chapter 9: mistakes

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warning/s: EW LANGUAGE but i have to! also angst!


The following day, you found yourself in front of a mirror, getting ready for the practice, or whatever Adrien had told you. You weren't into make-up that hard, but it wouldn't hurt to try and make yourself less hideous. You looked at your face almost caked in powder because of your lack of experience. 

Your lips slowly turned into a smile. A wide, but forced smile. You tried in a different angle and hoped it would look cute. You tried a smirk. Nothing worked. A frown replaced your fake grin and into an ugly pout. You are hopeless. 

Cutting your train of thought was a ping from your cell. 


i'm here :)

Your eyes widened and looked outside your window from your 2-story building. You quickly ran and stood on your balcony. Looking down, you saw his limo and he himself standing there. You took one last look at the mirror and frantically fixed your hair positioned in a ponytail. (if your hair is not long enough then you could do whatever you want with it)

The moment you sprinted outside, Adrien immediately greeted you with a smile and opened the car door for you. You gave him a grateful smile and got inside, him following after you. The driver, which he deemed as 'Gorilla', began to drove to school. 

The atmosphere was quiet after that.

You were watching the outside from your window. In your peripheral vision, you could see Adrien stealing a glance at your direction. You figured he wants to say something but he couldn't. 

"Did you do your make-up?" 


You heard him loud and clear, you just didn't know what to say on the spot after he basically exposed you that you were wearing make-up.

"Did you do your make-up?"

You looked away from him and subtly wiped the blush on your cheeks and the slight gloss on your lips. "Uh, a bit. Is it too much?"

"Looks natural." Adrien gave you a sheepish smile and you smiled back, not handling the emotions inside you. All of a sudden, inside of the peaceful car, a loud beeping resounded. 

You froze and saw his smile turn into a confused expression. "What's that sound?"

"Uhm," you cut in and fetched your phone inside of your pocket. "It's my phone alarm. Guess you were too early haha."

He nodded and looked away for a bit, taking in the houses before your school building. The moment he's not looking at you anymore, you internally sighed in relief, but soon, you felt hurt because you just couldn't tell him the truth. 


"Go home immediately, or you're going to catch the rain!" Marinette announced to the rest of the children as they stepped down the stands. She took a deep, relaxing breath and picked up the water bottle on the ground, opening it and taking a sip. 

"Miss Mari," someone approaches. 

She looked at one of the students in the stand and the bag in their hands. "What is it?"

"I am just the person who will give this to you. Contents inside this bag are not related to me."

A certain redheaded teen slowly looked up from his work or painting the prop for the race tomorrow. He watched as Marinette pulled up one of his notebooks inside the bag he had prepared. He saw her eyes searching for someone, maybe him. Still, he didn't cling onto that hope. He turned around and instead focused on painting the prop. 

The student cleared their throat and showed her a paper. "Sign here for the acceptance."

Marinette timidly retrieved the pen and wrote her name in cursive. Just as the kid made their exit, she began to skim through notebook #1.


The field was rather empty, except for the old man using his line marking machine for the soccer team tomorrow. He was making white lines quite peacefully, not caring about two kids stretching on the track. 

"Training with less people around is good, ya know," Adrien noted as you both stretched for your knees. "Right?" He faced you with a grin.

"...Yeah!" You exclaimed out of surprise. Him smiling at you out of nowhere will definitely give you a heart attack at young age. 

Beep, beep beep! 

You looked down at your watch in panic and saw his eyes moving down towards your device. Frantically, you stretched on the other side, as long as you're not facing him. "Calm down," you whispered to yourself, closing your eyes. "Just take a deep breath and your heartbeat will go slower. Deep breaths... deep... breaths..."

Soon, you heard your watch produce a 'ping!' sound, signalled you that it's all over. You gradually opened your eyes and saw the blond boy crouching as he looked you over in curiosity. 

You scrambled away from him with wide eyes, and your watch turned back to beeping very loudly. Adrien chuckled. "Your watch ticks very fast," he said in a strange tone. 

You hid your wrist behind you and gave him a sheepish smile. 

"That's cool."

"Um, actually," you began to take the device off your wrist and showed it to him. "It shows my heartbeat. I usually wear it when I'm doing physical activities or exercises." 

Okay you said the one part of your secret. When are you going to tell the other part?

You fidgeted with the watch in both of your hands as you watched him take a step towards you. "Can you let me try it?" Adrien asked. You looked at him with your troubled eyes and smile. He only gave you a nervous chuckle. 

Your arm slowly reached out to him and he did the same. You held the watch on its end and carefully dropped it in his palm. 

"So, what makes it tick?" Adrien questioned once he put the watch on his wrist.

You stuttered out your answer as you tried to bask in the view of him wearing your accessory. "Uh, you have to be tired enough..."

He nodded and proceeded to do ten jumping jacks in front of you. You wanted to keep this memory forever, so you did and it was now tucked in the black box in your brain forever. You'd thought it would look creepy if you just kept watching him, so your eyes averted to the ground and smiled awkwardly. When he was finished horsing around, he checked his wrist, catching his breath. 

Why didn't you hear any beeping?

Just as you had suspected, the device that was formerly on his, wasn't there anymore and you frantically checked around on the ground on where it may have been landed. You soon spotted it, five feet away from you, but it was about to be run over by the marking machine. 

"Sir, wait-!"

It was all too late. 

Adrien went to the crushed device and you followed suit. You watched as he picked up the destroyed parts and he looked crestfallen. You just stared at it with a disappointed and blank face. "I'm so sorry," Adrien scrambled on his feet and gave you an apologetic gaze. "We can stop practicing for today. I'll go and buy a new one."

You wanted to tell him that he can't just buy a heartbeat sensor anywhere in Paris and you didn't want to be a bother, but you kept your mouth shut. He began to step away and go for his bag placed by the bleachers. You only started practicing 10 minutes ago and now he already wants to postpone it? Not on your destroyed watch. 

While he was trudging towards the stand where all your bags were, you search through the other one you brought, the one Nathaniel gave you. You almost considered going with his plan, but you figured that almost all of those said plans were lame and unnecessary. You found one proposal credible and picked it out from the rest. It was the metal thing Nathaniel had tried giving you before it was blown away. Maybe this could work. 

"Adrien!" You hesitantly called out. He stopped walking and faced you. "Let's continue practicing."


Nathaniel absentmindedly brushed over the prop up and down because his attention was only focused on her sitting by the stands, skimming by the pages of his 12th notebook, pausing to look at the memories she strongly remembered. He would see her expression change depending on the pages. Judging from the number of papers on her left hand, Marinette was on the part wherein he noticed her perseverance and leadership and fell more and more in love. 

She laughed at how he drew his character's expression. 

Nathaniel's heart skipped a beat and thought, 'so far, so good'.


"Y/N, you ready?" 

"Wait!" You crouched down and glared at the metal thingy in your hand. You took a deep breath and replied, "Ready!"

Adrien positioned himself at the starting line and blew the whistle, taking off. 

You watched him for a bit and try not to anticipate the moment too much. To distract your heartbeat, you applied the method Nathaniel had thought you. "8 times 1 is 8, 8 times 2 is 16, 8 times 3 is 24, 8 times 4 is 32, 8 times 5 is 40, 8 times 6 is 48, 8 times 7 is 56---"

"Y/N, look out for me!"

You saw him turn to the corner and it was as if everything went into slow motion again. His blond hair bouncing on every step. His wonderful physique is to die for. You let out a giggle, basking in the warmth he's practically sending you---


You felt the metal thingy in your fingers producing sparks. Your mind immediately went into panic mode, sparing a glance at Adrien and he was not slowing down anymore. But you're not giving up. You will force your heart to slow down. For him. 

"18 times 4 is 72, 18 times 50 is 90---"

He looked even more angelic and majestic up close! 

"18 times 7 is 126-"

You still felt sparks on the metal thingy, and he was almost there!

"18 times 8..." 

What's 18 times 8?  

You began to compute it but you were thinking so much and he was literally 6 feet away from you.

"18 times 8..." You mumbled, feeling frustrated. But oh my gosh, his smile and those mischievous eyes. "18 times 8..." You tried to multiply it but your brain just couldn't work in that moment, you supposed. Still, you tried to think of the right answer as you began to sprint and Adrien was passing you the stick now.

"What the fuck is 18 times 8!?"

You didn't know he successfully handed you the baton until you actually held it without electrocuting him. You stared at your hand holding the baton with wide eyes and smile and felt relief washing over you, running to the finish line. But to be honest, just Adrien passing the stick to you with ease feels like a victory. 

You just didn't notice him telling you that the answer was 144. 


Evening came and so was a sudden rain.

The students didn't know they'd catch the showers whilst they were preparing the props and stand designs. Still, those who were fortunate with their umbrellas were able to go home. The red-haired boy found himself still stroking the same spot of the prop, his eyes fixated on Marinette, who just finished reading the last binder. She closed it off with a slap and had her glancing at him right away. He avoided her gaze and pretended to concentrate on 'perfecting' the right texture and color of the already dried paint. 

The bluenette stood up and walked towards him, with the tote bag slinging around her shoulder. She stopped right in from of him. "Thought you could only draw weird, nonsensical things."

That made him froze when he heard her voice so near him. He saw her kneeling down by his side. Still, he couldn't face her yet. 

"You're pretty good at drawing my life," Marinette noted. Nathaniel only gave her a nervous look and a timid smile. She took it as a chance to continue, "Feels like someone had written down my diary." He didn't reply. He couldn't reply. But if he could, he knows what he wanted to say. "About yesterday-"

"I love you, Marinette!"

The bluenette's smile slowly fell. She noticed everyone's eyes were on them now, because it seemed that Nathaniel had exclaimed the confession rather loudly. She tried to keep the smile on her face, but she couldn't fake it. She had to be straightforward, but as much as possible, calm. "I know," she started. "I know about how you managed to get the students to participate, too." His eyes widened and leaned slightly forward. "Thank you very much." 

He waited. 

"I also like your comics." She lifted up the bag with notebooks in it. "But I'm not the same Marinette like the one you drew." She feigned an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. Stop drawing it, please."

Marinette placed the bag back to the ground and slowly rose. She looked at everyone in the room and they went back to what they were doing five minutes ago, like nothing had happened. 

Nathaniel only stared afar, it seemed like his mind was flying away and his heart was pieced into two. He doesn't understand. He couldn't find a reason. He thought this was the worst day ever. This was the biggest mistake he's ever done.


You were comfortable in your seat by the bleachers. Thankfully, it had a roof. Slightly rocking yourself, you watched as drops of rain fall to the ground with a gentle sound. And it was a dream come true when it had mixed with Adrien's singing. You knew the song, your father played it so many times. 

Still, you let him sing it. You sneaked a glance and saw him playing with the shower one row below from you. He looked like he was having fun. Heck, you wanted to have fun too. So you took the risk and opened your mouth, slightly catching up with your voice and tune. You thought it would be a fun, quiet duet when the other voice suddenly stopped. 

You didn't panic, however, you instead gave him a sheepish smile. "My father likes to play it often."

Adrien only chuckled wholeheartedly, making you smile awkwardly. 

Seconds passed. "Adrien," you called. You didn't see him got all flushed and squirmy. He hummed in response. "Why aren't the others not here today and train with us?" 

He was quiet for a moment, before letting out a nervous laugh. He instinctively placed his hand on the back of his neck. "Uhm, the truth is..." he got a glimpse of your hopeful smile and the words got stuck on his throat. He shook it off and scooted away slightly, pretending to stretch his arms out and look cool. "Can I ask you a question?" Adrien saw you nod in reply, taking his cue and proceeded.

You waited.

"If we won first place tomorrow," Adrien trailed off and tried to be nonchalant as possible, stretching his limbs every now and then. "May I take you out for a treat?"

Your eyes widened and looked away to hide your crimson face. You were thankful for the dark of the night and the slight source of light. 

"My father knows many good restaurants. I'm sure you're going to enjoy it." He saw your smile from ear to ear, and he swore his heart was beating so fast it could explode. And you could say and feel the same. 

Your smile was soon replaced with a blank, confused one when you saw someone holding a black umbrella, whilst carrying the other two in her arm. You and Adrien looked at Marinette who was slightly drenched in rain but still presented a smile. "So, where are the others?" She asked. 

"Marinette, what's up?" He beamed at her in a friendly way. 

"Well, I thought the two of you didn't brought the umbrella what with this unexpected weather so-" She outstretched her arm holding two umbrellas towards Adrien. 

He smiled gratefully and accepted the offer. "Thank you." He took the first one and waited for you to take the second one from him. You inched closer to him, looking at the umbrella hesitantly. Before you could take it, you took a look at the rain-covered ground and suddenly remembered one specific detail. 

"Uhm," you stuttered out. "I'll just wait for the rain to stop."

Marinette pointed at the umbrella in Adrien's hand. "You can use this, you know."

"I just don't want to go back for now."

She gave you an incredulous look but in a split second, her smile was on her face once again. 

Adrien nodded. "Then, I'll see you later, Mari."

"Just don't be late!" She nodded in understanding. The both of you watched her walk on the opposite direction. Lightning flashed before your eyes, only giving emphasis on Marinette's silhouette getting smaller. 

After a few moments, Adrien spoke up. "Truth is, I don't want to go back either."

A shy smile took over your face once again and felt your insides getting churned up, and your feet was getting cold, figuratively and literally. 

"So, Y/N..." He was beating around the bushes and his tone was higher than normal. You didn't answer, looking anywhere but his green eyes that were actually fixated in your face. Although your smile was getting wider and your heart beat was getting faster. This time, no alarm reminded you. "Have you already found someone?"

"Not yet."

In the midst of the slightly loud rain, you still heard him inhale in relief and joy. "Great." He breathed out. 

You tried to catch your breath and your heart was getting out of control. You were happy and anticipating and patiently waiting. 

"Then..." Adrien had jumped up to the row where you were at and was suddenly spasming and squirming violently. Your emotion took a hard turn and went from happy to horrified. His hands were opening and closing, and the moment you locked eyes, you saw his panicked look and gritted teeth in pain. You can almost see his skeleton still in a state of shock.

"Adrien!" You exclaimed in utter fear. 

You stepped back when he slipped on the rainwater and fell to the ground. He had splashed water around him. You couldn't move as you watched him still spasming on the ground. You followed the water he was lying on and it lead to the rain formed around your shoes. You jumped away from the water in alarm and that's when he stopped moving. "Y/N..." You almost didn't hear him mutter out. The pained tone in his voice made you want to punch yourself. 

You were filled with dread. It was as if your whole body was poured with a bucket of ice. You wanted to break down and cry at the sight in front of you. You were too focused on the consequences of your actions to notice the certain redhead arriving by the bleachers drenched and soaked with rain. You couldn't take it anymore. You just had to accept the universe's fate that you weren't meant to fall in love with someone because you're not normal at all. 

So you ran. You ran far away as possible.  


When he saw you sprinting off, he immediately skipped up to the rows and approached Adrien who was still lying on the ground. "What happened?" Nathaniel had exclaimed. Adrien couldn't answer him, partly because he was too weakened to speak and the other part was he doesn't even know the guy. 

Nathaniel didn't waste any time and instead retrieved your bag. He placed it into his arms along with the other bag he carried before he came here. He followed the path you went through, and he hoped you were still there. 


You didn't know if your heartbeat had slow down, but all you were feeling were dullness,  disappointment, and most of all, hurt. Why did you ever think you can be someone when you have this stupid power? Why did you let yourself believe that he can actually accept you for who you are? You thought this was the worst day ever. This was the biggest mistake you've ever done. 

"Y/N, Y/N!" You heard someone yell over the sound of rain. You didn't slow down, because it obviously belonged to your first close friend. Was he even your close friend? "Y/N, wait! Y/N--"

"Don't come any closer!" You yelled as you turned around and looked at him. The argument you had prepared soon burned down your throat when you saw the bag containing his comic books was sitting idly in his arms. You knew what it meant. Even in this weather, you could tell that he was still recovering from his recent heartbreak. 

Still, you were heartbroken yourself so you continued running away from him, knowing that he wouldn't follow you again. 

He did. 


end of chapter nine

hello ! i forgot how things work here but here ya go! content!



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