Chapter 21: Sacrifice-Virus Rise

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I think Angel may go crazy soon.

She's still been looking for what she's been looking for. It's so weird! What could she be looking for?

Again, the corruption has spread, and it has now traveled over to the Waters. Oh Prisma no...

I ran back to see if anyone else had any information to share. No-one was there. It looks like no-one found anything useful yet...

Out of ideas, I decided to risk it all. I ran across the Academy to look for Angel.

⚡️ Later ⚡️

"Not here, not there... where is she?" I had looked at the Garden and the Cliff. Angel was not at either of those places. I ran into the Dark Zone. Not there either. The kitchen? No. Maybe the Kitchen? Nothing at all. I checked a few hidden places that are hard to see, but I couldn't find her. Is Angel hiding from someone now? First she goes looking for something, and now she's hiding. I'll never understand her...

⚡️ Later ⚡️

"Hey, Flow. Anything new?"

"Well, obviously I'm still safe. Pacifia's still a little bit crazy, but for the most part, she's fine. Definitely not corrupted."

"Good to hear. Anything else you discovered?"

"Actually, yes. When the Waters were affected, it turns out that for some pairs, only one side was infected. The other couldn't seem to get corrupted no matter what."

"That's interesting. Thanks, Flow."

"Yeah. Good luck with everything else."

Okay, let's see. So for some Elementals, their partners can't get corrupted. That's strange...

⚡️ The Next Day ⚡️

Next up, we have the Earths in the corruption ladder. Please, anyone but Quake... actually, no-one, please...

I ran towards the Cliff. Unlike what Flow has found in the past, today Pacifia was just sitting at the edge. I sat next to her. "How have you been?" I tried.

"I'm fine."

"Anything bad happen recently?"

"No... just some weird things have been occuring, and I'm a bit freaked out."

"Like what?"

"Please, I don't want to share. Acting all hot has made me crazy..."


"Sorry. Excuse me for that."

"Hot... water... are you corrupted?" Pacifia stayed silent. I stepped back and waited. I wasn't corrupted. Wait... hopefully that means that Quake can't be corrupted. If anything, Quake is basically Pacifia's partner now, seeing that she talks to him all the time.

Hold on...

⚡️ The Garden ⚡️


"Hey there, Zap! How's it going?" Angel stood near the tree, with the lightest tone in her voice than was even normal for a Light Elemental.

"Everything's fine. How about you?"

"Oh... it's just that... I need... cure..."

"I... I'm sorry, I don't know what the cure is."

"Cure... I need... cure..."



Forgive me if anything is too obvious, but I discovered Angel's motive. I walked over to her. "You need cure, don't you?" Angel placed a hand on my shoulder. A flashback from yesterday appeared in my head.

"Any last words?"

"Change your name to Cure and become the one I need."

I popped back into the present. I looked at Angel. She looked back at me with shining eyes. I moved closer.

I kissed Angel.

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