Making a Family?

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The day after the talk with Endeavor came with the Shimura family handling their daily routine with yesterday's conversations between their parents still fresh in their mind. "Hey Izuku?" Momo asked her husband who was bringing some tea for everyone. "What's up?" "Well um, would it actually be something bad know, Eri had another sibling? As in one made" Izuku didn't know what to say. His wife was asking if they could make a baby with the idea of it sinking in slowly. An image of Momo having Izuku's baby in her with it fast forwarding to one with black hair and silver eyes with a few of both their features in it. "I-it wouldn't just be me. Ochako would also join in this. Cause it wouldn't be fair if she wasn't." With that, Izuku then imagined a similar picture with Ochako, but instead of black hair, it was her chocolate colored hair with her permanent blush on the child. The images started to make Izuku gain a nosebleed to which Ochako came in to notice what they were talking about.

"Are you both almost ready to go? Izuku's mom is almost here." "Ga bega!" Both came out of their blush before nodding. "Y-yeah, let's go greet mom at the gate." Izuku immediately got up with Momo being not far behind him. As they walked, Ochako held Eri with the thought of having a child of her own coming to her mind. She did love Eri, but she couldn't help but question the possibility of having one herself. "You three must be willing to get into the baby making thing if you're meeting me here." They looked at Nana who had a smirk that made them all blush. "Actually, we thought of meeting you at the gate since you're taking time to do something like this for us." "It is very nice of you to do this Mrs-I mean mother in law." Momo bowed trying to correct herself with the retired pro going to pick Eri up. "It's alright. I at least get to hang out with one of my granddaughters. Are we going to have fun today little snowball?" Nana spoke to Eri in a cutesy manner to make her giggle. They continued back to the dorms for her to stand in front of them. "I've got it from here, just go and have a nice time out. Also, make sure to finish up inside Izuku." "MOM!" Nana laughed at her son's expense as the girls held a prominent blush of red knowing what she meant.

The three said their goodbyes before leaving into town trying to think of something to do. "So what do you two want to do today?" Ochako looked over to see Izuku and Momo a little off. "Izuku? Momo?" "Huh?" They came out of their daze to notice Ochako looking at them. "You two ok?" "Yeah. Let's go in this place, it looks nice." They walked into the shop to notice it was a baby clothing store. "Oh, look at all these cute little outfits! Eri would look so cute in these." Ochako dragged Momo in with her to leave Izuku to look around. In a clearance section, he noticed a baby onesie of his mother's hero costume to bring a smile to his face. 'I bet Momo would flip if she saw this.' Izuku immediately remembered his argument with the flame hero yesterday and how he tried to get him to divorce Momo. 'If we did have a baby, that would settle this with there being no room for Endeavor to fight.'

In that moment, the lightning user immediately freaked over what he had said. 'WHAT AM I THINKING!? MOMO HAS TO BE CONTENT WITH THIS BEFORE WE EVEN DO THIS!' "May I help you find something sir?" "Uh, no. Sorry. I was just browsing." Izuku turned to see a woman in her thirties with an 8 month pregnant stomach. "A Paragon fan are we?" "Something like that. Someone I know is actually a bigger fan." The woman looked at Izuku's hand to notice the ring on his finger. "Your wife?" "Well, yeah." Izuku looked in the clearance section to try and find some other things before he decided to ask the clerk a question. "I'm sorry to ask this miss, but do you have concerns about being a future mother?" "A few. But my husband loves me and our child, so it's just a matter of how you look at it. If it isn't something you two feel as if you're forced to do and think you're ready, I don't see why it would be a problem. What's on your mind?"

Izuku took a deep breath before explaining it in the easiest way he can. "Well, me and my wife were talking about having a baby and I'm for it don't get me wrong. But something feels as if I need to hold off. If I don't, I'm afraid we may make a mistake from it." "Having children is not easy sir. Anyone can make a baby, but not everyone can be a parent. If you truly think it isn't time yet to have one, talk to your wife about it and say you need a little time. Rushing into things isn't going to make that unease go away." The woman started to rub her stomach a bit to state proof. "This baby was thought long and hard for 3 years. Just give it time and let the thought sink in. It's better to be patient than rush things." "Thank you. Also, I hope your child grows up happy." "Your welcome and I have faith it will."

Izuku walked deeper into the store to find Ochako and Momo looking at a second crib. They noticed him to see Izuku walk up to both and kiss them before showing the Paragon onesie he found. Momo was ecstatic that he could find it with them explaining what they could about infant cribs they had in the store. In the end, they decided at the moment just to go with the onesie Izuku found for Eri and checked out. While walking, Izuku looked at his wives before asking a serious question. "Hey Ochako, Momo, do you both think it's really the right time to make kids?" "To be honest, I'm not one hundred percent after everything that happened the other day. I think it would be just cruel to do to a child. Making them just to stop someone from messing with our marriage, it just feels wrong."

Izuku let out a sigh knowing Momo wasn't completely willing to go for this. "I'm kinda with Momo too. It does feel kinda wrong and I do wanna wait a little." "*sigh* That's a relief. I thought I was the only one having second thoughts." The three laughed while looking where they were. "Why did we have to stop in front of this?" "Your guess is as good as ours." Ochako states this while all three look up to notice their in front of a love motel. "Well, your mother does expect us to have sex today. But we never promised we would make a baby or two today." Momo smirks while saying this as her and Ochako pull Izuku into the building with his feet being dragged on the ground. "Guess we're doing this then."

Lemon warning🍋

As the trio entered the room they rented, Momo wasted no time tossing Izuku to the bed. "A little eager aren't we?" "Trust me when I say you have no idea." Momo began taking off her shirt and bra to reveal her bare chest. "No fair Momo. Taking the lead like that." Ochako pulled her shorts down along with her underwear while walking over to kiss Izuku's lips. The electric user began sliding his hand between Ochako's thighs to rub her bare pussy while using the other to fondle one of Momo's breasts. The raven haired beauty started sliding her hands up Izuku's shirt to reveal his stomach while gliding her hand back down towards his shorts. She began to jerk them a little for Izuku to get the picture to take them off. As he did, Momo yanked his boxers off along with to reveal his throbbing member.

"Seems someone is a little excited." Momo leaned her head down while taking Izuku's dick in her mouth. As she did, she ran her tongue around to add a little more pleasure before feeling a bit of a shock on her ass. She glanced over to see Izuku's hand sliding up her skirt and into her panties to grope her enormous ass. Meanwhile, Ochako started to pull her shirt up to stimulate herself with her nipples. She watched in envy as Momo was taking Izuku down her throat before feeling Izuku finger her ass. She shrieked to signal Izuku that it was a rather sensitive area to make him attack farther. He made certain to lubricate his fingers with the brunette's own juices before moving them to her ass to avoid any uncomfort for his lover. Not long after the first, Ochako had three of Izuku's fingers in, forcing her to drool a bit from the amount of excitement. The two quickly started to come near release when Momo stopped making Izuku stop everything to look at her. "So long as we don't finish inside, we can still practice doing the real thing without a condom."

Momo pulled her underwear down and held her body over Izuku's dick with her entrance kissing Izuku's head. She went slowly in feeling the actual raw feeling of her husband entering inside her without any form of protection. When she got to the base, Momo shuttered in enjoyment before seeing Izuku smirking at her. "Didn't know you enjoyed being the dominant one in this?" "S-shut up." "Fair enough. Ochako, I think I need to give you a little something." Izuku picked up Ochako to lay her with her crotch directly above Izuku's face. He immediately started to lick her pussy to make the girl clench his head where it was. Meanwhile, Momo began hopping on Izuku's dick with her ass and tits jiggling up and down from it. On instinct, Ochako began bucking her hips as well rubbing her privates over her lover's face marking him with her essence. Minutes go by with Izuku picking the pace up a bit in his licking along with starting to buck his hips up to make Momo fall on Ochako as support. The two begin a makeout session while Momo feels Izuku bulge a bit in her. Thinking Izuku was near his end, she jumped off right before Izuku's sperm shot out on her chest coating them with his semen. She grabbed a little off with her finger to taste it before making a pop sound with them. "Now that I've gotten used to this taste, not bad."

Ochako immediately got off Izuku's face while holding her ass up on all fours. "Go right ahead Izuku. Use me like a little slut." She states this with a little lust for Izuku to get on his knees and position himself in front of her hole. In one go, he shoves everything inside her making the brunette moan a little. Izuku immediately starts going with no warning to make Ochako's body shake with excitement while having her insides pounded by her husband's dick. Her mouth was open with her tongue out feeling the extent of what was happening to her. Without warning, Momo went over to Ochako's face to stick it in her crotch. "Maybe we should see if your tongue is as skilled as our husbands." The brunette started sucking on Momo's tender slit to make her moan a bit. Izuku bent over to his raven haired wife to kiss her lips while bucking his hips into Ochako. As this continued, the trio started to feel their end come near with Izuku squeaking a bit moving faster in Ochako. She began to pant with her end near. To make sure she was satisfied, Izuku held his thumb near her back entrance. He thrusted it inside to make Ochako scream in pleasure to clench around him before climaxing. In the hopes to not get her pregnant, Izuku pulled out to release on Ochako's large ass. The view of his seed coating her ass sent a shiver down the electric users spine in excitement. She started swirling it around to coat her entire ass before taking a bit to taste. Feeling a little worn, Izuku, Ochako, and Momo laid on the bed with Momo and Izuku on their backs, and Ochako on her stomach.

Lemon End🍋

"You two feel a little better now?" Ochako asks the two who were looking at the ceiling with rather content faces. "For the most part." "I do feel quite relieved after this." Izuku began to think on where his life with Momo and Ochako would go with wanting to make one thing clear to both of them. "I'm happy with our lives at the moment." Both girls looked at him while he explained. "No matter what happens in the future, I'm happy I can lay here with you two." "*snort* That's so corny Izuku." Ochako began laughing with Momo following suit. "How's it funny? I'm genuinely happy to have our relationship the way it is right now." "That is what makes it funny Izuku.*snicker* You are just so honest that it's just too hilarious." "...I'm taking abuse like this from a woman who's buns I glazed and another who's melons I did the same to."

"Nobody said we don't like that fact." Both girls leaned over to give Izuku a kiss on the lips while smiling. "It's actually a reason we both like you." The young lighting user smiled at this while hugging his wives close. "I'm glad you both are happy with me."

Few hours later

Izuku, Ochako, and Momo found their way back to UA to open the door to the dorms. They were met by Eri on the ground crawling over to them in excitement for Momo to pick her up. "Why hello there my carpet crawler. Did you have fun with grandma Shimura?" Eri giggled at Momo while reaching for her face. "How did she manage with you?" Izuku asks his mother who came over with a smile. "She was a little fussy before I put her on the carpet, but she calmed down when she got free range. Mushu and Korrin kept her attention on them so she wouldn't go for other things." Izuku smiled at this while Nana nudged his stomach.

"So, have you put a bun in an oven yet?" The three went red a bit while Izuku answered. "It might take some time for that, but now wasn't a good time." "Well, I'm not gonna push it. I get that this wasn't your idea of how you wanted to have kids, so don't rush things. Going at your own pace is fine as well." Nana started leaving after saying goodbye to her son, daughters in law, and granddaughter. When she left, Eri started to yawn for the trio to decide to put her down for a nap. Within minutes, she was out like a light sleeping peacefully in her crib. Before the three continued with what they needed to do, they thought about where their lives would go with satisfaction that it wasn't going to be just them alone in it, but all four with the possibility of more coming along the way.

And that finishes this chapter. So the trio will decide to hold off on having more kids for now, but that doesn't mean they won't in the future. See how the young family handles the Sports Festival next time. Hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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