chapter 10: comforting and confronting

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The rain had stopped pouring and Nathaniel found himself at the front of your house. He went to ring the doorbell but it didn't work. He pressed it again and he heard nothing from the inside. He only noticed that the whole building was blacked out. He started knocking harshly on the glass door. Soon, he saw your dad coming out with a flashlight in his hands.

"Good evening, sir," Nathaniel began. "Has Y/N come home yet?"

Your father had wordlessly pointed his flashlight at the light switch that was surrounded with burnt marks on the painted wall.

Nathaniel had convinced him to let himself talk to her and he did. Now he was running up the stairs with his own flashlight and headed towards your room. He saw your mother standing by the door of your room. Your mother had turned her head at the sound of his footsteps. "Oh, Nathaniel."

He nodded in respect and hastily forwarded to your door. He hesitantly called your name. "Don't worry, Y/N. I'm sure he doesn't know about it. He may think it's because of the thunder."

"Nonsense. He would've known that he was hurt because of me!" You explained from the other side of the door. And when he heard your broken voice, he couldn't breathe.

He placed the side of his head on the wooden door. He let out a sigh. "Has Adrien told you that he likes you?"

"I can't be with anyone with this weird power. I'm not normal! We can't be together!"

"It's not weird, okay? It's not!"

Your head rose up from your hands. "You've drawn about this before, haven't you?" Your voice had cracked, knowing that it was true that he knew this was going to happen. That drawing of you holding Adrien's arm with his picture plastered in it, while he was being electrocuted...

Nathaniel winced at the memory and guilt flooded through his veins. "I'm sorry. At that time, we're not that close yet and we don't know each other very well."

He then heard paper being slid under your door and he saw a shredded piece of it. He bent down and pick it up. Both he and your mother shone the light and it read;

Please, just go back home.

The both of them only stood there, feeling hopeless and upset. With a gentle, assuring pat on his back, your mother had retreated downstairs to give him some space.

Nathaniel looked on the ground, his shoulders slagging down in defeat. He walked back to the things he had basically thrown on the floor. The light made him focused on the tote bag he had been carrying since the past hour, when he suddenly had an idea.

Meanwhile, you were listening to the sound of rain as your head was placed on your arms while you were sitting on your floor. This was it. You had officially given up. You were drained and helpless and there's nothing you could do but atleast accept the harsh truth and cold reality. In the midst of your sniffling, you heard ruffling from outside your door. You slowly lifted up your head and saw a paper being slid inside your room from the outside.

With the flashlight in your hand, you crawled towards the paper with all the strength left in you. You picked it up and saw that it was the drawing of you hugging 'Adrien' while he was electrocuting in your arms.

In frustration, you crumbled up the paper in your hands and threw it at the far corner of your room. More tears formed in your eyes. Great. He gave you one simple reminder of what had happened today. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt him, and now because of the incident, he may never look at you the same way again, or worse, he may call you a monster-

Your sight followed another paper being passed onto you. After picking it up, you realized it was a comic, and the comic was about a girl moping in her room with the thunder to accompany her sniffling and whimpering.

Loud knocks soon resounded and someone had came barreling down the door. The girl lifted her eyes and saw a guy in their gold sports uniform, holding a torch. He walked towards her as he spoke. "Y/N," he said her name with such vigor. "I know the truth now." He kneeled in front of her and continued, "But there won't be a problem."

Without a word, she only lifted her hand and touched his, releasing sparks everywhere. With so much energy, he was sent back and flown to the wall. He groaned and let go of the torch, the fire burning out.

She stood up and walked towards the closed balcony of her room, the rain was still, very much, pouring. She opened the door, and the wind picked up around her, but the cold never bothered her anyway.

"I am the problem."

"Y/N, dont!"

She didn't listen as she perched herself up right at the edge and didn't hesitate to jump. Adrien ran after her and saw that she landed safely on the cable wires around her town. While she was running along the wires, she hadn't notice a fire truck following her, with the blond boy standing on the rising ladder, even wearing a safety helmet and gloves.

"Y/N!" He called her name again. "Don't run away! Please!"

She shook her head. "Leave me alone!" She should've expected that a lightning would strike her. It did, and it rendered her senseless. She slipped on the wet cable and lost her balance. She gasped as she felt free, nothing to hold on to. She was drawing near to her death. Good bye, world.


She instantly felt the cold water embracing her. With her heart pounding, she hurriedly, swam up for air. When she resurfaced, she saw hundreds of people surrounding her being electrocuted by the water they were in. She couldn't breathe. With the heartbreak of knowing she already shocked her crush, what more could she feel seeing that the strangers were getting hurt because of her?

Amid all the shocking, she had heard a annoying screech out of nowhere. She looked up and saw the golden boy, holding a rope and swinging from it. He dipped down and grabbed your wrist, pulling you out from the water. You instantly felt strong gusts of air. You'd thought he would be electrocuted immediately, but you noticed he was wearing rubber gloves. You looked into his green eyes as he spoke, "Danger and risks? I kind of like it."

She flushed under his gaze.

You only stared at the page in your hand. How can Nathaniel come up with these ideas and draw them one by one on hand? 

She grabbed the alarm clock that apparently didn't let her know that she was running late for school. After 3 minutes of preparation, she was prepared to make a run for it once she'd reached the front door, she was stopped by none other than Adrien. "Y/N, don't run! Or else, your heart will beat quickly and shock people. Get in the car."

She could feel her face heat up and reluctantly went inside. He ordered Gorilla to step on it and only minutes have passed and the two of them arrived. Everyone stared when Adrien had opened the door for her. She gratefully smiled, before it was wiped off her face when she saw Mr. Damocles waiting by the entrance with a deep frown. "The two of you are late! Do fifty squats!"

Before she could step forward and accept the punishment, he had his outstretched arm in front of her. "I'd do it, Y/N. Because if you do, you could shock people."

Damocles was still not pleased. "If you're so sure, do it alone for 100 times!"

In front of her was Adrien doing 90th squat while he was pushing on a giant eel on the ground. "95! 9-96! ... 97!" Her heart went out to him.  "98! 99!... 1-100!" He slumped on the giant creature as she was unsure on what to do. She hesitantly reached out to him, but she jumped back when he was awake again and gave her a charming smile with a thumbs up. 

It made you laughed.

Adrien had the electric wires attached to his ribs and he was screaming in pain, but enduring it, as he felt electricity flowing through him. The girl came into the scene and kicked him off, and he grunted when he fell on the ground. 

"What are you doing?!" She exclaimed.

He let out a breath. "So I can learn to resist you when you shock." Adrien said before closing his eyes. 

Her eyes widened in a panic and shouted, "Hey!" She then heard he was snoring and figured he was just asleep. She meekly chuckled, before hearing a somewhat buzzing sound. She followed the sound and saw a bunch of mosquitoes forming around Adrien's toned body. She ran and swatted it away. She heard another ominous sound and saw a huge wave of insects coming towards your way. 

She didn't waste time and began to run and run until her feet were tired. It was as if some sort of blue electric energy was surrounding her. She aimed her hand at the clump of mosquitoes and touched it, watching as blue electricity shocked it dead. She dodged some and shoot balls of electric energy. A new fighter approached, holding an electric swatter, swiping and striking everywhere. She and Adrien fought side by side, until almost all of the mosquitoes were gone. 

They faced each other with tired and satisfied smiles. 

Until the last mosquito landed on Adrien's nose. 

She reached her hand out and touched the insect with he finger, disintegrating it. She only laughed it off. 

Cutting her off was sounds of thunder of rain. She gasped and she knew what would happen if the two of them stayed any longer under the dark clouds. She stepped back cautiously as she tried to control her breathing. 


She didn't say anything, only turning around and ran far away. 


He stood there, watching her slip away from his fingers once more. 

You put down the paper and picked up one of the recent pages Nathaniel had passed under. 

"Let's go back home," 

He spoke to you, holding an umbrella over his head. 

You only stood there by the bleachers, feeling yourself tearing up. 

"I can't stay with you!"


"Because..." you turned away from his worried gaze. "You're too handsome! You're making me flustered and all blushy!" (You were sure Nathaniel had wrote this part)

You closed your eyes and hold your hands tightly, afraid of his reaction. After a while, you heard his voice once again. "Am I handsome now?"

You slowly looked at him and was startled to see his face scrunched up in a silly manner, with his lips smiling so wide, showing his gums, his eyes in a crescent-shape, and his shoulders were raised to his jaw. You instantly let out a laugh that had you holding your stomach. Adrien invited you once more with his palm and you budged, stepping down the bleachers and walking by his side. 

He turned to you again, showing his cheesy face. You chuckled in reply. "You change into a different person when you smile."

"Is it a good, or a bad thing?"

Adrien slowed down to a stop, making you stop too. He only gave you a reassuring gaze and you waited, looking into his green eyes. He broke into a smile. "It's the best thing ever."

You smiled at your drawing of Adrien you knew Nathaniel had remembered. You hugged all of the papers to your chest and slowly stood up, going for the doorknob, tilting it slightly and opening it. You immediately saw the red-haired boy sitting on the floor, drawing on the the makeshift table, with the emergency light as his guide. 

Nathaniel head shot up when he saw you by the door frame. "If he truly likes you, he should find a way to accept it."

You couldn't say anything.

"Even I wanted to stay with you."

Your eyes widened and looked at him and his smile that was slowly becoming awkward when he realized what he said. You fought the smirk trying to form on your face as you stepped forward and sat in front of him, cross-legged. You were still quiet.

"I- I mean..." Nathaniel tried to cover up his awkward comforts. "Even your parents wanted to keep up and stay with you, right?"

You still didn't say anything and wordlessly leaned forward. He was waiting, but he could feel his heartbeat skipping. Suddenly, you forcibly opened your mouth and showed your teeth that was supposed to be a 'smile'. Your lips had formed in so many different ways until Nathaniel laughed. 

"Stop," he said playfully, still laughing. "You look so gross!"

"Well, you said it's the best thing in the world, did you not?"

Your laugh mixed with his as the two of you sat on the cold ground, just basking in the warmth provided by the emergency light, waiting for the rain to stop. But nothing else can make you happy than this moment. 

The last day of your rehearsals and tomorrow is the Championship. It wasn't even the day of the relay but you could still feel your anxiety crawling. And as you watched Adrien helping out with the decorations of the stand, you wondered if this would be the last time you'd see each other before parting ways. 

"Y/N," Marinette cut off your thoughts. You faced her, seeing her in a dotted long-sleeved shirt and blue skirt. "Are you free right now?" You nodded. "Great. Can you come and help me with something?" 

You figured something serious was going on because even Marinette, the cheeriest person in school, is asking someone like you for help, but you complied, pushing down the doubts in your mind. 

You were too in your brain to notice the red-head looking at the both of you suspiciously, having the same thought as you. 

You followed her and it lead you to the back of the school, where you and Nathaniel formally met. "I haven't seen you running before," the bluenette started. 

"Uh, well, they need someone who can run..." You responded weakly. Well, that was an awkward answer.

She let you in first the open-gate garden, which was generous and at the same time, uncomfortable, but you still walked through it. "Well, you run very good."

"No, I don't. I'm still practicing." You chuckled awkwardly, thinking Marinette was just behind you and following you. 

But she's not.

"To the point where you have to practice alone with Adrien?"

It happened so fast. She closed the wired door, trapping you in the garden, then the next, three girl popped in out of nowhere, all in their cheering uniforms. You knew their names; Chloe, Ellie, and Sabrina. They backed you against the wired fence. You were almost scared, if it weren't for their faces caked in make-up. 

"What's your name again?" Chloe began. "I haven't seen you before."

Sabrina faced her. "Her name is Y/N L/N. She doesn't talk much and she has no friends."

"What's happening?" You asked, because you were terribly confused. 

Ellie had stepped forward. "You should know your place, Y/N L/N. Don't get near him ever again. Once an outcast, always an outcast!" 

You turned your head at Marinette, who had her head down to refuse your gaze. 


You backed up against the fenced wall. With nowhere to escape, you were stuck. "Don't come closer!" You exclaimed, seeing the three girls raising their hands and stomped towards you. 


Fear was filling your veins, and at the same time, electricity. You didn't want to hurt them, even though they wanted to hurt you first. 


Before you could feel their powerful slaps one by one, a voice had stopped them. "Stop!" You turned around and saw Nathaniel behind the fence, holding a fire extinguisher and without another second thought, spraying it towards all of you, creating a huge cloud of chemicals. 

The girls all screamed, and Nathaniel took his chance to run inside the garden and take your hand. "Y/N, quick! Run!" He went to run with all his might, but it seemed that you weren't budging. He eventually stopped in his place and glanced behind him as the smoke dispersed. 

"I'm not Y/N." 

"Oh-!" Chloe had slapped him before he could finish his sentence. Ellie began putting him on the ground and straddled from the back, holding both of his wrist, preventing Nathaniel to ever run and take you away. The blonde-haired girl pulled Sabrina by her side. "Again!"

"Ready," Sabrina had said. 

"No!" Nathaniel yelled. 

An arrow came whirring past you, hitting the nearest prop. You followed where the arrow had come from and it lead to none other than the sportsman. He looked like he just finished running a mile. With a hard expression, he lowered his bow. 

"Adrikins!" Chloe Bourgeois exclaimed in a shocked tone. She and Sabrina lowered their arms and Ellie stood up from her position on Nathaniel's back. Nathaniel also stood up and went to swipe away the dust forming in his clothes. You all watched silently as Adrien walked slowly towards Chloe, who was now trembling in her boots. 

"About Wayhem, it was also your group's doing, wasn't it?"

Chloe immediately defended herself. "Well, Marinette told me about his fantasies about you so I wanted to help him get his thoughts straight!" (chloe u a homophobe or smth?) The blonde girl smirked, seeing the bluenette now writhing under Adrien's gaze. "Now isn't that right, Dupain-Cheng?"

Marinette could almost feel his disappointed gaze. But she doesn't feel any more guilty. 

"Why do you have to do this?"

She didn't reply. 

"Alya and the students are waiting for you at the stands."

"I won't do it!" Marinette bursted out, now on the verge of tears. 

Adrien winced, not getting used to her sudden outburst. "Why?"

"So now you're asking me why," she said. "Have you ever asked me if I was tired? If I was having a sore throat? If I could do it? 

"You just liked someone who hardly exists in the first place." She looked directly into your eyes. 

You were silent in the whole ordeal. 

"Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute," Chloe interrupted. "You have a crush on Adrien?! Why didn't we figure it out?"

"If you all knew, I would get slapped of course!"

The rage inside Chloe seemed to amplify. "Why you little-!"

"Chloe," Adrien warned. "You should stop this whole thing."

"But, Adrien!" She stomped on the ground with her high heels. "I just wanted you to be with someone you deserve and it's clearly not one of these people!" 

He sighed and looked her directly in the eye. "About someone who should be with me, let me decide for myself. Please."

"Fine!" Chloe grumbled. "Girls," she looked at Ellie and Sabrina. "Retreat."

Nathaniel looked dumbly at the scene unfolding. He watched the girl walking out the garden. "It's that easy?" He muttered to himself. 

The four of you were the only ones left until-

"I hope you win tomorrow," Marinette said lamely, feeling defeated. She turned around and began running, not letting anyone see her tears. 

"Marinette!" Adrien said. "Wait-"

"Adrien!" Nathaniel called, making the blond boy stop in his tracks. "Y/N has something to tell you." 

Your eyes widened and looked between Nathaniel and Adrien, until your eyes landed on his turquoise eyes again. He knowingly nodded at you and you almost shook your head, but he already took off without another word. 

You and Adrien faced each other. You tried to calm your heart at what you are about to do next. 


"Marinette!" Nathaniel shouted, looking at Marinette's figure walking at the side of the school building. He finally caught up with her but instead opted to stay behind. "Marinette, I don't believe that you do these things just to grab Adrien's attention."

"You wouldn't understand!" She said, still walking away. 

"Just wanting to get his interest, must you change your personality this much?" 

That made her stop. 

She was still quiet, and he took this chance to continue. 

"Must you worry if the students might get sore throat? Must you be concerned if they might get sick from the rain? And how could you remember the names of the students on the stand? Marinette, you're so smart. Someone like me couldn't even pronounce their names right-"

"Why are you still being good to me?"

"Because I know the truth. I drew about you because you were the cheeriest person in the whole school, even before Mr. Damocles had wanted you to lead the stand."

She went quiet after that, and just let her tears fall. 


You carefully handed Adrien your phone and charger. "This might be a bit weird." You stepped back and closed your eyes for a little while, letting out a deep breath before beginning to do jumping jacks (even though you already knew your heart is beating so fast right now because ou were about to tell him the truth)

You saw Adrien looking at you, worried and slightly confused. Without your trusty beeping device, you wouldn't know if your heart is beating fast enough, so you added a few more jumps until you were now out of breath. 

You eventually stopped and avoided his worrisome look he was giving you. You decided to explain a bit. "When my heart beats fast, my body would discharge electricity." You shakily brought your hand and hesitantly touched the metal end the charger. It immediately sparked and the phone was charging. 

Adrien's green eyes widened as he stared at the gadget and charger you were touching in his hands. "So when I'm tired... surprised... excited... or when I'm around you."

You looked down. You couldn't bare to see the sorry look on his face. You were preparing for this day; and it has come. But now, you are more than ready to just run away because you weren't actually ready for his what his response is going to be.

Slowly but surely, his hand reached for your arm in a comforting way-

which it clearly backfired when he fell on the floor after receiving the end of your electric touch. 

He looked up at you and you sobbed at the sight of him getting hurt because of your stupid powers. 

"I can't stay close to you," you said, deciding to shield your hands away by clutching your sides. 

Adrien gradually stood up and watched you quietly before gently saying, "Y/N, don't you move yet."

You looked up at him and saw him stepping forward, and you instantly step back. Adrien countered by reaching his hands out reassuringly. You looked at his genuine eyes so you closed your own, focusing on making your heartbeat slower. You could hear you own quick breathing and instantly felt warmth. 

"See? We can stay close together." 

You opened your eyes and saw Adrien so close to you without actually touching you. You let out a short sigh of relief but your heart is still beating faster and you were afraid you could touch him. 

"I thought you were running away from me because you hated me. I'm really glad you weren't."

You casually hid the smile forming on your lips. Still, you couldn't help the tears around the corner of your eyes. You saw Adrien leaning down to meet your eyes. 

"About the treat... I changed my mind."

You looked at him blankly. He was sheepishly smiling as his green, doe eyes gazed into yours. 

"If we win tomorrow..."

He blushed.

"... you get to be my girlfriend, okay?"

end of chapter ten


what an exciting turn of events! 

stay home and stay safe, people! don't want y'all getting sick when this book is not even finished! i love you ;)


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