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Tw: Injury, illness, periods, blood.

Stunner considered himself a reasonable person.

He was calm, for the most part, and never judged his patients. Stunner tried to be welcoming and warm to any hesitant patients.

But occasionally he found it very difficult to be like that when he had the exact same patient visit him time and time again.


Karina was the patient who kept visiting.

"What is it this time?" Stunner sighed as he bustled over to Karina.

Karina sat herself on the edge of a bed. "There was an accident in the hanger. Somehow my box of tools ended up in the engine and it shocked me. A lot."

"And you walked all the way here?" Stunner asked in alarm.

Karina's whole body twitched. "Maybe."

Stunner pinched the bridge of his nose. "Lay down."

Karina did as he said before hesitating. "Can... Can I call Wolffe?"

Stunner smiled softly. "Sure."

Karina pulled out her comm device and whispered something into it. She put it away and looked up at Stunner. "Is it bad?"

"You'll be fine," Stunner soothed, setting her crutches aside to get closer to her bedside.

"Okay," Karina said, twitching again.

Stunner brought out the medical scanner nearly drilling it when Wolffe burst into the room, eyes wide with fear.

"Karina!" Wolffe relaxed slightly before tending again. "How'd you end up here?"

"Why're you only wearing half of your gear?" Stunner asked with amusement. "Where's your shirt?"

Wolffe glanced down. "Oh. Weird."

"Seriously, where's your shirt?" Stunner asked.

Karina was looking everywhere except at Wolffe.

Wolffe sheepishly smiled. "Sorry. I was changing when you called. I just... ran here."

Stunner tossed him a spare shirt. "Put that on."

Wolffe tugged it on. "Sorry, Karina."

Karina shrugged. "Thanks for getting here quickly."

Wolffe patted her head.

"She'll be fine. Karina will just have to stay the night, but it's just to make sure she's completely fine. She didn't immediately die, so she'll be fine," Stunner said. "We'll just have to watch out for any lingering symptoms."

Wolffe let out a sigh of relief. "Good."

"Not another night in the med bay!" Karina complained, throwing her head back against the pillows.

"That's what you get for being careless." Wolffe chuckled.

"But I left my tool box next to me! I don't know how it ended up there!" Karina groaned. "And now I have to spend the night here alone."

"I'll sleep in the next bed," Wolffe blurted out.

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Karina said in surprise. "I'll be perfectly fine by myself."

"I'll be here," Stunner quietly said. "Anytime there's someone here, there always has to be a medic on duty."

"I'll stay here tonight," Wolffe insisted.

Stunner sighed and prepared another bed.

Stunner considered himself very patient and understanding man.

He tried to be as friendly as he could to his patients whilst remaining professional.

Sometimes, however, certain patients would make him want to scream. Not even them, but the people they brought with them.

"She's dying!" Stunner screamed, carrying Karina legs. Boost had her arms, and they both sprinted towards Stunner.

"What happened?" Stunner worriedly asked, directing them to an available bed.

"I'm fine!" Karina breezily told him. "They're just overreacting."

"I'll be the judge of that." Stunner pulled out his scanner. "Where's the injury?"

Boost scratched his head. "Uh..."

"Disease?" Stunner reached for his gloves.

"Not quite," Sinker slowly said.

"Then why did you bring her here?" Stunner wearily asked.

"That... thing," Karina sheepishly told Stunner.

"Blood," Boost blurted out. "Lots of blood."

Stunner's eyebrows went up. "Blood?"

"Blood," Sinker confirmed. "We decided to wake her this morning, and found her scrubbing blood off her bunk."

Stunner sighed. "The poor education on Kamino strikes again."

"Can I go?" Karina awkwardly asked.

"Yes." Stunner shooed her away. "I'll take care of this."

Karina scrambled away, glaring slightly at the two of them for whisking her away from the comfort of her room.

"Sit down." Stunner snapped his fingers.

Boost and Sinker perched themselves at the edge of the bed, exchanging a nervous glance.
Stunner muttered something under his breath before pulling up a chair, wincing at the hideous screeching sound it made. He pursed his lips before saying, "The blood."

"Yeah?" Sinker prompted.

So Stunner launched into an explanation of things that made their eyes widen and their stomachs churn.

And hours later when Wolffe asked why they both seemed distracted at lunch, Boost said, "Boobs."

Wolffe blinked in surprise. "What?"

"We learned where boobs came from," Boost croaked. "And- And-"

"Periods." Sinker was pale. "We learned about periods."

Wolffe's brow pinched in confusion. "Punctuation?"

Sinker and Boost grinned at each other.

Wolffe immediately tensed. "I don't like that look. Nope. Don't you even dare."

Sinker and Boost latched on, but he threw them off. Their nearby brothers must've picked up on what was happening, because they tackled Wolffe.

Stunner was patient and calm and-

"Stunner!" Boost screeched. "We need you!"

Stunner sighed and turned around, met with the sight of Commander Wolffe being hauled inside.

"The kriff do you want know?" Stunner snapped. "I have an actual job to do, you know. Lots of files to complete."

"He doesn't know what a period is!" Sinker loudly said, brandishing his finger at Wolffe.

Stunner groaned and motioned for him to sit down. Warthog, Comet, and Bones sat as well.

"So basically," Stunner began, briefly summarizing the lesson he had given Boost and Sinker.

"That's... horrifying," Warthog finally said. "And they're the ones who get harassed all the time?"

"Mostly." Stunner shrugged and turned around, returning to his work. "It's unfortunately the way of the world. I've had to save more women in bars than I should've."

"New mission!" Sinker announced. "We have to make Karina feel happy!"

"And how do we do that?" Boost questioned.

They all turned to Stunner.

"Why do you think I'm the expert on this?" Stunner demanded before sighing heavily. "Alright, here's what you're gonna do."

Karina was a patient woman.

She had a job that required precision and patience, and she gave it her all.

But when every piece of her hurts and she has raging hormones, she gets very close to losing it.


Karina threw her pillow at the door. "Go away!"

"Are you sure?"

"Very," Karina hissed, tightening her blanket cocoon around her shivering body.

"I have chocolate."

Karina leaned over and vomited, retching and gagging. "First off: that's such a cliché! Second: you just made me throw up!"

"Can I come in? Please?"

Karina scowled, her usually bright smile dampered by her pain. "Fine."

Wolffe slowly crept inside, his footsteps silent. He crouched in front of Karina, frowning in concern. "Karina?"

"What do you want?" Karina groaned, not bothering to peek out from her blankets.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay. The others wanted to come too, but I knew you probably didn't want to see them all." Wolffe reached out and gently tried to pull the blankets aside, but she didn't let him. "Karina, I'm going to clean the vomit, and then I'll get you some water, okay?"

Karina made a small noise of acknowledgment before burrowing deeper into her little hiding place.

"Karina," Wolffe softly said when he was finished, holding out a glass. "Drink this."

Karina remained motionless and ignored him.

"Karina," Wolffe pressed.

"I can't swallow it," Karina murmured.

"Tiny sips," Wolffe encouraged.

Karina slowly pushed the blankets away, reaching out and grabbing the glass. She did as he advised, until a quarter of the water was gone. She sat there staring blankly at the wall.
Wolffe studied her for a minute. She seemed pale with sunken eyes, occasionally shuddering due to a mix of pain and just being cold.

"C-Can you just leave?" Karina requested. "You probably have things to do and-"

"The cadets have a day off. Testing by the Kaminoans halfway through their training." Wolffe pulled the blanket up to cover her shoulder. "I have some time to spare."

Karina rested her head against Wolffe, letting her eyes slide shut. "Thanks."

"Don't thank me yet. I have a whole itinerary planned." Wolffe tucked a strand of her hair away so he could look into her eyes better.

Karina let out a laugh before wincing as her abdomen screamed in protest. "How'd you know?"

"The usual idiots." Wolffe held out a protein bar. "Think you can stomach this?"

Karina wrinkled her nose. "What flavour is it?"

Wolffe turned it over. "Berry blast."

"So it's sweet?" Karina perked up.

Wolffe wordlessly handed it over.

Once Karina had consumed it, scaring him with how fast she had swallowed it, her eyes began to drift shut again.

"Want me to leave so you can sleep?" Wolffe asked.

"Can you stay?" Karina pleaded. "You're so... warm."

Sure enough, he had somehow ended up inside her blanket cocoon, Karina practically sitting on his lap trying to absorb his warmth.

Wolff sighed. "Alright."

Karina's eyes began to water and her bottom lip trembled.

"What is it?" Wolffe asked in alarm, wondering what he'd done.

"You-You don't want to stay?" Karina hiccuped. "You seem so reluctant."

Full on tears were running down her face. Wolffe panicked and wrapped his arms around her, attempting to comfort her. "No! It's just- I can't- I do want to!"

Karina sniffled and looked up at him. "You really want to stay with me?"

Wolffe frantically nodded. "Yes. Absolutely."

Karina giggled. "Okay."

Wolffe was very confused.

What was happening?

"Uh, how do you want to-"

But she was already asleep.

His neck was cramping and he couldn't breathe from how she was crushing him. But he wouldn't move. He would rather die than take this comfort away from her.

And don't you dare tell him he's being dramatic.

He will rip your nose off and make you eat it.

But not when Karina's there. He wouldn't make her watch that.

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