Heavy Training and Baby Friends

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The next day came for class A with Aizawa bringing them to a clearing. "Alright. Today we will be working on strengthening your quirks. You all have grown in handling situations and learning how to fight in real world situations, but your growth in your quirk factors has been little to any at all." He handed a ball to Bakugou who was given the same objective as when they were doing the ball throw last time. Many planned for it to be significantly farther, but once it was thrown, it reached not much farther than his best throw back at the beginning of the year. "Take this as proof that you all almost had no growth whatsoever with your quirks. As such, this camp will grow that specifically. Be prepared, because this week is going to be hell for you all." Aizawa laughed like a madman before Mineta looked around confused.

"So where's the Shimura ladies?"

"Sleeping since they won't be part of this. I'd rather avoid explaining to their husband why his unborn children are facing dangerous threats here. To be honest, I was somewhat against him training this week since he's already stronger than All Might and this is somewhat irrelevant for him, but he is going to help with somebody else's growth."

Kaminari felt a bit uneasy before having a hand on his shoulder. "You hear that Kaminari. It'll be hell for you, but you'll definitely grow stronger. I can promise that." Izuku declares, causing the blonde to swallow a lump of anxiety in his throat.

"Come on man?! I thought we were friends." He protests but it falls on deaf ears as Izuku forces him to levitate then be drawn in towards the Black haired electricity quirk user before they disappear towards the woods.

"What's he got planned?" Mina questions watching them walk away.

"Izuku is going to teach Kaminari how to tap into ambient static electricity and not solely to rely on the power within his body. I don't think it'll be anywhere near the capabilities and expertise of Izuku but at least he can keep Kaminari from going all brain dead. He's also going to help him with his witz."

"Now that I have to see." Jirou declares as she starts to walk in the direction of Izuku and Denki.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Aizawa stops her with her capture gear before turning her around. "Unless you're walking around in so much rubber you look like a walking condom, I wouldn't go within the same kilometer of those two. There's going to be enough power to light up Tokyo for a month being thrown around over where they're going so for your safety you're staying here. Besides you have training too, you can go see your boyfriend Denki later."

"H-HE'S NOT MY B-BOYFRIEND!!!" Jirou yells at Aizawa, her earphone jacks moving on their own to emphasise that she's angry/embarrassed by that statement.

"That beet red face says otherwise." Mina teases.

"Shut up Mina. You, Mineta, Sero, Kirishima and Monoma have remedial courses with me. Kaminari is exempt since he's going to be thrown through the ringer with Izuku over there. Before you ask Iida, I had Cementoss and Powerloader create a small fake powerplant where static for brains and the walking lightning bolt can train." A few moments later, the group sees a yellow bolt of lightning strike somewhere within the trees, the thundercrack startles several of the members of both classes. "That's to prove they're already starting. Now get to work."

The group immediately began training with another lighting bolt happening and the sound of Kaminari's cries in pain being heard. "WHY DO I HAVE TO TRAIN WITH THIS HELL!?"

'I hate to see what a serious training practice is for Shimura.' Everyone shivered as Kaminari screamed again in pain with the sudden smell of meat wafting with wind currents. 'I wonder if he'll turn into fried meat at the end of this?'

With Ochako and Momo

The two began to wake up with Eri wrapped in their arms to notice their husband was nowhere in sight. "Did they already start training?"

"Maybe. I wonder if Izuku raided everything in the fridge yet?" The two got up to start heading out with Eri in their arms towards the kitchen. There, they saw Mandalay bent down near a height chair. "Yep. Just as empty as I thought." Ochako groans seeing a cleaned out fridge.

"Alright Kota. Eat everything up." She started speaking in a cutesy voice to gain the three's attention.

"Hey Mandalay, what are you doing?" Ochako asked for her to stand and turn towards the mothers.

"Oh. Perfect timing. Kota was eating and I wanted him to meet Eri."

"Who's Kota?" Both asked for the cat pro to step to the side and show a small dark haired child about Eri's age.

"Kota, I'd like you to meet Momo, Ochako and Eri. They're people that are staying with us." The small child began giving baby banter with Momo grabbing an extra baby seat for Eri to sit in and eat alongside. The two started speaking as if they were talking to each other before bursting out in a fit of laughter. "Doesn't that warm your heart. I wonder what they're saying?"

"Sometimes I think Eri thinks the same when we talk among ourselves." The three laugh at the Creation quirk user's comment before she began asking about Kota. "So when did you have Kota?"

"I didn't. He's my nephew."

"So are you taking care of him while his family's out or something?" Ochako asked for a frown to be on the pro's face.

"No. He's living here because...his parents are gone."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"It's ok. None of you knew. You see, his parents were pros, but ended up dying about a year ago. I took Kota in since I couldn't let him stay in foster care. Fortunately, he's young enough where he doesn't understand what happened yet. That at least saved him some tragedy of knowing this. When he's old enough to understand though, I will tell him about his parents. Primarily the good and I'll tell him when he's able to understand what happened to them." The three watched both children try and mimic one another in acts to see no significant difference between them and normal babies their age.

"If it means anything, I think you're doing a good job. Eri's own parents are either dead or had abandoned her. We found her in the middle of a dark alley about to be prey to a villain underworld leader once called Overhaul."

"Why are you speaking about that Yakuza boss in the past tense?" Mandalay asks nervously.

"Our husband went all out Palpatine on him and zapped him to dust, or as our mother in law calls it, Kentucky Fried Villain."

"I do not think I want to try or know what KFV would taste like."

"I don't think it would be appealing and probably taste evil." Ochako gives a blunt answer while Momo gives Eri a bottle to drink.

"Trust us when we say we understand the difficulties that you're facing. At least you know Kota sees you as a happy parent. Look at that smile." Momo motions to Kota who looks like he's overjoyed.

"He normally makes that face when he needs to use the bathroom." The sound of a fart from the small baby and Eri's laughter seemed to lighten the mood significantly. "Thank you at least. I was worried I wasn't doing a good job. But if the two of you think he's doing well, then maybe I'm doing something right at least." Mandalay grabbed Kota out of the seat to bring him into the other room.

"Well Eri, looks like you have a new friend for the week." The small child burped after finishing her bottle for the two to laugh at this a bit.

"To be honest, I don't see anything different between her and Izuku. It's kinda funny."

"I wonder if that's where she gets these habits from?" Momo questions before picking Eri up while Ochako went to find a play mat for her to crawl around on.

Later that evening

After training, class A and B were told to make their food by Ragdoll and Pixiebob who said they were making curry. While doing this, the groups noticed a strange amount of static on both Izuku and Kaminari with the latter smelling an awful lot like fried chicken. Ochako started cackling when she saw Izuku's normally curly black hair now all frizzy and puffed up like an afro. Iida and Izuku went to focus on cutting the veg while Kaminari and Jirou were working on the meat. At the time, the aux cord girl seemed somewhat curious how the training went.

"So how'd the training go for you. Sounded kinda crazy with all the lightning going into the air kinda not helping."

"Well, I did learn a trick from Shimura if you wanna see."

"...Maybe later."

"Oh come on! I really want to show you the trick! Can't you just watch it for two seconds!?" Basically pleading on his knees, Jirou gave in and allowed Kaminari to show her it.

"Alright. What is it?"

"You're gonna like this Jirou." Kaminari smirks as his eyes and hair start to glow a bright yellow as he begins activating his quirk. Jirou arches an eyebrow seeing this new ability from Kaminari as suddenly a massive thundercrack reverberates off of the buildings as Kaminari and transformed himself into a bolt of lighting and blitzed past her into a tree a fair distance away at the speed of light. When he reappeared, the tree exploded due to the electricity revealing Kaminari now standing on the stump as leaves and wooden shrapnel fell around him.

"Woah..." Jirou was impressed to say the least. "That was awesome."

"YAYYYY!!!" Kaminari's brain fried state gives his casual goofy smile and thumbs up for her to laugh.

"You can't even do it without frying your brain yet! HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Kyoka, he's been training with Izuku nonstop for 14 hours, cut him some slack. Plus he was really excited to show you that." Momo protests her laughing at him but is almost interrupted by Katsuki screaming.

"Oi!!! STOP LAUGHING AND GET TO FUCKING-" Bakugou was hit in the head was hit by a potato curtesy of Izuku who gave a death glare pointing to Eri and Kota to the side playing with Mandalay in a sandbox. "Why the hell is there now another fucking bra-" He was cut off again, but this time by Pixiebob hitting him over the head with a frying pan. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK PEOPLE!"


"I swear to god if my daughter ends up saying what you let fall out of your mouth, as her first word I'll castrate you." Momo threatens quickly, manifesting a mallet from her arm. "And I won't use a clamp!" Most men in the area moved a leg to cross the other hearing this and having a mental picture of this.

The group continued working with Iida, starting a conversation with Izuku. "So Shimura, how is training with Kaminari fairing-" He stops when he sees the electric quirk user not miss a beat while chopping so fast that his eyes can't keep up.

"Very well. He's able to use a wattage high enough where he can do my jump. Now we're gonna use the time to increase it so he can at least use the trick three times both ways. After that, I'm going to get him to learn how to teleport vast distances like I can."

"Something tells me he will be turned into a mini you by the time we are through."

"Ha! That's a good one. That'll take a million years and he still would barely make the cut."

"Here's a question, why don't you use the weather based portion of your quirk all that often? I've only ever heard you mention it and that was months ago."

"Mainly because it causes a lot of collateral damage. Storms are massive and I can't control them very well so I primarily just use the electricity portion of my quirk. Wouldn't want a typhoon to manifest in the middle of a battle, or worse a tornado in the center of a populated town."

"You are correct. A tornado in the area of Kyoto or Tokyo would be devastating and not something you'd wish to see happen."

"I have though jumped into a storm before and absorbed the electricity inside it. Sparing the details, let's just say I glowed for about a week."

"Now I don't believe you."

"It's true. He was Eri's night light for a week after we adopted her." Ochako came over with her phone to show Izuku rather luminescent in a picture reading a book in a room with Eri in a crib.

"....Sometimes I think you just love to show off."

"Your point?" Iida pinched the bridge of his nose hearing him not deny this before hearing Bakugou start an explosion where they were cooking. "Want me to help light the fires? I doubt we'll have any stove areas left if Kaachan keeps doing what he's doing."

"Please do." Izuku sent a lightning bolt towards the wood in the cooking areas for each to light in seconds. "Sometimes I forget how resourceful you are." Izuku's finger held a bit of steam for him to blow it away as if it was a pistol steaming from massive use. 'I wonder if your children will be this powerful when they're born?'

As the group kept working, Jirou smiled while seeing Kaminari try and recover from his quirk's backlash. "You may be a doofus but at least your cute." She says as she walks over and kisses Kaminari on the cheek.

Few seconds after, the Electrification quirk user regained his mental state to acknowledge what happened. "Wow Jirou, that kid was 'shockingly' cute." He began laughing at his own joke before getting a kick to the ankle by the purple haired girl. "Ow! That hurt!"

"Of course it did, idiot. Did you have to tell such a corny joke?"

"What? Shimura said to zap your butt and I thought that was gonna get me a punch to the face. Was the joke worse?"

Hearing this, Jirou thought for a second before putting her head back into the job they needed done. "J-just shut up and go back to work."

"I will never understand women."

"At least you're walking in the right direction...doofus." Jirou moved a bit closer to Kaminari for both to blush a bit.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Kaminari are training together with Eri meting a friend her age. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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