Chapter 10: My Abusal Experience

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"Hey, what's going on?"

"You know those Darks that were abused that came back from our side? One of them was a Gold named Tomb, and she's talking about her experience of being harassed."

"Hey... all these abused Elementals that came back, they wouldn't happen to be all female, would they?"

"Spot on."


"Well, not really, but sure. Do you want to listen? Follow me."

"I was just in a dark room. Of course, with my Element I could see a little bit, but it was really dark. I was just struggling, trying to get out of whatever was holding me, when suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my arm. I looked at it and saw a red mark. It was strange, because I didn't hear anything approach. I thought to myself, 'I have to get out of here,' so I struggled harder, and the hits got stronger, until I was on the floor, still bound, on my knees."

"What happened next?" Someone asked.

"Well, this part I'd rather not remember, but what happened was horrifying. Some figure appeared in front of me, and I could see it smiling cruelly, like some sadist. Then everything went black and I was where I was before all of that happened." She looked over to me. "Hey, Electric boy. Anything to say?"

I was taken back by the question. "You were alone?"


"When you woke in that room, were you sitting or standing?"



"Why's that?"

I briefly told her about my time in that room with the others listening.

"Must've been hard for your friend to take in, huh?" I gave a slight nod. "Can you do me a favor and try to get in there alone? You don't have to, of course, but if you could I really want to know what happens to a male that's alone."

"You don't have to," some Dark said. "I know a Light that's partners with a guy in that situation. Follow me. You too, Electric."

⚡️ Light Zone ⚡️

The abused Light introduced himself as Viz (as in ultravision) and his partner as Beam. "I'd rather not talk about it. I did tell Beam though. Beam, do you want to talk about it?"

"Sure," she said. "He says he was just in that room. He wasn't bound or anything. Nothing happened. He was stuck in there for a while, and nothing appeared to give him food or water. One day, he was tapping the walls curiously, and suddenly everything turned dark and he was back at the Academy again."

"Also, it seemed as if I hungered and thirsted quicker in there," Viz added. "It was the air, I guess."

"It's all torture," I muttered. "It's not a pleasant experience."

"Anyway," Viz said, "that's basically it."

I gave my thanks and left.

Back at my own zone, I sat down on my bed, thinking about everything that happened recently. Who or what is doing this, and why? What are they planning?

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