Telling Family

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 The day after everyone returned to the school began with the family of four and soon to be six walking to class happily. Eri decided to cling towards Ochako for the day with the brunette adhering to the baby's request. While walking down the halls however, news of their pregnancy spread like a wildfire. This wasn't actually frowned upon by the teachers predominantly due to them already being married, however it did cause them some issues as a whole. In the case of teachers like Ectoplasm, Hound Dog, and Cementos, they weren't exactly fond of teaching expecting parents due to feeling they weren't old enough to be parents through personal thoughts. However, teachers like Midnight and Mic were kinda into the idea and happy to see a happy family even happier. Izuku also could've sworn he saw Aizawa smirk at discovering the Shimura family was going to have two more members. But just as the news spread to the teachers, the students had also learned.

As the small family reached the entrance to the heroes department, the ever so arrogant Monoma made his appearance in front of them. "Well I guess it isn't much of a surprise inferior pests like you three would knock each other up. This must be so embarrassing to the members of class A." He started to laugh uncontrollably before spouting more nonsense. "Oh the shame you must feel! Not only is your class the only one that has to suffer this, but you now have to worry about disgusting your family's reputation! Such a shame for the family of several number 1 heroeGAH!" Monoma was cut short by Kendo karate chopping his neck to knock the foolish blond out. "Sorry about that. He doesn't know when to shut his mouth." "If you wouldn't have, I would've." Izuku says this rather irritated as the fact he not only insulted his wives, but now his family struck a sour nerve. "You good man?" Hitoshi walked over with a girl that had silver hair that covered one of her eyes beside him."Yeah. Just someone trying to pick a fight. Simple enough, he got it with the wrong person."

The group snickered a tad bit before Hitoshi asked the elephant in the room. "So you two are really pregnant?" "Yup." "Indeed." A smile grew on the purple haired boy's face before walking over to Eri. "Guess you're getting a few new siblings. You happy?" Eri didn't understand it enough, but smiled at Hitoshi reaching for his hair to give it a tug. "Ow." He unlatched the baby's rather insane grip before standing up. "Well I gotta get going. Later Izuku." The purple haired boy then turned to the silver haired girl. "I'll talk to you at lunch Reiko." They kissed before Hitoshi walked away with the girl now known as Reiko smiling. "*ahem*." She was pulled from her daze when Kendo cleared her throat. "So I didn't know that guy was your type?" "Me and Hitoshi talked during the Sports Festival. We hit it off kinda well and decided to go on a few dates. The other day when we came back from the work study, we sorta made us a thing." "You know what, that's really nice. Good for the both of you." Izuku smiled knowing his cousin who felt like a second brother to him had someone in his life. The two eventually left for their class with the unconscious blond before the four went to class A.

As they walked in, Izuku, Ochako, and Momo were looked at by everyone with the ones that weren't around during the incident with Izuku learning about the group's news now aware of it. The guys began to congratulate Izuku with the girls as a whole asking the two about how they feel and what ideas for names they may have. This stopped however when their teacher walked in. "Ok, so it's come to our attention that the problem family now has a more unique problem of their own." The three somewhat laughed at this while Aizawa remained rather neutral in the matter. "Anyway, this needs to be discussed first. Though you are adults and are married with us not being in our rights to discuss or criticize you on the fact you could or couldn't have a family, that doesn't mean you should in particular. We have however understood that this was an accident with the final result being that we won't take action against you, we will however limit Shimura wives one and two of their physical activities when the first trimester ends and they start showing. At this point, it would be dangerous for them to commit to any forms of serious activity due to it being unhealthy for them and the kids they are carrying at the moment." This comment somewhat relieved the three knowing there was no issue in this. "Now let's return to the task at hand."

Time skip to the end of the school day

As School let out for everyone, the Shimura family went right to the dorms to change into casual clothes and get ready to go tell their families in person of their news. On the way, the three began calling their families to tell them that they had something they needed to talk about with them. They decided to go to the Yoayorozu's estate first on their news parade. As they traveled through, Momo and Ochako were extremely excited at the fact they were going to tell their parents they were going to have two more grandkids coming their way in a little while. Izuku noticed this to smile and wrap his arms around his wives to show his happiness. Once they got to the estate, the guard noticed Momo to smile and let them in to start the journey up the ridiculously long path to the mansion.

"Has your family ever considered making a taxi service on your property?" Ochako asked this for the dark haired woman to answer. "We did have the plans for a tramcar. But that idea was taken down for safety reasons." "Then I guess we'll be working cardio instead." The group laughed at Izuku's comment with Eri nodding off in a harness on his chest. After a mile journey up to the estate, they were met with Momo's parents Shuromo and Akito. "Hello you four, always a pleasure." Akito walked up to Momo to give her daughter a hug before kneeling down to Eri to smile at the little girl and lift her out of the harness to hold her. "Now what brings you all here today?" "Well um...would you mind if we discussed this inside. It's kinda a personal matter." Izuku asked, knowing how this could possibly go if it was n't taken with at least some decency. "Fair enough." The Yaoyorozus let the trio in to come in with them following behind with Eri.

Once they got into the sitting room, Tosa and Maruki were sitting in the room as well. "Mom! Daddy!" Ochako ran over to her parents in happiness to hug them. "Hey sweetie. What are you doing here?" "We had something to tell Momo's parents and you. But since you're here, that pulls a stop off us." Ochako smiled at her parents before they all sat down. The parents sat across from their kids and Izuku while listening carefully. "So, what did you wish to discuss with us?" The trio were holding back their excitement while trying to find the best words to explain their joy. "Well see, me and the girls had come into a snag sometime back with something and we've been kinda quiet about it because we didn't want to get anyone's hopes up or make anyone feel bad if something bad happened." The family understood and listened closely to their kids. "So something happened?" Izuku nodded at the buff brunette while trying to speak up.

"Before we start this, we want to know exactly what you would think if we really did have more grandkids for you?" The adults went quiet when they heard this for Momo and Ochako to take the lead. "Mom/Mother. Dad/Father. I'm pregnant." A deafening silence came into the room to scare the young parents. 'Can someone say something please.' The electric quirk user thought this before Maruki fell over onto the floor. "Is he ok!?" Izuku shouted for Tosa to check his pulse. "He's ok. I think he was just overwhelmed by the statement." Both mothers looked at their daughters in somewhat disbelief before asking to make certain what they heard was right. "You both are expecting?" Akito asks for Ochako and Momo to nod happily. Both women screamed for joy while going to hug their daughter in happiness. "I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA AGAIN!" Meanwhile, Maruki regained his composure with him and Shuromo looking at Izuku in a bit of disbelief. "So you've finally done what I thought you wouldn't have the guts to do kid. Hhahahaha! Good on you." Maruki went up to smack Izuku's back to somewhat hurt him.

"Well this is something worthy of a shock. Congratulations to you three. Nothing makes me happier than to find out that I'll be a grandfather to my daughter's children." The black haired man walked over to a cabinet to bring out a bit of hyper expensive 200 year old scotch for them to celebrate. "I think a toast is in order." "Sorry sir, but we can't really stick around so much. We still need to tell the situation to my mom and get back to school before curfew. But we do appreciate the offer." Izuku explained this as the man understood. "Fair enough, but let us offer some tea at least in a form of gratitude." The three didn't find any issue as they waited and discussed what would happen next. As the tea came, Akito and Tosa began talking about giving their baby clothes to help. Meanwhile, Shuromo was able to convince Izuku with some help from Maruki to at least share a toast with them of the scotch to help commemorate the day. He didn't have much since Izuku wasn't much of a drinker and he didn't want to give the wrong impression when he visited his mother, but he also didn't want to be rude to his in-laws. After about an hour, the group began walking to the Shimura residence and saying their goodbyes to the Urarakas and Yaoyorozus.

On the way towards the home, Izuku started to chew a bit of gum in order to hide the scent of liquor from his mother. He knew he'd have an earful from her if he showed up on her doorstep with the smell of booze on him at 5 in the afternoon, but hopefully she would understand if they came from the girl's families that wanted to celebrate becoming future grandparents. Once they reached the home, Izuku had noticed his brother's truck in the driveway to smile. The four went to the door to knock with Nana opening it up to smile at them with a rather odd air. "Hey you four, what brings you here?" The former pro seemed to be holding a rather elated attitude as they were let in. When they came to the living room, Toshi was sitting down with Toseki beside them playing on the floor with some blocks. Eri noticed her cousin to try and get out of the harness to play with her. Izuku let her out for the small babies to crawl over and begin a small baby banter to make everyone laugh.

"Hey mom, were you serious when you said you wouldn't mind having a grandchild back when you talked about it?" "Yeeeess." The woman held a cocky grin to her the entire time with it starting to creep Izuku and the girls out. "Well um...we have something to tell you about that." Izuku cleared his throat before saying what's happening. "Ochako, and Momo are umm, preg-" "I'm a grandma to two more!" Nana cut her son off in happiness for the three to stop and think what happened. "Sorry bro, but I was pushed to tell her." "More like I wanted you to tell me Toshi." Nana laughed while Izuku looked at his blond brother. "You know it's hard to keep secrets from her." "Uh, ok. But how do you know?" "I was having a checkup with Recovery Girl when your wives came in for this. To say that I was impressed would be an understatement. Either way, Nicely done Izuku." Toshi gave a thumbs up to his brother while Nana came over to put her younger son in a headlock. "There you go Izuku, that's how you show you've got a pair! *sniff* *sniff* And you smell like wanna tell me why?"

Izuku mentally screamed while explaining they went to the Yaoyorozu's estate first to tell them with the Urarakas being there as well. They shared some scotch as a way to celebrate with this passing for the mother's reasoning to not give her son a beating for drinking early in the day in her logic. "So how far along are you both?" "Not that far, but we did use a pregnancy test to find out we're at least two weeks in if we do the math." Momo stated for the former pro to rustle her son's hair in the joy of it all. "Well I hope you three are happy at least, and you can count on me if you need help. I know pregnancy is a pain in the butt for some people and Izuku was a problem pregnancy for me." "I wasn't that bad, was I?" Nana looked at her son emotionless with Toshinori explaining. "Mother was having some difficulty keeping food down with you as well as passing out and sleeping over 14 hours a day sometimes. I do hold you to good standards Izuku, but you were a 'problem pregnancy' as Aizawa would call you."

Getting off the topic of bugging Izuku over the fact he was an issue before he was born, Nana wanted to explain one last time the issue Momo and Ochako may face with their children. "Now I'm sure you remember this, but let me remind you of the issues you three will have now. OFA will without a doubt affect your children's quirks. Since you're all eleventh generation quirk users, your children's quirks will without a doubt be as strong, if not stronger than yours. That's not even taking into consideration Izuku's base quirk being beyond powerful with OFA added to that. So if you take those three factors into consideration, your kids could have a crazy powerful quirk with Momo's possibly being similar to that of a god's depending on how the quirk manifests in her's." They were explained back when they first got married about the possible strength their kids could have, but the issue now has come back to make them understand the reality of what will be now. They could literally be carrying one of the most powerful quirk users that could ever live at the moment inside them. This somewhat spooked them with it being noticed by everyone.

"Just relax, ok. Izuku was and still literally is one of the most powerful beings in the world with him turning out ok. Just make sure you are careful about how you raise them." "If we don't, we could end up with mini Kaachans." "*shiver* That's a scary thought of having a kid with that much of a superiority complex." Everyone laughed at Ochako's comment before continuing to talk a bit about their next steps and the schools when they get to a certain point. Eventually, they had to leave however to get back before they would get into any trouble about being out past curfew. As they walked back, the trio were happy to know that their families were with them. Their future was without a doubt at least positive in that aspect and weren't expecting any major problems at the moment to take everything one step at a time.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and the girls told their families with it going rather well for them. See how their lives go from here. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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