Son of Greatness

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3rd person POV:

Being a parent was never something Nana Shimura had thought her life would turn to. But after discovering that the last remnant of her late husband was growing inside her, she opted to hold on to that last flame of her love. She is the current holder of an astronomically powerful quirk known as One for All and due to each predecessor before her having no children after attaining the mantle as a holder, she had no idea of how it would affect her unborn son. Her selected successor, a young man by the name of Toshinori Yagi, had yet to be given One for All and had been training in secret with her. Soon the early weeks turned to months and the media swarmed her as she entered her second trimester of pregnancy. Millions of media interviewers, fans, and fanatics badgered her with questions of the yet to be born child. The one question that remained in the air was what was his quirk going to be? Being a 10th generation quirk user herself she was confident that her son would be born with a quirk but had no idea of what it would be or how One for All would affect his quirk or her predecessors for that matter.

With the last few days of her pregnancy coming to an end she gave her successor One for All as well as a recommendation into the prestigious school of heroics, UA University. Toshinori had a difficult life. At his quirkless diagnosis, his parents abandoned him to fend for himself. Nana had found the young boy, abandoned, scared, malnourished and worst of all, alone. She had just started her hero career and gotten married when she found him. Not taking no for an answer she took in young Toshinori as her son and procecuted his parents for child abuse and endagnerment. This being said she wasn't worried about raising a son, it was childbirth and the days after that worried her the most, what worried her was the effects of 7 different quirks information running through her blood. These fears were just passing thoughts and meant nothing when a black haired silver eyed son was welcomed into the world on July 15th 2702 just after the clock struck 3 AM.

The quirks of her husband, master, herself, the stockpiling, quirk giving, and each of the 4 other quirks within One for All were present in some manner in her baby boy. She believed that the color that was in the stars that represented the previous holders, that she had seen in visions, had blended into the magnificent silver that was his eyes. Toshinori was present in place of Izuku's father who had been killed by Nana's nemesis and nemesis of each and every holder of One for All. The man that created her quirk, aside from her levitation that is, was the same man who took the life of her life long companion and husband. It is unknown what his ancient name is but she knew there was one name that he called himself, and it is All for One. This came to mind because at the first moment she saw her son she saw a baby boy that looked similar to the thief of quirks, similar jet black curly hair as well as freckles but in different spots on his face than on her nemesis. She had chalked it up to the fact that One for All had influenced his appearance and her son looks like the younger twin sibling of the nameless quirk thief.

"M-Mother? Are you alright?" Nana looked at the small child before looking at her adopted son. "It's nothing Toshi, just a bad memory." She smiled as the baby in her hands tried to give a toothless smile of its own to mimic his own mother. "Have you decided on a name for him yet?" Nana had stopped to think of this before beginning a small verbal self thought process. "If I'm thinking of this logically, maybe I should use a name that my late husband would've liked. Should I use a name that signifies him as one of the predecessors or of One for All itself. No, I don't want someone to get the wrong idea and force him into danger unknowingly. Perhaps something happy or such that could mean him to be a kind hearted boy coul-" "Mother, you're in one of your word vomits again." Nana stopped when Toshinori patted her shoulder to get her out of her self evaluation of what she should name her son. Not to mention her infant child is reaching up for the kanji of the word 'Mutter' that had manifested in thin air.

"Sorry." She stopped for the child to look at her sideways waiting for her answer. At that moment, her mind found the perfect name for the little freckled boy in her arms. "I have the perfect name for him, Izuku." Toshi smiled at his mother to see her smiling at her little child. "That's a great name. Hello Izuku, I'm your older brother Toshinori and your soon to be Master. But you can just call me Toshi for now." "Wait, what do you mean by master?" "Oh... well by the time he is old enough I probably could return the favor and give him... One for... All." Toshinori says with his voice petering out towards the end. "You're either a good judge of character or very naive, he's only 25 minutes old." Toshinori held the back of his head in worry before Ilittle Izuku reached for his older brother. "But I think Izuku doesn't mind if you're naive." They shared a laugh as they continued to rest. Years had gone by after like a flash with Izuku growing up happy and healthy. Soon, the day Nana was worried most of came

4 and a half years later

"Mom, is it time yet!?" A little boy came running down a hall almost jumping for joy with his mother picking him up. "Almost Izuku. Now let's fix your shirt, you buttoned it wrong." Nana laughed a little at her sons attempt to button his shirt with it showing how excited he was. Today was the day that Izuku would learn what his quirk was and would finally get the chance to make steps towards becoming a hero like his mother and older brother Toshinori, or should he say All Might. "There we go, now let's get going." "Yay!" Izuku began to put his shoes on with his mother helping him tie them before almost running out the door himself. "Easy sweetie, the quirk doctor won't go anywhere." "I know, I'm just so excited!" "I know, but being patient will make it even better in the end." Izuku agreed and tried to hold in his excitement the best a 4 year old could. With that, the two made their way to the doctors to find out his quirk.

As they entered the waiting room, Izuku went over to a small section where a brown haired girl was. "Hello." "Hi, awe you hewe to find out your quiwk too?" "Yeah, my name is Izuku Shimuwa." Izuku held out his hand for the brown haired girl to shake it. "Mines Ochako Uwawaka!" They sat down and began to play with the parents of the two watching them have a blast with happiness. "Uraraka?" "Ochako honey, it's our turn." Ochako heard her mother call and got up to run to her. But before she did, she hugged Izuku as tight as she could. "See you water!" She went to her mother with Izuku smiling at what just happened. "Aww, isn't that cute Izuku. You made a friend." Izuku turned to his mother who was sitting with Ochako's parents not that long ago. "Don't worry, I made sure to get their contact info from her parents. We can see them again if you want." Izuku smiled at this before a nurse came out of the back to call for someone. "Shimura?" "That's us sweetie."

Izuku got up and followed his mother into the back. After a few xrays and some samples of blood taken to the little 4 year olds worry, the doctor came back with the results. "Well, we can guarantee your son has a quirk and a powerful one at that." Nana looked at the doctor confused. "Can you give a little more information than just that it's powerful?" "Actually, we can. Your son has a very powerful electric based quirk that allows him to not only control electricity, but it can also alter the electrical magnetic polarity on him and anything he uses it on. To put it simply, your boy can levitate with it if he trains it well enough. At the moment, we can see his quirk is also tied to his central nervous system, so be very cautious if he overuses it." Nana looked down at his son with him holding the biggest smile of his life. "Mom, does this mean I can be a hero like you and big bro Toshi?" Nana smiled while nodding. "It does, but you have to work hard to be one." Izuku jumped for joy as his feet started to create electricity and hold him above the floor a few inches. "Well that's something interesting, the kid already found a way to mess with his own gravity. This is a good sign for him if he wants to be a hero." Nana smiled knowing her son will be able to become what he wants to be.

As they left, Izuku and his mother bumped into the Urarakas again. "Izuchan!" Ochako ran to Izuku hugging him as hard as she could. "Isn't that sweet honey, Ochako has a friend." Ochako's parents Tosa (Ochako's mother) and Maruki Uraraka (Ochako's father) began to laugh with the scene playing out. "Why don't we get lunch together? I'm sure these two wouldn't mind it." The five of them agreed and went to a small little restaurant nearby. They began to learn of each other to find out they lived nearby each other and had absolutely no idea. This made the Urarakas a little happy since they explained they work rather long days at a construction site and worry that Ochako doesn't make enough friends of her own. "If you want, I can look after Ochako while your working. I'm sure these two wouldn't mind." Tosa began to worry about the offer thinking she's overstepping boundaries she shouldn't. "Y-you don't have to do that miss, Ochako isn't your daughter and you aren't obligated to do such a thing." "Nonsense, it's not out of obligation. When I was a pro, I saved people because it was the right thing to do." The couple did not know what to say, this woman was saving them so much worry for their daughter for absolutely no reason than just to help. Maruki turned to Ochako to see her and Izuku drawing on a coloring board.

"Ochako honey, how would you like to stay with Izuku and his mother during the day when you're off school?" Her face lit up in excitement. "I can pway with Izuchan mowe!?" "That's right sweetie, would you like it?" Ochako could not nod her head yes fast enough before hugging Izuku in excitement. "Aww." The parents enjoyed watching this knowing these two will probably be inseparable going forward in life. Little did they know, this would be more true than they thought possible.

1 and a half years later

As time flew by with the Shimura's and Uraraka's, the duo of Izuku and Ochako had become an inseparable pair. They had often played together, ate together, and trained their quirks together. It had gotten to a point that Tosa had made a few humor fueled comments that Ochako and Izuku act no different than a married couple. The grown ups had laughed at this watching Izuku float a bit thanks to his mother's lessons on how to manage it. As they grew up, Ochako had realized she had the ability to take anything or anyones gravitational pull off with small pads on her fingertips. She found this out by accident one day pulling Izuku and nearly sending him into outer space. To say she panicked and hugged Izuku with tears in her eyes knowing she almost sent her friend into the stratosphere was an understatement. Her father Maruki had to let Ochako stay the night at the Shimura's due to her sadness. Izuku consoled her saying she didn't do it on purpose and eventually made things a little better for everyone. Speaking of Izuku, he was able to add a little more to his abilities. He now could not only adjust how his electromagnetism on something works, he could also send electricity out to everyone's surprise. After doing one large amount of this though, Izuku needs to stop due to his quirk making him either slightly blind, deaf, or mute after. He didn't mind it though since he knew it would get better one day.

Today was a rather special day for the Shimura house. Toshinori Yagi Shimura had mentioned to them that he was coming home today. After his graduation from UA when Izuku was about 4, Toshinori had left to go to America and study as a hero there. He felt bad leaving his family, but he wanted to be the best hero he could for both him and his family who he loves. He even made a pinky promise with little Izuku that he would become the greatest hero in America, then in Japan. He mastered the first part and became something that the world could rely on whenever he's around. Now he came home with high hopes and prepared to become Japan's number 1. Nana and Izuku were just happy to see him again after so long. "Izuku, lets go to the park to meet with Ochako. I told Toshi that we'll be there." "Ok mom." Izuku got his shoes on and waited for his mother outside. He was excited today, Izuku was finally able to introduce Ochako to his brother.

As The two went to the park, Ochako had found her way to the park before them and waited where she normally met Izuku. Since it was a nice neighborhood with very little crime, Ochako was able to walk to the park alone with her mother telling her to stay exactly where she was to meet Izuku and his mother. She agreed and sat in a sandbox playing until she would see her friend. "Look what we got here?" Her fun was cut short by an ash blond stomping on her sand castle with two others behind him. "That's not nice Bakugou!" Ochako shouted at the blond Katsuki Bakugou. She met him some time ago with Izuku around with him instantly disliking her for being friends with Izuku. Before Izuku had his quirk, Bakugou was praised as someone who was going to be one of the greatest heroes. That all changed when he had to share the spotlight with Izuku however. With this, Bakugou would regularly try to pick fights with Izuku and anyone who was around him. Fearing for their safety, most kids avoided Izuku so as to not enrage a boy that can literally light little stun bombs in his hands.

"Where's Deku? Not here round face?" Ochako got up and made the maddest face she could. "As a mattew of fact, no. I'm waiting fow Izuchan and his mommy to come hewe." "You think it's cute to talk like that? You sound stupid!" "And you need a spanking!" Silence filled the area before Bakugou started to shake. "Grrr, NOBODY TELLS ME WHAT I NEED!" He sent an explosion at Ochako to send her into the sand with a few cuts on her. She began to cry from the pain as Bakugou walked up to her with explosions going off in his hands "You want a fight round face, YOU GOT ONE!" He went for another explosion for Bakugou to go back a few feet. He looked over to see Izuku running over with electricity in his hands. "Ochan, are you ok!?" Izuku went over to see if Ochako was ok before standing in front of her.

"You wanna fight now Deku?" Bakugou slammed his fist into his hand to make an explosion with two kids behind him getting ready to fight. "I'm warning you, this is between me and round face. But out!" "Picking on people is wrong Kaachan. If you do that, you can't be a hero." Izuku got into a fighting stance with Bakugou ready to fight as well. "It's three on two Deku, do the math and know when your beat." "Then let me even the score." Bakugou saw a giant shadow cast over him to make him slightly turn behind him and see a buff blond man smiling down on him. "Now what was that about three on two? Last I checked, it's only you." Bakugou looked around to see his two cronies running away in fear. "You have two options right now son. Run away, or get an All Mighty spanking before being sent home to your mother AHAHAHA!" Bakugou was mean, but he wasn't stupid. He knew he didn't stand a chance and ran for it. "THIS ISN'T OVER DEKU! YOU HEAR ME!"

"That'll learn him." The buff blond looked down and smiled. "Izuku, how have you been little brother?" Izuku was able to get a better look at the blond before smiling. "TOSHI!" Izuku ran to hug his older brother Toshinori as he picked him up to get a better look at him. "Look how big you've gotten Izuku. Keep this up, and you'll be bigger than me." Toshi started to laugh as Izuku remembered Ochako and got down. "Ochan!" He ran up to see her still crying. "I'w be ok Ichan. Who's the big pewson?" "This is my brother Toshi. You know, the guy in the pictures you saw." Ochako looked up for Toshi to smile at her. "You must be young Ochako Uraraka. It's a pleasure to meet you, mother and Izuku has told me so much about you little missy." "Wooow! You biggew than daddy." "HAHAHAHA! I guess I am a little on the larger size." All Might laughed at this while Nana finally found them.

"There you are Izuku, and I see you found Toshi." Nana looks over to see Ochako covered in dirt with a few scrapes. "Ochako, what happened? Your covered in dirt and you have scapes all over you." "It was Bakugou Ichan's mom! He was being a meanie!" "He was? What made him hurt you though?" "He was picking on me fow tawking wike this and I towd him he needed a spanking." Nana and Toshi tried to hold in a laugh as they picked up the two kids. Toshi offered to put the two on his shoulders as they went home to the kids delight. Once they got home, Nana took Ochako into the bathroom to clean her up while Toshi was telling Izuku about America and his journeys. Once Ochako was cleaned and bandaged, Nana dropped her off next to Izuku to work on lunch for the group while listening to Toshi's story.

Once lunch was ready, Nana shouted for everyone to come in. "Lunch!" They all came to the table with Toshi trying to help the best he could. "Allow me." He tries to take the plate of sandwiches from Nana for her to sock him in the gut. "I may not be as strong as I used to be, but I can still sock you a good one if you step out of line. Now sit your butt down so we can eat." "*weeze* Yes, mother." Toshi sat down for the two kids to start laughing at him. When lunch was done, the four spent the day outside with Izuku and Ochako playing while Nana and Toshi started talking. "So your back for good, huh?" "Yeah, I have enough of a handle on OFA where I think I can hold my own in a fight with him." Nana bit her lip knowing her adopted son will have to fight a monster in human skin and powerless to stop him. "J-just don't do something stupid like fall for his words or something. Use your head please, for Izuku's sake. He sees you as his brother and tries to embody the type of hero you want to be. So for his and my sake, please come back alive." Toshi saw tears in Nana's eyes before answering. "I will. I'll stop him and return alive mother, for Izuku's and your sake."

As hours passed, Ochako's parents came to pick her up and be introduced to Toshi. After a hug and kiss on Izuku's cheek by Ochako, the three of them left with Izuku yawning. Toshi held his little brother in his arms as he brought him to his room and tucked him in. Izuku fell asleep in a matter of seconds with Nana and Toshi looking at the little green haired boy in the bed. "Toshi, do you still plan to give Izuku OFA when the time comes?" "I do." Nana clenched her fists in anger. "Please don't let him fight this monster. It breaks my heart knowing you have to. I-I can't stand the thought of little Izuku having to as well. Ever since he took yours and Izuku's father from us, I just...I don't want either one of you to go after someone like this. I'm scared he's gonna take the ones in my life I care for more than my own life again. I don't think I can handle that." "*sigh* I know. I don't like it as much as you, but this is where we stand right now." Toshi hugs his mother holding her head in his chest. "I promise you this. I'll defeat AFO, I'll live, and Izuku won't have to face him. We'll all live long happy lives with nobody dying on us before their time. I swear to you." Nana wanted to believe these words and thanked her son before they went their separate ways to their own bedrooms for the night.

"With how Izuku's quirk works I wonder if the electricity he produces can affect the brain if it hits the head. Perhaps if he was lucky and landed a strike on the base of the head just where the neck connects with the brain stem, it can sever the connection the person needs with their quirk. It's a long shot and that small target would be a difficult blow to land, but I need to test my theory. Maybe the tyranny of All for One will come to an end with nobody else having to die. For this to happen, he needs to train to aim for headshots with lightning bolts. We would also need to see if that would be possible to do in the first place. The death row inmates at Tartarus could work, but the controversy behind it would be immense. This would have to be done in secret with only as much people that know of One for All, knowing of this as well. Forced Quirk Erasure, if the villains figured this out, it could spell the end of heroism as we know it." Nana thinks to herself as she lays in her bed awake deep in thought. She begins to get up and opens a drawer she places a small vial of blood that Toshinori had given her to be used in the worst case scenario where he fails during their battle. As a safety measure, Nana had agreed to accept the role of 9th successor if it happened before Izuku was old enough. She didn't like to think this, but they were facing a monster that was as cunning as he was dangerous and had to take precautions in case of the worst. 'I don't want history to repeat itself with you Toshi, but please come back alive when the time comes. That's all I want from you. You can fail against AFO, but please just don't die. I don't think me or Izuku could handle losing you.'

And this finishes the chapter folks. So Izuku will have a rather powerful quirk growing up that allows him to mess with electromagnetism and electricity itself. But if he overuses it, he can have numbness in his nerves or suffer from slight loss of one of his senses if he keeps overusing it(Example, he can't speak, hear, or see for like an hour or so). Next chapter will take place with the duo being in their last year of middle school having their own little antics happen. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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