Chapter 12: Gone

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"That is my suggestion."

"Interesting, but dangerous. Are you sure you want to do this?"


"I don't think it's best to let you do this."

"Please let me do this. I know I can do this."

"If you're this enthusiastic about it, I guess I'll let you do this. Are you sure you don't want a partner."

"I'll be fine alone."

"Alright, good luck."

"Thank you."

...No. I don't have anything to say to Professor Elemental any longer.

Pacifia wants to do this? After what happened before? I can't let her do this.



"What are you thinking?"

"What do you mean?"

"Going alone? Do you not remember last time?"

"Last time was—"

"When we were tied in chairs."

"But then—"

"You were whipped multiple times."

"...Look, Zap, I know I can do this."

"Well, why shouldn't I go with you?"

"Because... well, what if they decide to hurt you, too?"

"So what?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you were already hurt once, why get hurt again?"

"Because I need to know something!"

"Then let me go with you!"

"No!" She screamed so loud, it threw me off guard. "You can't come with me!"

"I—fine. I won't come with you then."


I walked away without responding.

Pacifia may have gone insane. I can still clearly remember how badly she was hurt last time, and this time she's willing to take it again... for what? What can she get out of that?

⚡️ Professor Elemental's Office ⚡️

"Why did you let her do this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you let Pacifia go alone? I remember exactly what happened last time. I don't want her to get hurt again, especialy if she's going to get hurt worse!"

"I saw the determination in her eyes. She has a goal, and she will do anything to acheive it."

I had no answer. I left the office, distracted in my thoughts.

In my dream, everything was quiet, than silence was broken with a scream. Pacifia's scream.

I woke with a start. It was still dark, and Magnet was still asleep above me. She usually wakes me up, so I know that it's really early right now. I decided to head back to bed and talk with Angel the next day.

⚡️ The Next Day ⚡️

"Zap, I know, it's crazy. But think about it. Pacifia wanted to go so badly, and she refused your offer to go with her. You know she's got something in mind."

"That doesn't change the fact that it's crazy."

"Yes, but still..." Angel looked worried.

"I don't know what's going to happen."

"Neither do I. The best thing we can do is trust her."


⚡️ 3 Days Later ⚡️

I think now's a great place to go insane. Pacifia still isn't back. Three days! Who knows what could've happened by now!

All day I couldn't concentrate in anything. I was too worried to.

⚡️ The Next Day ⚡️

I... I don't know what to do. I don't know what happened to Pacifia, if anything happened to Pacifia. All I can do is just wait. That's all I can do. Wait. I can't help her at all.

All I can do is wait.

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