Chapter 7: Woah There. Chill Out. Don't Hate On Me!

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It's not going well for me. Not at all.

I mean, it's not like it's been going well lately. Blaze, of course, hates me entirely.


Okay, it's not going too bad. You'd think. I sadly got used to Angel visiting me everyday, but I haven't seen her in 2 weeks. I mean, Skills and Sword class is different. Outside of class, I don't see her often.

Pacifia came to see me in the afternoon. I woke up in the Care Center after that. I'd like to say this was the reason:

Pacifia was so breathtakingly beautiful, I passed out from lack of oxygen.

What actually happened was she pushed me to the ground a little too hard and I started slightly—er, heavily—bleeding.

"Ah! Geez, what the hell?!"

"Hmmph." She walked away.


Yay! I passed out.

Ok, seriously, I need some time to have some time to get some time to think for some time. People are crazy, and I did nothing. Nothing to cause it, nothing to help it...

Sure, I'm probably supposed to go to the Professors for help, but knowing me? Nah. I got this all under control.

My mood? How many curse words are in Anaconda? Ah, 17. Any songs with more? That would probably explain my mood right now. Or we can go with Sound of Silence. Either is fine.

Off topic. Sorry.

I have 4 options:

A) Talk to Pacifia, then Angel

B) Talk to Angel, then Pacifia

C) Screw it, they're girls, it will never work, talk to Quake

D) Don't give two craps and wait for it to be resolved

I feel like C and D won't help... since I was friends with Angel longer, we can go to her last. To Water Princess we go!

"Water Princess?"

Dammit, I said it aloud. Alright, keep calm. "What?"

"You called me Water Princess?"


"What kind of amnesia is on your damn brain?"

"Look, I need to talk to you."


"First off, explain why pushing me harder than getting hit by a train was a good idea."

"Ahem... that was you?"

"What the f—"

"Alright, alright. Listen, I was distracted about Rock again."

"Distracted doesn't explain 'Hey, Zap! Ooh, did I push you too hard? Oh, too bad.'"

"I just need to..." Pacifia pushed me towards the exit. "I need to..." She walked away.

Wow... that went well. Next up, Angel. Her problem isn't too bad, but still... you know what? No. Her problem isn't a big deal. Pacifia's problem sure is. On a scale of 1-100, it's a 101.

"What are you doing here?" Another Water Elemental walked up to me. He was real buff, a Platinum, I'd expect. So he's... 17?

"Um... have you seen Pacifia?"

"She walked in that direction." He pointed towards the Earth Zone.


I didn't bother going in that direction. If I'm correct, she went to talk to Quake. If I'm not correct, then... I don't know.

⚡️ Juniors' Knowledge Class ⚡️

"If I have five candies, and I add five more, how many candies do I have!"


"Oh Prisma..."

Typical day at the JC. It's honestly in my opinion hilarious to see basic problems answered by the younger Juniors. I almost died from laughter the first time I visited this place...

"Count five fingers, and count five more. How many fingers do you have?"

"Uh... one, two, eight, three, nine, twelve, sixteen, four, fifty-five, seven! Seven fingers."


This is a great way to calm down after something, ahem, misfortunate happens at the Academy.

There's so much happening right now, and it's way too early to have to deal with this.

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