danny sighed. "I believe you're missing these" I hear Sonny. I turn around to face Sonny. He held a pair of white monarch butterfly wings."well I'm going to leave you two alone" she laughs. She leaves the room and she goes in hunt for Porter. "Ok now hold still" Sonny whispers to me seductively. He grabs my bra top and he pulls me over to him. "Sonny!" I gasp. He attaches my wings to my bra top.

"What would I do if I wasn't with you?" I ask him. He smiles at me and he kisses me. He checked his phone. "Come on Icey, we need to get to the stadium" he informs me quickly. We grabbed our equipment and we went to the stadium.

When we pulled up to the stadium, fans were surrounding our car. "Oh my fucking God" I swore. We parked the car in a gated area so fans couldn't get in. When we were walking to our stage I heard fans scream our names. "Skrillex! I love you!" a fan shouts. "I love you and all my fans!" he replies back.

It echoed throughout the tunnel. "Ice of the Fae! Welcome back!" another fan goes. "I love your outfit!" a girl yells out to me. People actually love my music? "I love you guys!" I screamed to them. I ran over to them and I gave them all a high five. Am I immature or what? I then ran back to Sonny.

He had a big smile on his face. I kissed him quickly. Suddenly I heard the cameras flashing when I kissed him.

6 HOURS LATER....... 12:00 A.M.

Anton, Joel, Alvin, and Porter just performed. They gave a 30 minute intermission so the could set up my stage. I can't believe it I'm going to perform in exactly 10 minutes. "You nervous?" Porter asked me. "Yeah, but I'll be fine" I gulped. I hope I'll be fine. I actually had a surprise for my fans. So I left Porter and Danny back to their make out session. 

I ran over to the technician director, Mandy. "Hey, Mandy are the sprites ready?" I ask him. "Yeah, they are so you want them out when you pretend you're sprinkling fairy dust. Right?" he asks me. "Yes and make sure it's right on time!" I tell him as I'm walking out from the technician room. They rest of my group didn't know. So it's going to be a surprise.

"Ice of the Fae! You're on in 3 minutes!" I hear the director call to me. "Ok!" I reply to him. I walk to the side of the stage and I take a peek of my stage set up. It was set up like as if we were in Tomorrow Land. Right in the middle of my sprite and fairy world themed stage was a white fantasy tree decoration. "I thought a tree was more appropriate than a huge ice cube" Sonny tells me. "Thank you for everything" I sang. "No problem baby" he purred. Just as we were going to kiss, I heard crowds of people cheering my name.

"Ice! Of! The! Fae!" the crowds roared. I broke away from Sonny. "They're calling your name" Sonny laughed. "I know that" I acknowledged. He noticed that I was scared. He kissed me before I was going to go to my tree. "For good luck" he insisted. "When I'm with you I'll always have good luck" I beamed.

I ran on the top of the tree. I was about 10 or 15ft off the ground because of the tree. The crowd roared of excitement for me. I turned on the wings. The wings lit up like a neon rainbow. "Hi Everybody! How's my favorite crowd doing tonight!" I shouted in the microphone.

The crowd cheers with excitement. "This my neck single I've been working on! Enjoy! I fucking love you all!" I shouted again into the microphone. Ok here it goes. The track that would change my life.

I pressed the space bar to my computer. I did every little thing I remembered when I was working with the guys. The first bass dropped after 30 seconds of the song. The crowd were at full speed now. Wow I was like that? I laughed to myself. I kept doing my song. Alright the goin hard bass is about to drop. I gotta be ready for my sprites. I played the lyrics to the second bass drop.

The World Can Just Fucking Die

To The Ice!!

The bass dropped hard as fuck. Oh it's time. I did spirit fingers to the crowds. Then the projectors showed fairies and sprites flying  around the stadium. The crowds stared at them in wonder. The fairies were just gold dust formed into a fairy model. Sprites were black as night and the had a form of a demon.

2:00 A.M.

"Thank you! Everybody you were a great crowd!" I shout into the microphone. I ran off stage with crowds still calling my name. "You did fucking amazing out there!" Sonny exclaimed. He ran up to me and twirled me around. "Bats, your on right now" I tell him. I give him a kiss. "For good luck" I quoted.

He smiles at me and he runs to the top of the tree. "Hey its your man Skrillex!" Sonny shouted in the microphone. The crowd cheers loudly. Then he starts to play First Of The Year. I was dancing on the side of the stage. Some of the people in the crowd noticed I was there and they waved to me. Since I'm a nice person I waved to them happily.

I barley realized I was on the main stage but I was like 12ft from the edge to the crowds of people. But they were gated off with metal bars. All of a sudden, I felt a strong push.

That's when tragedy struck


Yeah I left this part with a cliffhanger. I wanted to have fun with you guys :D

So Love Ya Guys!

Ellie :) ;)



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