Work Study Madness

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Izuku stood outside a dilapidated building after reading the directions to where he was meant to go. "Toshi did give me accurate directions, right?" He glanced at the building amazed it was standing to begin with, let alone someone actually living inside. 'I'm kinda scared this building's gonna cave in on me the second I go inside.' The young electric quirk user let a deep sigh out before walking towards the door. "Nothing's going to happen as long as I'm just standing around. I can debate this all I want, but that won't change anything too significantly." The young boy opened the door to absolute darkness inside. 'Why do I feel like someone gave me directions to this place just so they can pull my leg.' "Hello? Is anyone here? My name is Izuku Shimura and I'm looking for a Gran Torino. Is he here?" Izuku kept walking inside before feeling something slick on the bottom of his shoes.Once he looked down, he saw an older man face first in a red liquid.

"AHH! HE'S DEAD!" "Actually, I'm alive."

"AHH! HE'S ALIVE! Wait, how is that scary?" The elderly man got up to pat the dirt off himself to show an outfit. "Sorry about the trouble. I was making a snack of sausage and ketchup before tripping and falling." "Uhh, ok. Anyway, my name is Izuku Shimura from UA. My hero name is Silberstrom." The man walked over to the couch before plopping down on it. "Nice to meet ya Silberstrom....You remind me of someone." "Probably either my brother or mom." "What?" "I said 'Probably my Brother or my Mom!" "What?!" "I SAID!" "Gee sonny there's no need to shout." "You senile old coot." Izuku mutters this sentence to himself but is smacked in the head by the older man's wooden cane. "I heard that you whipper snapper." He scolds. "THEN WHY COULDN'T YOU HEAR WHEN I'M TALKING ABOUT MOM OR TOSHI!?" "What's your point?" Izuku facepalmed himself knowing he's being played by a man half his size and easily three times his age.

"Anyway, I saw that little fiasco at the Sports Festival. Mind showing me your version of OFA?" 'FINALLY! We get to the reason I'm here!' "You can change in the other room." Izuku went back to change into his costume while preparing himself mentally. When he returned, Gran Torino surprised him with a hit to the torso similar to if he was hit by a jet propelled pistol. "You're not that quick off the prowl, are you kid?" Izuku regained his composure to send a punch towards the elderly man. This ended with the jet propelled man pulling back to show a stopwatch. "Three minutes. If you can land a hit on me in that time, you win. If not, you pay for dinner." The electric user smirked while activating OFA in his body. "Oh, you are an old timer." Izuku came directly at Gran Torino for him to jump up and avoid the punch. He jumped from wall to wall before slamming Izuku in the back. Trying to counter, Izuku came at Gran Torino for him to dodge yet again. 'I'm not gonna get anywhere if he keeps dodging like that. I need to think of how he's doing that.' Izuku paid close attention to the elderly man's movements to notice that they seem to be limited for some reason. 'He waits a few moments. So there has to be some form of limitation.'

Right before Gran Torino struck him again, Izuku gave a 5% OFA smash to him with the geezer pulling himself back. This was when Izuku felt wind blow almost as if someone blew in his face. 'Now I get it.' "Sorry kid but you're not gonna win this trial that easily." Gran Torino came at Izuku's back for him to dodge and send a roundhouse to his head. Gran Torino dodged this falling into a trap Izuku placed. 'Now's my chance.' Izuku charged at Gran Torino giving a OFA to the gut and knocking the elderly pro into a wall. The stopwatch began buzzing for Izuku to stop it. "Guess I win." "*cough* *cough* Not bad kid. You remind me of your mother when she just got OFA." "Wait, IF YOU KNEW MY MOM, WHY WERE YOU PLAYING THE SENILE ACT BEFORE!?" "....Cause it's kinda funny." Izuku was going to say something, but stopped midway knowing if this happened to anyone else that he'd be laughing his ass off. "Anyway, you seem to have decent control over OFA to some degree. Guess this week will be used to increase your natural skill with it." "Yes sir. I look forward to working under you." Gran Torino pulled his cane from the side of him before walking towards Izuku. "Starting today, I'll make it so you're like a born natural with the quirk. But be prepared, cause you're going to work like you've never worked before."

With Ochako and Momo

The two girls found themselves walking out on patrol with the pro hero Gunhead as he explained how pro heroes do their work and other things. "Basically, pro heroes get their pay by the government. They take into consideration the case we did, the length it was to be taken care of, the difficulty, and several other factors such as property damage or injury. It's a bit to take in, but I'm sure that you two will get the jist of it." From what both Ochako and Momo learned of the pro hero, they never expected him to be relatively nice for the most part. 'He's strangely nice. I honestly thought he was going to be more routy like Bakugou from what I've heard. Guess you can't judge a book by it's cover.' On the patrol, the three found a robber in the mits of holding up a convenience store. "HANDS IN THE AIR!" Immediately, Gunhead went into action to subdue the man and save the people.

"Hey scumbag!" The robber turned to get a punch to the face. "Here's a tip for the future girls. When you're facing someone with a knife, keep a very close eye on them." The robber began slashing at Gunhead with him dodging every attack. "When you find an opening, exploit it." The pro grabbed the wrist of the robber before twisting it. "Force the enemy to drop their weapon, toss it away for safety purposes, grab the back of their head, and finally-" Gunhead had done everything he had said before using his foot to knock the robber off balance and slam his head into the floor. "Take the villain down." Gunhead grabbed a pair of cuffs he had on hand to keep the robber from going anywhere while he called the cops. "We'll go over this a little more in the future as practice, but consider this a learning experience going forward. Though people have quirks now to make knives and guns almost obsolete in this day and age, they can still be very dangerous if used on someone that can't strengthen their bodies."

Ochako and Momo were amazed on how calm and collective the pro they were training under was when the situation was rather serious. "Sir, what would be your best suggestion if we are faced in a similar situation such as what we witnessed?" "Hmm, the best suggestion for the scenario that just happened Creati would be to keep a calm and cool head. The person who loses their cool in a fight first tends to be the one that loses. Just remain calm and focus on what's happening around you. The worst thing you could do is panic since this is where mistakes are made and people could get seriously hurt from it." "THE SAME THING HAPPENED REGARDLESS YOU DICK!" The robber shouted this for Gunhead to look at the villain on the ground. "Says the man who was swinging a knife around like a madman." The police soon arrived to apprehend the robber for Gunhead, Ochako, and Momo to continue their patrol. "So out of curiosity, why do you both share the same last name? You both don't look like each other, though being step sisters or one of you being adopted isn't out of the question." "Actually, we're both married to Izuku Shimura sir."

Momo's reply surprised the pro since they were still rather young. "Oh wow. You don't see two young women married to the same man every day. I hope he treats you both right." "Very much so sir." "Agreed." Both girls smiled at this to make Gunhead rather happy. "That's good. Nothing in a relationship is more important than to make sure you are treated with respect as well as you treating your significant other with respect." They kept walking and continuing their conversation. "So have you three considered having children yet?" "Actually, we have an adopted little girl." "Really!? Can I see a picture?" Ochako pulled her phone out to show a picture of Izuku sleeping with Eri on his chest. "Aww, she's so adorable." "Her name is Eri, and she's about a year old. We unfortunately had to leave her with Ochako's parents for the week, but she'll get our undivided attention when we return." "That's nice. This little sweetie is so cute from what I can tell." After a bit more of Gunhead's baby talk to the picture of Eri, the three called it a day and returned to the agency.

Few days later with Izuku

Izuku had been training ruthlessly with Gran Torino in hopes of achieving a far greater control over OFA. With this, he was now able to control a larger percentage in his body before feeling some pain from the backlash of all the raw power inside him. "Nice work kid. You're really going the extra mile." The two were outside between the buildings in an alley with hope to see just how far Izuku had come. "Now try and get to the rooftop in one jump." Izuku did as the older pro said to bend down and jump upwards. The shockwave from the incident sent strong winds that threw the garbage in the alley out and onto the sidewalk. In the air, Izuku had misjudged and found himself quite a few feet over the buildings. 'Woah, that was a higher jump than I planned.' Gravity found him again to have him fall atop the roof of Gran Torino's building. Sadly, the structure wasn't so sound for him to fall through the roof and down the floors below until reaching the ground floor.

"Hey kid, you ok?" Izuku sat up with a groggy look on his face. "Define ok." He was jabbed with a cane to the cheek to have his attention to the elderly pro. "Get up, we're gonna go on a trip kid." "Where?" "Shibuya. Time for phase two. Your mother and idiot older brother already taught you about hand to hand and the fight at the USJ taught you how to fight villains with restraint, so we'll be going there to have you train your style and countering other crook's styles by bashing heads in. The goal of this is for you to not be accustomed to a single style like that oaf Toshinori." 'He's got him there. Toshi's lack of adjustment does seem to put him in some predicaments he could've avoided.' "Anyway, we'll be taking a bullet train to Shibuya and crossing a couple of cities along the way." At that moment, Izuku remembered that Iida's internship was in Hosu and that the straightaway to Shibuya would pass through the city. He pulled his phone out to text the engine quirk user hoping to find out how he's doing. 'I'm not sure if Iida's on patrol or doing his work study right now, but I hope it's going well for him.'

In a random location

Three figures were seen in a rundown bar. Two of which were the villains that attacked the USJ, while the other was the infamous Hero Killer Stain. The villains seemed to have a dispute with the villain Shigaraki being under Stain with a knife dangerously close to his neck. "Kurogiri, warp this fool away now!" "Nngh! I cannot. This must be the Hero Killer's quirk." Kurogiri was struggling to remain standing as a cut on his arm is shown. "You all are no different than the fake heroes. In this society, those without drive or conviction to do what is needed are the weak. The heroes who only do what they do for self gain and the villains that shove their weight around are one in the same. They all must be purged." Shigaraki grabbed the knife near his neck with all five of his fingers for it to crumble into nothing. "Conviction? I've got nothing like that. What drives me though, I'd have to say is All Might. I want to destroy this society and everything that it stands for."

Stain pulled back seeing the wickedness of the decaying villain's smile. Upon standing back up, Stain had come to a conclusion. "I guess I'll help you out. Though our goals are completely different, we both can only achieve it by destroying the current status quo of this society." Stain pointed his blade to Kurogiri who was regaining his ability to move again. "Send me back to Hosu. There are fakes there that must still be handled." A portal opened up for Stain to walk through. "Such an egotistical man." "Believe what you may Tomura, but that man has shown that there is merit to what he does." A man speaking from a monitor points this out to indicate he understood the after effects of Stain's presence. Upon remembering the villain's words, Shigaraki glanced at the TV. "Master, how many Nomu are ready?" "Three are prepared to fight, but they are nowhere near as strong as the one from the USJ. Use them as you see fit." Shigaraki smiled while being given the privilege to use three monstrosities that resembled the one from their former attack. "Let's see what's better, Hero Killer. Your conviction, or my drive."

A portal had opened for Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and the three Nomu to enter in and find themselves in Hosu city. Stain had gone ahead of them into the streets finding the 'false heroes' as he called them so they would be purged. "What are your plans Shigaraki?" "Status quo does have to go down, but that doesn't mean my way and his way of doing it has to be the same." He looked at the Nomu before giving his orders. "Go wild and destroy everyone and anything in your path. Make this night be one that Hosu city and this society never forgets."

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles his training with Gran Torino and what happens with Stain and Shigaraki in Hosu. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.

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