Chapter 2: Things are Weird, They Always Are

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I wish, and I'm pretty sure others do too, that Elemental Academy could just be a place where everyone could just be normal Elementals and be happy. Of course, an Elemental's normal life is pretty wild. I mean, look at those monsters that terrorize the world, pretty much 24/7. Whether they're grouping or attacking, they're doing something to destory the world. And we're not the only ones trying to save the world, though I think only Professor Elemental knows who they are. I mean, I don't.

Yesterday was a good day, I guess. Now I know who Angel is, and I'm friends with Magnet now. Static and the twins, Electron and Neutron, are awesome too. Electron is more into the "destruction" side of electricity, and Neutron is more into the "technological" side of electricity. Static would be that guy who's friends with everyone and can make everyone laugh. Lightning is Static's partner and Magnet's best friend. When I say best, I mean best. I still need to know what's going on with those Earth and Water Elementals. They seem like friends, but they don't seem to like me. I did nothing wrong. I think.

⚡️ Skills Class ⚡️

"Alright, class," Professor Earth was saying, "skills are very important because they are more difficult to use than normal attacks and can really help you win a battle. One skill that all Elementals can learn and use is 'Lifted Spirits.' It can boost any Elemental that is standing in a battle and boost their stamina, strength, and speed. It works better on an Elemental of your own kind, but it works on any ally. Do note, however, that this skill does take up some of your own stamina, so be prepared.

"Let's try it. Who wants to be boosted?" No hands were raised except for one. That Earth Elemental again. "Ok, Quake, come up here. And who would like to fight Quake?" No hands. "Quake, you choose."

"Ok, Pacifia."

"Pacifia, please come up here." The Water Elemental that was also looking at me walked to the front of the class.

Now we're outside, waiting to see the two fight. Professor Earth had them fight normally for 15 seconds, and when he was satisfied, he said, "Ok! Now I'm going to use this skill on Quake, and see how this goes." He repeated the name of the skill and Quake seemed to look better than before (as though he could. He was in perfect health last I saw him.) and better than before. In their second battle, Pacifia seemed to be struggling to defend while Quake easily slashed and slashed and slashed. "Ok, we're done! Does everyone see how the skill works?" Heads nodded. "Wonderful! Class is over. Get to your individual classes! I don't want to mix another class."

⚡️ Sword Class ⚡️

Don't understand what the professor said? It's simple. See, classes are taught by rank, so all the Bronzes are together, the Silvers, etc. After that, they move on to a higher rank, so the Silvers should be being taught right now. After that, we can either choose to train in a weapon class, which for us right now, is a sword, a bow, or an Elemental gun, or we can take the Element class, where they train to fight with their own Element. One way or another, you're learning to use your Element anyway.

Something is bothering me. I could swear Quake was about to pick me to fight him, but... we'll put that thought aside. I still have troubled thoughts about that Earth Elemental I saw on the side of the road. I'm positive that the two are connected somehow. But what does that have to do with me?

"Everyone, hold up your swords. We will practice strength and speed slashing."

I realized that Quake and Pacifia aren't here. They used swords during their fight. Was that only because Professor Earth wanted them to use swords? They don't seem like they want to use swords.

"Zap?" Angel was trying to get my attention.

"Yeah, what?"

"Come on! Professor Fire told us to fight! You and me! Now hurry up, I don't want to wait." After a few minutes, we were still fighting when Professor Fire said, "Alright class, let's see how you all did." He walked around until he finally got to Angel and me. "I see you both are unharmed. That would explain you two are evenly matched, but I can also say you two are weak. But I was watching, so let's go with the 'evenly matched.'" He walked away. Angel grinned. "Did you hear that?"

"Yes I did." Professor Fire announced the end of class. Angel walked with me. I mean, the Dark Zone is literally 2 zones away from the Electric Zone, so why not? "I need to talk to you."

"What for?"

"You've seemed distracted ever since today's Skills class. You alright?"


"That's not what it looks like."

"The thought of Quake bothers me."


I told her.

"Hmm... oh, we're here." She walked towards the Dark Zone, which we reached. "I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

"Sure." And with that I walked back to my own zone, the good old Electric Zone.

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