Vow of Happiness

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Ok, so I have no idea how to post multiple pictures on the main one and am not that saddened by it. But anyway, here are the dresses of Ochako and Momo in this.


Two years had passed with Izuku, Ochako, and Momo's relationship going as it was. They had gone on some rather interesting dates in this time with some rather undesirable outcomes. One of which was Momo meeting Bakugou who tried to pick a fight with Izuku. Izuku tried to reason with the hot headed teen, but he would not listen. This resulted in the two fighting with Izuku trying to pull it into a less confined area so nothing would get damaged. When this happened, Izuku shot a bolt of lightning to Bakugou's feet and melted his shoes to pavement keeping him from moving. Izuku walked away hearing Bakugou swear and threatening to kill him the second he got free. After this, Ochako explained how Bakugou was an egoist that had his shorts in a knot the second Izuku had his quirk and regularly comes around and picks fights when the two meet. Momo thought many things on this, but one that popped into her head was just 'prick'. She never enjoyed name calling, but this was the best she could think of with Bakugou after his little rant and attack on Izuku.

Not all ended badly though. Some ended with a nice outcome with one in particular being of the carnival coming to Mustafar. Momo had never gone to one before and was rather excited. At one point, her and Ochako acted almost as if they were sisters with the level of excitement beaming out of them. Izuku at one point had to wear sunglasses from the bright purity coming from the duo's excitement. This was something Momo was happy to experience, and both Izuku and Ochako were happy to experience with her. They enjoyed that evening with Ochako finding a tent that showed all the animals in the show, including a white tiger. This caught everyone's attention as it was used in a unicycle riding act instead of a bear. This caught a laugh by everyone with this date ending on a very high note to the trio finding out their joy of carnivals. Finally the end of their trial had come with Shuromo waiting for an answer from the three.

"Well Shimura, I'm certain you three have had quite the fair amount of enjoyment over the past two years dating. Now that you have spent some time together, what is your decision?" Izuku thought about this before looking at Ochako and Momo. "What do you two think of this?" Momo spoke up first. "At first, I thought this was going to be impossible to manage with the way things are. But after spending time with you both, I think it wouldn't be as hard as I believe." "Same here. I was more worried Izuku may be taken away from me and I'd never see him again. But now that I can tell this is definitely not the case, I'm ok with it." Izuku smiled as he looked at Shuromo. "If they're fine with this, then I'm fine with it too. I accept your offer Mr. Yaoyorozu and I am willing to marry Momo if you are able to accept Ochako into that as well." Shuromo smiled as he nodded. "I don't see a problem with that. Also, do not worry about myself keeping our end of the deal miss Uraraka. I will make sure to assist your family in return for your acceptance of this." "Thank you sir." Ochako bowed as the four of them immediately started preparations for the wedding.

On the wedding day

Izuku stood at the altar nervous with his brother All Might being his best man. The two looked so out of place as a family due to the size difference and the image of a bulky blond being related to a fit but smaller stature dark haired boy. As the music started, the door opened to see Ochako and Momo being escorted into the chapel with their fathers. Shuromo was proud as anything, while Maruki held back the urge to cry that his little girl was getting married. Once all three were at the altar, the pastor started his sermon for the marriage. Everything was quiet as they began saying their vows to each other. Ochako had gone first with looking at the two. "Izuku, we've known each other for most of our lives. You have been my friend, my saviour on some occasions, and a big motivation for my dreams and goals. When I was finally able to call you my lover, it filled my heart with joy for this day. That also includes you Momo" She turned to Momo and started. "Though we may not have started on the right foot Momo, I'm happy to be standing here with you. You're smart and caring just like Izuku. If I could pick anyone to share a life partner with, I'm proud it's you. I hope that we both will find happiness with the man we love."

Momo was the next to speak. "Izuku, I apologize if we started on the wrong foot. If I could do anything different, I would have met you and Ochako sooner. You are an amazing person who shows compassion regardless of it needing to be shown. I hope our lives together stand as something I will cherish for the rest of our lives." Momo looked over to Ochako. "If any word on how we first met could sum how apologetic I am for giving you the wrong impression, it would be I'm sorry and that my intentions were never anything fowl. Learning how it is to be in a relationship with you has been something I will always cherish. I want this to work and am happy that you are willing to help make this work as well. With this, I am proud to be someone that stands with you beside the man we both love."

Izuku finally spoke after this to the both of them first. "I am happy you both are willing to make this work. You have no idea how happy this makes me." Izuku turned to Ochako first. "I can't tell you when I first had feelings for you Ochako. As long as I've known you, I always cared for you like nobody else. The day you accepted my offer to be in a relationship with me was one of the most beautiful moments in my life. I cannot tell you how happy this day makes me." Izuku now turned to Momo. "The day my mother told me of how things turned out, I was worried what the three of us will have to overcome. I was scared you were never going to be happy with me, so I wanted to first know how you felt about this. But after spending time with you, I began to fall in love again with you. If I had to pick and choose between you and Ochako, I don't think I could. You both are special in my life and hold a place in my heart. I love you both and will always from now till the end of time."

The pastor had stated that he now pronounced them man and wives after this and that they may kiss. But right before they did, the stained glass near the door broke open with Bakugou clearly angry. "I FUCKING OBJECT TO THIS SHITTY WEDDING!!! DEKU YOU BASTARD! YOU'RE NOT GETTING A BITCH BEFORE ME!" Bakugou sent a shot at Izuku and practically destroyed the front of the church with everyone screaming and running away. "Let me get this straight. You crashed through a beautiful stained glass window, caused mass destruction of a sacred building, nearly BLEW MY WIVES UP FOR YOUR OWN FUCKING EGO!?" Electricity was starting to be thrown off Izuku as Ochako, Momo, and the priest were behind a shield Momo made at the last second. "Let me show you WHY YOU YOU NEVER SAY YOU OBJECT TO A WEDDING!" Izuku made a small ball of electricity in his hand from Bakugou's point of view, Izuku vanishes in a flash of light before his fist clad in electricity and is slammed into Bakugou's stomach for it to explode. The discharge sends him flying out the other window shattering it with his head. Izuku stood up while patting his hands knowing his job was done. "And DON'T come to the reception."

Once everyone settled down, the final part of the ceremony was started again with the three kissing and no interruptions this time. The group immediately went to the reception that was held not far from the ceremony in a rather upscale restaurant. Everyone was having a good time with Nana patting her younger son on the back becoming a man of men as she called him. The reception went off without a hitch with Mitsuki coming up and apologizing for a rather very skortched Katsuki's behavior and was rather surprised he even knew where the wedding was. The three brushed it off saying it wasn't her fault, but Momo and Ochako were cursing internally at Bakugou waiting for the day they can get back at him for charring their wedding dresses and ruining one of the best moments of their lives. But they held their spite down and went over to their table to talk with their family.

While sitting down, they talked with Inko who was with child and had been for 6 months with Toshinori sitting happily at his wife. They were married almost a year prior and could not be happier knowing they will soon be graced with their first child. Though one thing Toshi wanted to talk to Izuku about in private out of the eyes of everyone was eating at him. He tapped his brother's shoulder and motioned for him to go outside for a moment. Once there, the buff Toshinori deflated into a scrawny man with hollow cheeks and eyes that sank deeply into his skull. This was a side effect of a battle he had with the nefarious All For One. He had gotten the upper hand and made a hole in Toshinori's stomach and nearly killed the mighty hero. Fortunately he didn't, and All Might was able to keep his ability to be a hero if only for three hours a day. They stood out there with Nana, Ochako, and Momo listening in secretly to their talk.

"So what is it you wish to talk about?" Toshinori held his hand up and pointed at Izuku. "The time has come for you to bear the torch Izuku. You and your wives are preparing to enter the entrance exams in the next 10 months, so I want to give you OFA when I was given it. It's only fair in my eyes." "But Toshi, what about being a hero? You're the symbol, you can't just quit like that." "Do not worry. One For All doesn't just leave the body. I'll still have some of the back burner of what was left. It'll be enough to hold out in case you know who is still around." Izuku knew who he was talking about along with the girls. They were told of the history of AFO and OFA when All Might was gravely injured. This is something Izuku and Nana feared may one day happen. They thought he was gone when Toshi nearly died and took him down, but they know all too well that the man they face is the devil incarnate. He wouldn't go down so easily. "Ok. I accept, but only if you remain a pro long enough to see me make it on the scene as the next you." Toshi smiled at this. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

5 months later

As the clock for UA's entrance exams ticked away, Izuku had been training himself as hard as he could to become ready to gain his brother and now master's legacy. The first thing on his agenda was to clean a beach that was piled high with garbage. Dagobah Municipal Beach was a beautiful place and somewhere Izuku and Ochako played and enjoyed as children. Now this beach is nothing more than an illegal dumping site. This was also the place where the first date between Izuku, Ochako and Momo had ended and seeing it in this condition made their hearts ache in sorrow. Ready to revive this once great beach, Izuku went straight to work. He worked his muscles mainly with this with the occasional quirk used as a magnet for the smaller things that were very hard to pick up by hand. In a matter of a 5 month timespan, Izuku was able to clear the main coastline and farther. His goal was farther than what his brother said and clean the entire beach so this could never happen again. This was quite the work, but Izuku was prepared to give it his all.

One night coming home from a dinner date with Ochako and Momo, the trio heard crying in an alley. They looked inside to see a baby in a blanket crying out for attention. "Hey there sweetie. Why are you crying?" Ochako picked up the baby to have her look at the three with crimson red eyes. They inspected it closely to see it was a baby girl with snow white hair and a horn growing out of the right side of her forehead.

"Did someone leave you here alone?" The baby started to babble like she knew what Ochako was saying. "Hmm, doesn't seem to be a note anywhere. Do you think she was abandoned?" Momo said this with Izuku looking at the baby with his head turned a bit. "Ehhh." The baby turned it's head to match Izuku with Izuku smiling at this. She started to give a toothless smile that resembled a buff hero they knew. "Maybe we should take her in? She obviously doesn't have anywhere else to go." Momo says this while taking the baby from Ochako. "She will need a name though." Ochako looked at the little girl and got an idea. "What about Eri?" The baby smiled at this indicating she loved the idea. "Then it's settled, your name is Eri."

The trio started to walk out of the alley with Izuku feeling another presence. "Were not alone." They turned to see a man with a plague mask and a jacket staring at them. "Good, you found my daughter." None of them believed him with Eri blowing a raspberry at the man. "Now that's mean sweetie. Doing that to your own father." The man said this with not much emotion to immediately pop a red flag for the three of them. "So why was she in an alley?" "Some idiot took her and left her here." "You both don't seem to look much like each other." "She was given to me by her birth mother who didn't want her anymore." "So where's the guy that put her here?" "He must've left. Now if you don't mind, give me her." Izuku stood in front while refusing. "I'm sorry sir, but this girl needs to go to a police station before anything." This didn't sit right with the man. He began to take his glove off and destroyed the area around them to make spikes.

On instinct, Izuku used electromagnetism to throw Ochako and Momo who was clutching Eri out of the alley and levitated himself above the spikes. "Not bad kid. But not good enough." The man tried this again and sent spikes at the three of them with Izuku becoming enraged and shot with over a billion volts at the man. At the moment Izuku was pissed, lightning manifested from around his eyes turning them pure white with fury, he extended both his hands with his fingers outstretched towards the villain that attacked them. Lightning runs along his arms like angry spiders before lunging from his fingers to the villain electrocuting him with 1.5 Billion volts.

 The amount of light that came out of the alley was so bright, it nearly blinded Momo and Ochako seeing it. When it died down, Izuku was standing in the alley with a completely burnt to a crisp remains of whoever the man inside the alley was. Izuku realized what he did and started to freak. "Oh god, I just killed someone!" Momo and Ochako ran in and realized what happened. Momo saw the plague mask a little better to realize who it was. "That's, well that was Kai Chisaki, a yakuza that lead the Shie Hassaikai. A very dangerous group in the underworld. He was wanted for the distribution and production of illegal quirk drugs that were sold on the black market. I also heard rumors that he's killed a lot of people with the only things being found were puddles of blood with some human tissue in it similar to if they were deconstructed molecule by molecule." Izuku heard this and pulled his phone out. "I'm calling mom to get her input on this."

Few hours later

As the group waited for Nana to show up, they were met with the cops coming along with her. They obtained their stories and ruled this as an instance of self defense against a hostile villain, accidental quirk death, and protection of a third party. Izuku wasn't held accountable, and was able to get off the hook. When they came home, Nana had the three of them sit on the couch with Eri sitting on Izuku's lap. "So you killed a villain?....To be honest, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner." "So you're not mad?" "Izuku, you're gonna kill villains as a hero sometimes. You may not want to, but it will happen from time to time. What you did today saved not just your own life, but three other lives today at the cost of the monster who was trying to take them. It is a necessary evil that heroes must do in a life or death situation. Not to mention, he was trying to kill you and this happened because you defended yourself and turned Overhaul into Kentucky Fried Villain. I can't criticize you for being in a situation I've been in before and did a similar act. I'm proud you were able to stand doing this when the situation called for it in order to save others. It's a hard call, and I'm happy you were able to make it. Between you and me Izuku, electrocution is not a good way to cook things or people in this case."

Izuku smiled as Eri tried to grab his face but ended up yanking his hair instead. "So what are we gonna do about this little hair puller?" "Well, we could take care of her?" Nana looked at the little snowball. "So you're wanting to adopt the kid?" Izuku, Ochako, and Momo looked at Eri who was smiling at them. "I-I guess we could. None of you have a problem with it, right?" Neither Momo or Ochako argued this with Nana smiling. "So I got a second grandkid? sweet!" Nana picked Eri up to look at her and smile. "Hello little one, welcome to the Shimura family." Nana started kissing Eri with her giggling at this. "I'm gonna get my old crib from storage with some clothes that are kinda unisex until tomorrow." "Ok, just don't make too many more babies. You already have one and by the looks of it I'd say she's a little younger than 3 months old. Speaking of, we need to get her to a doctor to see if she has an allergy to formula because Izuku here did and there's a chance that Eri, I think her name was, could have one too." "Fair point, and yes that's her name." Izuku shouts this as he brings out a crib and some clothes. "But it's late at night, we're not gonna find a doctor at this hour." "Then we go with plan B for now." All three of them look at her for an answer. "...Which is?" "We find out if Ochako or Momo can be a wet nurse." Everyone went silent at this. "Izuku don't give me that look, I know you've taken showers with them and or have peaked in on your wives while they showered. You're as much a pervert as your father was before he died and you're not even subtle about it." Izuku facepalmed with Ochako and Momo doing the same. Eri watched this and tried to mimic them as well but decided her gumming up her hand and was a close second. The only thing in everyone's mind was on how long this night may be for them.

The night went past almost as if it was a normal evening, Eri managed to get some milk from Momo and Ochako but prefered to drink from Momo for the evening. After being given a fresh diaper and a newly washed onesie, she was placed in the small crib and almost instantly fell asleep. Eri stayed asleep for over 13 hours from 9 that evening to 10:30 the next morning. Nana was shocked that she slept for so long without waking up due to needing to be burped or have a diaper changed. What she also didn't expect was when she went to wake her son and his wives he would find them sitting on Izuku's bed still asleep with Izuku holding Eri on his chest. Izuku figured at some point during the evening that her sleeping in a crib would be better off for later. He had assumed she'd been abandoned for several hours if not an entire day and decided that the infant needed attention for her to sleep as peacefully as she did. Eri isn't that much of a fussy baby but if there is one thing that the little three month old is obsessed with it is attention, especially from her father. During the following day she refused to be held by anyone else aside from Izuku and even cried when she was put in a playpen to take a nap. Eventually Izuku gave in and picked her up before lounging on the couch and letting her nap on his chest. Momo and Ochako had gone out together to purchase all the baby necessities that she'll need. When they got back to pick up Izuku and bring him and Eri to her doctor's appointment they found the two of them out cold on the couch with the television acting as white noise on in the background. Izuku had his left hand over the infant's back acting as a blanket and his other over his eyes with his right leg draped off the side of the couch as he snored. Eri similarly to Izuku was in a similar position on his chest. Her left arm was under her head, her right was on his chest and her leg fell slightly off his stomach just like his is off the couch. Momo laughs to herself before taking a picture of the father daughter duo and saving it as her background. 

And that finishes this chapter. So Eri is a baby in this and she'll be looked after by the trio as her parents. See how the trio handles parenthood along with being future heroes in training. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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