Telling News

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Ochako and Momo were walking back with a little more pep in their step before bumping into Jirou and Tsu from their class. They noticed their happy demeanor to stop the duo to question. "Yo, Shimomo. What's got you so happy?" Jirou spoke up while Tsu looked at them to ask as well. "Ochako, you seem to be happier than you looked coming back to the dorms. What happened?" Ochako looked at Momo who was wondering if they should say or not. They both shrugged before agreeing. "We'll tell you, but you have to keep this a secret from Izuku." "Yes. We'd like to tell him this ourselves." "What, are you both pregnant or something?" Jirou started to laugh at her comment a bit with both girls being completely silent with the aux cord quirk user getting quieter and quieter until there was nothing but a dead silence between all four of them.

" it something about pregnancy or something?" Both remained silent with Tsu's eyes going blank as if she knew exactly what was happening. "*ribbit* *ribbit*." "CAN WE JUST SAY WHAT IT IS PLEASE!? THIS SILENCE IS TERRIFYING ME!" "Momo and I went to Recovery Girl when we came back and told her about our symptoms of being really tired and being nauseous to the point we were throwing up, she asked us to take a pregnancy test." "Few minutes later, they registered positive." Both pregnant women smiled as Jirou and Tsu couldn't believe what they were hearing. "Oh crap, I hit the nail on the head." Tsu smiled at them before congratulating the two. "I hope you two have healthy kids, I know you'll do a great job with how Eri's happy already *ribbit*." "Thanks Tsu. That means a lot." The four started to walk back to the dormitory. Upon walking inside, they noticed both Izuku, and Inko on the sofa watching Eri and Toseki play on a mat in front of them while enjoying some time.

"Hey Inko. What are you doing here?" The green haired mother looked over to smile. "Momo. Ochako. Nice to see you two again. I came over to give Toseki some time with Eri since for the past week her father and I have been a little busy and couldn't see her." "Apparently she went every day going 'Mama! Ewi!' 'Dada! Ewi!' for them to finally get the chance today." Both girls smiled at watching the two children play on the floor with building blocks before knocking them down like it was a game. They couldn't help but laugh with Tsu and Jirou heading upstairs to relax. Meanwhile, Inko began to notice something about both Ochako and Momo that she was rather interested in. "Izuku, do you mind going up to find Korrin and Mushu. I heard something fall and think they might be into something." "Gotcha." Izuku got up before kissing his wives and heading upstairs to see what their little troublemakers were into.

Once alone, Inko looked at the two intrigued about something before speaking up. "So how far along?" "Excuse me?" Momo questioned as Inko specified. "How far along are both your pregnancies?" Both girls looked amazed and about to ask how. Before they could though, Inko beat them to the punch with an answer. "I work in a hospital. I've seen a lot of women come pregnant to know what a woman expecting looks like by just their facial features." Both began to smile a bit before answering. "Over half a month if we're doing the math right." "So around the time of the Sports Festival?" Both nodded for Inko to have a bit of satisfaction finding this out. "So how are you going to tell Izuku?" "We honestly do not know yet. We just figured this out at most an hour ago and aren't quite sure where to go with this just yet." Momo stated this as her and Ochako started going over how they could say this. Knowing their husband, they feared that this could put a shock in him that is almost as bad as the ones he puts out and force him to pass out on them. Granted, he'd probably pass out to begin with, but they didn't want to be so upfront in that aspect to maybe keep him from getting hurt from it.

While thinking about this, Inko's phone rang for her to pick it up. "Hello?....Oh no....I'll be over there soon....Ok, bye. That was my work. The head doctor had a family emergency happen which needed him to leave. They need me to come in a few hours early. I hate to ask this, but do you mind watching Toseki until Toshi gets out of his faculty meeting?" "Sure." "You help us when we need a babysitter for Eri, it's only right for us to return the favor when you need it." Inko smiled before walking over to Toseki to pick her up. "Mommy needs to go to work early, Toseki. But you'll get to stay with Eri, aunt Momo, aunt Ochako, and uncle Izuku until daddy gets back from his meeting. Can you be a good girl for them?" The baby blankly stared at Inko before smiling as an answer. "That's my girl." She kisses Toseki's head before placing her back on the ground next to Eri. "I'll see you all tomorrow. I'll tell Toshi where to pick up Toseki while I head in." "Bye."

Once Inko left, Ochako and Momo began to deeply think of ways they could tell Izuku the news they had. "We could do a thing with fruit with each one being the size of the baby during each month?" "I feel like it'll go over Izuku's head. Maybe we could do something where we make sweet buns and say there are two more in the oven?" "That's getting me hungry just thinking about it. Leaving the tests out in the open?" "Something tells me that the idea would only work if we were living in our own house." Both girls sighed trying to think of an idea and coming up with duds each time. "Hey you two." Izuku came back down with both Mushu and Korrin who walked over to Eri and Toseki to begin licking them on the cheeks. This gained a giggle out of them and a warming image for Izuku to take a picture of. "Where'd Inko go?" "She had an emergency at work, so we agreed to take care of Toseki until your brother got out of his meeting." "She said she has to go to her shift a few hours early." "Fair enough. She's bailed out our skin enough where it's only right we return the favor."

Izuku sat down on the couch between both Ochako and Momo to see them a little uneasy. "I forgot to ask, how did the checkup with Recovery Girl go?" 'Crap! We forgot that he was the one who pushed us to go to the infirmary in the first place.' "She said it wasn't anything to worry about. It was merely something that was going around the school when we were heading out of our work study." "Yeah, she said we should be better soon and shouldn't worry that much." Both lied through their teeth with Izuku shrugging it off believing it. "Ok, but don't push yourselves." Izuku got up to head towards the kitchen. "I'm going to make some honey tea for you both to help ease your throats. You both said that you were throwing up, so that's gotta be painful on your end." "Thank you." As he left, the two kept brainstorming on a possible way to fix this issue before Momo has an idea pop in her head watching Eri and Toseki play with some Russian nesting dolls she made for their daughter not that long ago. "Ochako, do you still have your pregnancy test?" "Yeah, but why's that important?" She whispers what she has in store for a grin to be on Ochako's face "I like it."

The two got to work with Izuku coming in a few minutes later with a few cups of honey tea and some saltine crackers to help settle their stomachs. "Here you both go." Izuku came into the common space to see the two sitting calmly down smiling a bit. "You both look happier. Did Eri or Toseki do something cute while I was in the kitchen?" He passed both of them the tea and placed the crackers on the table. When he did, he noticed a set of Russian nesting dolls on the table. Glancing at them, he noticed three of them looked like him and the girls with a smaller fourth having whte hair and red eyes to resemble Eri. "Aww, how cute Momo. You made Russian nesting dolls of our family and...two others?" Izuku looked at the two smallest to see them and notice the one looked like Ochako with Izuku's unkempt hair, while the other had Izuku's hair and Momo's eyes for him to look at both. "Momo. What are these two supposed to be?" She shrugged her shoulders pretending not to know.

"Hmm." Curious, he began to pick up the Russian nesting dolls to hear something inside Momo's and Ochako's. 'What did she put in here?' Sedating his curiosity, the electric quirk user opened both to see a stick inside them. He glanced closely at the sticks to realize what they were. Two positive pregnancy tests. He started to put the pieces together to understand what she was implying. All he wanted to know was if what he was thinking was right. "Ochako? Momo? Are these what I think they are?" "What do ya think they are Izuku?" Ochako asked, pretending to be ignorant to what she knew. "These two pregnancy tests and the two dolls, are they what I think they are for?" "What do you think they are for?" Momo asked with her and Ochako snickering a bit at the thought of Izuku trying to get the words out. "Are...are you two, you know?" "We can't tell you if you don't tell us what you mean." Momo smirked with some of the class walking down to hear this conversation a bit. Finally, Izuku came out and blurted out what he thought. "Are you both pregnant from our drunken mishap from after the Sports Festival?" "Yep." "Very." The group of class A dropped what they had in their hands hearing this for the trio to turn their attention to them. "Uh oh." Eri says this seeing her parents' classmates in the back.

They watched as Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Hagakure, Iida, and Mineta overheard this to have a blank expression on their faces. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY!?" Bakugou shouted for Izuku to send a lightning bolt at his head just low enough to singe the tips of his hair. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SWEARING IN FRONT OF ERI!?" Ashido and Hagakure ran up to hug Ochako and Momo overhearing what was said to shriek. "YOU'RE PREGNANT!" They began to shout for joy while Kaminari and Mineta began charging at Izuku. "YOU BASTARD!" "NOT ONLY DO YOU HAVE TWO HOT CHICKS AS YOUR WIVES, YOU GOT THE CHANCE TO KNOCK THEM UP!?" Not caring what they said, Izuku let loose a large amount of electricity to fry Kaminari's brain and turn Mineta into fried grapes. "If you have anyone to blame for this you two, it's yourselves for your idiotic attempt to get laid yourselves." Izuku got up to begin going for a glass of water to cool his nerves a bit. As he did, Iida and Kirishima came over to congratulate him.

"Dude! That's awesome! You're gonna be a dad to two more kids!" "Though your acts on school grounds were unethical, I must congratulate you as well for the responsibility of becoming a father to two other children. I am certain that with your hard work and dedication that you will be a great father to not only Eri, but to your two unknown children along with being-" "I get it Iida. You don't need to strain yourself with the complement. Also the act was alcohol induced, so we weren't exactly capable of doing anything to prevent this." The engine quirk user understood with the trio going back to the couch to see the rest of class A coming down and overhearing the news. The rest of the day was met with Izuku obtaining pats on the backs by the guys and congrats from his classmates. Meanwhile, the girls were busy offering Ochako and Momo baby names they could use with them trying to avoid going that far yet due to it being so early.

Few hours later

After Toshi arrived to pick up Toseki, Izuku began to talk about what he found out to him with the blond saying he already knew due to unintentionally being in the infirmary during this. The blond pro gave Izuku a firm pat on the back to nearly knock him to the ground before he and Toseki began to make their way home. Izuku began to reach for Eri who was starting to yawn a bit to bring her upstairs. While there, he came to the reality that he was going to be the father of now three children at the very least "You both do know we'll need to tell our parents soon, right?" "I had plans to tell my parents when we see them next." "Mom and dad are out on a business trip on the other side of the country, we'll have to wait to tell them if we want to in person." "And mom said she had some kind of talk she needed to do today. Maybe we can find a way to tell everyone together when your parents finish up with their job and return Ochako. You know how long they'll be?" "A month. Give or take."

Izuku thought of this for a moment before feeling two sets of hands hug him. "That's not important right now Izuku. What matters now is just accepting this feeling and enjoying the time we have now to prepare." "Momo's right. We'll worry about the small stuff later." Izuku started to smile at this before yawning a bit himself. "I think I might turn it in a little early tonight. This whole day was an ordeal." "I'm with you there." "Perhaps some rest will help us prepare for tomorrow." The three began to lay down in their bed with a talk they had with Nana coming to their heads. 'Should we worry about whether they're stronger than me/Izuku? Questions for later.' They started to fall into a deep sleep before smiling holding one another happy about the news they got today.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku was told of that he'll be a father to two more kids now. Next will come the biggest struggle he'll have, telling the family. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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