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warning/s: LANGUAGE!! (i can't help it aaaa)

note/s: bold and italic is nath's monologue!
this is the end y'all! thanks for being with me in this journey :))


"...you get to be my girlfriend, okay?"

Nathaniel only stared at you blankly as you waited for his response. The sky had gotten dark and the remaining students were left to finish the props for tomorrow. You and him sat by the bleachers and you wanted to tell him what Adrien had told you. 

"Really?" He spoke. You slowly nodded, as if you couldn't believe it happened either. "And? What did you say?"

"I said... okay."

You watched him nod away with a tiresome grin. "And?" You leaned forward slightly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he answered so quickly. "I'm okay. Very okay." He flashed you a proud smile. "Congrats."

You just stared at him as he seemed to be odd when- "I meant about you and Marinette..."

"Oh," In an instant, the smile he put was wiped off his face. "Marinette was okay..."

You nodded and let him continue. 

"I gave the cartoons that I drew to her..."

You nodded again, a hopeful smile starting to form in your face. 

"She liked the drawings..."

The smile was getting bigger.

"But she doesn't like me." His voice wavered as tears began to frame his eyes. He looked down at the ground and let the tears fall silently, sobbing every now and then. 

You watched him and mirrored his hurt expression. Your heart went out to this poor, innocent boy who didn't do anything wrong but love the girl of his dreams only to be rejected. You hesitantly yet carefully stretched your hand and placed it on his shoulder. "It's okay," you started, not really knowing how to comfort a person. "You did your best. At least Marinette knows."

It seemed that it was working because Nathaniel faced you now, a smile on his chapped lips. "You can't lose tomorrow, okay?" 

Your mouth stretched into a small smile. Not long after, you nodded. 

It only made his heart hurt more.

I gave it my best. 

You gave him a comforting smile and nodded again, hoping to give him strength. He chuckled at your efforts. 


It was now the final day and it was nerve-wracking. Students from different group colors formed in their own cheering stands. 

As long as this school is divided into various cliques; with the average people, 

The blue group continued to sing their chant as Ivan and his goons stood by. Ivan held straw in his mouth and opted to spit the ball in a junior student's mouth. 

the bullies and the troublemakers, 

The juniors that Nathaniel had recruited wore their golden bandanas and began to cheer in Marinette's cue. 

the nerds, the athletes, 

Wayhem and Alix were stretching in their respective places when one of the male members of the black team winked at Wayhem. Alix could only watched with her mouth agape. 

the beauties,

Chloe, Ellie, Sabrina all formed a circle and cheered amongst their group, wearing the shiniest of uniforms. (Bet it was from the mayor's credit card, woops)

the team captains, or, those with a unique theme...

And as for me, although I'm not going to the cheering stand, no one would notice.

Nathaniel found himself looking up at the ceiling as he resided on his bed. From his room, he could hear the host bickering off who knows what. So he decided to stood up and reluctantly close the window. 

He retreated back to the shelves and retrieved the most current notebook he was working on. The 25th one. (With a lightning bolt as the number 5)

He sat down on the chair and leaned towards his work desk. the opened the pages, revealing drawings of you

But there is this one girl...

The pages were full of your faces drawn in lead. Your body perfectly captured, with your information placed on the bottom. Your name, birthdate, your sign, even your blood type. 

MP: 150 volts
HP: 1800

She's not a team captain, or a cheerleader. 

Each page were filled of your moments. Like when he had you as his model, or when he went and help you with your training with Adrien. Every minute was special to him. 

Not really an athlete or a bully. 

He reminisced the time when you slapped his face for touching your boobs. 

She's not an average person, either. 

He also remembered the time when you compared him to a water bottle. 

If I had to give her a ranking, she would be the same as mine.

You stretched your arms for a bit, casually looking over the stand and trying to spot the redhead, but you couldn't find him anywhere. After a while, you saw numerous people screaming and squealing. You only knew one reason why. You turned around and saw Adrien beaming at you, holding the baton and naturally stretching his muscles as well. 

But she caught the eye of the school superstar, Adrien Agreste. 

You immediately blushed when you remembered the deal he had offered. But when he smiled at you so reassuringly, you couldn't help but smile back at him just as comforting. 

This is why, invisibles like me, must be humble. 

Nathaniel reached for his pencil and began to scribble a bit on the paper. He just have to draw another comic like any other day. He went to get the ruler but flinched when his hand suddenly touched the metal and felt static running through. He only stared at his fingers dejectedly and shook his hand, deciding to just forget about the damn ruler. 

Even Mother Nature says that my electrical charge is low. Like my ranking. 

He stared at the dead mosquito that he had kept in his page for so long. He started to draw around it. 

So people with high voltages like Y/N belong together with someone like Adrien.

He smiled, trying to capture the same expression as you when you were excited when talking about Adrien. Nathaniel drew around the mosquito and it was like you were wearing the dead insect as your hair accessory. 

For me, just getting to draw her...

He looked at the drawing of you and smiled wide.

That makes me happy.








the end.









Happy, my ass!

The race had started, with the referee triggering his mini-pistol. 

"The first runners have taken off and so far it is a tight race!" 

Screams resounded the field as everyone watched the athletes running so fast to be able to pass the stick. Wayhem felt like his lungs were on fire, but he could almost reached Alix who was impatiently waiting. 

And when he did pass the baton, Alix just went ham and stretched her legs as far as she could. 

"The Gold team passed their stick first with an overwhelming lead over the other group!" 

Cheers were increasingly getting louder. 

Adrien watched Alix from behind his back, trying to concentrate. He will win this-


Your brows furrowed when you saw Nathaniel talking to Adrien by his side. Outsiders aren't even allowed on this field. How did he even manage to get in?! 

Nathaniel didn't care about the eyes fixated on him. He presented a bottle of water near Adrien's eyes with a determined glare. 

"Look at that," the announcer had noticed. "Something's going on!" 

The red-headed boy hastily removed the cap from the bottle and poured the water out and onto the ground. Adrien only watched the water move out with confused eyes. 

"I-is this a new strategy? They might get disqualified!"

Nathaniel turned the bottle right side up when it was only a bit water left. "No matter how high your rank is, your voltage is as low as mine!"

The blond turned and looked at you and saw that you were looking as confused as he was. But Adrien seemed to have an idea that this weird artist is a competitor. 

"Adrien, you sick fuck!" 

He looked behind him and saw Alix was nearing and her face was getting red. He let his arm out and waited for her, all the while looking at Nathaniel with the same passion-driven expression, but the redhead was more determined. 

And as the pink-haired athlete passed the stick, Nathaniel only declared, "I won't let you two be together!"

You jumped back when you heard what he had said from here. You were still confused and only watched from afar when the two took off and ran. You were even more confused when Nathaniel is running side by side with the fucking sportsman when he was as lanky as a stick. Eventually, Adrien was able to run past him and Nathaniel was lagging behind. 

"Y/N!" You looked at Nathaniel. "You liked the cartoons I drew, right?" 

You saw Adrien was getting near you, but all you could focus on was Nathaniel. Still, you let your arm out.

"This one is all about you!" 

He lifted a notebook of your favorite color in the air. You were just watching him still wanting to catch up to you. It was as if everything was in slow motion again when you felt the cold metal of the baton being handed to you. You began to run but was held back when you heard a thud on the ground and only saw Adrien looking at you with pain in his eyes. But you didn't stop running. You have to win. 

Looking behind him, you saw Nathaniel still running, but slightly limping. He was still holding the binder up high. You decided to ditch him and looked forward, running in a way he could never catch up to you. 

"Y/N, please don't win!"

That made you skid to a stop. 

You turned behind you and looked at his breathtaking smile (literally). You heard your team screaming for your name and the students screaming for your group. You pressed your lips together apologetically before running past the finish line. 

"The Gold team wins the race! Yeah!" 

Everyone cheered in joy and victory. 

Nathaniel only let out a heavy defeated sigh and he frowned, placing his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. 

As you passed the finish line, you tried to calm down and watched Nathaniel being whisked away by your teacher. Your confused eyes followed him. 


"The bronze medal belongs to the Blue Team!"

As the committee awarded the respective team, you timidly approached the blond athlete. "Adrien," you spoke. He turned and faced you, tilting his head when you looked hesitant. "About your treat... can we switch it back to restaurants and food?"

He gave you a knowing, yet weak smile. "I knew it." He nodded. "Your last electrical discharge wasn't because of me."

Your brows furrowed in confusion as you stared at him, pleading him to continue. 

10 minutes earlier, at the time Adrien was almost there to pass the baton, he caught your eyes looking at the boy behind him. When he handed the stick to you, you were still looking at the red-haired boy. 

"Haven't I told you, to look at the one who is passing you the baton?"

You avoided his gaze and felt shame. "I'm sorry," you said. "I'm sorry for being this way."

"When it comes to things like this," he leaned down. "You must follow your heart." You looked up at him. "No matter what, your heart won't lie to you."

You couldn't say anything. 

Adrien only let out a small laugh, going to place his hand on your head, but you flinched away, looking at him with uncertainty. But he shook it off and went to do it without question and put his hand on your hair.

He didn't get electrocuted. Your eyes widened.

"See?" He even ruffled your hair a bit to prove his point. "Or else my hand would be burnt to a crisp." 

He gave you a playful smile and you smiled back. 

"The first place is the Gold team!"

"Let's go!" He nodded the three of you towards the stage to receive your medals. You smiled in relief, and saw that after all, your heart longs for someone else. 


The sun was going down and the students were slowly dispersing. Some opted to stay and help with picking up trash, and some wanted to chat with the others. 

On this planet, there is no such thing as equality. Adrien will always be Adrien. 

And I...

Nathaniel saw Marinette talking with Alya with a smile on her face and not long after, saw him. She only gave him a kind smile and a curt nod in appreciation.

I'm still the same.


But what isn't the same is...

He turned around and came face-to-face with you, who was looking at him with a timid stare. 

...this one high-voltage girl who makes me feel like...

...I am no longer invisible.

You spoke first. "If you want me to read it that badly, you don't need to rush up on me like that..."

Nathaniel sent you a hopeful smile before quickly retrieving the binder tucked inside his pants. It was slightly crumpled but he couldn't care less. He could've sworn he saw your eyes shining but he didn't comment on that. 

"Y/N, I... I like you."

You blushed a deep rosy pink and let out a small laugh. 

"I like you too." (God, I love these awkward, dorky sweethearts!)

He laughed the same laugh as yours and you joined in, basking in the warm, comfortable atmosphere. 

Nathaniel was still smiling. "Can I..?" He offered with open arms. 

Your eyes widened and you tensed, but you nodded nonetheless. 

He creeped towards you slowly and you closed your eyes because you can't bear the thought of hugging a person, and that person was Nathaniel.

He was being careful, but he was sure about this. He then noticed your hands also itching to wrap it around his waist.

He waited for you to initiate the hug, and you did, surprising him to the point where he closed his eyes tightly.

Nathaniel was shocked, but not literally. He was shocked because... he wasn't shocked.

He let one eye open and observed the way his skin touched yours. He was very confused bit at the same time relieved. He was filled with electricity, but with the different type of electricity. He wondered why.

He just heard something whispering by the nape of his neck.

"19 times 4 is 76... 19 times 5... gosh, what is 19 times 5 again? You carry the..."

Nathaniel shook his head playfully and hugged you tighter, letting you continue being distracted with math, not wanting this to end just yet.

You seemed to be multitasking, that when you felt his hold on you getting tighter, you squeezed back, still reciting equations.

He was overjoyed that he couldn't contain it. He couldn't hold it any longer, he just have to do it.

So he did.

He pulled you off him by your shoulders, making you look at him weirdly but with a blushing face. He just smiled at you before pulling you into a sudden kiss.

Which wasn't long.

It didn't even last 2 seconds.

Because the moment his lips brushed against yours, you forgot to concentrate and your heart just combusted. You jumped back when he fell into the ground, twitching and spasming as he was filled with electricity.

I don't care about the rankings anymore

"Oh my gosh- I'm sorry!" You scrambled to the ground and went to check on him but he still had a lovestruck smile on his face.

The more important thing to care about is how to stay with a girl who can shock!


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