Chapter 13: The Brain

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I sat at the table with the team silently. RT was my mentor, I didn't understand why he would do this. Green arrow set a bowl of pretzels in front of us.

"Thanks, but no thanks." KF sighed.

"Yeah, what we want, is answers." Robin stated. Green Arrow picked up the bowl, but KF grabbed it from him.

"Leave the bowl."

"You knew?" Superboy tackled Aqualad, "that android and his maniac family almost killed M'gann!"

"Conner what are you doing?" M'gann flew over to the two.

"Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing!"

The rest of us stood up from our spots at the table. I swiftly walked over and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Superbo- Conner please, there has to be a reason behind this. RT was my mentor, I know him." I said quietly.

"Wait," KF looked at me, "he was your mentor. You could be working with him!"

"I have been with the league for 6 years." I growled. I could feel Wally's heartbeat, elevated, faster. He was angry, I know he wasn't thinking clearly. But hearing that from my big brother? It was a burn.

"But before that you were with the Brain."

My body went rigid. Flashbacks, I was plagued with flashbacks. Robin took notice and stepped up to my side.

"KF stop it!" Robin scolded.

"No Robin, it's... It's fine. They want to know what happened 6 years ago. I'll tell 'em."

"(Y/n) you don't have to-"

"I do..." I cut him off, taking in a shaky breath. "I was the Brains torture toy. I went through so much, so many horrible experiments. Electro-shock, endurance tests, small spaces, high heights, fear simulators, anything you can think of. The first 6 years of my life, the only feeling I knew was pain, and fear. I woke up everyday knowing I would have to go through it again. I woke up everyday hoping I would die, just so I wouldn't have to feel the pain."
The team gasped. M'gann started crying. I shut my eyes holding back the tears that threatened to come. "I would barely eat. I wouldn't sleep. The one thing that kept me going was the memory of my parents. No pictures are in my mind. Just a feeling, a feeling of love and safety. The only thing I remember really is one thing my mom said. I think right before the Brain took me. I didn't and still don't understand why they would give their child to someone like that, but I know that they did what was best for me in my heart a-and I still love them."


"I'm a hero for them... The league saved me, I swore to die before I let anyone else go through what I did. So if you want to call me a traitor, then go ahead."

Robin pulled me into a hug and I cried on his shoulder. He knew how hard it really was for me to tell the team this. My parents weren't something I liked to think about, the league had offered countless times for me to use their supercomputer to research them, but they're gone.

"(Y/n) I'm so so sorry." KF apologized.

"I forgive you." I sniffled.

"With Red Tornado missing the team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift." Batman spoke up.

"I'm really looking forward to working with you guys." He smiled. We all looked at each other.

"After I dismantle Red Tornado, you and I are gonna-" Superboy started glaring at Aqualad.

"Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League. That makes him a league responsibility. You will leave him to us." Batman ordered, "I have another assignment for this team."

"Gotham Mayor attacked by guerilla gorilla?" KF read.

"Batman, please tell me you are not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase." Robin crossed his arms.

"I never joke about the mission. I've checked the sources. I've studied the patterns. Mayor Hill's encounter is only the latest in a series of incidents. Aqualad, you and your team will depart for India and check this out."

The rest of the team walked past Aqualad angrily. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"They may not see it, but you did a good thing." I whispered then walked to the bio-ship.

We flew to India in silence. Everyone but Uncle Marvel and me seemed to be mad a Aqualad. The tension was thick in the ship. I gripped the necklace Robin gave me tightly, now a habit. Once we got closer I tucked it into my costume.

"Let's go over the parameters." Aqualad ordered.

"Parameters? We don't need no stinkin parameters." KF scoffed.

"It's recon, we know what to do." Robin added.

"Kid, Robin..."

"The four of us started this team because the Justice League was keeping secrets from us."

"Or did you forget that, like you forgot to tell us about the mole." Both of them ran off into the brush and I shook my head.

"I'll follow them to make sure they don't get killed."

By the time I found KF and Robin they were a good mile from the landing sight. I hit both of them over the head.

"You idiots." I hissed. I heard a squeaking from above us.

I quickly looked up and saw vultures flying towards us. I threw a piece of earth at them and started running.

"Kobra-Venom!" Robin yelled.

"Who would inject that into animals?" KF asked.

I stopped and threw another piece of earth successfully knocking down one of the killer boards. Robin and KF got another one. The last one dug its claws into my shoulders and started to fly off with me in its clutches.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"Everyone online?" M'gann questioned.

"A giant vulture took (H/n), but since we're moles you probably think we took her ourselves!" Robin yelled.

"Guys I'm fin- ah!" I screamed out in pain.

"(H/n)! Are you okay?" Artemis asked.

"Yeah, I'm great! I just screamed in pain for no reason!"

"Is anyone else bothered by how nonchalant Aqualad is about not telling us?" KF questioned.

"How can we be a team when he doesn't trust us?"

"Guys!" I screamed, "I understand you're upset. Aqualad was partially wrong in not telling us before, but you're all entirely wrong for blaming him. He was trying to keep this team from falling apart like it is now! Now, are you going to continue to bicker, or help me?"

"Captain Marvel and (H/n) have been captured and we must act as a team to save them."

The vulture threw me down harshly and I winced. The once purple and black shoulders of my costume were stained with a scarlet red tint. Blood. My blood.

"Welcome back (H/n)." I heard a voice that still haunted my mind.


I was picked up off of the ground and forcefully pushed into the building by Monsieur Mallah.

"Your old room awaits you."

"No. Please no, anything but that." I begged.

I was pushed into my old 'room' and the door closed. I heard the click of the lock signaling that I was stuck here for awhile. I pounded on the door desperately anyways. Ignoring the sharp pain that started in my shoulders and spread through my body. I was slowly becoming weaker. This room, too much happened in this room. I slid down the wall, my knees to my chest.

"Leaves from the vine, falling so slow. Like fragile tiny shells, drifting in the foam." I sang quietly, tears making a path down my face. "Little hero girl coem marching home, and brave hero girl, comes marching home."

I put my head in between my knees, continuing to sing. The door to my room opened. I prepared myself for the worst.

"Hey," a gentle voice called. I lifted my head up, not caring if my eyes were bloodshot or my face was tear stained. Robin stood in front of me, in all his glory, he was my knight in a hero costume.

"Robin!" I hugged him tightly, I winced after a moment now taking a larger notice of the deep cuts on my shoulders.

"Let's get you back to the ship." Robin picked me up bridal style and carried me back to the ship.

"I'm really glad I have more than one of this costume." I sighed.


Once we got back to the cave Robin helped me get to the med-center. I sat on one of the tables as Robin wrapped my shoulders. We walked back to my room in a comfortable silence. I made him wait outside as I changed into my pajamas. Once I was done he helped me into bed and turned off the light as he was walking out.

"Dick," I called making him stop, "can you stay with me, until I fall asleep?" (Nothing's going to happen! They're 13. Ya nasty).

"Uh yeah." He climbed into the large bed next to me.

I took his mask off and set it on my nightstand. "Can you sing something... our song maybe?"

3rd P.O.V

Dick nodded and cleared his throat.

"All those days chasing down a villain. All those years, fighting in a blur. All that time, never really seeing life as it could be. Now you're here shining like a bright star. Now you're here suddenly I know. When you're here it's crystal clear, you're where you're meant to be."

"And at last I see the light, and it's like the fog has lifted, and at last I see the light, and it's like the world is new. And our lives have somehow shifted. All at once everything is different, not that I'm with you." They sang together.

"All those days watching from behind doors. All those years hoping to be free. All that time never even knowing just how lost I've been. Now I'm here breathing in the fresh air. Now I'm free, suddenly I see, standing here it's all so clear, I'm where I'm meant to be." (Y/n) smiled remembering when they first sang this.

"And at last I see the light." They took each other's hands.

"And it's like the fog has lifted."

"And at last I see the light."

"And it's like the world is new." (Y/n)'s eyes started to closed, she counted on her memory to get her through the last line.

"And it's warm and clear and bright, and our lives have somehow shifted. All at once everything is different, now that I see you... Now that I see you." Both of them sand together then fell asleep, small smiles on both of their faces.

KF's P.O.V

I ran to (Y/n)'s room with one of the spare uniforms she had. Black Canary asked me to give it to her since I was the fastest.

I was about to walk in when I heard faint singing.

"All those days chasing down a villain. All those years, fighting in a blur. All that time, never really seeing life as it could be. Now you're here shining like a bright star. Now you're here suddenly I know. When you're here it's crystal clear, you're where you're meant to be."

Was that Robin? I quickly pulled my phone out and started recording. When everything became quiet I didn't stop the recording, but instead opened the door and recorded the two. I put the costume on the nightstand and walked out, ending the recording on the way.

"The team is going to love this."


Guys I legit pulled a Disney in this chapter! Two none the less, but it was too cute and I had to do it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always thank you for all the support on this story and everything else that I do! See you next time! Byyee!


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