The Arrangement

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A week after the discussion with his daughter had occurred Momo's father Shuromo Yaoyorozu, had looked into the name Shimura and was surprised at what he had found. Shimura was the surname of the previous Number 1 hero and symbol of Justice, Nana Shimura or as the public knew her, Paragon. This gave the older man an idea, he was always one to think of ways to further his influence first and not of how his actions would affect those around him. He had called his butler into his office and had him scribe a letter for the widowed former pro heroin. Once his butler had finished the letter he had it stamped with the Yaoyorozu wax seal and sent to the Shimura home in east Mustafu. The letter had entailed a plan to further both of their families power and wealth in wedding the only son of Nana Shimura to his daughter Momo Yaoyorozu. He sat back in his chair and envisioned the future that is to come if she agrees to this arrangement between the two. Drinking from a 40 year old bottle of scotch, a smile graces the older buisnessman's face as he leans back in his chair.

When the post had arrived in the mail a couple days later, Nana was surprised that she had received a letter from the 5th most wealthy family in the entire world. She carefully cut the letter open with a letter knife before unfolding the parchment and reading the letter aloud but barely audible to anyone aside from herself.

To Nana Shimura:

Though we have never personally met, an incident the past week has brought to my attention something that had happened between your son and my only daughter. Nothing nefarious of the sort had taken place and in fact, it was quite the opposite. Your son Shimura Izuku had saved the innocence of my daughter from some would be rapists and common street thugs. I wish to meet with him and arrange a marriage between him and my daughter in a quirk marriage before they enroll at UA University. In this letter is a notice of consolation to an extent of 1.5 billion yen for the loss of your husband Shimura Toseiki before your son's birth. With a quirk that is literal power and my daughter's creation ability, the two quirks will combine to make an even more powerful creation ability in their offspring making their abilities akin to that of the gods in ancient mythos. Do consider my request to have these two wed and if you wish to speak with me and my daughter in person, save the wax seal on the back of the letter and hand it to the gate operator at my estate when you come to see me.

Best Regards.

Yaoyorozu Shuromo

Nana was confused upon reading this, Why does he want to have their children married to one another simply because her son saved his child from a street thug. She had thought that it was for some sort of political gain in a way but then disregarded the idea. Nana couldn't make a decision for her son against his will, especially now that he had started a relationship with his childhood best friend Ochako Uraraka. Something in her mind however gave her an interesting idea, she loved her only biological son with all her heart and wanted him to be happy more than anything. Nearing her mid fifties soon, she knew that it wouldn't be long before either one of her sons blessed her with grandchildren and maybe that was the notion behind her idea. In her mind she wanted Izuku Ochako and Momo to be together simply for her to be One grandmother for All the grandbabies. She smiled at this idea, getting to spoil a bunch of Shimura munchkins while their parents were away and decided to hand the letter to Izuku and Ochako telling them of what Shuromo had asked of her.

The door opened to the sound of two people walking in. "Mom, we're home." Izuku had come inside with Ochako to notice his mother looking at a letter before asking. "Mom?" Nana got out of her daze to see Izuku and Ochako looking at her. "Sorry, I was thinking of something." Nana looked at the letter one last time before speaking to Izuku. "Izuku, do you remember the girl you and Ochako saved a few weeks ago?" "Yeah, I think her name was Momo Yaoyorozu?" Izuku said in asking to make sure he was correct to which Ochako nodded. "Well, you saved the daughter of one of the richest people in the world." "Pfft! We saved who!?" Both had done a spit take of their tea on the other and went wide eyed as this was said. "To make it even crazier, her father wants to put you and her in an arranged quirk marriage before the end of high school." The room went silent as this was said. "D-does he know that I'm already dating Ochako?" "I don't think he does." Ochako held onto Izuku having a bit of an agitated face on her. "Nobody is taking Izuku away from me without a fight." "Look, we can just explain the incident when we go see him. I was thinking of maybe doing a trip there with you so you can speak to him and give Mr. Yaoyorozu your own idea on this." Izuku looked at Ochako and nodded saying he will.

That weekend

As the three of them get to the gates, they marvel at the enormous size of it with Ochako starting to twirl around. "Were literally meeting someone that lives in a mansion." She nearly falls over if Izuku didn't catch her. "Easy there Ochako, it's still too early to fall head over heels." "Can I help you?" A man with a scar over his left side that looked like he was cut looks at them with an indifferent glare. "Yes, I obtained a note from Mr. Shuromo Yaoyorozu about a quirk marriage that he wanted to happen between his daughter and my son." The man took the note to see the stamp on the back. He handed it back to Nana before bowing and opening the gates. "I shall inform the master you are here. Please follow the road to get to the main house." "Thank you." The three bowed before walking up the road. The trek itself was rather intense since it was almost a mile long walk until they got to the door.

As they got to the main building, a few maids and butlers were there to greet them with the door opening to a man with dark hair and a woman with similar hair color. "Thank you for coming Mrs. Shimura, and you must be Izuku." "Y-yes sir. My name is Izuku Shimura. It's an honor to be in your home sir." Izuku bowed with the man smiling. "Quite the manners on you." As this was said Shuromo looked at Ochako with curiosity. "So who is this woman?" "I'm sorry for the late introductions sir, my name is Ochako Uraraka. Right now, I am dating Izuku." The smile on Shuromo didn't disappear. It actually did not drop saying he wasn't surprised. "Why don't we head into the main hall to speak." The two walked into the main hall with Izuku, Nana, and Ochako following. As they got to a few seats, they had gotten comfy before getting down to business.

"To make a long story short, I would wish for you and Momo to wed by the end of your third year of high school Izuku." "I'm sorry sir, but that would be impossible at the moment." Izuku grabbed Ochako's hand before saying why. "I am currently in a relationship with Ochako here and do not wish to get rid of it." Ochako smiled knowing it would take more than the ideal of an arranged quirk marriage to make Izuku falter. "I could understand that, but I do not wish to take no for an answer to this." Shuromo was not wishing to give up and took out a small note folder. "Ochako Uraraka. Daughter of Tosa and Maruki Uraraka. Occupations of construction workers of a third grade construction company. Life must have not been easy for you growing up. I can see why you would not wish to let go of someone like Izuku." "That was impolite." Izuku was getting agitated with this as it sounded like Shuromo was belittling his girlfriend for something her parents worked so hard even before she was born to deal with.

"My apologies if it sounded rude Ms. Uraraka, but I wanted to just point out I am rather knowledgeable about both of you. Now I have a proposition for you Ms Uraraka. Your parents' business is having issues and now are being faced with losing your boyfriend, what if you stay at his side and Momo joins him at his other hand?" Everyone stared at him for a few moments as if he had grown a second head. "I am willing to accept Shimura Izuku to marry you both with your consent. If you do, I will not only ask your parents to become business partners with me, in that all construction of my factories and facilities will be orchestrated by them and them alone, but you can also keep your relationship as it is with only my daughter joining you." Silence was in the air as he said this. "What does your daughter think of this?" Everyone looked at Izuku as he said this. "I won't agree to this if your daughter doesn't want to. If she is content with this along with Ochako, I'm fine with this. But if one or neither wants to, then this is a no. I want Yaoyorozu Momo's opinion on this, and even if she agrees to it I wouldn't feel right if Ochako and Myself didn't fall in love with her as she would with us if we are to be married together." Shuromo stood up and agreed to this. "Let's ask her then." They followed him to a door that opened to an enormous room with Momo inside it reading an encyclopedia. "Momo, we would like you to discuss some things with Izuku and Ochako." She looks up to place a bookmark where she was before standing to greet her father.

"Yes father, what would you like me to discuss with them?" "Well, Izuku would like to make certain you are ok with the quirk marriage I had requested between the two of you before we progress any farther. So as a form of good will to his sincerity, you three are going to speak and see how each of you feel about this." "Yes father." Izuku and Ochako went into the room with the door shutting behind them. The room was silent as they just stood there unsure what to do. "So uh, are you....ok...with this?" Izuku tried to find words to help this situation a bit with Momo shrugging her shoulders. "If it helps my family, then I am alright with it." "But are you fine with this? It's ok to want your family's interests at heart, but you need to be ok with this type of decision. Marriage means something. It's the merging of two people in a very serious relationship that shouldn't be taken lightly." Momo sat on her bed grabbing a pillow to hug. "To be honest, not fully."

Izuku and Ochako sat on the bed next to her as she spoke. "I want to help my family any possible way I can, but I also do not wish to do something as serious as this without first having the ability to choose someone I love myself." Momo put her head into her pillow before speaking. "I just want to know if this is right before going into a deep relationship. But I will most likely not if things go the way they are." Izuku thought about this with Ochako going to hug Momo. "To be honest, I thought you were trying to steal Izuku from me before coming here. I was angry at you and wanted nothing to do with this. But after hearing you say you would rather take it slower, I understand that you aren't a bad person. Thank you for being a nice person Momo." Izuku watched the two act kindly towards each other and hear what Ochako had to say before getting an idea in his head.

"Yaoyorozu, would you be able to give a better answer for this if you had some time dating us?" "I-I think so." "Ocha, would you be able to say if you can keep this relationship if you were given a little time before jumping into this?" "Yeah, I think so." "Then why not do that?" They both looked at Izuku as if he was crazy. "We'll date for two years with each of us getting to know each other better. When the last year of high school happens, we can tell your father if we want to pursue this or not and go from there." Ochako and Momo nodded before walking out of the room to see a man motioning in the direction of where everyone was. When they found the adults, they were speaking of the possible future with Izuku, Momo, and Ochako looking at Shuromo. "Have you three decided on this?" "Yes we have sir, we would like a little time before jumping to this decision. If you wouldn't mind for us to have our final answer to you by the third year of high school, we will try this relationship and see how it works. I won't leave Ochako for Momo, but I won't force Momo into this if she doesn't want to." Nana smiled at her son's mature comment as this was said. "I guess I was asking for too much directly off the bat. Very well, you three will date until the first day of your third year in high school and we will make a decision from there. Does anyone have any objections?" Everyone shakes their heads. "Then we agree. I hope you both find out if this is the best option soon."

One Week Later:

After that, Momo had given both Izuku and Ochako her phone number and told them that she would text them her answer when she had made up her mind. It didn't take long and the next morning the two woke up to an identical text on both of their phones. It was asking that they meet at an aquarium and spend the day around the city enjoying the shops, a movie, as well as the museum and most importantly the food. When Toshi found out about this he slapped his little brother on the shoulder in congratulation and then poked at him for having a mother complex after being shown a picture of Momo and seeing the resemblances between her and Nana despite the two not being related whatsoever. Nana smacked him for it before saying good luck on their date that weekend. Now it is the day of the date itself and Izuku is visibly nervous, he doesn't want to give one or the other too much attention to garder jealousy from the two women. Ochako had said that it was fine that she got more attention than her today but it didn't help Izuku's case much. Izuku and Ochako get dressed and ready to go before meeting Momo near her estate not long after.

After greeting her a good morning and making their way towards town, the three of them start off their date heading to a crepe stand for lunch. Knowing that Ochako had always been a fan of sweets and making guesses about how Momo's quirk works, he bought the two girls chocolate and strawberry crepes with Ochako's having green tea chocolate to differentiate between the two of them. Momo was surprised to see that Izuku had not only guessed correctly on what kind of food she prefers but also on how accurate his assessment of her quirk was without even seeing how it works. She thanked him politely by last name before taking the crepe from him and taking a seat by the little shop the stand was parked in front of. The three ate in relative silence enjoying the complex flavors of the crepes they had bought before bidding farewell to the shopkeep and making their way along the town. The next place was the aquarium where Ochako had shown her colors of her childish demeanor in excitedly running between all the exhibits and staring at all the fish, making faces at them and even getting a grouper to imitate her. This got Momo to start to laugh and smile seeing the way she acted. Izuku had shown Momo his knowledge of all the fish pointing out each type as they walked by. Being a good judge of character Izuku had come to see that Momo is a very intelligent woman and probably would be attracted to someone of similar intelligence. He wasn't all too concerned with swooping her off her feet on the first date and breaking his and Ochako's bed, his focus was more on becoming her friend first in being someone she can relate to. Momo was impressed by Izuku's knowledge of the aquatic world admittedly and was genuinely enjoying herself on the date of theirs. What truly made the afternoon was when Ochako had found a rather fat seal plush that looked as if it was wider than she is tall, something about the plush toy's close eyed smile gravitated the zero gravity quirk user to it. Momo thought the plush seal was quite adorable as well and when Ochako gave Izuku and her the puppy eyes to get the thing, she didn't hesitate to purchase the 15kg plush seal that was bigger than Ochako's entire body.

After bringing their souvenirs back to their home they had decided to continue their date going to the museum next as well as gardens and butterfly sanctuary. Momo especially had an immense fascination with the shiny and precious minerals of the museums many exhibits and had spent almost 2 hours explaining to her soon to be lovers all the ins and outs of every single gemstone there, by creating them of course. As soon as she began to use her quirk, Izuku seemingly manifested his hero book out of nowhere and began feverishly writing on the page to the point the pencil started to create smoke from moving on the paper so fast. When he was done there was a perfect drawing of Momo's creation ability of her creating a latus cut amethyst gemstone in her hand. She giggled at Izuku's fascination and went on to explain that to use her quirk she has to expose some of the skin on her body to make larger objects. After saying this, it wasn't long before Izuku had drawn up a rendition of a practical yet tasteful version of a hero costume for Momo. She was even impressed that the 2D iteration of herself had the same body proportions and blushed slightly at this. This brought the topic of their many meaningless conversations to the topic of quirks, specifically that she had yet to ask what theirs did. Ochako explained hers when they went to the space exhibit and showed Momo how it worked by levitating a small model of the earth and moon around herself using her gravity quirk. Momo was impressed to say the least, including the fact that the little models orbited each other like the real deals did. Izuku decided to do something special to show her his quirk and wanted to keep it a secret till that evening.

After getting dinner at a shoreline dinner by a small beach that was slightly cluttered with trash, Izuku led the two women to the water's edge and watched as the sun went down below the horizon. He then said he had to wait until it was night, otherwise it wouldn't be much of a show. This confused Momo slightly as she cocked her head to the side and asked what he ment. Ochako shushed her and handed her a bucket of popcorn and 3D glasses she got from somewhere. After seeing both of the girls get themselves situated on the shore line, Izuku subtly channels his quirk through his body allowing him to levitate just slightly off the ground. From their point of view, neither Momo or Ochako could tell that he was airborne but Ochako could see his hair standing on end due to the static electricity of his quirk. He gives them a confident smile before walking towards the water then onto the water's surface. This action widens both Ochako's and Momo's eyes to the size of Momo's breasts, which is saying something. Seeing the shock on their faces, no pun intended, Izuku chuckles to himself as the night sky's clouds begin to circle above him. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and opens them again revealing a brilliant blue green color that illuminates the area. Lightning starts to stream from his eyes like he's some nordic god as the air itself seems to taste of ozone. The immediate vicinity around Izuku sparks with random discharges of his lightning and the water bowls out making a perfect hemisphere beneath him. He raises his right hand up slightly before snapping his fingers, turning the water to steam and creating a storm cloud that invelops him.

This miniature storm arcs with amble crawlers and cloud to air lightning of all colors in the spectrum. Red sprites arc from the top of the tiny supercell into the night air as a small tornado forms beneath his feet. Momo and Ochako have been left speechless at this display of the elegance that is mother nature, or in this case, father nature. Lightning strikes the water and an orb pulsing with power floats up from the surface and orbits him, with each strike another orb follows until 4 of them orbit his body. For the first time in human history, Ball Lightning has now been witnessed. The orbs orbit the storm like electrons in an atom going around in unique orbitals moving on all axises around the storm. A small crowd has formed to witness the display of electricity and weather that are at Izuku's will. The small tornado dances as elegantly as a ballet dancer before retreating back into the storm as it shrinks. The four orbs stop in a straight line before flattening out creating a rod of sorts. When the cloud vanishes it shows izuku with glowing yellow eyes and a sword made of pure lightning in his hands. He thrusts it into the sky and a massive thunder crack is heard which causes the viewers to jump slightly hearing it. He places a hand at the top of the sword before condensing it to the size of a small coin before throwing it towards the sky. When it reaches the clouds it bursts and shows what looks like a tesla coil in the heavens illuminating the night sky with brilliant yellows, purples, reds and blues before fading. Izuku lands back in front of Ochako and Momo before grinning and taking a bow, while he was putting on his performance he had no idea of the other audience that had formed, so when the audience at the road began to clap he got very embarrassed.

Izuku walked over to Momo and Ochako who were unable to find words to even explain what they just witnessed other than: "Wow." Ochako had seen Izuku put on a display before with his quirk, but this one took the cake. Izuku tried to say something, but felt a little woozy from the act and almost fell backwards. He apologized and explained how his quirk will cause temporary numbness that can go even affect his senses if things go too far for a short period of time. Though the drawback was rather great, the use and sheer power behind the quirk was still one to behold. When this was over, Izuku and Ochako brought Momo back to her home with the day nearing its end. When they got to her estates front door, the creation user had thanked them both for an exciting day and asked if they would wish to do it again sometime. Both agreed and said they would like it. They started to go their separate ways. But before they left. Momo grabbed Izuku to kiss his cheek as a thank you before running into her house. Izuku went red at this before Ochako did the same. They made their way home with Izuku dropping Ochako off at her home and gave her a peck on the lips saying that she'll see him tomorrow. While entering his own home, Izuku was met by his mother sitting on the sofa watching a show on TV. "How was the date Izuku?" Izuku smiled while touching both his cheeks. "It was nice." Izuku said nothing else as he went into his room and got ready for bed. His thoughts that night was on how this relationship may not be as bad as it was originally though and was excited for what the future would bring for him.

And that finishes this chapter. The next will fast forward some of these dates while touching on a few that were rather unique for the group and go right to their decision on the marriage. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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