Chapter 14: Reunion

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"Alright, how're we going to do this?"

"I don't know. Shock the screws off?"

"Maybe..." It didn't work. It's a strong piece of metal.

"Ah... well, hopefully we'll find a way eventually. In the meantime, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me everyday after... you know."

"Oh. Well, after all, I did choose to come here. Best I could do was help someone out if I didn't reach my goal."

"I see. Any ideas on how to get out?"

"None yet."

"Alright, let's just wait a while before trying again."


I let my lightning rest. Dang, the metal hasn't budged yet. There must be some way to loosen it...

⚡️ Later ⚡️

"Got it!"

"What? How?"

"I don't know. I just threw glaciers at it and one of them maanged to pierce through and open a huge hole."

"That's literally impossible."

"I'm impossible, baby."

"Alright. Let me help you get up." After both of us climbed out of the hole, it repaired itself. Wonders of magic...

"What now?"

"Look for a button, a lever, anything." We searched around. Icicle called out and I ran over. A button. Both of us clicked it and the world went dark.

⚡️ Cliff ⚡️


I got up. "What?"

"Welcome back."


"Where to?"

"Professor Elemental's Office?"


⚡️ The Next Day ⚡️

There's no time to waste. Let me make this quick.

Icicle and I reported what happened to Professor Elemental. After that, we just went on with our normal lives.

And Pacifia? Yes, she's back. She got back first. Have I seen her yet? No. Do I plan on seeing her?

Well, the answer's obvious.


"Finally, you're back!"

"Oh, hey Angel."

"I was so worried! Why did you go off like that?!"

"Well, at least I helped someone."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Make it answer your question."

"Zap, what's up with you?"

"I don't have time for this."


"What do you want?"

"Talk to me!"


"Everything! Tell me everything that happened!"

"I don't see why I should."

Angel walked up to me, fury in her eyes. "You better tell me—"

"Alright, alright! Calm down." I proceeded to tell her.

"All that and you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't see why I had to."

"You had me worried. You could've at least told me what happened."

"Well, yeah, I did. Now I actually have something to do."

"Ok. See you then."



"..." My mind went blank. I lost what I was about to say. "Never mind."

⚡️ Ice Zone ⚡️

"Hey Icicle."

"Hey there, Zap."

"You've reunited with your partner?"

"Yeah. Freeze was happy to see me. He said he missed me, and he never stopped believing that I would come back, even after a month."

"Good partner."

"He's so kind."

"Yeah... anyways, that reminds me. Catch you later."

"Till then. See you."

⚡️ Electric Zone ⚡️


"Hey there, Magnet."

"Oh, good thing you're back! I was starting to get worried. Lightning was so busy with Static recently, and so I had no-one to talk to. And of course, since you left, I wasn't able to wake you up! It messed up my schedule so much!"

Magnet spoke so quickly it confused me for a second. "That's all you were worried about?"

"What? Or course not. I was also worried that I'd get branded as partnerless!"


"Heh. Seriously though, it was weird without you here. No-one can live well if their partner goes missing. And plus, all of us, you, me, Lightning, Static, Electron, Neutron, Pixel, Discharge, we're all one big circle that isn't complete if even one person goes missing."


"I try. Now, tonight, remind me that you're here, so that I can wake you up. I didn't realize you were here last night."

"Wow, Magnet. Alright, I'll do that."

"See you!"

As I left the Electric Zone, I felt better. I've met with everyone important to me. Well, except Quake. And one other person...

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