Chapter 5: Bonding or Breaking?

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No way.

"Pacifia! What do you want?!"

"Alright, so you didn't kill Rock."

"I didn—yes. That's right."


Odd. She suddenly believes that? Couldn't fool me.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Pacifia!"

"Prove it."

"Argh!" She blasted me with water. Did I mention I was sitting on my bed? Yeah, I got knocked down.

"Ooh, thanks. I'm going to sleep now. Nice position you put me in."

"Don't you dare." Pacifia walked over to me and pulled me out, onto the floor. I stood up and sat on the bed again.

"Back to square one," I muttered. "What do you want?"

"Look, Quake just came over to talk to me, and..." She looked down. "What you told him, he told me... now that I've heard it, I guess... you have a logical point of view. Sorry."

"Ok, carry on."

"That's all you have to say? Ugh, alright. So I'm sorry for thinking that way about you. Friends?"


"Oh, that's great—"

"Hell no!" I said. "First you accuse me of murder, then you accuse me of misleading Quake, and now you come up to me for forgiveness?!" I walked over to her.

"Well I just thought—"

"Of course."


"Oh, sure I'll be your friend. We're pretty much alike. First, you tried to kill me because you so much as disliked me. Second, you think quickly, and I respect that. Why wouldn't I be your friend? What I was waiting for..." I paused. "...was for you, not Quake, but you to see things the way I saw them. I saw Quake as a person who could easily believe me, but you... you're different."

Pacifia didn't say anything, but turned to walk away.

"One more thing."

"What is it?"

"Think about what happened... think about it every time you think I did something wrong. What I do... whether it's because of my emotions, or my thoughts, or if I do the opposite of what someone tells me to do under the threat of death... well, there's always a reason."

"I'll... I'll think on that."

"Oh, I forgot... but I did see Rock on the side of the road I was walking across. And I didn't see how it was important, but... I did see 3 Electrics, far away from Rock."

Why didn't I tell you? Well, I did say I didn't see its importance.

"Alright. And Zap... I'm sorry."

"Wait... how did you get my name?"

"Um..." She looked guilty. "I may have overheard a conversation you had."

"A conversation—were you stalking me?!"

"Hey, I was trying to find out if you'd tell anyone you killed Rock!"

"Sure, sure..."

"Alright, I need to go."

"Ok, and if I so happen to stalk you, we're even."

"You wouldn't—"

"We'll see." I laid down.

Pacifia did look annoyed, but she left.

"You seem happy."

"Well, what can I say... I was found innocent."

"Hmm..." Angel was thinking. "So you made up?"

"We're friends now, so probably."

"I see... that's nice."


"Actually, I need to talk to you about Pacifia."

"What is it?"

"Well..." Angel stopped. "Never mind. I'll talk to you later. Now's not the time."

"What's not the time?" Pacifia was behind me. "I need to talk to you again."

Angel looked embarrased. "I, uh—"

"Oh, sorry, didn't see you there," Pacifia hastily dragged me towards her own zone. "I really need to talk to you. Sorry, um..."

"Angel." Angel was really annoyed now. "I'll see you later, Zap."

"I'm really stressed out about something," Pacifia said.

"What could that mean?"

"Well, it has to do with Rock... I just don't understand why they'd kill him!"

"You did kill their leader, after all..."

"Yeah... but how would they know who killed him?"

"I don't know, because they find out things? They were close?"


"Now, if that's all, I really need to—"

"I didn't interrupt you for no reason. I still need to understand something... what's the relationship between you and Angel?"



"Ask her, I hardly know."

"Okay. One last thing. Imagine I had never thought you had killed Rock. Neither had Quake. Imagine you never saw Rock on the road. Tell me this... what would you think of me?"

"Depends. Would Quake still have been glaring at me?"

"Not at all."

"I wouldn't really have acknowledged you personally."

"I see... and what about if Quake just called me up to fight?"

"I'd just assume you two were friends and leave it at that."

"Okay, good..."

"What did you think? Are you stalking me for answers again?"

"No! I was just curious."

"Curious... what a word. It really describes someone who is interested in something, right?"

"That's probably the best way to put it."

"Even so... if someone was interested in another person, would they be curious about that person?"

"Well, not exactly..."

"And even if so... what do you think said curious person would do?"

"Where are you going with this?"

"I'm just curious about it."

"You're weird. I'd say said curious person would pay a bit more attention to the other... they would probably talk to that person... and at higher standards, they would probably follow that person to get any chance to be with them."

I smirked. "I got you."

She frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I was just experimenting... you did pay more attention to me when you had suspicion of me killing Rock. You did talk to me to see what I would say. You did follow me around, stalking me. Plus, you gave this description of someone who is interested in another. So my conclusion is—"

"You have got to be kidding me! Why do you even care about that?"

"Hmm... I guess I'm just trying to make things simple and quick."

"That's not how it—never mind. Yeah, you'll totally get a girlfriend like that."

"Oh, just you wait. It's working some day."

"Oh yeah? Am I on that list of 'people to fall for it?'"

"You're literally number one. You did fall for it."

"You are the weirdest person I've ever met!" She left.

Now see here, that did go well. Pacifia is... a pretty different person. I mean, good for me, I guess.

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