Camp in the Forest

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The days leading up to the training camp had been quiet for the most part after the ordeal at the mall. Thanks to Izuku's quick thinking, the police were able to put away one of the most powerful and dangerous members of the league that they knew of. For Ochako and Momo however, they were just happy that Izuku came out of this with relatively no harm done to him. There was however a bit of backlash from several people that day who simply videotaped this and did nothing to help the situation with social media almost demonizing Izuku, but the hero commission was able to help smooth out everything by showing camera footage of Izuku being held by his neck and only acted in defence. The electric quirk user did have his statement to the police put out as well saying he knew from previous experience that Shigaraki was dangerous if all five fingers were to hit his neck. In the end, Izuku's credibility was saved, but more eyes would be on him.

"Well. Guess camp's gonna be something." Momo stated while having her eyes barely open.

Seeing this, Izuku grabbed Eri and unlatched her harness off Momo to put on himself. "Why don't you go and lay down on the bus. I'll be in after I put the luggage in."

"*yawn* Thank you Izuku." Momo started leaving with Ochako helping her onto the bus before the sound of an all too familiar blond asshole was heard.

"I HEARD SOME OF CLASS A FAILED THEIR FINAL EXAMS! YOU MUST ALL BE SO ASHAMED! ESPECIALLY THE TWO TRAM-" The sound of electricity cracking was heard for everyone to look over and see Izuku giving Monoma a look as if he was ready to kill.

"You even finish that sentence, and I'll make it so the chances of you having a life outside a hospital bed where a nurse won't have to change a bed pad for you and literally treat you like an infant that can't do anything will be a blessing for you." The lighting became more centered for those who've seen it in action to immediately back away afraid they might get brought into this. "Go on. I dare you to finish that and see what happens."

Everyone around waited to see what was going to happen for even Aizawa and Vlad to watch worried this might get out of hand. Izuku stopped his lightning however for some reason and returned to packing his and the girls' things into the bus. "Uhh...Monoma?" Kendo tapped on his shoulder to get no reply.

"He's unconscious. My best guess, I scared him to the point he passed out and also pissed his pants."

Looking to the front, Kendo saw her classmate have no indication in his eyes that he was conscious as well as seeing a damp spot on his crotch. "To be fair, he did deserve this."

"He wants to make fun of my wives, I'll make him know that that's the dumbest thing he could do."

"That's what I try to tell him, but he doesn't listen."

"I feel pity for you. At least Mineta tries to hold back. Him on the other hand has been as horrid as the day we met." Izuku shut the bottom storage compartment of the bus while holding a baby bag on his shoulder. "Hope you enjoy your trip." He walked away with Kendo dragging Monoma out of the area by his shirt collar.

"Sometimes I think you just like being messed with and turned into a lesson for everyone to not be." The Big Fist quirk user mentions while tossing her unconscious classmate to some of the guys.

While hopping on the bus, Izuku pulled out a small rabbit for Eri to play with and walked right to the back where Ochako motioned him with Momo beside her barely awake. "Sorry it took so lon-ow ow ow!" Both girls pinched Izuku's cheeks in anger seeing the incident outside. "Gwish. I wow I showdn't have dwone dwach, bwu cwan I habe wy wouth bwach?"

"Next time you do this, I'm going to pull you away by your ear." Ochako puffed her cheeks in anger with it looking more hilarious than angry.

"You're going to pay us back by being our pillow on the ride down." Momo held a similar irritated look with bags under her eyes.

"Fair enough." Izuku places Eri in a car seat for toddlers beside them before getting between his two wives who immediately used his shoulders as pillows and fell asleep almost instantly. As they left, the group of 20 college students started getting somewhat rowdy for Momo to wake up and make ear plugs for her and Ochako before going back to sleep. Eventually, Izuku started falling to the feeling of fatigue as well from the bus ride to close his eyes as well. He only woke up when Bakugou shouted in anger to wake Eri up and start making her cry. This led to him getting an electric shock to knock the ash blond out and make him fall unconscious. Needless to say, the rest of the ride from then on was dead silent for everyone else to not have to worry about smelling like a BBQ with the bottom of their shoes exploding from the wattage thrown into them.

About a few hours into the drive, the bus stopped for Aizawa to motion everyone off the bus. Out of fear, several of the students found a long stick to try and poke Izuku awake so he wouldn't shock them and accidentally stick it up his nose, this prompted him to zap the stick as he was startled awake almost instantly turning it to ash. "Ok. Five seconds for somebody to tell me why I had a stick up my nose as a wake up call."

"Sorry. Mr. Aizawa wanted us to get out of the bus."

Izuku raises an eyebrow at Sero. "So you woke me up by shoving a stick up my nose?"

"We were kinda scared you'd kill us if we woke you up by shaking you." Ashido stayed behind Sero and Kirishima to avoid being hit by a stray lightning bolt.

"And it's because of that the stick is on fire." Momo opened her eyes and pointed at the burning stick in Kirishima's hands.

"AH!" He dropped it to the floor of the bus and stomped on it to put the flames out.

"Alright, we're up so start moving out ." Izuku got up to head over to Eri who was giggling at the act that was happening before. "Did you like how silly our classmates were?" Eri kept giggling before unintentionally throwing up on herself and Izuku's hands. "And that is why I had a spare onesie inside the baby bag."

"I got her." Ochako passed Izuku a baby wipe to clean his hands off before taking Eri into her arms to start changing her.

"I'll tell Mr. Aizawa you both are changing Eri." Izuku walked off to see a car parked near the rest area they're in.

"Your wives still asleep on the bus or something?" Aizawa walked over for Izuku to finish cleaning his hands off.

"Eri got a little carsick, so they're changing her now. That's not an issue, right?"

"Honestly, this is more for everyone else, so it's fine." The two walked towards the rest of the class with everyone questioning what they were doing out in the middle of nowhere. As they did, the car opened to two women dressed in a similar hero outfit attire that resembled cats with different color themes. Upon introduction, the two were discovered to be part of the pro hero group known as the Wild Wild Pussycats.

"Now this is awesome. Getting to train with pros that were founded when I was a kid." Izuku's enthusiasm was quickly disliked by the blond pro Pixiebob who seemed to get more angered when he went into detail of the pros. "They're a four hero group that specializes in mountain rescue. This year marks their twelfth of active duty-"

"I'M PRETTY SURE YOUR MATH IS WRONG!" Pixiebob held the electric quirk user by the head with claws sinking into his head to make him bleed a bit. "I'm 18 at heart."

"Ok." Izuku said muffled under the catlike glove for Pixiebob to let him go.

"What the-" the pro looked down to see the small bit of blood on her glove begin to electrify before giving her a cartoonish shock which even shows them an x-ray of her skeleton for a moment. When she fell to the ground, everyone stared in amazement at the fact Izuku was able to indirectly manage that.

"I did say you bleed literal energy. At least now I know for a fact it's not figuratively." Momo walks over with Eri in a pink dress with Ochako to the side.

"Ow. Just what the heck is this kid anyway?" Pixiebob got up before smelling something in the air. "And what smells good?"

"You." Mandalay points out for the blond pro to smell herself.

"I have the urge for grilled meat right now."

"Getting back on topic.." Mandalay pointed towards a set of mountains while smiling. "At the foot of those mountains is the camp you all will be staying at. It should take you about three hours to make it there. Those that don't make it there by noon don't get lunch." The entire class began to panic and start running towards the bus.

"Sorry to disappoint you all, but the training camp starts now." Pixiebob got to the front of the bus to activate her quirk and send almost everyone off the cliff. While falling, Izuku looked around to see Momo and Ochako weren't around.

'So this is what he meant by giving us the directions of the camp." Izuku thinks to himself before activating his quirk causing himself to float gently to the ground meanwhile his classmates land with a thud.

"WHY DID YOU DROP US OFF A CLIFF YOU BITCH!!!" Katsuki screams as Pixiebob leans over the edge of the cliff before beaming him in the face with a clot of dirt.

"You might want to be careful out there, this is the forest of monsters." Mandalay calls down before they disappear from the clifftop.

"Hey, Denki? Can you come here a second? I have an idea." Izuku asks, getting the attention of the othe electricity quirk user.

"Yeah what's up?" He questions walking towards Izuku.

"You think this is overrated and a complete waste of time like I do?"

"Yeah and I'm super hungry too." His stomach grumbles after this is said.

"Alright, grab my shoulder, Sorry everyone but I have a family to catch up to and I'm going to be using Jamming-yay here as a conduit. Ciao." Izuku says with a wave before lifting his hand towards the sky. In a flash of lightning the two vanish from the forest below.

After seeing the lightning strike the base of the cliff they were standing on, Ochako turns to Mandalay who had ducked seeing the bolt strike. "Did you honestly think that he wouldn't do that? He can basically teleport to any location so long as any static electricity or power is present. I bet he just used Kaminari as a conduit to teleport both of them right to the training camp and he is raiding your fridge." She comments before another lightning strike is seen further away where they had pointed to at the training camp.

"Just what else is he capable of?" Pixiebob shouts causing Eri to start to cry.

"Generating an electromagnetic field similar to that of the earth's and levitating with it. He also figured out that he can weaponize it by using it to orbit pieces of steel around himself at such high speeds that you'll be turned into a blood pate if you tried to get too close to him." Aizawa points out before a bolt of lightning hit a tree near them. "That was probably him telling you to shut the hell up and let his daughter sleep."

Mandalay went pale with Pixiebob having hearts for eyes. "Is he available."

"HELL NO!" Both Ochako and Momo shouted in anger while Eri blew a raspberry at the pro.

"I don't think he would be against giving you a sperm donation but as for hooking up with him and making a kid in the traditional sense, no. If you haven't noticed, he was wearing a wedding band and these two here are also wearing one as well." Aizawa adds in.

"Welp, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he beat our records for fastest run to the camp. C'mon Kota. I think our job here is done." Mandalay brought a boy around five with her with his face holding a scowl.

"Hold on a minute. Why did you want us to keep these two from being thrown off?" The blond pro asks unsure of the reason.

"Take a closer look at their stomachs there genius. They're pregnant."

Taking a look, Pixiebob and Mandalay saw a baby bump on both girls for the red haired pro to smile for joy. "Congratulations you two! You must be so happy to have two future siblings." Mandalay spoke to Eri who smiled a toothless grin at the pro.

"The kids got some spunk getting two women pregnant. Might actually ask if he's got a friend or slightly older brother who'd wanna get together with a pro."

"....His brother's All Might. Well, adopted brother. His mother is the retired pro hero Paragon." Momo, Ochako and Aizawa commented for Pixiebob to snap her frustration knowing she'll have to let being in a powerhouse family like that go.

"And here I thought I was gonna get a shot at being with a kitten like that. I was hoping to get someone young and powerful like him."

"If you want, we can talk him into giving you a baby through artificial insemination." Momo suggested for the pro to wave the offer off.

"Thanks, but I was hoping for a mate, not a litter yet."

"I can get that. If you're interested in anyone else in our class, I recommend avoiding the guy with balls on his head, the other electric quirk user in the class and you should probably avoid the ash blond with a temper." Ochako states to give a little help in Pixiebob's hunt. Everyone immediately began heading towards the camp by car or bus somewhat planning Izuku to be waiting for them with a steak or something in his mouth.

At the camp

The bus for class A parked at the front of the camp with Mandalay following in the car behind. When they walked out, they saw Izuku sitting with a whole ham haunch and cup of tea, that looks like it has been attacked by cats, in his hands playing Kaminari at chess. It appears that the game had just started however after 2 turns Kaminari is already in check mate and has lost the game. "Dammit! That's the 4th time already!" Kaminari shouts in frustration.

"You should've known by now that beating me in something strategic like this was impossible man. Me and Momo play this for hours and she's the only person who's ever beaten me at this, and that was only once. You have to think multiple steps ahead and predict what I'll do next and not just move pieces like you've been doing." Izuku explains before showing Kaminari what he had planned.

"Told you he would've raised your fridge." Momo laughs somewhat seeing Izuku eat the last of the haunch bone and all.

"So just you two are here?" Aizawa questions

"Pretty much. Everyone else is out in the forest. I could only bring Kaminari since he is also an electricity quirk user." Izuku explains before arcing a spark between his fingers.

"How much food did you eat?"

"I saw four fridges and I only raided one of them, this is the first thing out of the second fridge." He explains before taking another bite out of the ham haunch. "I wasn't too greedy, I gave Denki some too."

"Before you ask, that trick he did takes a lot out of him and he eats a ridiculous amount to sustain the energy he uses and produces so he has to eat a lot." Ochako explains as the heroes nod in understanding.

'Something tells me this is going to be a long week with him.' Both pros thought as they witnessed Izuku finish the last of the ham wedge in his hand before snapping the bone like a twig to get at the marrow within.

And that finishes this chapter. See how the group of class A handle the ordeals that they will come in the future. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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