Start of the End

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 As the pros had begun their beginning phases of the raid, the remaining members of the League merged together in the bar they held. Most were extremely irritated with others still having some issues with what they faced from Izuku. Currently, Spinner was in fumes knowing he had been beaten with Muscular not even posing a threat. "JUST HOW STRONG IS THIS ONE KID!?"

"Heck if I know." Dabi stated while remaining calm knowing the raid will happen momentarily. He did however look towards Toga to notice her extremely out of it. "Is she ok?"

"She's been very lethargic after an attack by Izuku Shimura had sent her flying and to a tree. I attempt to speak with her, but she seems unable to respond right away. When she does, she doesn't act like she knows me, however."

'Maybe the kid caused nerve damage that resulted in memory loss. Granted the kid's had a crappy upbringing up till now, that could work in her favor and get her probation.' Dabi finished his drink of scotch before noticing a TV in the room go to audio only.

"It seems we are in quite a predicament"

"Master." Everyone turned their attention to the screen except for Toga who was falling asleep.

"Well, it seems the heroes are on the move trying to gather forces to take us down once and for all."

"That's quite a problem for us. We can handle them!" Twice spoke up contradicting himself as AFO continued.

"From what I had gathered, the heroes have implanted a spy in our group. This spy has been with us for quite some time and is sending feedback on our every move to the heroes. Even now, he is transmitting a signal to the heroes telling the exact location you are in now."

Dabi held the transmitter in his pocket in unease knowing he might've been found out. However, he did hold an ace that he was hoping did the trick. He planted a false transmitter on his colleague Compress in hopes to keep the heat off him. 'Sorry Compress, but I have a job to do. It's nothing personal, but you were the one I could put it on easily.'

"So who is the spy?" Compress asked for a small chuckle to be on the other side of the screen.

"You will see momentarily. I have dispatched a Nomu to come to your location to kill the spy and only the spy."

'Crap. I didn't want someone to actually die for this. If I do something now, it'll blow my cover. But if I don't, someone's blood's gonna be on my hand. For now, I just gotta hope that the Nomu gets here after the heroes start the raid here to act in confusion.' As Dabi thought this, a black sludge began appearing behind him with a Nomu coming out and trying to attack Dabi. He dodged this and noticed it was going solely after him. 'So he knew which one was the real one and which was the decoy.' The double agent jumped back with the monstrous beast charging to attack before having it's head incinerated by Dabi's flames. When the smoke cleared, the Nomu's head was completely burned off with the group staring at Dabi.

"Nicely done, Dabi. Quite the performance you've given us. Then again, I should probably call you Sekitangara. The Cremation hero." Spinner, Compress and Twice began circling Dabi with AFO explaining what he knew. "It's truly funny knowing how long you thought we were unaware of who you truly were. Both me and Kurogiri knew for quite some time that you were a pro hero working in the underground."

"Really been blowing smoke up your ass for years and you figure it out only fast enough to handle this now? Here I thought it was your face that was the only thing baked about you." Dabi mocks with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, we knew all along. In fact, I knew probably three days into working with me that you were a spy."

"Eh, no skin off my nose, but there's one thing that I know and can do that you don't know." He says backing into the corner against the barstools and bar.

"And what's that, traitor?" Spinner asks.

"Where there's fire. There's smoke." Slamming his hands on the table, Dabi suddenly combusts it into a cloud of thick black smoke clogging the air and the villain's throats. A chorus of coughing and wheezing as the smoke stings their eyes and lungs. Dabi used this as an opportunity to transform himself into the smoke and flee using the ventilation system. However, as he was leaving, he looked down and noticed Toga unable to do anything as the smoke filled her lungs as well with nobody able to help her. 'Dammit. I'm gonna kick myself later for going back for her, but she can't hurt anyone right now in the state she's in nor can she defend herself.'

Transforming back into his normal self, Dabi used a rag he had to keep the smoke from bothering him while taking a second to cover Toga's mouth. 'I can't turn into smoke with her, guess we're gonna have to use the front door.' The two went towards the door with a knife coming at the hidden pro and narrowly missing.

"You think this little parlor trick is gonna work for long!?" Spinner shouted as the ventilation immediately brought the smoke out of the room with Kurogiri smothering the fire. "Now you're gonna pay for rating us out!"

Weighing his options, Dabi tried to think of what he could do. "Ok, so I was a traitor from the start. Then again, I doubt that you could call it me being a traitor since I was never actually working with you to begin with. You idiots are at a clear disadvantage against me here anyways." 'They should be here soon. For now, I just gotta keep stalling for time until the others get here.' "How long do you think it'll take to cook the lizard, or raise the temperature so hot Magnets don't work anymore? I'll tell you what you're gonna do. Unless you don't want me to show you why I'm called a walking crematorium. You're going to fuck off and let us leave."

"And what makes you so certain that we don't have a countermeasure against you? You got us with our pants down, man!" Twice spoke up for a small sound to make Dabi smirk.


"*knock* *knock* Pizza delivery."

"Who the fuck ordered a-"

"Smash!!!" The wall to the bar was opened to reveal All Might to send the villains for a loop.

"ALL MIGHT!?" Before anyone could react, Kamui Woods came into the room to trap everyone with Edgeshot incapacitating Kurogiri.


"Took you long enough." Dabi spoke up with All Might coming over with a large hat and a black overcoat that was more well made than the one Dabi had on.

"We apologize for the late arrival."

"I'll say." Dabi responds snapping his fingers and lighting a cigar protruding from his mouth. "You forgot my pizza too."

"Are we seriously having this conversation?" Edgeshot asked with some police coming over to help apprehend the villains.

"Hey you." Dabi spoke up to a policeman and tossed him Toga. "She doesn't seem to be dangerous at the moment and isn't responding so well. Make sure she's ok and nothing bad happened to her."

"Yes sir." Dabi changed his overcoat and placed his hat on before walking over to AFO's screen. He took the cigar out of his mouth to let out a little smoke and smile.

"You lose, freakbag. You just lit your own funeral pyre."

"Oh, do I now? I think you don't realize that everything up till now has been planned for. You see, I'm the type of man that thinks of every little tangent I can. Where one plan fails, I always have a backup option. This little ordeal is nothing but a small setback. The real prize to be claimed here, lies in the second half of this raid." AFO's phrasing confused everyone as he continued. "Tell me, All Might, why would I allow a traitor to continue to work under me knowing that he will one day bring forth heroes to face me? The answer is, it was to bring you and your family to me. I may have been unable to defeat Nana Shimura and yourself, but a certain boy you know is still fresh to facing me with you being the only other member of those that stand against me actually capable of overpowering me. This was all a ploy from the very beginning. You. The League. Shigaraki. Even Sekitangara's joining. None of it was done without formulating a plan of action. I hope you're ready, All Might. For tonight I sever this fruitless battle between you and your family with me." Several different black blobs came out of nowhere with Nomu holding very abnormal features compared to the ones faced prior coming out.

"All Might! These things are High Ends! Get back!" Without warning, the High Ends immediately killed the villains in the room by crushing their skulls to give a chilling fear in everyone's soul. "GET BACK!" Dabi immediately started battling them with All Might tagging in while the remaining pros in the room acted as defense for the police to leave.

"Young Sekitangara, just what are these things?"

"Nomu that were produced with a more tactful aspect than the one that your brother faced at the USJ. Not only can they think for themselves, but they also have more dangerous quirks and are able to fight with changing tactics no different than a pro hero." One attempted to attack Dabi with him sending out a wave of flames for the High End to protect it's head and try to react back.

"What is All for One's plan!?"

"From what he said, he's scrapped taking One for All or whatever the heck that quirk your brother has and will kill both him and your mother before taking you out." This statement left Toshinori speechless as his brother and mother are targeted right now and are going to be facing a nightmare. "For now, we gotta do something about most of these, so warn me when the cops are out and take those two with you. I'll make it so these things don't live long."

With Izuku and Nana

As the raid on the League's hideout went, the second half of pros with Izuku and Nana leading the charge began raiding what they believed was the Nomu factory. The monsters began attacking out of tankers they had with Mt. Lady and Best Jeanist handling them relatively quickly to incapacitate while Izuku shot single rounds to the head with his lightning to end the monsters.

"These things are so gross!" Mt. Lady shouted for Nana to roll her eyes.

"Not every mission is clean. You should know that already." Nana walked around the room to see it rather unkempt for a lab made to make biological humanoid weapons. 'This is too easy. If I know AFO as well as I do, he'd never make things this simple to do without reason.' Going towards Izuku, Nana explained to her son to be wary. "Keep an open eye out. Something doesn't sit right with me right now."

The silence in the room brought upon apprehending all the Nomu and defeating them was quickly changed to the sound of clapping. "Well done. Simply well done to you both Nana and Izuku Shimura. And to you heroes as well to take down my lesser Nomu in such a timely manner. I couldn't have planned this better if I tried."

Knowing the sound of the voice, Izuku's blood went cold knowing it was none other than the villain mastermind himself. "All For One."

"It's nice to see you both are well. A shame that ends here."

Feeling the overwhelming presence the man was giving, Jeanist tried to bind AFO's limbs with the fibers of the suit he had on for both Nana and Izuku to know this wasn't going to work long. "EVERYONE! GET OUT OF HERE NOW-" Before Nana could finish her sentence, a massive shockwave to obliterate the entire entrance of the building and some streets. The smoke that covered the area hid all that was shown to the world outside of the outcome to this strike. The only thing that was heard however was the clapping of hands to have some smoke die down and give an image of AFO floating above all with his hands clapping in a satisfied manner.

"Well done Izuku Shimura. Well done. If it wasn't for your quick thinking, this wouldn't be fun in the slightest. Thank you for allowing me to be entertained further." The smoke died down to show Izuku with his fist raised holding both OFA and his electricity pulsing through his arm. Thanks to his quick thinking, the electric quirk user was able to block the attack on the pro heroes and divert the force upwards to make a small section safe. However, the damage done around the heroes made it prominent the amount of power this man had to shake knowing they've never faced anything like this nor even heard of someone capable of doing this on the villain's side.

"Jeanist. I need you and the rest of the heroes to evacuate the civilians. My son and I will handle this." Nana took charge of the situation with everyone still in shock to be unable to argue this. The mother cracked her knuckles while standing beside Izuku with a smirk on her face. "You can go help the people too if you want. I know you're aware how dangerous this man is."

"Trust me when I say I'm more calm now than when I was in the forest. This time, I know not to hold back and keep my cool." Izuku slammed his hands to the ground to use a massive dose of electricity to destroy the ground and act as a cover.

"Clouding my judgment with smoke. That would work if I had no eyes to see. However, I easily know where you are and what you are doing-"

"EAT LIGHTNING! STURM KONIG!" Izuku used a massive amount of electricity right off the bat in a forward punch directly in front of AFO for him to use the electromagnetic quirk he had to circle the electricity around him. "Figured you'd do that. So I had a special tool made for that." Izuku pulled out of his back pocket two blades that seemed more like lightning rods than actual weapons. "Have you ever heard of Kiba Blades?"

In one slash, Izuku was able to bring back the lighting he attacked AFO with and hold them in his blades. "Fascinating. You were able to completely redirect the lightning with those weapons. Truly a unique man you are to think that outside the box. However, you are not the only one that can. Grounding Current." The electrical field around Izuku's weapons went directly down towards the ground for him to jump away quickly and notice it came back once he was out of a certain radius. "I personally wanted to take you on with your father's quirk and defeat you with that. It would be poetic irony at its finest. But, I am just as much willing to change my tactics as you are-"

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Nana came directly at the villain with a solid punch to the face to crack his visor. She repeatedly gave punches to his chest forcing the villain to back up while adding OFA's embers left inside her to the mix. This was stopped however when AFO grabbed her arms and prevented the older pro from moving.

"So the smokescreen was meant to hide you instead of Izuku. Quite smart."

"Nope. It was to keep your attention on us while he arrives." Nana smiled as a figure came right out of the smoke to punch AFO a distance away and let go of Nana.

"Seems we meet again, All For One!"

Now with his visor completely cracked open to show the top half of the villain's head, AFO smirks seeing all three of the OFA users he couldn't kill yet together. "Well this is quite a treat. Have you all come here to make sure I die a second time?"

"This ends today. All three of us are gonna make sure you never harm another person again!" Nana stormed in first out of the group with Toshinori and Izuku coming shortly after for the final fight among OFA and AFO to officially begin.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with all three of the Shimuras face AFO. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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