Chapter 22: Worry

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It doesn't have to be a life-giving sacrifice to save a life. It can be the smallest act of affection... like a kiss.


"What is it, ShadowAngel?"

"Thank you."

"Aww, you're welcome. Glad I could help."

"How have the other corrupted Elementals been doing?"

"Almost everyone has been cured, but we still need to stop the corruption because it can still start at any time."

"Well how are we going to do that?"

"Pfft, like I'd know."

"Huh. You seem to know the solution to everything, though."

"Oh? So what if I seem to know something? Do I automatically know it?"

"Well... in our cases, yes."

"Damn, you're right. But still, I don't know what to do."

"Slow down, then. Let's focus on the small problems before tackling the large ones."

"Or, we can tackle the small ones and leave the large ones to the experienced ones."

"Hmm... good idea."

"..." We looked at one another.

"What do we do now?"

"I don't know. I'm feeling like checking on Pacifia and Quake."

"Alrighty then. Lead the way, miss."

⚡️ Later ⚡️

"Well? Where's Pacifia and Quake?"

"They should be together..."

"Got it. To the cliff we go."

⚡️ Cliff ⚡️

Angel and I saw Pacifia and Quake looking out from the edge. It looked like they were having a conversation.

"Yes or no?" I asked.

"Er... maybe later. Wouldn't want to interrupt them."

"I think I would."

"Right then. I will stay back here if any problems happen."

"Got that." I walked over to Pacifia and Quake. "Hey there."

"Gah! Hi there, Zap."


"Anything going on?"

"Pacifia is still slightly infected, but I don't know how to stop it."

I backed up. "Err... hug her, or something." I turned around and walked away. No need to get infected.

⚡️ The Next Day ⚡️

Good news! Half of the professors, including professor Electric, are out to abolish the source of the corruption. A sigh of relief came from me when Magnet told me. Maybe now we can rest and not worry about this.

But who knows?

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