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"Hey guys. Shimura's on the news." Everyone began going in front of the TV to see Izuku as well as Nana and Toshinori on the screen taking on AFO.

"How's it looking so far?" Iida asks.

"Uhh..." Kaminari was fearful to say as they witness Izuku get thrown through a wall. "I'd say...kinda ok."

"HE JUST GOT THROWN THROUGH A WALL! HOW THE HELL IS THAT OK!?" Momo and Ochako shouted in anger as both Korin and Mushu attack and claw into Kaminari's head.


Todoroki sits in front of the TV watching the ordeal with Bakugou beside him. "Hey. Any chance you two can scooch a little? I wanna see Shimura fight."


Momo decided to bring up the fight on her tablet for everyone to watch and avoid missing anything as they witnessed the battle of Kamino take place. All the while, both Momo and Ochako were worried for their husband's wellbeing. 'Don't lose Izuku. This is what you've fought hard to achieve.'

At Kamino

Izuku had come out of his indent in a wall to charge towards AFO with electricity surging through his body. As he did, Toshinori kept the villain busy for Nana to come over and give a solid punch to AFO's face. This forces him to be slightly disoriented before having Izuku's strike hit him hard in the gut.

"Quite an impressive blow of electricity and power, young man. But there is still much that you are lacking in." The electricity that Izuku sent towards AFO was stored in his body before being dispersed all around to knock both him, Nana and Toshinori back. Now stunned, the villain aimed at Nana first with some satisfaction. "This scene remind you of something, Paragon? This is the scene that you were forced to witness over two decades ago with your late husband. Such a shame the cycle will repeat with your son's this time in your place." Before the attack could land, a small old man came out of nowhere to grab Nana as well as two blasts of blue and red fire to engulf the villain.

"Did you forget that these three weren't the only heroes you had to worry about?" Dabi and Endeavor came charging in for AFO to use an oxygen stifling quirk to disperse the flames and send another air pressure attack at the two. "Dodge, dumbass!"

"That wasn't necessary!" Endevor shouts as the two narrowly evade an attack made with Toshinori recovering and attacking AFO. The villain tanked the hit and reflected the force back before having Izuku grab AFO and suplexes him.

"TAKE THIS, FREAKSHOW!" The hit forced the ground to crack under them with a dust cloud coming from the attack. Once it cleared, Izuku was shown with him standing with his head bleeding for some reason. He collapsed to the ground with AFO standing behind him.

"If I hadn't used a quirk to change our positions, you may have ended me there."

"IZUKU!" Nana saw her son on the ground to run for him before Toshinori goes and takes on AFO alone.


"Why? Why wouldn't I? He became part of this the second he became your successor. If you have anyone to blame, blame yourself. It was yours and that woman's hopes to make him your successor. You both knew the threats that awaited him but so carelessly pushed him forward." AFO created two simultaneous attacks from his hands to create a massive explosion.

As this happened, Nana tried to help her son who couldn't stop bleeding from his head. "Izuku. Stay with me. Dammit. SOMEBODY GET HELP!" She pleaded with nobody able to help as Izuku's eyes started to open up. "Izuku. It's gonna be ok. You're gonna pull through.

"Mom....I'm sorry I couldn't help more."

"Don't say stuff like that right now. You're gonna be ok. I promise."

"Don't raise the boy's hopes up. You and I know he's going to die if he doesn't get help. All this is your fault and your fault alone. You let things progress. You let your adopted son take the quirk that forced your late husband to be taken away. You let your own biological son take the quirk after that almost forced your oldest son to die. And it's your own fault for not keeping Izuku Shimura from this tragedy. Everything that has climaxed to this scene right now is your fault and your burden to bear. So tell me, how many more lives will be destroyed in your's and the predecessor's fruitless attempt to kill me? I'd quite love to see who else will be brought into a war you forced upon them. Perhaps your oldest son's daughter, your younger son's daughter, or maybe perhaps the children growing in your two daughters-in-law."

Nana rested Izuku on the ground before standing up to face the villain. "This was my fault. I let Izuku do this. I let Toshinori give the power to him. I gave Toshinori the power. But that's also the reason why I have to be the one to make things right today." Nana charged at AFO with him creating a massive shockwave to which Nana was able to create an equal strength one against it. "Even if this is all my fault, I'll make up for that right now in taking you down!" The seventh holder gave a solid punch to AFO for him to accept it and be sent back slightly. "HEROES NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO SAVE THOSE IN NEED AND STOP THOSE THAT WISH TO DO HARM, EVEN IF IT COSTS THEM EVERYTHING!"

Toshinori stood up with his final embers of OFA being almost all but depleted to see his brother on the ground to move quickly towards him. "Izuku! Seeing the footage, a news reporter was able to capture All Might in his weakened state for the world to see. "Izuku! Stay with me!" Steam began to come off of his head with Toshinori seeing what seemed like his head was letting off green lights.

"You're wasting your time, All Might. An injury like that isn't going to magically heal. You know that far better than anyone." Sending Nana into the air with an air pressure attack, AFO began moving towards the two men in hopes to finish them. "Do not worry though, I shall put you both out of your misery soon enough. I'm not as heartless to let you die a slow and painful death. However, I did at least wish for you both to know you were dying."

Before he could get near them, a giant tornado of blue fire came towards the villain along with a second less powerful flame to feed into it. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANYWHERE NEAR THESE TWO YOU FREAKSHOW!" Dabi shouted with Edgeshot coming over as quickly as he could with medical equipment to stabilize Izuku.

"Don't worry. I'll do what I can." The pro began looking at Izuku's head to stop and notice something strange. "His head...it looks...almost like it's searing shut."

"Wait, did you just say 'searing shut'?" Toshinori looked at the injury to see what looked like burn marks where his head was open. "Edgeshot. Do you have a defibrillator on you?"

"Yes. But why?"

"Use it on Izuku."

"Are you insane!?"

"JUST DO IT!" Not wanting to anger the pro, Edgeshot did what he could to pull out the equipment from the medical tools he was able to obtain.

"Starting it at 600 watts." The pro placed the two electrical currents right on Izuku's chest before activating the shock. "Clear." The shock went through Izuku with his head beginning to glow again.

"Go higher."

"Going to 700 watts now." Once again, Edgeshot prepared the electrical circuits and placed them on Izuku's chest. "Clear." A higher shock went through his body with the light glowing a little brighter.

"Go as high as it can go!"

Seeing what's happening and smelling the burning of human skin, Edgeshot realized to put the defibrillator as high as it can go. "Setting at 900 watts. Clear." The electricity kept working with the light coming off Izuku glowing a little brighter.

"It's not enough. We need more power."

"I can't get this any higher." Edgeshot looked around before noticing some downed powerlines that had electrical currents through them still. "How strong of a current do you want?"

"As high as you can get." Grabbing Izuku and bringing him over, Edgeshot stood near the lines as close as he could without any threat to his well being.

"If this guy dies, I'm not to blame. Let's both be clear on that."

"Just do it!" Edgeshot tossed Izuku onto the wires causing the live current to flow directly into Izuku's body. The resulting charge caused him to put off even more light, to a degree that the other heroes were nearly blinded. So much electricity was sucked out of the wire and into him it caused a momentary brown out around the blocks that the battle was taking place. Once the resulting sparks from the grounded wires stopped, Edgeshot and Endeavor were greeted with the sight of a now floating form of Izuku. The living lightning bolt levitating a foot off the ground with discharges of plasma arcing off his body and grounding to the concrete scorching it and leaving glass along the trails of electricity.

"What the?" Edgeshot was amazed as electricity was still coming off Izuku with steam being seen very prominently on his head.

"Toshi....What happened?" Izuku said rather groggily as he noticed his mother being thrown towards the two. She was caught by Izuku with Dabi and Endeavor in AFO's hands.

"Congratulations Izuku Shimura. Truly a well done effort on your end. Using the power of the grid to keep your injury shut.. Truly remarkable. Sadly, you've already lost a lot of blood and are barely standing just like your family."

"Shut the fuck up, Dick cheese. I asked Toshi, not you." AFO smiled under his visor as he floated above the three Shimuras. He dropped Dabi and Endeavor before holding his hand up.

"It's good to know that you were still alive. This way, I can end all three of you the way I wanted. The entire cursed bloodline of the OFA family, gone in a flash." Out of nowThehere, AFO's hand began warping and distorting into an unholy form with grotesque alterations. "Locomotive Corkscrew, Explosiveness X4, Enhancement X3, Multiplication, Hypertrophy, Rivet, Airwalk, Bonespear, Diamond Blood, Current Enhancer. The attacks up till now have just been warmups. I had hopes to kill all three of you together once you were weak enough. The embers left inside of Paragon is near their end with All Might's not being any better. Not only that, but you're also hardly even able to stand right now, boy. This attack is almost certain to end all three of you with the level of damage you've all taken along with your current strength at this point in time."

"I know I've said it already... but you are one ugly mother fucker." Izuku smirked before taking a deep breath in before activating OFA. "Mom. Toshi. I think we should end this now." Both nodded while trying to activate and use the final bits of OFA in their bodies alongside Izuku. "You're right about one thing, AFO. The next attack we give, will be the end of everything. But I don't think it'll end the way you want it to."

All four prepared for their final strike with parts of Toshinori's body bulking up to have his right half look as if he does when his quirk is activated with Nana's body having electricity running around it. Meanwhile, Izuku's right hand began to alter and turn no different than if it was a living electrical hand. AFO charged first with all three of the Shimuras charging in. Their fists collided with the shockwave sending the unconscious bodies of both Todorokis back. As it seemed, both looked fairly even in power before AFO began to laugh. "Is this truly the best you all have!? IMPACT RECOIL!" A large amount of damage came to all three's arms as blood began to come out to force Izuku to bend down a little from pain.

"Don't give him an inch!" Nana shouted as her arm felt far more destroyed than either of her son's due to her OFA's strength. In a split second, Nana moved from her position to charge at AFO and land a solid blow to his head to break the visor on him before Izuku and Toshinori did the exact same by going to the side or under his arm. Toshinori transferred the power of his OFA from his right to his left hand to give another hit to the villain's face while Izuku went down and used his power on AFO's chest to send an electrical current directly to his heart.

"*GAH*! You little pests! I won't go down that easily!"

"THAT'S CAUSE NONE OF US PUT OUR BACKS INTO IT!" The three OFA users shouted in anger as Nana Stood on AFO's left arm as it began to alter and mutate, Toshinori passed the power of OFA back to his right arm to pull it back, and Izuku prepared to give an uppercut with his right with far more electricity flowing through it than his last punch.

"WITH THIS, YOUR LONG RUNNING NIGHTMARE IS FINALLY OVER, MONSTER!" Nana shouted in anger as she pushed her fist forward.

"NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU HARM ANYONE!" Toshinori's and Nana's fists began colliding to hit AFO's temples with Izuku coming underneath.

"THIS NIGHTMARE ENDS TONIGHT HERE AND NOW!" His fist connected with AFO's chin to have all three shout in unison.

"THREE WAY UNITED STATES OF SMASH!" A massive vortex of wind and electricity engulfed the area to make the entire country see the act outside no matter how far away they were as well as nearly crash a helicopter trying to catch the entire thing. Once all lights and wind died down however, the body of the once dangerous villain fell to the ground severely burned to the point all that was left was the charred skeleton of the man known as AFO with all three Shimuras standing with shaking fists in the air as an indication they won.

"They....THEY WON! THE VILLAIN IS DEFEATED WITH ALL MIGHT, PARAGON AND SILBERSTORM WON!" People around the country were cheering with the members of the UA dorm happy that their friend/classmate won. However, none were more happy knowing everything turned out ok more than Momo and Ochako who felt a great deal of relief knowing Izuku was alive and that the fight he would have to handle was finally over.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the fight with AFO ending and the fall of the leader of the LOV. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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