Chapter 15: Blizzard

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Alright, so here's what's going on.

Everything's going well now. The Academy has tested putting more Elementals by the sides (this was pretty dangerous), and nothing happened (fortunately). Unfortunately, we haven't found out what was behind it all. Fortunately, it doesn't look like it'll matter for a while.

A couple months have passed since Icicle and I returned to the Academy. It's almost winter, and the weather is already getting colder. It's the Ices' time.

One last thing. I can probably calm down now. I'll just try not to go exploring, and I'll probably be safe.

But the problem is, I don't want to be safe. It's weird, right? I just feel like I have to do everything. I guess I'm an adventurous type? That seems right.

Quake's decided to apply for a mentor. That's actually interesting. You don't need a mentor for your first two years, but you can apply for one to keep you on the right track, I guess.

I'm going to check on Angel. Do I spend a lot of time with Angel?

Does it matter?

⚡️ Later ⚡️

The snow's starting to come in now. Looks like it'll get pretty heavy eventually. I see a lot of Ices screaming and running outside. It's nice, and also hilarious.

Currently I'm sitting on Magnet's bunk. Why? The windows are up there. Why else?

"Man, I wish I was a Fire right now..." Magnet mumbled.

"Seriously though. It's freezing in here."

"Well, lightning does give off heat..."

"That's beside the point. I don't think our lightning gives off heat."

"Well, the most we can wish for is this little blanket, then."

"The blanket is so thin, though..."

"Ugh, yes. Hey Lightning, how are you holding up?"

"Cold. But fine."

"Nice. Stat?"

"Good," Static replied.

"Nice. Hey Zap, how's outside now?"

"Still pretty light. Should get heavier eventually..."

"Alright. I'm going to sleep in."

"I think that's the only thing we can do."

"Shut up."

I jumped off Manget's bunk and went into my own. There won't be much to do for now...

⚡️ Later ⚡️

"Zap, wake up."

"Ugh... what is it?"

"There's a blizzard outside. Snow's piling everywhere."

"That's nice..."

"We might be snowed in."



"Alright, alright..." I got up and checked the window. "Yeah, pretty heavy..."

"I really wish I was a Fire right now."

"Why, so you can go save the world?"

"Well, save the Academy, but no. It's going to get really cold, and the blanket won't help much."

"Bummer. Go sleep with Lightning."

"Great idea. See ya!"

"..." I wasn't being serious, but Magnet still walked over to Lightning. It is what it is. Static walked over here. "All good?"

"Pretty. Magnet's right though, it's freezing in here."

"Yeah bro, huddle up."

"...Are you—"

"Kidding, kidding."


"Alright, alright, I'm going to check on the twins. See if they got anything good."

"Right. I'll come along just because."


We headed over to Electron and Neutron. Neutron was talking to Discharge while Electron was just laying down. Pixel, like always, had a hard glare. Hardly ever does she loosen up.

"Hey Pixel."


You see what I mean? I have yet to see her smile.

"Can you smile?"

"I smile when I want to."

"Uh, can you lose the glare?"

Her face switched to neutral. "Hmm?"

"Sure." I headed back to Static. "What're we going to do?"

"Don't know," he said. "Just wait around for a few, should be good eventually."

"Probably won't be."


Well, it seems like we'll be stuck inside for a while. I wonder how the others are doing...

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