Chapter 13: Hope

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Is it time to stop hoping? Is she gone now? Did Pacifia just kill herself in a suicide mission?

There's so many questions I want... need the answers to.

I probably shouldn't be worrying so much. Just 3 weeks ago, I wanted to kill her. Now... well, whatever. Things can change.

Maybe if I try to get myself captured again, I can find her. It's a very small bet... but it's still a bet, and any outcome is possible.

Any outcome...

⚡️ Cliff ⚡️

Alright, here goes...

Darkness comes...

⚡️ Abduction Room ⚡️

"Hello? Pacifia? Anyone?"

"Hmm...?" A response.

"Hello? Someone there?" I walked toward the voice.

"H–he..." Another response, but weaker. I ran towards the voice. This room was much larger. With the light from my lightning, I could make out a body, laying on the floor.

"Hey! Are you alright?"

"St-stupid question... no, I'm not..." she replied. Words. A complete response.

"Alright, I'm here now, so I guess we're going to find a way out."

"Yes... a way out... go do that." Her voice was getting weaker every time, but she still had enough energy to make out complete sentences. It's something to hope for. I scanned the walls, hoping for an exit button like last time. Nothing. Not in this large room.



"Haha... we're stuck here then." She gave a weak laugh. "Haha... even longer than before."

"Hey, don't go insane. Rest."


"Hey... what's your name?"

"Err... I-I..." Her voice got softer and softer until it was quiet. Perhaps she's resting now. Her name starts with an I, I assume. I guess I should search more.

⚡️ Later ⚡️

After searching the walls for another few hours, I decided to just take a rest as well. I sat near the girl and went to sleep.

In my dream this night, all I heard was one voice: "Come on! We need to go, now!" Then all was silent.

⚡️ The Next... Day? ⚡️

"Wake up."

"Hmm? M..." Wait, no. That isn't Magnet...

"Hey." I got up.

"Hey there. You still never told me your name."

"Yeah... well, it's Icicle. How about you?"


"Zap. Pleasure."

"Yeah. Pleasure. You seem better than yesterday."

"Oh, I'm always better after a rest. But of course, that feeling won't last long."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, what happened yesterday... happens everyday. Whips, whips, and more whips."


"Don't worry. I'm almost used to it."

"Wait, no! You shouldn't be getting used to that. Shouldn't you try to find a way out?"

"Yeah, when I tried that I got hit until I fell to the ground, then I was hit more."

"Wow... you're loved here."


I looked around. There was no lighting, just like when I was in a room with Pacifia.

Pacifia... I hope she's okay. If Icicle is, Pacifia should be...

"How long have you been here?"

"A couple weeks, I think?"

"A cou—alright, you've convinced me."


"We're finding a way out."

"I don't want—"

"By Prisma, I'm finding a way out." Continuing from where I stopped yesterday, I continued trailing the walls until I reached my starting point on the opposite side. Nothing. Nothing at all.

"Maybe there's no way out? Maybe we're stuck here forever?"

"No way. I didn't choose to come here for nothing."

"Wait, you wanted to come here?"

"Not... particularly this spot, but yeah."

"Are you insane? Why?"

"One of my... friends got voluntarily captured for an experiment, and she's been gone for 4 days."

"That sucks. But you know, it's better than what I'm doing."

"Yeah... anyway, how do you last down here?"

"Not sure. I just seem fully nourished and fed everytime I wake up. Lasts the whole day."

"Hmm... well, any ideas on how we're going to get out?"

"Zap, I've been here for two weeks."

"Yes, but you haven't tried getting out daily."

"That's because I'd get—ah, that reminds me. I should prepare."

"Prepare for what?"

"For my daily whip session."

"Hmm... you want comfort, you come to me. I can try..."

"How would you help."

"I mean, from experience I..." I shuddered. Bad memories. I took a seat in the corner. Then, Icicle yelped. "Here we go!" she yelled. I heard the whips. Way harder than Pacifia's, and let me tell you, Pacifia's was bad. One hit ripped her shirt!

Icicle screamed for about 10 more minutes, and when I heard her collapse, I ran over. "You alright?"

"Stupid quest—"

"Nevermind, stop speaking for a second. Come here. I can confirm that skin beats metal in comfort levels."

"I guess..." She crawled over to me.

It might sound weird, but you have to understand that everything is necessary at this point. Icicle's been hit worse than Pacifia, and it's been weeks. I'd figure changing something up would be nice.

⚡️ One Week Later ⚡️

"Nice day."

"Shut up."

"Ah... what I wanted to say was things might actually better today."

"What do you mean?"

"Shine your light on top of us." I shone my light on the roof and saw a separate square of metal that seemed to be hammered in.

I saw Icicle smile in the light. "If we can somehow manage to open that..."

I smiled as well. "Maybe there is a way out."

"We can hope."

"We sure can."

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