Day 1 in the Dorms

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As the class of 1-A entered their dorms, everyone was kinda brought back a little by the size of the common space. Ochako looked at the area and went wide eyed at the fact the dorms were so enormous. "I live in a mansion now!" She went backwards for Izuku to catch her with Eri giggling at her mother's reaction. "Does she normally do this?" A redhead known as Kirishima asked with Izuku and Momo nodding. "So you all are aware, the rooms are labeled with your names and the first floor is the common space. Boys and girls are separated with the only exception being the Shimura's for obvious reasons." A small ball headed boy known as Mineta started looking at the family with envious eyes. "WHY IS HE THE LUCKY BASTARD THAT GETS TO LAY WITH SEXY BA-" He was cut off however by Izuku with electricity forming all around his body. He looked like a walking lightbulb from the amount of light he was making. "I dare you to keep shouting with a baby in the room. Because the second she gets upset, YOUR GOING TO BE JUICED!" Mineta dropped to the ground with his clothes scorched from the electricity and his pants soiled from Izuku's threat. "Anyway, the only spot in this area that isn't shared space by all the restrooms and baths that are split by gender. You are not allowed to leave the dorm hall after 10 and curfew is at 11 where this area will be off limits.I don't care where you sleep, however, Eri better still be the only baby in this class at the end of the semester." As Mr. Aizawa said this, he left the dorms.

Everyone went to their dorm rooms for the family of four to notice that they have a larger room. They assumed this was due to the fact they have more people living in it and need to accomodate a baby. Izuku got right to work on setting up Eri's things with Ochako and Momo setting up their own. Hours went by with all the students finally finishing. They all came down to the common space to relax with Bakugou acting like a rabid dog from his barking. "WHAT DID YOU SAY IDIOT!?" "I just asked if you know anything about Shimura and his wives." "I COULD GIVE A FUCKING RATS ASS ABOUT THE SHITTY NERD AND HIS ASSWIPE FAMILY!" The said family walked down as he said this with Ochako covering Eri's ears since she was holding her.

"Bakugou, must you honestly shout? It's very annoying and rude to do. Also, lower the cursing to a minimum cause of Eri." Bakugou looked at Momo with anger at what she just said before shouting at her. "I'LL CURSE IF I DAMN WELL PLEASE YOU FUCKING SLU-" "It Wasn't A Request." Bakugou couldn't even get a word in before Izuku punched him out a window and into a tree head first. The class looked out to only see his lower half sticking out. "BA BA BA ABO!" Eri tried to mimic the scene with a toy she had in her hands to throw it out the window. The said toy hit Bakugou on the butt and made a squeaking sound on impact. Everyone started to laugh at this knowing even a baby doesn't like him.

"Ok, jokes aside. Let's have a room competition. Bakugou will be taken off since he's uh...occupied at the moment." A girl with pink skin named Ashido said this with everyone agreeing. "To be fair, that was him getting off easy, if Eri wasn't in the room I was going to hit him in both legs with a javelin." Momo says with a sinister closed eyed smile and gentle voice. "Did you do that when he tried to kick Izuku off the beach?" Ochako asks, "Yes, The best part of that was him screaming and alternating open handed gestures to both legs."

She replies causing some of the class to swallow a lump in their throats. "He ruined our wedding, that was the least he deserved." Momo stated this rather bluntly with everyone making a mental note not to piss off Izuku or Momo and possibly Ochako depending on how things progress with knowing her.

The group began on the boys side with most of the rooms being rather normal for their personality. The only room nobody dared or even wanted to look at was Mineta's that had a disturbing aura coming out of it. It was clear that going in there would probably mess everyones brains up and just decide to leave without even glancing into this pervs domain. The most insane room though was a bicolored haired boy called Todoroki. His room, defying all logic, was able to replace the wooden flooring with tatami mats. No matter how much he said he worked hard, there is no physical way he could naturally do this in a day and this is something that Stillwell wanted to rant about since this made the least amount of sense in the series regarding him.

As they got to the girls side, everyone else's rooms were set in the same way with it coming to the families room at last. Since theirs was the biggest and had a child, it was on the second floor with Izuku not exactly wanting his family's abode to be looked at. He gave way however with everyone seeing it as a rather normal room considering them. There were a good amount of All Might, 13, and Paragon merch in it with Ochako, Izuku, and Momo shamefully admitting it was all theirs. This was a rather abnormal thing that the trio found out about Momo some time ago. They realized Momo was a die hard fan of Paragon ever since she was a little girl. Though she retired before she was born, the fact this woman was strong enough to become number one and be a mother gave her admiration beyond anything for the retired hero. This however, creeped Nana out when she realized this. Not the fact that Momo was a fan, but how deep she did her research on the retired pro.

The inspection of the room went rather down hill when a certain pervy duo found some unique items in a drawer. Izuku only realized when they held up condoms and lingerie that he got the girls as a gift. To say he was enraged was an understatement. He stomped over and put enough bolts inside them to turn them into fried living fried chickens. He placed the contents of the drawer back in with him staring at everyone to get them out. Once they did, Izuku dragged the pervy duo out and put them in the trash can in the common space hoping that would teach them a lesson. Meanwhile, everyone was voting on dorms that they thought were the best with a muscle guy known as Satou being the winner. Satou got most of his votes because of a cake he made after getting done early to which all the girls voted for his room.

Once this ended, Momo brought Eri upstairs to change her into something to sleep in and to be breastfed. Ochako went into the kitchen to start some tea for them with Izuku working on a playpen for Eri while she spends time in the common space with everyone. When Momo came back down, she had a baby monitor in her hands with the three sitting down to drink their tea. They seemed to have a synch down since they drank and sighed in satisfaction at the exact same second to make everyone take note of. "You guys do that often." Kirishima asked with them shrugging in unison as well. "Ok, that went from cool to kinda freaky." A girl with aux cords for ears called Jirou stated this with Bakugou walking through the door with his torso still in a log of the tree he was stuck in.

"Hey Kaachan, want some tea?" "Go fuck yourself." "Come on Bakugou, Izuku was just being nice, no need to get your panties in a twist." "That's Kacchan for yes." Izuku says as he passes a mug to him. He drinks it all with him glaring at Ochako. "You try something like the fucking gigantic bitch over here, and your dead round face!" Ochako gave a dead look to him before getting an idea. She whispers to Momo who creates a small item for her. She sneaks over to Bakugou to place it in his back pocket and sneaks back over to izuku pretending like nothing ever happened. A few seconds later, the sound of something going off and a large amount of trucker swearing was heard from upstairs.

Izuku looked over to Ochako who placed the small item in his pocket to ask. "What exactly was that?" "Stink bomb." Izuku nodded before the baby monitor started to pick up Eri crying. Izuku started to get up before Ochako patted his shoulder. "She probably woke up because of Bakugou, so I'll handle it." She walked up to the room for everyone to hear her handle Eri calmly and lull her back to sleep. When sound wasn't heard anymore, Ochako emerged from upstairs smiling while sitting down again. "You three seem to have parenting down rather well." Iida states this with the three looking at each other and nodding. "I guess we do."

And that finishes this chapter. So this one was a little short, but it was more to show the events of the first day. See how the members of class A manage their lives going forward. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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