Sekitangara the Hero. Dabi the Villain

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Entering into an area where he was ordered to wait on standby, Izuku along with Nana and Toshinori walked into the room with Tsukiuchi waiting beside Endeavor and several other pro heroes. Here, the blond pro had brought his mother and younger brother towards the flame hero and investigator for them to discuss some ordeals.

    "All Might. Would you mind telling me why I got a call today saying how my oldest son who I believed was dead for about 15 years now was said to be part of the League of Villains as a spy?"

    "Well it's quite a story. But young Sekitangara had his reasons for not saying anything."

    Now angered, Endeavor grabbed All Might by his costume's collar and held him up. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO REFUSE TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY SON BEING ALIVE FOR 15 YEARS!?"

    "Endeavor. I need you to calm down now." Tsukauchi asked for the flame hero to glare towards him. "Nothing was said because this was part of your son's conditions as well as some other things for this matter." Endeavor loosened his grip with Tsukiuchi pulling out a paper. "What I am about to read is Touya Todoroki's testimony for what he had witnessed in his time as your son. This is quite a long one, so you may wish to have a seat." Everyone did as asked for Tsukiuchi to start. "This will begin around the start of Touya's life at 6. 'From a young age, I was always looked at as someone that will surpass my father. Because of this, I had worked hard to control my quirk to some degree with a single visit to the doctors changing this all."

20 years ago, Touya POV:

    "I'm sorry sir, but it looks like your son won't be able to be a hero."

    "Why? He has a powerful quirk. Not only that, but his flames are strong enough to match mine. I don't see the problem." My father didn't know what to believe as the doctor went over just why this isn't possible.

    "I'm not saying his quirk isn't amazing as is and chances are, it still has room to grow. But this goes with the old theory known as the Quirk Doomsday theory as we in the field call it. Basically, Touya is among the rare few with quirks where their body was born and created with a different format where the quirk isn't compatible with him. When he uses his flames, the boy hurts himself unlike you who would normally be able to shrug it off after a small flare. This is because where his quirk genes evolved to have him hold your quirk, his body took an alternate route to have a body more adequate for a quirk relating to your wife's quirk in a way. As such, it pains me to say that your son will never become a pro hero because of this." These words hurt me to hear, but they enraged my father. As such, he became more violent at home. Ignored me at every turn and would say whenever we did exchange words that I was a 'failure' from the start. What hurt the most however was my mother. Because she was forced into a quirk marriage, I could only watch as she was forced to hold my brothers and sisters with no regard to her own life. For six years, I watched my family be born and forced to be called 'failures' as I was. That is, until Shoto was born. When he came along, dad made sure to keep him confined along with mom. I couldn't take watching this much longer, so I began doing the one thing I thought was impossible from the start. I was going to be a hero that could surpass All Might like dad wanted Shoto, me and our siblings to be.

10 years later

    They say when you grow up and mature, things you believed were normal about you become very different. That was my case with my flames. As I tried to train to become more powerful with them, they changed in both heat and color. Where they were once red and orange, they were now a solid light blue and far more powerful than they were originally. This was where I thought I could do it. I could go to my father and get him to leave our family alone. Give Shoto a life that doesn't have to be one of a hero. Once I went to dad to ask him to watch me though, he gave a similar statement he normally did.

    "Why would I pay attention to a defective child such as you." These words came to me again for it to do nothing but anger me. "If you have all this time playing the game of trying to be something you know you can't, then why not do something more worthwhile instead of this idiotic notion you have. Now your little brother Shoto on the other hand, he has the strength to do things you can only dream of. All he needs is a little training and-"

    "So you're just going to leave me and give all your attention to Shoto regardless to if he wants to be a hero or not!?" This gained my father's attention for me to argue with him. "For years I watched and played the silent game for you to do what you want. Mom is going insane because you keep her locked up in this house with her only form of communication with others being you and Shoto. Natsuo and Fuyumi barely even see either of them and you are in no way a father to us-" I was struck by him across my face with his anger being what got the better of him.


    "IF WE'RE SO 'DEFECTIVE', THEN WHY ARE WE PART OF YOUR FAMILY!? IS IT BECAUSE YOU'RE SCARED WE'LL TELL SOMEBODY WHAT TYPE OF MAN YOU ARE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS-" I was punched in the face after this by my father with mom walking in to see this.


    "DON'T GO NEAR HIM!" Mom wanted to help, but was clearly afraid of dad. "I don't know where you got the nerve to talk back to me like that, BUT ANOTHER OUTBURST LIKE THAT AND YOU'RE NO LONGER WELCOME IN THIS FAMILY! UNDERSTAND ME!?"

    I got up while wiping some blood off the corner of my cheek before walking out. "Fine then. Who wants to be part of this broken family to begin with. If you have the guts to see what I can really do as a 'failure', I'll be in the mountain until tomorrow. After that, I'm gone from this family and will never call you father again."

    I was mad. I was angry. But in the end, I never felt more happy to say what I wanted to say to Endeavor. On paper, he seems like an amazing hero. Solved the most cases compared to any pro hero and is the number 2 through his own efforts. However, he was no top pro as an actual person. He wasn't even a hero. It sickened me that someone like him was a hero, but that didn't change what I wanted to do. I was going to be a hero no matter what.

Later that evening

    I constantly waited for my father to find me in the mountain Sometimes, for nobody to come. I sat waiting and waiting for nobody to come. All that I had was the dark night to keep me company. I soon came to the dark reality of the world. Heroes aren't heroes in this day and age. "How sad things are here, son. Pro heroes are nothing like you planned them to be."

    I glanced towards the source of the voice to see a man sitting on a stump smiling at me. "Who are you?"

    "It's not important. I am simply a man that wishes to show the truth to the world to others."

    "Forget it. I don't want your help."

    "A same it is truly. All you wish for is your family's love and attention while also trying to help them. Meanwhile, all your father sees you as is nothing more than a defect that shouldn't have been born."

    "SHUT UP!"

    "I feel for you. I truly do. People like you are a true tragedy in this world that are discarded for the most frivolous of reasons. A shame that potential of yours isn't given to what it can truly be used for." I was on the verge of losing my patience to this guy before he said what he wanted. "Join my group and we can put an end to the world you see that has ridiculed you. Persecuted you. Exiled you."

    I finally lost my temper at this to send a blast of fire his way. "RRAAAAAHHHH!!!" The blast missed him and lit some trees on fire for me to panic. "No. No no no no no no!" I tried quickly to find some way to put the flames out with throwing dirt or snow that was on the ground to put it out before it got bigger. Sadly, this didn't work with the fire surrounding me and the man.

    "See this, boy. Drink it in. This is the chaos that you had created. You were born to destroy this world."


    "Accident or not, this was your doing." I ignored the man to try and stop the fire with it burning my body on several parts before seeing him walk away through a portal. "We will meet again, boy. I hope when we do, you're more forthcoming." The portal closed with my body feeling numb from the fire and the lack of air making it hard for me to stay awake.

    "Am I gonna die tonight?" I started to cry feeling the overwhelming pain of what was going to happen rear its ugly head. "I....I don't....wanna die...." I faded out of consciousness with a bulky man that I thought was All Might landing near me. I blacked out shortly after with everything else becoming a blur.

Back to present, 3rd person POV:

    "After this, Touya had woken up in a hospital that All Might had brought him to. Once there, he explained everything with us and the hero board making a deal with him." Tsukiuchi explained before staring at Endeavor. "The deal was that he'd become our spy if you were watched and made sure you wouldn't harm his family. We were about to arrest you after the incident with your wife being brought into a mental hospital for the records showing she had a mental breakdown. The only reason we didn't was because it would raise too many red flags immediately so early in Touya's undercover work. As such, you walked from that. However, you will be brought up on forms of neglect that we have by witness testimonies of your eldest son and second eldest."

    This comment soured Endeavor even more than he already was. "I remained quiet for all of this because young Touya didn't want to hurt his family more. His objective was to have the world think he was dead in order to make it easier to infiltrate AFO's underground ring. Thanks to him, we have all the information for every person who did business with him, every doctor, even where to find some allies in foreign countries. Do not get me wrong, Endeavor. I do not like the fact I have to bring you in after this, but it is the right thing. If you want to at least hold some respect for yourself, you'll come voluntarily once this mission is over."

    Endeavor remained silent with Nana chiming in. "I may have made mistakes with Toshinori and Izuku when they were younger, but I let them be who they wanted to be. I was never obsessed with them surpassing me and allowed them to build the path they wanted themselves. I have no pity for you as a parent and a pro, so you should keep that in mind." Izuku started to stand after this to walk towards Endeavor. In one go, he punched the flame hero in the face with his own, showing one clearly irritated.

    "I think Todoroki and his siblings at least deserve that. I'll have your back on this mission, but only until the job's done. When that's over, turn yourself in or I'm coming for you." The police came in to ask the pros to head out with the Shimura family doing that. As they left, Izuku kept his mind focused on what needed to be done. 'First AFO. Then Endeavor.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the final battle between AFO and OFA. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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