Happily Stuck

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3rd person POV:

Years had passed for the Shimura's with Izuku growing in the blink of an eye. He was now 14 with a strong hold of his quirk to not only use it for tactical use, but also for combat. Over some time, Izuku had learned many things about his quirk that allowed him to do some amazing things with it. By just hitting someone with a bolt of lighting, he could shock their nervous system, mess with their bodies to become akin to magnets, or even take their ability to use their quirks. His mother forbade use of this part except in training until he got older and into UA since it was a very handy power that could be envied by evil. Because of this, Izuku held one of his most powerful aces from everyone. Ochako had grown up as well. With her time around Izuku, she learned of many useful things she could do with her quirk and obtained some help with her taking her own gravity off thanks to Nana. As they grew up however, something changed in them. It wasn't something small, it was an emotion they had grown stronger between each other. It was one of love for the other which they did not fully understand or want to jeopardize their friendship over. As such, they accepted this and kept these emotions below the surface for the other.

Today started as a normal day for the duo, eating breakfast in Izuku's home and having some small talk before they had to leave. "So Izuku, you and Ochako got any plans today?" "Actually, we were planning on working out a combination for our quirks." "Yeah, Izuku and I were thinking of making a way for us to make things orbit around us that I make weightless." "Ah, so like asteroids around some planets. Sounds like it could be handy." Nana smirked at them before correcting herself. "I meant, did you two have any plans for a date today?" This comment made the two teens go completely red and cover their faces. "MOM/MRS. SHIMURA!" "Hahahaha! Sorry, but you two are just hilarious to tease about this. Why don't you two just accept the love you have for the other and see where it goes." "B-b-because we're just friends mom!" Izuku grabbed his backpack before walking towards the door. "Ochako, we're gonna be late." "Coming!" They practically bolted out the door with Nana smiling at them. "They're so gonna be a couple. The only question is, when are one of them gonna get the guts to say what they want to the other?" Nana took the plates the two were eating off of to bring them to the sink while thinking of a possible grandchild in the future from them. 'When I get them together, all I have to do is find someone for that musclehead I call my oldest son. With all his fame, he can't land one girlfriend I can pick on him with.'

As Nana thought of this, Izuku and Ochako were walking in an awkward silence. They weren't foreign to Izuku's mothers' acts of saying they're a couple, but today got to them for some reason. They decided to take a shortcut through an alley to get to school earlier and take their minds off of the conversation this morning. "Let me go you jerks!" They start to hear someone shouting in the alley for them to start investigating. "Common honey, give us a smile." They looked to see three guys talking to a girl wearing a private school uniform who was not happy in the slightest. One of them held her arms with another very close to her face. She spat on the guy for him to get mad and slap her across the face. "Filthy bitch!" "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Izuku shouted to get all four of their attention. "Well, well, well, looks like we've got us a little hero. Get outta here kid if you know what's good for ya." The thug that slapped the girl made his hands into knives to point at Izuku. "We wouldn't want someone to get hurt, now would we?"

Izuku glared the man down and smiled. "You should heed your own advice. I'm not the normal middle schooler ya punk. Now I'm gonna ask you one last time, let the girl go and leave." "....Make me." The man with knives for fingers charged at Izuku for him to dodge and sock the idiot in his stomach. He fell to the ground with the others looking at him in anger. "Who's next?" The man who wasn't holding the girl turned his hands into rock and came at Izuku next. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Ochako came around Izuku to get behind the thug and suplex him into the ground to knock him out. "What the hell are these kids!?" The third guy panicked and allowed the girl a chance to step on his foot to free her. She ran behind Izuku and Ochako with Izuku getting into a fighting stance. The guy started to shake before Izuku decided to try a trick he wanted to. "....Boo!" "AHHHH!" The thug ran away screaming like a little girl knowing that he didn't stand a chance against one of the duo, let alone both. "That'll teach ya." Izuku sent a text to his mother after this saying what happened for her to mention that she'll get some cops there to arrest the unconscious two.

"Are you ok miss?" Izuku came over with Ochako to talk to the girl. "I am, thanks for the save.

 "Our pleasure." Ochako smiled while answering with them both getting a better look at the girl. She was rather tall with black hair and onyx eyes. The most awkward thing about her however was how developed she was. She didn't look much older than Izuku and Ochako, in fact, she was younger than Izuku by a few months, but she had the figure of someone in their twenties and seemed to have some more room to grow. "What are your names?" Izuku and Ochako were pulled out of their thoughts while this is said. "Sorry, my name's Izuku Shimura." "And I'm Ochako Uraraka." "It is nice to meet you two, my name's Momo Yaoyorozu." She smiled at them with her phone vibrating. She looked at it and realized the time. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I need to get going." As she left, Momo had thought of their names and smiled. 'They seem like nice people. I wonder if they're dating?' As she left, Izuku looked at the time to realize they were gonna be late as well. "Ocha, we gotta get a move on as well. We're gonna be late if we don't." "Right."

As they ran, Izuku and Ochako stayed rather close with some of Izuku's thoughts thinking on what his future would be like as a hero. He was technically Momo's savior with Ochako back there, but he questioned what heroics had in store for them. 'I wonder if me and Ocha can still be together?' He dwelled on the word 'together' before getting red with embarrassment. 'Don't think that brain! We're just friends! Nothing more, nothing les-' He stopped in his thoughts when he felt electricity in his hand. He looked down to notice his hand was holding something. It was Ochako's hand. "Izuku, what are you doing?" Ochako asked this while being rather flushed by his actions. "S-s-s-sorry, I'll let go!" Izuku tried to let go with it not working. "What's wrong?" "Nnngh! I can't let go!" "WHAT!?" Ochako heard this and started to panic. She pulled with all her might with Izuku for it to do absolutely nothing. They looked at their hands to freak out at this accident. 'How are we gonna deal with school like this!?'

Few hours later

Izuku and Ochako had sat in the nurse's office not knowing where to go with Nana coming when the nurse called. "Hmm, very strange indeed." "What happened?" Nana questioned the nurse with her giving the best prognosis she could. "From what I can tell, Shimura had produced a strange magnetic pull on his and Uraraka's hands to make them stick." "Will it be a problem?" "Not to worry, it should wear off in about a day or so." The nurse walked away to leave the three alone. "So how did this happen?" Izuku and Ochako looked at the other before shrugging. "I don't know. One second we were fine, then my quirk activated and did this." Nana looked at this with confusion before answering. "Your desks are apart from each other, right?" They both nodded to make the former pro sigh. "I'm gonna get your work for today and say what happened. Neither one of you can function like this in school, especially with Izuku's dominant hand holding onto your left one Ochako." They thought about the predicament and nodded.

While leaving, Izuku and Ochako had gotten in the back of Nana's car with them both trying to avoid eye contact. "So what were you thinking about when this happened?" Izuku and Ochako turned red while this was said to make it easy to guess what it was for Nana. 'I wonder if this will work out for what they need to say to the other.' "It's irrelevant now, but maybe you two should talk about it some time today incase it happens again to you both." When Nana pulled into the driveway, she let the two out before lowering the window. "I need to work on something with an old friend today, so you kids are gonna be alone until tonight. If you need anything, there should be some snacks and some instant stuff in the cabinets." Izuku and Ochako nodded before Nana pulled her head back in the car. "Oh, and before I forget." Nana pokes her head out and smiles at Izuku. "If you get intimate with each other while I'm gone, make sure to use protection." "MOM/MRS. SHIMURA!" Nana laughed as she rolled her window up and left the duo alone. An uneasy silence rolled in with them both looking at the other. "S-sorry this had to happen to you." "N-no need. I know it was an accident." They walked inside and began to sit on the couch and work on the stuff they were missing before turning on the TV to pass some time.

Time skip to the evening

"I'm home!" Nana opened the door to see the two teenagers working on homework in the living room. "Hi mom." "So what did you kids do today?" "Nothing really. Just did schoolwork until Izuku couldn't handle writing with his left hand anymore and watching TV until he was able to again." Ochako mentioned this while biting on the back of her mechanical pencil trying to solve a problem. "Anything good you two found?" "Nothing really. Just a documentary on the production of chocolates with most of the time channel surfing." Izuku stated while trying to write the best he could not use his dominant hand. "So what did you two do when you had to use the bathroom?" They both blushed at this before Izuku spoke. "W-we used the sink and shower to block out the sound and blindfolded the other when one of us had to." Izuku says this with him trying to avoid the fact this happened with Ochako submerging her head into her hand.

"Alright, I'm not gonna pry any farther since you both had a problematic day." Nana went into the kitchen to start dinner with someone knocking at the door. "Izuku, can you get that?" "Got it." Izuku and Ochako walked towards the door to open it. "Hello Izuku and Ochako. How have you two been?" "TOSHI!" Izuku hugged his brother with Ochako hugging him as well. "It's good to see you two again." Toshi stops and notices the two with their hands locked to ask. "By any chance, did you two become a couple? You both have your hands locked." They both go red with embarrassment as they explain what happened. "I-i-it's nothing like that! My quirk just acted on it's own and stuck us together!" "Y-yeah! We aren't a couple!" 'Yet at lea-WHAT AM I THINKING!?' "Who's at the door Izuku?" Nana came out of the kitchen to come to the door and notice the buff blond on the doorstep. "Toshi, how are you?" "I've been well. But I wanted to introduce someone to you two."

Toshinori stepped to the side to show a green haired woman with matching green eyes. "Everyone, this is Inko. We've been dating for about 2 years and I thought it was time for her to meet you." "Hello, my name is Inko Midoriya. It's an honor to meet you." Inko bowed as something made Nana investigate her image a little more heavily. "....You didn't date her for a mother complex, did you?" Both looked at each other before looking back at Nana for an answer. "The hair." She points at her hair style to make both realize what she meant. "How sad, my oldest son and the number one hero has complex about his own mother. Where did I go wrong?" Nana joked with this while Toshinori tried to explain himself. "M-mother, that isn't it! I didn't even see the resemblance until you pointed it out! I fell for her kind nature and calm demeanor and not the fact she looked like you!" Nana began to laugh with everyone else laughing at Toshinori's expense. He only held his head down as this happened. "Anyway, dinner's ready if you two want to sit down and eat with us. I made plenty." "Thank you." "I apologize if I'm intruding, Mrs. Shimura." "Don't worry about it, I'm just glad my dunce of a son finally has a girlfriend."

They all sat together eating while talking with Inko telling a little about herself and how her and Toshinori met. Apparently, she works as a doctor in a local hospital around his home and had met him prior to dating. Toshinori came in one day to handle a gash he had from a seriously painful fight, and the two just started talking. When he was able to leave, Toshinori asked if they could see each other again with Inko giving him her number and telling him she was free Friday if he wanted to see a movie or have dinner along that line. Not long after, they were dating. As the night came to an end, Toshinori and Inko said their goodbyes with Izuku and Ochako looking down at their hands. "So, how do we get ready for bed like this?" Ochako asked this with their hands still strongly locked together. "I guess you're both gonna have to sleep like that." Nana pointed this out with the two of them accepting this and walking to Izuku's room. "Just don't have too much fun. I may want grandkids, but you're still both in middle school." This comment made the two produce steam off their heads while they both go a dark shade of red.

The two layed in Izuku's bed looking at the ceiling with only their minds going at their situation. "Hey Izuku, what if this lasts into tomorrow?" "I don't know, but I'd rather it be you I'm stuck together with than anyone else." Ochako looked over to Izuku, scared of what he meant. "Y-you mean cause were friends, right?" Izuku took a deep sigh before speaking. 'Might as well say this. Now's as good of a time as any.' "Ochako, there's something I wanted to tell you for a while." She knew this was something serious since he addressed her in a serious tone of voice. "For a while, I've been keeping this feeling for you down because of our friendship. I didn't want to ruin what we already had because of something I wasn't fully sure of, but here it is. I...may....kinda sorta.....l-like..you. As in...love." Izuku beat around the bush since he was afraid of what she would say. Ochako held a deep red blush while hugging Izuku. "I-it's ok if you don't feel that way. We can just pretend I never said tha-"

Ochako cut him short by pushing her lips onto his. As they parted, Ochako looked at Izuku with her face rather flushed. "I think I sorta like you too. Love I mean." Izuku smiled at this with their hands finally letting go as if his quirk was trying to get them to say this to each other. They looked down to see their hands free and hugged one another. "So, does this make us a couple now?" Ochako asked in confusion as Izuku thought about it as well. "I guess it does. Do you have any problems with that?" He asked making sure there wasn't any doubt with this. "Not one bit. But can I still sleep in here even if we aren't stuck together?" Izuku nodded as they fell asleep with Ochako on top of Izuku. In the hall, Nana heard the conversation to smile at the act. 'Good for the both of you. You both deserve this happiness.' Nana walked to her bedroom yawning to get ready for bed herself.

Meanwhile, at the Yaoyorozu's estate

"So this boy had black hair and was able to save you from thugs?" "Yes father." Momo had told her parents about Izuku and Ochako's daring rescue of her to which they seemed rather relieved this happened. "But Momo, why were you in an alley to begin with?" "I asked the driver if I could walk to school since it was a nice day. He advised against it, but allowed it after a little coercing on my end. While walking, I was grabbed by one of them and brought into the alley. I didn't expect someone to do that since crime in the city was rather low compared to others, but this was my mistake for letting my guard down too much." Momo's father pinched the bridge of his nose before speaking. "I can't blame you for that, but you should've stayed in the car to not cause attention to yourself. Not counting the fact your the next head of the Yaoyorozu franchise, we care about you Momo, you're our only child after all, and we don't want to see you get hurt. So please use a little more caution when doing these acts and rationalize your thoughts a little more please." "Yes father." Momo bowed at her father while he pulled up his phone to type something in. "So what were the names of the two that saved you?" "The girl's name was Ochako Uraraka, and the boy's was Izuku Shimura if I remember correctly. I don't think they used their quirks either if that helps at all." Momo's father typed their names in before putting his phone away. "I'll do a little research on these two and find a way to formally thank them for their heroic efforts. I'll let you know what I find out Momo." "Yes father." Momo bowed one last time to her parents before walking up to her room. Her father started to question the names he hears with some interest. 'Shimura. Where have I heard that name before?'

And that finishes this chapter folks. So Izuku and Ochako are now a couple with them being talked about by Momo to her parents. See how things hear up with these three in the next chapter. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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