Troubling Endeavors

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The day had started out rather normal for Shuromo as a CEO. Today however, him and his wife wished to head over to UA to speak with Momo to make sure her and her family were alright after the whole invasion attempt prior. As a small house warming gift, Akito had asked the chefs in their mansion to make a small box of some of the trio's favorite foods and something nice for Eri since she can't chew food yet. They were prepared to leave after Shuromo finished finalizing a few documents when an unexpected visitor came to the door. "Sir." "Yes Henry." "We have Endeavor outside and he wishes to speak with you." Shuromo didn't know what this was about and told the guard at the gate to open the door to lead the number 2 pro to the sitting room.

"Good day Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu." Endeavor bowed at them with the couple bowing back as a welcoming. "I'd offer you to sit, but I'm afraid you may set off a smoke alarm or something by lighting the loveseat on fire." "It's alright, this should not take long." Akito went to the kitchen to make sure the lunch was ready while the two men spoke. "I will cut to the chase since I'm not a fan of small talk, I would wish for your daughter to marry my youngest son." Shuromo was about to say something when Endeavor began going on a spiel similar to the one he gave Izuku. "Think of the strength their child could have holding your daughter's Creation quirk and my son's thermokinesis combined. They would be unstoppable to a point, not even All Might would be strong enough to defeat them." 'Is this what I sounded like when I pitched the idea to Izuku the first time?"

"I can understand the thought of how great the offspring could be sir, but it's impossible to give your son my daughter's hand." "What?" "She's already married to a nice young gentleman." Endeavor was holding back his anger for coming all the way over here for nothing as he asked his next question very carefully. "Who has the pleasure?" "Izuku Shimura. Paragon's child and All Might's little brother. A very nice boy that cares for her happiness and is without a doubt very strong. I for one am glad he cherishes my daughter the way he does." Shuromo started to happily laugh before seeing the flames on Endeavor grow bigger than they already were. "I shall take my leave then." He left, but not before he singed the doorframe of the entrance with Shuromo not liking where this is going one bit. "Honey, do you remember if our insurance covers fire damage to the doorframe?" "I believe it does, why?" "Let's just say Endeavor was not too pleased to know Momo's married."

Meanwhile with the young Shimuras

The family of four sat in a detective's office for a familiar face to show itself to Izuku. "Nice to see you're doing well Izuku."

"It truly has been a while Tsukauchi." He shuts the door before going to pull the camera wires so they can speak freely. "Alright, now we can speak without someone hearing our conversation that shouldn't." Ochako and Momo looked at Izuku for some kind of explanation as he said what's going on. "This is detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, an old friend of Toshi's that is able to help us on the police force. He also knows of OFA and it's backstory, so don't be so afraid of letting it slip with him." "That helps a lot." "Indeed." "Ba!" Eri started shouting to try and mimic her parents. "Alright, let's get down to business for you all to tell me everything you found out about these two." Tsukauchi passed two photos showing Shigaraki and the Nomu.

Izuku started to explain what he knew of the beast known as Nomu to understand it had more than one quirk. Since this is abnormal in nature and perfect hybrids like that are extremely rare, it's safe to say this wasn't a normal case. He also explained how the beast seemed to not know how to fight and think on it's own to add to the mystery. Once Izuku explained Shigaraki, he began to say how he seemed to be very childish in a way. Almost like all of this was just a game to him with the villain throwing a tantrum so to speak when he didn't get his way. He also explained a mist man that went by Kurogiri that seemed to be their ticket out of there to add some uncertainty. "Thank you for all this, we also did some DNA testing on the guy you said was Nomu to find out he's a D class thug who went missing some time ago. We also discovered that whatever happened to him caused his DNA to be almost meshed with three others to make things more strange."

The thought of someone warping someone's genetic structure this badly sickened both Ochako and Momo with Izuku only knowing one sick mind that could do this. "I know that look Izuku, and I agree with you. Only one man we know can do something like this." "I just can't believe he's alive. That hit by Toshi should've killed him." "Wait, you mean 'that' man?" Momo asked knowing how dangerous the man she was thinking was from learning the story of OFA to have both nod. "If we're dealing with some hundred year old monster, I'm not surprised he's alive in all honesty." Ochako said this with the temperature of the room dropping when Izuku clarified. "The man who put a whole in my brother's stomach, killed my own father, along with all the predecessors of OFA before my mother. A man who's name was lost to the ages to only be known as All For One." The mention of his name gave shivers down the four adults' spines with Eri immediately stopping what she was doing to look at her parents silently.

With the teachers

The day after the incident at the USJ, Nezu had decided to call an immediate meeting to discuss what happened at the facility. "So you're telling us that Shimura has the ability to permanently erase quirks?" "Not 'erase' per say Midnight. What he does is something a little more complex." All Might starts to explain how at a young age, their mother believed that it would be possible for him to do this with being allowed to practice on people on death row with authorization. "You see, the brain has a specific nerve that allows the connection to the part of the brain that produces the quirk factor. The issue is that this is directly near a major artery in the brain that handles basic functions in your body. This technique took years of trial and error for him to understand where exactly he needs to aim with precise accuracy to leave the target alive while disabling their quirk."

"So in short, it's more an advanced version of my quirk since it temporarily blocks the connection to some degree." "Correct." Mic started to raise his hand hearing the part where he could kill someone if he doesn't hit the mark dead on and practiced on death row convicts. "Uh, how many people did he kill until finally being able to target that spot with confidence?" The pro began to remain silent to emphasize that it was quite a bit making most people in the room go pale. "This is why he practiced on death row inmates. He also was shown exactly where in the brain he's targeting by specialists so he has a clear image on where he needs to hit as a means to help." Aizawa began to speak again with explaining the issue now. "You do realize that whoever this League of Villains is, they will target your brother now right?" "I know, which is why we need to be very cautious on how we progress against this group." The meeting continued as normal with talks of the Sports Festival being next on the agenda and how they should increase security.

Back with the Shimuras

After finishing up at the police station, the family was finally able to head home with enjoying the rest of the day how they wanted. Eri began to get a little fussy from a soiled diaper for the group to take a small detour to a restroom in a nearby park. Since it wouldn't take long, Ochako said she'd handle changing Eri for Izuku and Momo to wait on a nearby park bench. While waiting, they were met unintentionally by Endeavor in his civilian clothes trying to blow off a little steam. "If it isn't All Might's kin." Izuku looked up to see Endeavor angered beyond belief. "Can I help you Mr. Todoroki sir?" The two stared at one another with Endeavor starting first. "I don't care what the relationship with the Yaoyorozu girl is, but end it." "Why would I do that?" Flames started to show on the flame hero's shoulders with Momo getting between them to be the voice of reason.

"We're at a park you two, please don't turn this into a warzone." Ochako started to walk over with Eri for the little girl to start giggling and reaching for her father. "Hello Eri, do you feel better?" The look of the little girl in Izuku's hands while seeing the two girls with rings on their fingers sent another pulse of anger into Endeavor. "I'm going to say this nicely once more, end this marriage with Yaoyorozu so Shoto can marry her. You listen nicely, and this doesn't have to get ugly." Izuku glanced at Momo for a second before asking a question. "Momo, do you have any reason to desire what he's implying?" "Nope. I'm happy where we are right now." This comment now made flames shoot out of Endeavor while glaring down Izuku. "DO NOT TEST ME BOY! YOU CROSS ME, AND YOU'RE GOING TO GET BURNED!" "YOU THINK YOUR THREATS SCARE ME!? DID THIS EVEN GO BY SHOTO BEFORE YOU SUGGESTED THIS!? IF HAVING SOMEONE FOR YOUR SON IS SO IMPORTANT, FIND A WOMAN THAT ISN'T ALREADY IN A HAPPY MARRIAGE TO SWINDLE INTO THIS, BECAUSE WE AREN'T LETTING YOU DO AS YOU PLEASE!"

Lightning started coming off of Izuku with Eri seeing her father mad to show a little fear. "IF YOU DO ANYTHING TO HARM MY FAMILY, I WILL END YOU REGARDLESS TO YOU BEING THE NUMBER 2 HERO OR MY CLASSMATES FATHER!" The two glared at each other before a new voice came over. "Whatever you're doing to anger the Shimuras, stop right now!" The two looked over to see Todoroki angered beyond belief. "Shoto, I'd like you to meet your new wife-" "I never agreed to this and am already happily married, now leave before you upset our daughter more than you already are." Momo finally had enough of seeing her husband go against a pro to scare their little girl with a crowd starting to form. Endeavor backed off for now with Izuku finally being able to cool his head. Once he did, he noticed Eri start to cry.

"It's ok Eri, daddy isn't mad at you. No need to cry." Izuku held Eri close to him while trying to calm his heartbeat a little. Not only was he threatened to divorse Momo, he was threatened in front of their child who had nothing to do with this. "You all ok?" Izuku looked to Todoroki with an irritated face. "What's it to you?" "Look, I didn't even know he was doing this until he said what he did just now. I have no desire to comply with him or hurt your family, so please understand I'm against what he attempted to do." Izuku calmed down enough to reply to Todoroki. "I believe you. You haven't given me reason to not to, so I believe you." "Thank you." The group of five began heading home trying to understand what just happened. Todoroki explained that his father has done some terrible things in the past such as buying his mother from her family in a sense along with putting him through ruthless training in a way to surpass All Might. Not long after saying this, he apologized again to Izuku and Momo since they were primarily targeted this round by his father. Both told him not to worry as they continued to head back to UA.


Upon arrival, Momo was met with her parents out front waiting for approval by the school to be let in. "Mother, father, what are you doing here?" "Momo sweetie, how are you doing?" Her mother went up to hug her daughter as Shuromo went over to Izuku. "How are things Izuku?" "Fine sir." "I overheard about the incident at the USJ the other day. Did any of you get hurt?" "For the most part, we're fine. Just a few scrapes and bruises that are easy to heal, but I made sure we were safe." "While giving us a scare!" Ochako points this out for everyone to laugh a little. "Alright Yaoyorozu, you and your wife can enter." Toshi came to the entrance noticing everyone already together. "Seems I don't have to hunt you three down to tell you they're here." The blond went into the school with Akito giving Izuku a large amount of food as a way to thank them for their time.

As they walked, Shuromo began to speak about what he had discussed with Endeavor before heading over. "Izuku, you are still on good terms with my daughter correct?" "We have small quarrels, but nothing too bad." The man held his tongue a moment as Momo took note of this. "Father, what is this about." Shuromo let out a sigh before answering. "Endeavor visited our estate before we left for here. He wanted to offer a quirk marriage between you and his son. I told him it was not possible, but I may have rubbed him the wrong way." This began to anger Izuku knowing he not only went to pester him and Momo directly, but also her parents. "I'm sorry if my father did anything to upset you and your wife Mr. Yaoyorozu." Todoroki spoke up with Shuromo smiling at him. "It's ok son, you don't have to worry about it. He seemed to get the picture before he left." 'Doubt it.' The students all thought this after the fight that broke out at the park prior to this.

Ochako opened the door for everyone with Izuku placing the food on the counter before passing out a few plates. "Would you like to eat with us sir? You came all this way, we should at least give you a nice visit to leave on." "I'd love to Izuku, but I only have a few minutes before I need to head back to the office. The main reason to come over was just to make sure you all are alright, I hope to hear from you all soon however." Shuromo gave a hug to Momo with Akito doing the same before giving a kiss to Eri. "Safe travels sir." "If you want to get rid of Endeavor I might just know a slightly more legal way to do so... Remember, Shu and I want another grandkid." Akito says with a wink before walking off to join her husband. The three went red with this before Momo started to remember what they said about Endeavor. "Izuku, I'm so sorry you had to deal with him." "It's not your fault Momo, the man was an ass the first day I met him. To be honest, this doesn't surprise me. Doesn't make me happy though." The tension in the room was kinda thick with Ochako trying to lighten it a bit.

"Why don't we go out tomorrow. You know, nice day on the town, a good lunch, it'll take our minds off what happened." Izuku and Momo thought about this with Aizawa coming in to hear. "I'm pretty sure your mother wouldn't mind watching Eri Shimura." Izuku looked over to his teacher who stated this suggestion. "Why do you think that?" "Cause I'm standing behind him." Nana came in with a smirk on her face while grabbing her grandchild. "The Yaoyorozus aren't the only ones that want another grandkid. Love Eri to death, but that doesn't mean I'm content with just spoiling her rotten." Aizawa passes an apple sauce packet to Eri with the trio shouting in unison. "STOP GETTING HER ADDICTED TO THOSE THINGS!'' "Maybe an outing will help us with this. What do you say Izuku?" "If it's fine with all of you, then ok." "YES! Eri's getting a new brother or sister!" "NOBODY SAID WE WERE ENDING WITH THAT!" "Why do I deal with you all?"

Aizawa left with an apple sauce packet in his mouth pretending like he heard nothing knowing that he may have to deal with pregnant women in the future. After the idea gets in Ochako and Momo's mind of possible children, they start to imagine them having an actual family life with Izuku caring for them as he does along with hugging swollen stomachs on them that held their children. Both went red at this before notable steam came off their heads. "I think I broke your wives Izuku." "Crap. Todoroki, can you make some ice for Ochako and Momo? My mom just put an image in their heads." "I should have you pay me for this, but whatever." Todoroki does as Izuku asked with the two starting to return to their normal color. 'M-maybe that isn't a bad idea.' Both girls thought this as Eri giggles at their embarrassment.

And that finishes this chapter. So Endeavor tried to mess with Izuku and his family for them to now be in a serious situation. See how they handle it going forward. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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