Chapter 1: New Friends, New Enemies, New Everything

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It's like being a demigod, or a witch, or a wizard.

Everything is fun, hard, and life-threatening.

That's what Elementals face all the time.

Fun things. Hard things. Things that nearly get them killed.

And the worst part? It happens to Elementals of all ages. Old and young, all Elementals face problems.

Welcome to Elemental Academy.

You know, Elemental Academy is amazing. I just finished my training year, learning all the basic things of summoning lightning. That's right! Me, an Electric Elemental, Zap. Elemental Academy isn't just a place to learn. It's literally the only place where Elementals live. I'm serious. We don't have "families" (well, there is the brother/sister thing) or anything like that. We're just Elementals who get together. Of course, the Elementals from Gold to Prism get to go out and save the world, while we're learning to do just that! It's amazing.

Then suddenly, something makes everything not amazing. The heck? There's someone laying on the floor.

Possibilities, possibilities... unconscious, asleep... dead... let's stick with "unconscious" for now. I have better things to do! But this guy looks like an Elemental... I'll leave him for now, he's fine on his own.

⚡️ 1 Hour Later ⚡️

First class is basically talking about the Academy, stuff like that. I didn't really pay attention too much. I'm still thinking about that guy I saw back on the road... and there was an Earth Elemental looking at me throughout the lesson... come to think of it, that Elemental was also an Earth... I think I need to talk to that guy later. And the Water Elemental next to him... there's nothing wrong with me, right?

⚡️ After Classes ⚡️

Honestly, the classes were really boring, we're just getting started after all. They weren't hard though, so that's a good thing. I still see that Earth Elemental glancing at me every now and then... I'm pretty worried. "Hey."

Ah, geez. I just nearly walked straight into the Dark Zone, distracted in my thoughts. "Er... hello."

"You need something?"

"No. Just walked the wrong path."

"I see. Well, I'm Angel."

"Zap. Nice to meet you."

"You too. You should get going now, they're going to partner us soon."

"Oh yeah, I forgot! See you."

Haha. Weird things keep happening.

⚡️ Later ⚡️

So it looks like I got paired up with Magnet. She's really nice and funny, so I'm pretty glad I didn't get paired up with someone like Pixel, who gives everyone she sees cold glances. Feels bad for her partner.

I think that's a good start for me at Elemental Academy!

Elemental Academy is always fun at the beginning. Being an Elemental is fascinating.

Though as we spoke of before, many bad things come to Elementals.

This is why they train and stay at Elemental Academy. They can become better Elementals and fight off the dangers that threaten this world we call home...

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