Chapter 18: The Corruption

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First of all, let me begin by telling you that 3 months have passed since the holidays.

Second of all, let me say that no-one is happy right now.

Well, things have been corrupted around here.

Nothing works right. The cloud move quickly, the sun moves quicker, and worst of all... some Elementals are corrupted.

The heart of Elemental Academy is the Elementals of the academy. Each one of us is special in our way. When we are in danger... the academy is in danger.

The corruption's spread is majorly around Natures and Love Elementals, who don't act how they usually do. They're crazier.

I'm going to be honest.

I'm scared.

Natures naturally tend the Garden and the Forest, but recently they have done the opposite. The tree in the Garden is dying, and the trees in the Forest are also dying.

Loves usually deal with heart and romance related activities, but now the hospital staff is empty. I hope to Prisma that we don't have any accidents anytime soon... but if the Loves are anything like the Natures now, the amount of accidents may increase.

So what do we do? Do we take up the work that they are incabaple of doing? Do we try to function without them and the benefits they provide? The latter option is impossible to do and succeed.

My question is, who would do such a thing and why?

Scared, scared, scared. What if the corruption spreads further and to other Elements? No-one is safe, even if we drive off the Natures and Loves. If the corruption started in the Academy, it can start again.

I need as many people to help as possible.



"I know that you know that things have been... different lately, but I have a strategy that I would really love your help with."

"Definitely. Zap, I'm terrified. I want to do anything that will get us out of this situation."

"Yeah. Thank you so much, Magnet."


"Hey there, Zap."

"You're pretty calm."

"No, I'm not. What is it?"

"Help me out with a plan?"

"A plan for what?"

"This... this thing that's been going on in the Academy."

"Zap, I don't know if we can—"

"Never mind, then."

"Wait! I'll help. But if this plan is going to work, find us a way to stay safe."

"Got it, Angel. I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt."


"Yes, Zap?"

"Would you be able to help me out with something?"

"Sorry, Zap. I just found out about my mentor, and though things have been getting bad, they aren't the worst yet. My mentor wants us to prepare for anything."

"That's alright, Quake. Thanks, anyway."

"Sorry again."

"Pacifia?" I looked around near Pacifia's bed. I saw no-one. Not her, not her partner, or anyone else. The other rooms were filled with Waters, though.

"Have any of you seen Pacifia lately?"

"No. Her partner, Flow, was around recently. Check for him."

"What does he look like?"

"He has short brown hair and green eyes, like Pacifia. He's around 5 feet 2 inches (1.58 m)."

"Okay, thanks."

"Hey, if you find her... let us know. We're pretty worried. She disappeared somewhere around 3 days ago and hasn't come back."

"Oh... alright, then."

Summary of what happened after: I found Flow. He didn't know where Pacifia was. I looked around. The Fires became crazy. The Academy is one big mess, and all I can hope for is that my plan might work.

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