Chapter 16: Fire

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"Dangit, I want to go outside already!"

"Just wait a little bit, Magnet, it's already been 2 days."

"Buiwanagowside!" Magnet talks like this when she's frustrated. Really frustrated.

"Just be patient..."


"By Prisma—go outside then!"

"There's so much snow though!"

"Then don't go outside!"

"But I want to!"

"Calm the f—"


"You're way too claustrophobic. There's so much space in this building."

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Magnet ran around the building, screaming.

"What a partner you have," Lightning said, laughing.

"Hey. She's your best friend."

"...Shut up. Ugh, Manget's right. I want to go outside already. Why are we even waiting? Can't we just sizzle our way out?"

"Well yeah, but it's not a good idea. You can try."

"I'll just stay in then..."

"Alright then."

"I still want to go out, though. I might go crazy staying in here."

"It'll go away eventually."

"It's almost been a week!"

"Patience, dear."


"Please don't start with the—"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lightning ran around the building, narrowly missing Magnet, who was still also screaming and running.

"Not again..."

"Benefits of being an Electric, huh?" Static joked.

"Someone get me a tree, I need to calm these two down..."

"We're not Natures. We don't have paper to draw a tree, either... mainly because paper comes from trees."

"Alright, what else can we use..." I grabbed a sock, rubbed it on the carpet, and tossed it towards Lightning and Magnet. They both ran towards the sock and stopped screaming. "Wonders of electricity. Calm down, you two! We're not going to be stuck in here forever. I just don't know why the Fires haven't done anything yet."

⚡️ Later ⚡️

I may have forgotten to mention that the professors were all in another building when the blizzard struck, so Professor Electric wasn't actually with us.

I bring this up now because Professor Fire might be Magnet and Lightning's hero. They were watching from the window as the professor and all the Fires starting burning all the snow down. We'd help if our lightning actually melted this stuff down. Our powers are limited—don't judge. After an hour or so, about half of the snow melted down, so all of the Elementals started running outside. Yes, even the Ices were inside. Lightning and Magnet screamed as they ran. Pixel walked a few feet in front of the door and fell face first into the snow. Welcome to winter.

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