Chapter 6: Blaze's Burden

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Let's focus on what happens during lunch for now. There's just something that's currently been happening, and let's just say it isn't really amazing.

So let's start with an introduction.

Once there was a Fire Elemental named Blaze. Blaze was that kind of guy who wanted to get all the ladies, ok? It doesn't matter to him who they are. They just have to be girls. So one day, he decided to check out the Electric table.

"Hey ladies, what's going on?" The girls looked up, but did not respond and continued eating. "Too stunning to speak? I know, I'm naturally like that."

Now the other side of the Electrics, the boys, if you don't know, were as irritated as the girls. I'll tell you what we were all probably thinking:

"Who the hell this be?"

"What does he want?"

And some of the thoughts probably only from the girls (with confirmation from Magnet, Lightning, and other girls. Yep, I surveyed them, why not):

"He's the opposite of hot."

"Why is he even here?"

"Does he not know any Fire girls?"

A few of these were said to Blaze, but he shrugged them off and was like, "I know, I know, you're denying that you like me. I respect that, but you can be honest with me."

Okay, get this straight. Blaze is a Bronze. Getting girls should be on the bottom of his list. Odd boy.

I mean, think about it. School's only been around for about a month. We're all 13, just starting school (strange, right). I mean, that wizard boy started at 11 and that water demigod at like 12. It's not that bad. We're supernatural humans, anyway.

Okay, off track. "What do you want?" I managed.

"Hmm..." That's right, no straight answer. Is he bold?


"The girls."

Ooh, bold indeed. The girls, huh... I have an idea...

⚡️ Skills Class ⚡️

The next day, I decided to test my theory. I hung around after class to ask, "Professor Earth, is there any skill I can use to make me look like a girl, for, let's say, 20 minutes?"

"Why would you need that?"

"A little experiment during lunch."

"Hmm... alright. Just say, 'Genderbend!' and think about yourself changing to a girl, and that should work for an hour at most. Say it again, and it will be reversed."

"Perfect! Thanks!"

⚡️ Lunch ⚡️

Did I tell anyone? Not really, only everyone at the Electric table. What, it's only like 200 people. No big deal, jeez.

"Hey, girls! I'm ba—woah! Who are you!" Blaze took slow steps towards me, examining me—I mean, the new girl. "So! Who are you?"

Come on, Zap, clever name. Wait, got it.


Zap, what the hell?!

"Sparky, huh... cute name. Tell you what, how about you and me—"

"Oh, can't."

"Why not?"

"Well, I can't cheat now, can I? Plus, I'm not gay."

"Gay? What do you mean, gay?"

I muttered, "Genderbend!" under my breath and waited.

Blaze cursed. "Seriously?"

I smiled. "Gay."

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