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Tw: Language, violence.

"You're short," Wolffe commented.

Karina frowned. "What?"

Wolffe stared down at her. "You're short. What don't you understand about that?"

"I understand, but it just came out of nowhere." Karina watched her reflection in the mirror, scowling at herself.

Wolffe changed the topic. "What are you doing?"

Karina sighed. "Nothing."

Wolffe clicked his tongue. "What are you doing?"

"Do you think I'd look good with dyed hair?" Karina asked, running her fingers through her black strands.

"What colour?" Wolffe inquired. He wasn't going to lie and say he thought so if he didn't even know the colour.

"Lavender?" Karina faced him and gave him a questioning look. "What do you think?"

Wolffe studied her for a moment. "Yeah. I think it's look good on you."

You'd look good no matter what colour your hair was.


Thanks, Wolffe." Karina kissed his cheek before glancing around her room. "Oh, I need to go find Sinker."

"Why?" Wolffe ignored his fluttering stomach.

Karina's cheeks flush. "No reason."

Wolffe narrowed his eyes. "Why, mechanic?"

Karina muttered something under her breath before attempting to push past him. He let her go, watching with suspicion.

So Karina wandered down the hallways, searching for Sinker. She eventually found him in the training room, and flagged in over.

"What's up?" Sinker cheerfully asked.

"Do you have... the goods?" Karina carefully asked, peering around for any trespassers.

"Yes," Sinker replied with a hushed tone. "I'll deliver it tonight. You're lucky there's not much of a demand for it on Kamino, or you'd have to fight the others for the contraband."

"I'll be in my room," Karina responded. "Knock twice so I know it's you."

Sinker nodded. "Understood."

A knock, quickly succeeded by another. Karina waited, but when no other sound was made, she opened the door.

"Here." Sinker slid a crate into her room. "I can't stay. I don't want anyone to know I've been here. I can't be connected since I have too many marks on my record."

"Thank you, Sinker," Karina gratefully said, eager to look over the crate's contents.

"There's still the matter of payment," Sinker reminded her.

"Oh, right!" Karina's expression fell into one of solemnness. "What did you want, again?"

"I just want to know what your intentions are with the commander." Sinker crossed his arms.

Karina blinked in surprise. "He's my best friend. I only want the best for him."

Sinker let out a breath and chuckled. "We'll see."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Karina poked him with one of her crutches, leaning into the other one.

"Goodbye!" Sinker laughed before jogging away.

Karina gleefully opened the crate, gazing down at the singular datapad in there. She picked it up and activated it, the light illuminating her face.

And she went straight to the holonet, going to an online site filled with holonovels. Some of them were cheesy, but others were so well written it made her heart ache.

She grinned when she noticed one of her favourite books had been updated, sinking down into her bed to read the latest chapter. Karina pursed her lips as she read it, not liking in the slightest how the lovable friend of the protagonist had a sudden character arc. That was never good.

Karina giggled as a funny joke was made when her laughing came to a sudden stop.


Karina forced the smile off her face and tucked the datapad under her pillow. She hobbled over to the door, saying, "Who is it?"

"It's Wolffe. Can I come in?"

Karina pushed the crate under her bed before opening the door, breaths coming in short puffs due to the exertion. It was pathetic how difficult it was, but what could she do about it?

"Yeah?" Karina breathlessly asked, trying to be as nonchalant as she could.

"Something wrong?" Wolffe asked in concern.

"Oh, I was just..." Karina struggled before blurting out, "I was doing pushups."

Wolffe raised a singular eyebrow. "Really?"

Karina looked at her crutches before glancing up at him again. "Yes."

Wolffe hummed. "I came to bring you to lunch."

"Oh! I forgot!" Karina realized, sheepishly smiling.

"I know," Wolffe wearily said.

"I just need to go change out of my sleepwear, but I'll be right back," Karina promised, bustling off to her 'fresher.

Wolffe tried not to snoop. He really tried.

But he could see the faint glow of a device from under her pillow.

Don't touch it.


It's private.

It's her own business.

But wait, mechanics weren't supplied datapads, and she didn't bring one with her to Kamino...
And as a commander, it was his job to look out for contraband, so he was really just doing his job if-

He pulled the datapad out.

His eyes flicked over the screen, and his jaw dropped open.

"Ready?" Karina exited the 'fresher with a smile that quickly faded. "Wolffe."

"I found the datapad," Wolffe drawled, holding it out.

Karina tried to snatch it, but he held it over her head. "Give it!"

"But I haven't finished with this chapter!" Wolffe began to read it aloud. "His dark orbs met hers, glittering dangerously. He traced her exposed collarbone with a light brush of his fingertips, her skin heating up where his skin touched hers. They shouldn't do this- it was forbidden."

Karina's face was a bright red. "Wolffe!"

"Oh, sorry, am I spoiling it?" he teased.

"I- I- Yes!" Karina spluttered. She tried to grab it again, groaning in frustration at the fact that he was taller than her.

"But then he pulled away, and she knew something was wrong. So when he- Wait, what?"

 Wolffe's eyebrows went up in surprise. "Holy shit."

Karina's eyes widened. "What is it?"

"He just stabbed her!" Wolffe exclaimed in outrage. "How dare he!"

Karina gasped. "Give me that!"

He handed over the datapad and they sat on the edge of the bed together. Karina read over the last couple lines before she shouted, "I knew he was the killer! She shouldn't have fallen for his act!"

"It was a murder mystery? I thought it was just some romance," Wolffe remarked.

Karina curled her lip. "No offence to those who like it, but it's not my thing. Happy endings don't last. Prince Charming always ends up not so perfect after all."

"I won't report you," Wolffe headed to the door, "as long as you let me know when the next chapter comes out."

"Deal," Karina agreed. "Ready for lunch?"

Wolffe scoffed. "I was ready before you were."

"This is going to be fun!" Karina chirped, standing next to Wolffe.

Wolffe made a sound from the back of his throat, glaring at Stunner.

"Remember, take it easy," Stunner reminded Karina, who nodded along, already staring at the water.

"Why do I have to be here?" Wolffe grumbled.

"Because you're being a good friend," Stunner said in exasperation. "Also because I don't like swimming."

"I love swimming!" Karina shared, elbowing Wolffe.

"Get in," Stunner ordered, sitting on the pool's ledge.

Karina stretched out her leg which had just been removed from the cast, wincing slightly. She slowly lowered herself into the water, encouraging Wolffe to enter as well. "Hurry up!"

Wolffe sighed before slipping in as well. "I already regret agreeing to this."

"We just started!" Karina protested indignantly. "How do you hate this already?"

Wolffe pointed out to the crowd that had gathered, consisting of Comet, Sinker, Bones, Mistake, and Warthog. "Why do they have to be here?"

"The pool is a public place. I can't make them leave." Stunner shrugged.

"Come on, Wolffe," Karina pleaded. "Let's just start swimming. The water's cold."

Wolffe sighed. "What do I have to do?"

"Just make sure she doesn't drown," Stunner advised. "She hasn't used her leg in months so it might cramp, causing her to drown. This will help loosen out the muscles and help with the healing."

Stunner guided Karina through various excuses, while Wolffe stood stiffly in the water next to her. He glared at Bones, who was calling out encouragement, trying to convince him to dunk his head into the water.

"Are we done yet?" Karina asked, shivering.

"Sure." Stunner helped Karina out of the pool, handing her a towel.

"I guess I'll see you at dinner," Karina said to Wolffe, who was fighting off his brothers as they tried to shove him back into the pool.

"See you then." Wolffe started to sprint away, escaping from Sinker, who attempted to tackle him.

Karina waved goodbye to the others as she returned to her room. Her medics examined was tomorrow to see if she could return to work yet. Stunner had wanted her to be ankle to walk without crutches when she went back, saying something about needing to be fast to run from fires.

Karina thought about Coda, and what he might be up to with the 501st. She had heard whispers of them capturing a Separatist general, but she knew better than to trust rumours.

"Hi, Karina." Deto popped out of nowhere, giving her a cheerful smile that didn't quite meet his eyes.

"Oh, hello, Deto," Karina warmly greeted. She continued walking, paying him no mind as he trailed behind her.

"Do your parents know you're here?" Deto suddenly asked.

Karina pursed, turning to face him. "What?"

Deto stepped closer. "Do your parents know you're here?"

"Uh, I don't see what this has to do with anything." Karina tried to back away, but he grabbed her elbow and tugged her back.

"So they don't?" Deto raised an eyebrow. His fingers were digging into her arm, so she yanked herself free. "You are Lady Karina, right? The one Wolffe guarded?"

Karina wrapped her arms around herself. "I really don't want to talk about that."

"Your parents have such a high price on your head." Deto reached out to touched her hair, but she flinched away. "It'd be a pity for that money to go unclaimed when it's not like you're lost or anything..."

"Deto, where are you going with this?" Karina warily asked, backing up until she hit a wall. She immediately tensed, not liking how cornered she felt.

Deto got even closer, trapping her. "I'm just saying, a lot of credits are up for grabs."

Karina looked past him, peering around to see if anyone was nearby.

No one was there.

"I have to go." Karina nudged him, trying to get past. He put his hand on her shoulders, though, and shoved her.

"I'm not done with you yet," Deto said with a friendly smile, even though his smile was anything but.

"I'm done with this conversation," Karina snapped, shoving him in return.

Deto slapped her, and Karina's head whipped to the side.

"We're done when I say we're done," Deto hissed out, balling his hands into fists. "Now, don't tell anyone about this, got it?"

Karina stared up in a daze, touching her burning cheek. "I- Yes."

"Is there a problem here?" Stunner asked with an arched brow as he stepped into the hallway.

"No," Deto said, blocking Karina's face from view. "Just chatting about work."

Stunner hummed. "Why don't you give her some personal space, alright?" He walked away after that, glancing down at his datapad.

Deto smirked. "See you soon, Karina."

Karina nodded shakily as Deto excused himself, moving down the hallways.

And Karina immediately went to find Wolffe.

Did I make a space Wattpad?


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