Rescue and Battle

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About a month has passed since the Shimura family had expressed their news to their families. Due to the pregnancy, Ochako and Momo had been told to stay out of hero training due to worries that they could get seriously hurt or the children they carry. To the girls, they were a little aggravated that they were treated as something delicate when they're going into a field where being treated delicate won't work. However, Izuku wasn't exactly against this since he was relieved for their safety as well as his own children. The girls were offered a less strenuous course of exercise since Nezu didn't want them to get out of shape or have a difficulty with their pregnancy when they can't exactly move around as easily as now. On a positive note, the two have gotten a little more used to their condition and aren't as drowsy or nauseous as they originally were. This put a little less strain on Izuku as he worried greatly for his wives when this would happen.

As the group of 20 sat in their classroom, Aizawa came in to begin their hero training courses. "Afternoon everyone. Today we will be doing a rescue and detain training class. The 18 of you will be split into 2 teams and be fighting a villain while also trying to take a civilian from their custody and to safety." Aizawa stated while showing the groups up above. "Change then meet me on test field Beta." The young adults did as their teacher said and began to head towards the changing area. There, Izuku noticed Mineta try and peek through the peephole that somehow came through again. He held his hand out to the small pervert with the audible sound of volts around. "Go ahead. I dare you to try what you're doing you little perv. Just be prepared to die the second you do though." Mineta's blood ran cold as he walked away having all the fluids in his body drain out. Nobody dared to comment after this in fear of what will happen if they do.

On ground Beta

As the class came towards the testing field, they were met by their teacher as well as Midnight, Cementos, Toshi, and Nana for some apparent reason. "Now that you're all here, we can begin the scenario. The villains or Paragon and All Might in this situation, have taken the hostages and won't let them go. The hostages will be Midnight and Cementos for this session. As such, it will be up to you as pros to subdue them and/or rescue the hostages. Easier said than done when your opponents are Paragon and All Might." some of the class have made their displeasure in this villain assignment known. Even Izuku isn't quite happy about having to seemingly fight his mother and brother at the same time."Keep complaining, I'll send your asses in there one at a time." Aizawa threatens. "We'll be doing this with both teams entering into different parts of the city. Each half will have one of the villains and one of the hostages hidden inside it.. Any more objections?" Nobody answered. "Good. Now here's the teams."

Izuku looked at his team to see he had Todoroki, Ojiro, Jirou, Ashido, Aoyama, Sato, Kaminari, and Koda on his team. He was also facing his brother in this to at least avoid a 'motherly punch' he so dreaded from her. Then again, he does have a few new tricks up his sleeves that he would like to try out, here's hoping that his mother and brother are fans of a Shocking new revolation. "You have 20 minutes to finish the exercise, remember you are actually rescuing real hostages here, any harm that comes to them will come out of your grade. Since the hostages are also your teachers, they too are grading how you act upon rescuing them." Aizawa displays on a hologram, showing the layout of the entire city. "Helping you, because you are extremely disadvantaged in this especially since one of them can fly. The hostages have a distress beacon active. Happy hunting." With that, Izuku's group are left to their own devices as the gates open up to the city. "Well this is just perfect." Ojiro complains as the door opens and they already see Nana floating in mid air with her arms folded and a smirk across her face.

"Kaminari? Grab my shoulder, I have a new trick but I'm pretty sure it can only work with people who also have an electricity quirk. Todoroki, build a dome around you all and have Mina melt the ground creating a tunnel under the road to get to the sewers." The group did as Izuku asked for Nana to start cracking her knuckles. "Have fun Izuku. CAUSE THIS IS GONNA HURT!" Nana flies in to send a punch at the ninth user, before she can manage to do so, Izuku grabs Kaminari by the shoulder. Izuku's eyes glow an electric blue as the electricity arcs from his eye sockets into the nearby air, the sky grows darker and a bolt of lightning strikes the two electricity quirk users. After the flash of light fades from her vision, Nana rubs her eyes looking around to see where he had gone. "You never cease to amaze me Izuku. You're a natural born prodigy." She comments to herself seeing that both he and Kaminari had vanished out of thin air. In a building a few blocks away, Izuku and Kaminari burst out of an electrical socket in the wall, with Izuku completely out of breath from that move. "Holy crap! That was awesome! How did you figure that out?!" "You'd fry your brain trying to understand how let alone try. Let's just say, we became electricity and I'll leave it at that." "You and I need to have some serious training session buddy, how do you not fry your brain?" "Save the questions for after this, if we talk too much they'll hear us." Kaminari didn't ask any farther as they exited the building and headed towards the sewers of the fake town.

As they handled this, the second group was trying their best to work as a team with Bakugou mainly doing his standard lone wolf act. "Bakugou! We must work together in this assign-" "SCREW YOU FOUR EYES! I'LL FIND THE FUCKING HOSTAGE ON MY OWN!" "C'mon dude. Just help us out a little." "LIKE HELL SHITTY HAIR! I CAN HANDLE FINDING THE HOSTAGE AND BEATING THE VILLAINS MYSELF!" Bakugou kept walking before he had a solid kick to the jaw done by someone in a cape. "You know, subtlety is a virtue that could really help you. I could hear you a mile away. Literally. I was over on 5th street." Nana said this for the group to see the older pro smile. "Let me give you a bit of a lesson kids. The ones that keep smiling at the end of the day is the one that holds the most strength. Now, lesson number two is gonna be a bit more physical. I didn't graduate from UA." She says before practically vanishing and delivering a punch to Tokoyami's gut, sending him flying. "I went to the school of Hard knocks. And now class is in session." She grins at her bad pun before promptly defeating the rest of that group.

In the Observation Room

"Well saw that coming a mile away. How did we bet again Nezu?" Mic asks as the mouse principle hands the blonde pro, snipe and both Momo and Ochako a small bundle of yen.

"15,000 yen. But I was more betting on whether or not young Bakugou would fight his teammates aside from his real enemy at the moment." "To be fair, Bakugou's real enemy is himself a lot of times." Momo points this out as Eri was sitting on her lap gumming a teething ring. "So what's next on the bet?" "Whether or not young Shimura is going to pull punches against All Might or if he's got any new tricks up his sleeves." Ochako grins hearing this. "15,000 yen, quadruple or nothing on Izuku's new tricks and beating All Might." The others look at her in shock hearing this. "I'm with her on this one." Momo adds in with Eri holding her teething ring out as if she's betting it. "Ba!" None of the teachers could understand to just simply think in unison. 'What the hell did he learn to have them this confident?'

Back on the field

Izuku and Kaminari were finally able to reunite with their group for them to be standing in what was strangely rancid water. "How are we in a fake sewer and there still is real shit here!?" Jirou shouted in annoyance before being shushed. "Where do you think we go when the stalls in the dorms are all being used? That's besides the point, we're in a tunnel system all noise carries through this. Silence." Kaminari says putting his finger over his lips. 'Didn't know he could actually say something smart for a change.' "So what now then?" Sato asks unsure what to do along with their animal speaking classmate. "All the tunnels are connected, I have a way to find where the hostages and All Might are. Thing is, I need not only total silence but for all of you to turn every electronic thing you have off. This will fry them." Without much more of a warning, the class turns off their phones, communicators and radio beacons going dark in the observation room. Izuku leaves his on however, since they will be unaffected by himself. Placing a hand on the brick tunnel of the sewer system, a small golden spherical ball of energy appears in his hand, placing it in the wall. A sudden burst sounding like an arcing Jakob's ladder spark echoes through the tunnels as a tingling feeling washes over the group. A few moments later, Izuku gets an echo to the pulse he sent out, giving him the exact position of the hostages. All Might was actually away from them giving them this tiny window of opportunity.

"Alright. Looks like I know where the hostages and All Might are. Todoroki. You take four of our group to get Cementos. I'll take the rest to save Midnight. If you follow the tunnel up here to the right all the way down, you'll be directly above the building and he'll be on the top floor." The bicolored boy nodded to take Aoyama, Sato, Kaminari, and Jirou with him in case the coast wasn't as clear as they'd hope. Meanwhile, Izuku continued with Koda, Ojiro, and Ashido towards the end of the straightaway. As they traveled, their pink friend started asking. "What was that?" "Basically an EMP wave. I sent one out to know where exactly everyone that was touching the ground or something that acts as a grounding tool in order to find out where they were. The drawback of this is if the person I'm looking for isn't touching the ground, then I can't tell where they are." "So why did you need us to turn our phones off?" "Well that's where my first attempt failed. Unfortunately I had Momo and Ochako with me and well....I kinda fried their phones and a noise maker we had for Eri. She was not happy about that one." The three could see the poor little snowball crying right off the bat with both girls smacking Izuku upside the head.

As the group found their way towards the flooring of the building Midnight was held in, Ashido used her acid to melt through the concrete and make a hole for them to enter in. Once inside, the group found Midnight inside tied up acting rather well for the part she was playing. "Help me heroes! These ropes are so tightly knit it's beginning to bruise me~." 'Is she getting a kick out of this?' The four thought as Ashido used her acid to set the 'civilian' free. "Alright. We're almost at the home stretch. If we take the sewer back down, we can reunite with Todoroki and his group and get everyone out together." "Sounds like a plan." The group went back into the tunnel to start heading back the way they came. As they did, they noticed their five other teammates with Sato holding Cementos on his back. "I take it your part went well?" Izuku looked at Midnight who wanted to be carried in his arms to nod. "Almost free." The group went towards the end of the tunnel where they saw a manhole exit. "Ok. So the exit is less than a mile run. If Todoroki goes up first and hides in a corner preparing for anyone coming, then we can avoid my mother and All Might getting the drop on us. If they do get near us, saving the civilians takes top priority. As such, me and Sato will make a sprint towards the exit to drop them off and return. The issue is only holding the two back if we do run into that scenario." "Don't worry. I'll think of something." The electric quirk user nodded at Todoroki as he began jumping out of the tunnel first. When the coast was clear, he motioned for everyone to follow him out.

They continued on towards the goal as fast as they could. When they neared it, they noticed Toshi charging at them as fast as he could with Izuku having to think of a drastic approach. "Crap!" He pushed Midnight to hang over his shoulder before extending his hand. Just before Toshinori made impact, he slammed face first into a solid electrical field which then promptly sent him flying in the opposite direction. "Well that was anticlimactic." "Sometimes Toshi isn't the brightest and can fall into some kinda easy tricks." Izuku smirked as they exited the fake city and laughed hearing this from the purple haired vixen. "But that won't keep him for long, it's merely just a really strong repulsion magnet. I did that to be able to do this." Izuku responds before lifting off the ground and beginning to fly. He glanced back at the spot his brother impacted to see him stand up. "I AM FREE!" "And you fell for a really easy trick from me bro! Literally a trick I had since I was six!" The two pros came out of the fake city for them to trap. "Take a look around." Izuku responds, All Might looks around the crater he was in had all sorts of exposed rebar from his impact. Midnight watches in awe as Izuku points a finger down at the ground creating a reverse faraday cage for All Might, trapping him in a tomb of electricity.

"Well that's one. Where's mom now?" "Not necessary. The test is already done." Nana came down from the sky with the teachers coming from the monitor room. "Nicely done you nine. Now if you all would follow us towards the infirmary to give all of you our results." the group did as they were asked to head into Recovery Girl's office. There, they noticed the other nine of their classmates bandaged up. "The heck happened to them!?" The group somewhat shouted before seeing Nana smile. "I kinda got a bit ahead of myself." Izuku sighed before seeing his wives beside him pouting for some reason. "Hey, what's wrong you two. You look a little grumpOW!" His cheeks were immediately pulled by them to show they were clearly pissed with him. "That was for carrying Midnight like us!" "THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE MAD ABOUT!?" "Now now you two, don't be so cold. But the fact he's so built the way he is, I don't blame you for not wanting to share your treasure. I wouldn't mind having his baby like the two of you are. Perhaps we can set up a donation in the fun way." Midnight stated while sliding her hand under Izuku's chin. Both girls scowled at their teacher before dragging Izuku out of the room and to the dorms. "The only person that deserves to be held by Izuku and make him flustered is us." Before they got out, the two shouted one last bit. "AND WE'RE NOT SHARING HIM OR LETTING YOU HAVE OUR HUSBAND'S BABY!" Everyone watched this happen before getting surprised by the sudden outburst."Oh don't be so harsh, I'm not getting any younger so maybe we can arrange something or the other." She teases, sticking her tongue out at the two before walking off.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles himself with  his married life next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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