Top Dog

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Izuku, Ochako, and Momo woke up to the sound of an alarm going off. Agitated by waking up from a pleasant sleep, Izuku zapped the alarm into bits before hearing a giggle from a little snowball. "Nnn five more minutes." Izuku grumbled as they started to hear Eri get a little fussy. Izuku got up at the sound of this, not happy but accepted it. "Come here sweetie. Come to daddy." Izuku picked up Eri who immediately hugged him. "I see, you just wanted your daddy to hug you." "She is daddy's little girl Ochako." Izuku glanced over to see Momo and Ochako up and smiling at the two. "I'm gonna go start breakfast. Do one of you mind bathing Eri and putting her in something to wear today?" "Momo handled last night, so I'll change her today." Ochako smiled as Eri came into her arms and began to play with her face.

As Izuku went down to start cooking, Momo offered to help today. The two of them were able to get everything done quickly with making a little extra for their classmates. "Something smells good." On que, Kirishima and a few others had come down to the smell of Izuku and Momo's cooking. The two placed everything on the table with the rest of the class starting to come down now. Ochako came down with Eri who was wearing a cute yellow sundress to make everyone marvel at the adorable little white ball of sunshine. "She is just adorable!" Their classmate Hagakure stated this with Ashido this. "Is Eri's bottle ready?" Momo passed Ochako the bottle to which she happily gave the little girl it to almost chug. "Alright, lets eat!"

Everyone started eating with the sound of the dorm pomeranian blasting down the stairs. "DEKU!" "Oh for the love of. One second." Izuku stood up and put his fingers up counting back from three. When he hit zero, Bakugou came barreling down the stairs with explosions for Izuku to grab the collar of his shirt and slam him down to the floor. "Remember last night Kaachan? Cause if you keep doing this, principal Nezu will have you and me replant all the trees you go into. I don't want to, and I'm sure you don't want to either. Now shut up and eat like a calm person. I don't want your anger issues to rub off on Eri." As this was said, Eri started burping and giggled at herself to make everyone laugh.

Bakugou angrily admitted defeat and sat down. A few comments were asked about the family and how they all met. Some of the girls died on the fact of how Ochako and Izuku got together and how Izuku came to the aid of both girls to be their knight in shining armor. The boys for the most part respected his chivalry in wanting to keep each girl's feelings to be known when the relationship started. Mineta and Bakugou could care less though, they just wanted to either kick Izuku's ass or find some way to hear some juicy details of the honeymoon. As they finished, they all headed to class after cleaning up and heading out the door.

In the afternoon

The day had been relatively normal for the most of it. The morning classes were like any other university with math, literature, history, etc. But when the afternoon classes roll around, that's when UA's hero course really begins. The members of class A had all been sitting in the classroom with Eri enjoying sitting on the lap of Momo. Everyone just adored the little girl with her adoring everyone else. The only two she didn't like were the explosive blond who regularly picked fights with her parents, and a perverse grape headed man who she scowled at whenever she got the chance. Many found this hilarious, but the midget didn't.

As they waited, they heard a familiar voice from outside. "I am, COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might came through the door with everyone marveling at the hero wearing his silver age costume. Izuku noticed something notable about the costume though that caused him to snicker a bit. 'He lost some bulk. Mom would kick your ass for getting soft Toshi.' "Hero training, it's what makes small sprouts like you grow into the pros of tomorrow. For this exercise, I shall be teaching you. Today's lesson shall be.." All Might held a flash card up to shout. "BATTLE TRAINING! And what hero would be complete without their hero suit?" All Might hit a button to bring out 20 cases with numbers on them. "Change into your costumes and meet me down on Ground Beta in 5." Everyone did as All Might was told and began changing.

While changing, Mineta had gained the attention of the class to something he found. "Kaminari, check it out! A peephole to the girls changing room!" Iida was going to scold him, but was stopped by Izuku. He wanted to see if he was going to actually have the balls to peek on his wives. "I can see it now, Ashido's sexy silhouette, Hagakure's floating panties, the Shimura girls enormous rack and oh la la bo-" "Get another inch closer to that hole and you're going to be juiced like the grape you are." The lights started to get crazy bright with electricity pouring out of Izuku. "The only man that gets to see what they look like right now is me. You wouldn't just be committing a crime right now, you'd be committing adultery that will eventually lead to your murder. *cracking knuckles* I've fried a villain before for trying to harm my family, don't think I won't go so far for them again." Mineta started to freak as he fell to the floor soiling himself.

"Good. Were all in agreement then?" Everyone nodded afraid of what Izuku would do to them if they ever actually pissed him off. "Thanks Shi' I owe you one." Ashido smiled on her side hearing Izuku's death threat with Momo and Ochako humming a happy tune knowing someone that deserved to feel Izuku's wrath is getting his do's. "Remind me to stay on his good side." "*ribbit*." Jiro and Asui felt fear in their souls after hearing what they did. All across the changing room, a single thought went through everyone's mind. 'Mental note, don't EVER mess with the Shimura's.'

On Ground Beta

Everyone started to line up with all of them in their costumes. "Izuku, your costume looks so cool!" Ochako shouted in cheer with Momo agreeing.

"Thanks. I like both your costumes too." Ochako started to blush a bit with the costume being a little too tight for her liking. Seeing her in it, he walked over to whisper in her ear loud enough for the little family to hear with satisfaction. "When I first saw you in that, I was wondering if you were trying to seduce me." He sent a small bit of electricity down her spine to send shivers through her body. He looked over to Momo and grabbed Eri from her before zapping her butt to make her jump. "I thought the same thing when I saw you in this little thing." "*Ahem* May we continue?" "Sorry. Please do."

All Might began explaining the exercise being one that's a two on two in a scenario of heroes tracking villains down to a hideout to stop a dangerous bomb. The heroes win if they find and touch the fake bomb, or incapacitate both members of the other team. Villains win if the time they have runs out or they incapacitate both members of the other team. When lots were drawn, Izuku was paired with Ochako, while Momo was paired with the small pervert. The first match was Izuku and Ochako as the heroes against Iida and Bakugou who were the villains. "Villain team has five minutes to prepare before the hero team is able to head in. Make the most of it."

Izuku and Ochako stayed outside looking at the floor plans trying to memorize it. "How are we supposed to memorize all of this?" "Done." Izuku crumpled the paper up and threw it behind him to make Ochako look at him like a crazy person. "Just how smart are you!?" "That isn't smarts, that's me having a photographic memory." Ochako didn't know what to say at that. "Ok Mr. photographic memory, what do you have for a plan then for today's lesson?" Izuku looks up at the building and gets an idea. He smiles ear to ear before telling Ochako who gains a grin bigger than the Cheshire cat. "Bakugou is gonna be mad." "Exactly." Izuku and Ochako get the green light to enter in with Izuku picking her up bridal style. "You certainly know how to sweep me and Momo off our feet Izuku~." "You better believe it."

Izuku walks to the side of the building and puts his right foot out. He begins magnetizing his feet to the wall with Ochako making them both weightless. After the first foot is done. Izuku magnetizes his other foot and demagnetizes the first after. He repeats this process until they get on the roof with Ochako putting their gravity back on. While entering, they hear a conversation between Iida and Bakugou with the latter walking out of a room. They look at each other and think this is going to be easier than they thought. When Bakugou got a distance away, Izuku kicked the door in and sent an electrical current at Iida. He was magnetized to the floor with Ochako running in to touch the bomb. "HERO TEAM WINS!" "Yeah!" Izuku and Ochako high five each other with Iida below them ashamed of his failure.

"It's ok Iida, this is why we practice." Izuku demagnetized him and offered a hand up to lift the engine users spirits a little. They begin to make their way to the control room below them with Bakugou already there incredibly pissed. "DEKU!" Bakugou goes over to Izuku ready to fight "Hey Kaachan, good ma-" "SHUT THE HELL UP AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN AND NOT LIKE ONE OF YOUR BITCHES!" "All Might, shouldn't you get involved?" Kirishima asks this, a little scared of a fight breaking down between the two. "I have known these two for years. Fighting is just how they interact with each other. If it does go overboard, I will jump in to stop it." As All Might says this, Ochako goes over to Momo who is recording the fight prepared for what is going to happen. "DIIIEEEE!" Bakugou comes at Izuku who only uppercuts his jaw to send him flying into the roof with his upper half in the bottom of the next floor.

"Something tells me this is going to be normal." Kaminari looks at Bakugou's lower half struggle while the aggressive Izuku goes over to make Eri giggle with a silly face. This confused many since the young father went from being the Terminator to being a kind cinnamon roll. While this happened, Izuku stood straight up to kiss Momo and shock her ass in a playful manner. "You perv~." "That doesn't sound like a complaint to me." While this happened, Ochako came over a little jealous with Izuku noticing. She began to puff her face a bit with Izuku walking over to grab her waist. He leaned in to whisper in her ear something to make her blush a little. "Jealousy doesn't suit you." After this, he shocks her ass in a similar fashion to Momo. "If you wanted me to flirt with you as well, all you had to do was ask. I'm more than willing to." She starts to giggle a bit at this with everyone getting a bit embarrassed by looking at what looked almost like foreplay for something.

"YOU BASTARD! WHY IS IT ONLY YOU THAT GETS THESE SEXY LADIE-" Izuku halts his rant by grabbing Mineta's head and squeezing enough to almost break his skull. "Let me keep this simple for you midget. You try anything with my wife while paired with her, I will fry those tiny grapes you have below the belt and the vine they are attached to. UNDERSTAND!" Mineta started shaking while nodding. "...I may have you do that even if he doesn't." Momo answers this calmly with Mineta crying. "WHY!?" "I've seen how you look at me and Ochako, better to keep bad influences like you away from our daughter." She states this with a disgusted look on her face. Izuku gave him an evil smile before channeling a small amount of electricity to his eyes causing them to glow an ominous silver color for a brief moment.

Mineta was in tears looking up and pleading at Momo. "Please forgive me! He's going to kill me if you don't tell him not to!" For some reason after this, Eri deemed it important to kick the perv in the face and try to blow a raspberry with spit coming off her that Ochako began wiping off her. "No no, like this sweetie. Like this!" Izuku punts Mineta through the roof and out the building into the one across the fake city's street. Momo was not proud of Izuku doing this in front of Eri and made it known. "Izuku, don't teach our daughter these things." "Are you sure doing this was a bad thing?" Ochako states with Momo thinking about the fact it was Mineta who since the first day was giving them both dirty gazes. "Fair point."

Matches kept going on as normal with the end of the day upon them. Izuku, Ochako, and Momo had started walking back to the dorms with Nana waiting for them with a cat carrier. "Hey mom. You got Mushu and Korrin in there?" "Yup. Also, here's the form of allowance for them that Nezu agreed to it. Keep it with you somewhere safe." Izuku grabbed the paper and put it in his pocket before taking the cat carrier and hugging his mom as thank you. Momo and Ochako joined in as well with them heading inside. "What's with the carrier?" Their classmate Sero asked with Izuku opening it near the couches. When the contents came out, it revealed two cats rolling out. One was a pure white cat, the other was a black cat. "Hey you two." The twin cats looked up to see it's masters and ran to them to cuddle.

"What's with the cats?" Jiro questions while Momo takes the lead in explaining. "These two are our pets. Mushu is the black one, and Korrin is the white one. We adopted them as kittens with them being the runts of the litter. They love to play with each other and are not afraid to cuddle." "Korrin was one of their names? Isn't that the name of the same Korin from Dragon Ball Z where he grows Senzu beans?" Kirishima asks as Ochako puts Eri down with the two cats licking her to earn an 'awww' from everyone. "Yeah My older brother was a huge fan of that show when I was little and as a result, so am I. I found it fitting that we named one of our cats that. I wanted to name Mushu after Beerus but Momo didn't let me and he's not a naked cat." Izuku replies. The rest of the evening went pretty normal with everyone doing any school work they had and just hanging out. When it was time to turn in, Mushu and Korrin went to sleep in Eri's crib with them snuggled next to the little girl making sure she was comfy. Her parents made sure to take as many pictures as they could before heading to bed themselves. 

And that finishes this chapter. The twin cats have officially made their debut in the series. How will the family of four handle themselves with the new lifestyle next time. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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