Never Bring a Knife to a Lightning Fight

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Izuku didn't know what his mother saw in the old man who was apparently close friends with her, he had never even known of the man his entire life so he wondered how close of friends they actually were to never have even heard of the geezer. Despite this, if his mother is friends with this geezer so he couldn't be that bad, can he? Well the fact that he snores at an inhuman volume, his dentures seem to levitate over his mouth when he does so, he has a tendency to smack people with his cane and wont let Izuku text his wives without making some off hand comment about Deku's generation overusing cell phones, Izuku was starting to get annoyed. As the bullet train speeds through the countryside, Izuku sneaks off and away from Gran Torino to finally get some alone time to text Ochako and Momo. He scrambles to slide the bathroom door shut on the train then slides the latch to say occupied before breathing a sigh of relief having been able to escape the old coot for the time being.

Gran Torino is so gross, he spits when he talks due to his dentures, only eats soft food and tapioca, smacks people with his cane and wont let me be on my phone to text you two. :Izuku

Thicchako: That sounds horrible, our poor Izuku missing the two of us. How about, when we get home from the work studies we spend lots of time together to make up for the days we lost here?

Princess Oppai: I was beginning to think your internship was actually helpful for you, but instead it seems that you're just hanging out with one of your mom's friends and putting up with the old fart.

I miss you two so much. It's been hard to sleep at night without you two in my arms. :Izuku

Thicchako: Don't worry Izuku, we'll see you again soon. We have to go though, Gunhead is bringing us to Hosu for a Patrol later today and we have to leave now or else we will miss the train.

Princess Oppai: We'll say Hi to Iida for you while we're there as well.

How did you know I was gonna say, say hi to Iida for me?: Izuku

Princess Oppai: For me to know and you not to find out. Love you Izuku.

Have Fun you two.: Izuku

Izuku had gotten out of the bathroom to walk back towards Gran Torino. While sitting down, he gains a smack to the head by the pro hero. "What was that for?" "For using your phone in the bathroom ya brat." "Is it wrong that I just want to talk to my wives for five minutes without having to hear a lecture about my generation being glued to my phone?" Izuku obtained another smack to the head for this question. "You've got a hundred and thirty years before you should even think you get the right to talk back to me you little brat. In my day, the younger respected their elderly and listened to them without restraint." Izuku sat there to listen to the elderly hero rant while looking back at his text history. He began to notice that he hasn't yet obtained a reply from Iida. 'Weird. He normally texts back within minutes of reading it.' Izuku thinks this while seeing the 'read' caption near his message.

Before he could think more about the situation, the train immediately came to a stop to send some passengers out of their seats. Izuku would've gone right into the seat in front of him if he didn't use his quirk to act as a repelling magnet. "We apologize for the sudden halt. We will continue again shortly after obtaining authorization to proceed. We thank you for your patience and cooperation." "That would've hurt." "I'll say." Gran Torino says this calmly in his seat without even moving an inch. "HOW ARE YOU STILL IN YOUR SEAT WHEN EVERYONE ELSE WENT A MILE!?" Before everyone could fully recover, a giant hole came through the section of the train the electric quirk user and the elderly pro was in for everyone to look towards the impact. At the other side of the hole laid a pro hero in pain. 'He must've been why we stopped.' Izuku was going to walk over to make sure the pro was alright before a green monstrosity that had it's brain open for everyone to see came into the train.

"WHAT IS THAT THING!?" A passenger shouted for a bad memory to come back to Izuku. "Nomu." Izuku was going to attack before Gran Torino jumped into action to take the beast on. "Fry them like fish sticks! Use your quirk. I'm giving you authorization now! Make sure the people are ok!" The elderly pro knocked the Nomu out of the train to keep the people safe. 'Wait, why was that thing here!?' Izuku glanced at everyone who was still standing around. "Please move to the next two carts immediately and follow your conductor's orders from there. This is a hero related matter that requires you all to follow instructions to avoid injuries. We appreciate your cooperation in this." Everyone started to walk towards the other carts for this to be relatively easy on Izuku's end. Trying to help pick up time that was used to do this, the lighting user activated OFA and his electricity to move at unimaginable speeds into the city. Once inside, Izuku realized they were in Hosu with all hell breaking loose.

"Just what is this?" Izuku was pulled out by one of the Nomu creatures narrowly missing him. "Guess we're playing this game, huh." Izuku activated his lighting to show his hands teeming with several bolts. He punched the Nomu for it to stop where it was with several million volts of electricity running through its veins. The monster dropped to the floor with steam coming off of it. "These things aren't harmless, but they're entirely different than the one at the USJ." Izuku held some confidence before seeing the pro hero Manual. "Iida! Where are you!?" Hearing his classmate's name be called out made Izuku stop his own patting on the back to realize just how bad the situation was. Acting on instinct, Izuku ran through the city in hopes to find Iida before he'd do something he would regret in the long or near future. Getting out of the chaos, Izuku ran into Gunhead, Ochako, and Momo who were running into the madness to help anyone that needed it. Being aware of his lighting, the girls stopped Izuku who was about to bolt past them.

"Izuku!" He stopped to see the three and reveal the terror in his eyes. "What's happening kid?" "*pant* *pant* League of Villains. Hero Killer! Iida! Find!" This was the best Izuku could say before trying to bolt past them. Gunhead looked down at the girls before saying anything. "Whatever this is, he'll need authorization. The two of you go with him and if things go south, both you two and him have authorization from me to use your quirks." The trio nodded before Izuku picked the girls up to lug them on his shoulders. "I'm sorry to grab and run, but do you mind if I take Ochako and Momo for a little while?" "Go ahead kid." Izuku turned to a side street before moving as if he was a living bolt of lightning with the crack of thunder being heard by everyone. "Geez that kid has speed. Guess Uravity and Creati weren't kidding when they said their husband was living lightning." Gunhead moved in the direction of Nomu and the burning town. "This first, then we find the Hero Killer."

As this went on, Izuku ran down the alleys at literal lighting speed trying to find Iida in hopes he isn't doing what he was afraid was happening. "Izuku, what's with the speed all of a sudden!?" "I'm gonna be sick if you don't slow down!" "To make a long story short, Iida isn't anywhere to be found and there's these things that look exactly like that Nomu freak from the USJ attacking the city. To make matters worse, there's a good chance that the Hero Killer is involved with the League of Villains and the attack on the city is a ploy." Both placed the pieces together to realize what might actually be happening while they speak. "We gotta get moving!" "Why do you think I'm running at mach 10!?" The trio ran into an alley for the image of Stain about to kill Iida being shown to them. Izuku jumped into action to hold his foot out and connect the sole of it to the Hero Killer's face. "Iida, you ok!?" The engine quirk user looked at Izuku dumbfounded. "What are you doing here Shimura!?" "I came to save you." Izuku let Ochako and Momo down for both to regain their composure and throw up a bit from the speed in Momo's case.

"Interesting. You've come here to immediately make sure everyone is safe." A small smirk came upon the villain's face as he said this. "Nicely done boy. Now let's see if you can back that up." Stain pulled his katana out to point at the young electric quirk user. "I'm going to point this out right now Hero Killer. Stand down and turn yourself in now. I didn't come here to fight you. If you refuse, I will not guarantee you'll come out of this unscathed." "Words are cheap boy. Your actions must speak as loud as your words." "But these are words of wisdom. Never bring a sword to a Lightning fight." Izuku declares before clapping his hands together and creating a massive arc of lightning that streams between his hands and arcs off into the air around him. Stepped leaders of electricity jump off his shoulders and across his arms and his eyes turn a royal blue with lightning streaming from the corners of his eyes. "Oh... Shit." Stain says in fear seeing the electricity coated 9th One for All user. "Well I'm right fucked aren't I?" Izuku snaps his fingers trapping both him and the Hero Killer in a cage of electricity as the girls take the pro hero Native and Iida out of the alley. "I'm giving you this one chance to stand down, take off all your weapons and cast them aside. If not you will be hit with 1.7 Billion volts and most likely will not survive it. I do not wish to take another life of a villain, but I will if I have to."

"Guess you really have me in a corner then don't you. I respect your tenacity, but what villain did you kill if I might ask." Stain says tightening the grip on his serrated katana. "Overhaul. He was trying to abduct a defenseless infant and attacked 2 innocents. I did what I had to to make sure that the child and the people survived." Izuku answers as a bolt of electricity arcs into a nearby window mounted AC unit causing a massive thunder crack to reverberate off the alley. "This is why I do this, none of these heroes are like you or All Might. You and He set your lives on the line to protect people who need it. Others just want it for fame, they don't care about the people they just want to fill their pocket books. You have conviction, conviction to do the right thing at all costs. My conviction is to rid the world of the corrupt heroes that only want to better themselves with material gains rather than the world." Stain throws his sword to the side before grabbing a glass dagger from his bandelier and trying to throw it at Iida through the electric barrier. A lightning bolt arcs into the dagger and shatters it into microscopic pieces. "That won't work, This lightning doesn't act like the normal stuff, I control whether or not you become an unlucky fly that got caught in a bug zapper no matter what you are wearing. The rubber boots and grips of your blades won't save you from the electricity I control. I'm saying this one. Last. Time. Drop your weapons. I really don't want to have to kill you, burnt flesh from electricity is a smell you never forget."

Stain weighed his options at that moment. He knew there won't be a happy ending to this story, but he readied himself for a dark fate long before he met Izuku. "Unfortunately, I cannot accept it. For the sake of a world that clears the filth of this current society, I must purge those who are unworthy!" Stain pulled a few knives out of his holsters to charge at Izuku. The OFA user held his hand out to send a massive blast of electricity at the villain. The light from it blinded everyone in the area before it died down. When the cage keeping the two inside fell, all that was left was Izuku standing with a severely burned man on the ground. Even though he had enough electricity to kill a hundred men coursing through his body, the Hero Killer was still alive. "I....*gasp* I can't die *gasp*. Not yet." Izuku walked over to the villain and knelt down near his head. "You willingly went into a thunderstorm holding a lightning rod, knowing you'd most likely die when you had an option to at least live. Though your methods were wrong, that conviction is what truly scares me. You have my respect Hero Killer Stain, but why waste your time killing heroes when you could be doing it to villains?" Izuku asks, Stain's eyes widen when he hears him say this. "Though I don't like the heroes who are only in it for the fame," A thought of Mount Lady passes through their minds. "or for the fans'' Midnight is now thought of by the two of them. "or riches for their own greed and not to support family, they're still heroes. Risking their lives for others, despite their motives being selfish at least they're doing the right thing. By killing them just for their desires makes you no better than the corruption that plagues our society. If you were to kill villains, though it would still be murder, it can be justifed as a means to peace." Izuku explains before taking a long deep breath.

"The road to peace and change is a long one, stained with blood, with tears and with sorrows. You take a life because you Want to, you Want to send a message that we need to change, you Want to force us to change our ways. You should never take a life based on a want, but a need. I Needed to protect a near newborn from a villain who would have done unspeakable things to her, I Needed to protect the two women with me, and I Needed to protect myself... But I didn't need to kill you which is why I didn't. Sure it hurt like hell, but there were no amps in the electricity I was creating. It only takes 0.7 to kill a man, and for you. There was Zero. Hopefully, you can redeem yourself for your crimes, change your ways and fight on the side of the heroes against the villains but until then. You're still a murderer." Izuku says before placing the tip of his index finger between his eyes, a small discharge of electricity short circuits Stain's brain and knocks him unconscious.

Leaving the alley, Izuku had thought of Stain's convictions and how far he was willing to go. In his life, the young man had seen several heroes the world could do without and perhaps to a point thought these types of heroes only sullied the name they're given by calling them this. 'Stain might've been wrong in how to go about it, but where he hit definitely changed for the better.' Izuku came to the exit to see the girls patching up Iida and Native. "Where's the Hero Killer?" "Unconscious in the alley. He's not getting up anytime soon. That shock should keep him unconscious for a week at least." Izuku sat down letting a deep sigh out. "Shimura....Thank you." "We're friends Iida. We help each other when we need it and don't try to take everything on ourselves. Friends have your back, and that's all this was today." The engine quirk user felt great guilt. He forced his friend to get involved with his problems. "I know how much the fact of your brother being unable to walk again must've hurt you, but that doesn't make what you did right. How do you think he'd feel if you died because you wanted to take revenge out for what happened? That fire in your heart to take revenge will leave you cold in your grave. Never let your emotions cloud your judgement when it comes to doing what's right." Tears ran down Iida's face while nodding. "Yes. I'm sorry that I troubled you all." "It's fine man. It's not your fault. In the end, we're all human. We have flaws and things we'd rather not do but do them because we deemed it right. Besides, the nurses might not be able to fix the nerves but I might be able to. Your body works on electricity and guess who just so happens to be a master of it." "Kaminari?" "No not Kaminari, he fries his own brain when he adds 2+2. Me! I can control the electricity I put out to match the same as the nerves causing them to fire again. Though it will take some trial and error I'm sure we can get your brother up and walking again."

A smile crept on Iida's face realizing that his older brother may not have to live the rest of his life in a wheelchair. "Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me." "It's fine. Just don't expect it to be immediate. I haven't had significant practice in that line of control. Not that I can't, but let's just say that when I was learning to fry the part of the brain that allows for quirk usage... I may have left a few dozen death-row villains brain dead." "Scary." "Yeah, not my crowning 

And that finishes this chapter. So Stain had been dealt with by Izuku for the nightmare of Hosu to end. See how the group handles this next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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