Chapter 3: Define "Normal"

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I think I'm stressing out right now.

Not with school, but Quake and Pacifia. I still don't know what I did wrong, and it still bothers me. I could be their friend if I just knew what I did! I could fix their problem, if only they talked to me and told me what the problem was.

"Hey, Zap." Angel was back.

Did I mention classes ended today? "What is it?"

"I was just thinking... would everything be better if you knew why they don't like you?"

Wow, right on point. "I guess, but how will I do that?"

"Oh, I can help you." Angel motioned to her right and Quake walked inside.

Now I'm really stressed. "Quake, tell him the problem."

"I bet he knows the problem."

"I bet you're wrong."

"How would you know?"

"Um..." Angel stared at me. "Just tell him about Rock."

Rock? "What rock?"

"No," Quake said. "Rock, my friend. I was walking towards the academy when someone came up to me and tried to kill me. Then, Pacifia and Rock saw what happened and took care of that man. Then..." He looked even worse. "Then, these 3 other guys who seemed to follow the man Pacifia and Rock just killed... they... killed Rock." Quake looked scared of himself. "I don't know how I... drove them off, but I did... you just looked like their master, so I thought you were related to them."

I stood where I was, unable to move. "Stupid," I said.


"Seriously dude, I'm a Bronze. I have no idea why I would kill someone, and even then, I can't leave the Academy for another 2 years! What am I, a psychotic killer?"

"I just thought—"

"Everything's cool. Now that I know, I can tell you, one day, we'll find them, and we'll make them pay for what they did."


Friends now. See? I told you. Quake walked away, and Angel walked closer to me. "That was simple."

"Not for him, I bet."

Angel looked up. "I just realized, I'm like an angel for helping you two."

"Don't you dare—"

Angel smiled. "Come on, let's go meet Water Princess."

Water Princess was not happy. Upon seeing me, she looked ready to kill me. I don't know if, at this rate, she'll listen to the logical story about how I couldn't have possibly killed Rock. I whispered to Angel, "Let's not do this right now."

"Ok. After Quake tells her, I guess."

"Hey, stop where you're going!"

Oh no, Water Princess has been provoked! "I need... to talk... to you," she said, storming towards me. Angel looked worriedly at me, and I nodded. "What are you waiting for? What do you need?" I said. Angel walked away. Pacifia seemed to calm down. I don't know why. She steadied her breathing, but when she looked at me again, she couldn't seem to contain her anger. "Alright," she said, "why would—"

"Why would I kill Rock? What makes you think that?"

She stumbled back in surprise. "How would you know what happened after?"

"After? What do you mean, after?"

"Oh, don't play with me. I know exactly what—"

"Pacifia!" Quake was running towards Pacifia, not knowing I was there. "I need to tell you—oh." He saw me. "I guess you were already talking about that."

"Careful, Quake. He's literally right here."

"Ok, seriously, what makes you believe I killed an Earth Elemental! As if I could! One, I don't know where the hell this took place at. Two, why would I be stronger than someone who can control the earth?! Earthquakes are really strong, in case you haven't noticed. Stronger than harmless thunder, I'd say!"

"Wait," Quake said. "Calm—"

"I can't be calm if this idiot keeps thinking I murdered someone! Forget it, I'm out."

⚡️ 2 Hours Later ⚡️

I seemed to have run faster than usual. I guess because I was angry, the power of electricity boosted me. I was still angry though, but not as much. "Zap, calm down!" Angel said. "So what if Pacifia thinks you killed Rock? All you needed to do was stay calm when Quake came, let him explain things, and things would be alright!"

"Sorry, I guess..."

"That electricity in you can really get to your emotions. Control it." Angel walked away. "I have to go."

Next was my partner, Magnet. "Alright, Zap, you do need to calm down. It's just one belief from two, no, one now, person! Just wait a few days, and everything will be alright."

"If you insist."

"I do. Now come on, it's pretty late."

"It's only 10:30."

"In my standards, it's midnight. Get to bed!"


A week had passed, and Pacifia seemed to be worried every time she passed me. I think I know why. I was ready to kill her now, too. Quake hasn't talked to me anymore since then, but I was fine with that as well. I'll leave them to talk about me, and live my own life.

This is also one of the challenges Elementals face.

Their anger can lead them to do immoral things.

The best way to deal with it is to have friends to help you control your anger.

Elementals, especially those like Electrics, Waters, and Earths, have more uncontrolled emotions at early ages because of their own unstable Elements. However, all Elementals can control it just the same, if they learned how to.

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