Chapter 23: Protect the Academy

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A fight is going on.

It's not a small one either.

The source is real.

Corruption is everywhere.

There's nowhere to hide.

No-one is safe...

⚡️ Lightning Zone ⚡️

"What do we do, what do we do?!" Magnet yelled.

"I don't know!" I called. "Just fight and run! Find groups and enlarge them!" Magnet ran towards Static and Lightning while I ran towards the Dark Zone.

⚡️ Dark Zone ⚡️

"Angel! Angel!"

"I'm here! What do we do?"

"Come with me! Everyone, form groups, spread out!" Angel and I ran towards the Water Zone.

⚡️ Water Zone ⚡️

"Pacifia?" No response. Angel and I ran around the main building, trying to find Pacifia. Nowhere. We found Flow, who agreed to join us. We ran towards the Earth Zone.

⚡️ Earth Zone ⚡️

"Quake! Are you there?"

"I'm here! What is it?"

"Help us find Pacifia! We need to get a big group!"

"To the Cliff! To the Cliff!"

⚡️ Cliff ⚡️

"Pacifia!" She gave no response, nor did she turn around. I looked at Quake. "Is she still corrupted?"

"She shouldn't be, unless she was re-corrupted." He ran over to Pacifia. "Pacifia! Come on, we need to fight! The Academy is in danger!"

"Go do it yourself."


"I'm not in the mood. Go fight them yourself."

"Pacifia, you don't understand—"

"Quake, I don't care! I'm not going to fight!"

"Push her off the Cliff," I said.

"Wait, no! Why?"

"Come on, there's water down there. She'll be fine."

"I'm not going to do that."

"Then I'll do it myself."

"Wait! You don't have to do that. I think... we should just leave her here."

"Ugh, fine. Come on, we have to go now."

⚡️ Academy Entrance — Eastern Division ⚡️

"They're pouring in through here!"

"How do we fight them?"

"I don't know! Can we even—"

They jumped on us, knocking us down. Then they absorbed into our bodies. But as Angel and I are tied together, only one of us gets corrupted.

Me this time.

It felt horrifying. I felt myself falling into the ground. It feels better when I'm in the air, at the source of lightning. The ground feels... terrible.

But it lasted for only a short while, as I felt reality coming back... and Angel's kiss.

"It might be the end, Zap... but if we're going down, we're going down together." I looked around and saw the corrupted versions of Flow and Quake.

"Or maybe... we don't have to go down."

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