Chapter 14: The Injustice League

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"(Y/n), wake up." Some shook me.

I opened my eyes seeing Robin in civvies standing in front of me.

"Morning," I smiled, "now turn around."

He turned around and I changed into a pair of my civvies. Taking care of my wrapped shoulders.

"How did you change?" I questioned.

"I have spare clothes here. Come on, the team is waiting."

We walked out to the training room and found the team crowding around something on Wally's phone.

"They can sing." Conner commented.

"They're so cute together!" Megan squealed.

"Who's cute together?" Robin asked.

The team looked up from the phone. They looked like deer caught in headlights.

"How did you two sleep?" Artemis asked smirking.

"Fine," I blushed, "what's on your phone Wally?"

"Nothing." He put his phone behind his back.

I used a blast of air to knock it out of his hands. I caught it and pressed play on the video. Robin watched it from over my shoulder and we became beet red.

"Wally, how- why do you have this?" I threw his phone back at him.

"Black Canary asked me to bring you your spare costume, but when I got there I heard you two singing. Once it was over I came in to find you two sleeping." He explained.

"You two sing well together, where did you come up with the song?"

My hand went to the rose necklace Robin gave me instinctively.

"Do you want to tell them or should I?" Robin looked at me.

"I can. As Wally probably remembers when we first met Robin gave me a rose- very awkwardly might I add. Back then I didn't live at the cave, but with Robin and Batman." I took a deep breath and continued, "I would find roses with parts of the song on them, back then though they were just notes. I started to write back but left lillies instead of roses."

"I found her playing the piano once, just a meaningless tune. But the notes fit with the music so we made the song." Robin finished for me.

"You would make such a cute couple." Megan sighed dreamily.

"Megan! We're just friends,besides we're only 13."

"That's not too young to start dating." She argued.

"Recognized Batman; O2."

"Computer, national news." He ordered.

"The initial attack was short lived, but Metropolis was only granted a short reprieve. And despite the intervention of Superman and the Justice League there seems to be no end in sight."

"Should we get out there?" Robin asked.

"No, the league will soon have the situation under control. That's not why I'm here. According to your intel Sportsmaster supplied Cadmus' blockbuster formula to Kobra."

"Who combined it with Bane's venom to create Kobra Venom." Wally added.

"Which the Brain used to create his animal army." Robin finished

"And upgrade." Connor pet wolf.

"The Brain also used inhibitor collars like the ones at Belle Reve Penitentiary."

"Batman, is it possible that plant thingies on kobra-venom too?" Artemis asked.

"The plant does contain trace amounts of a kobra-venom variant."

"These can not be coincidences. Unrelated criminals are cooperating with one another worldwide."

"Exactly, now it's clear our enemies have formed some kind of secret society of super villains. The attack on Metropolis is only the beginning."

"Plant creatures have sprouted in Paris, Star City, Taipei-" I was cut of by static on the screen.

"Ladies and gentleman," the Joker appeared, his signature sick and insane smile on his face, "we interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem to bring you this announcement from the Injustice League."

"We are responsible for the attacks on your cities. If you wish to save them a ransom of ten billion American dollars is required. Delivery instructions have already been sent to the United Nations. There is no time limit, but the longer you wait..."

"The more we get to have our jollies." Joker cackled. The screen became black. We all stood in silence for a moment.

"Roger that. The UN will prepare the ransom as a fallback. But it won't come to that." Batman sighed.

"Count Vertigo, the Joker, Poison Ivy, Ultra-Humanite, Atomic Skull, Black Atam, Wotan. Seven heavy hitters probably behind everything and everyone we've faced."

"There's your secret society." I added, I didn't entirely believe my own words, even they weren't stupid enough to just reveal themselves like that.

"Not so secret anymore." Artemis commented.

"Perhaps after India they realized we would deduce the truth, and so no point in hiding." Aqualad suggested.

"That's their mistake."

"The Justice League will handle the plants. I have a different job for this team." Batman said, "with the plants attacking so many places there must be a central control system."

"Your mission is to destroy it."

"You realize that what you're asking is for them to..." Zatara trailed off.

"They're ready." Batman assured.

"Ready for what?" KF asked.

"Think KF, we'll be fighting the Injustice League." I hissed.

"Well, Batman, I trust you're correct." Zatara sighed. I groaned in frustration, no one trusts us anymore.

"I trust you can locate them." Batman turned to Zatara.

"Indeed Wotan's involvement suggests sorcery is part of how the plants are controlled. Robin, if you would provide a holo-map."

Robin pulled a map of the globe and Zatara pointed to a spot just above the Gulf Of Mexico.

"Louisiana Bayou." I whispered.


We flew to the coordinates and crash-landed. A large plant started to pull us down into the water. I took of my seatbelt and stood up.

"Get ready to swim out," I ordered, "M'gann open the hatch and let me out."

"What are you going to do?" She questioned hesitantly.

"Deal with the plant, now come on and open the door please we really don't have all day."

She opened up the ship and I swam out creating an air bubble around my head. I put my arms out inf ront of me. The plant paused for a moment before continuing. Come on! I focused harder, trying to feel the water and earth in the plant, to control it.

"Go!" I yelled into the mindlink. They swam out of the ship and I swam after them quickly.

The plant dragged the poor bio-ship down now that it could move. I sat on the mainland shaking slightly. I took deep breaths and tried to keep my eyes open.

"What were you doing?" Artemis asked.

"Plants are mainly earth and water, but that's Poison Ivy and sorcery too, it took so much energy." I groaned.

Count Vertigo and Black Atam came out of the sorest starting to attack the team. I stood up shakily ready to fight.

"Robin M'gann, (H/n), disappear and achieve the objective." Aqualad ordered.

Robin grabbed my hand to steady me and all three of us ran into the forest.


We walked silently until the sun started to set and the forest became eerily dark.

"I blocked contact with Aqualad and the others, should we-"

"Sorry, that's not the gig, this is." Robin pulled up the map again.

I pulled back a branch and smiled happily.

"The Injustice League central control system." I sighed in relief, I really just wanted to pass out and sleep, I was incredibly tired after controlling the plant.

"Well, hello."

We all turned around and we instantly trapped by plants. Poison Ivy and Ultra-Humanite stood in front of us. M'gann moved a gunshot down and set us free from the hold of the plants. Poison Ivy started to attack Robin.

"Hey!" I yelled grabbing her attention.

"Oh, it's the little favorite." She cooed sinisterly.

She grew a plant and directed it towards me. I put my shaky hands out in front of me and attempted to stop the plant. Poison Ivy looked shocked for a moment, then collected herself and smirked.

"Aren't you full of surprises."

M'gann intervened and destroyed most of the plants. I doubled over panting. I was seriously getting drained.

"She's made contact." M'gann announced.

We looked up to see the bio-ship releasing the other members of the team.

"Let's go"

We left the team to destroy the station. Robin put tons of explosives on it. I prepared to let as much fire as I could out.


We blew up the plant and looked like movie characters walking out of the fire. M'gann flew back getting shot by Atomic Skull. I ran to help her up, but ended up getting shot down too. I landed on the ground next to Aqualad.

"Plan B?" I asked. He nodded, the flew over us dropping the helmet.

I looked over to him, needed and made an earth bubble around myself. I sat down and closed my eyes. Focus. I blocked out everything else. I could feel the anger and negative energy that surrounded me. A wave a strength surged through me, my energy returned to me. The negative energy revolved around me. I opened my eyes feeling slightly different and got rid of the earth protecting me. Aqualad/Dr.Fate was fighting Wotan and was struggling, so was the rest of the team.

I easily controlled Poison Ivy's plant and trapped her with it. I smirked and raised my hand up trapping the other villains. It was kind of sad how I just had to raise my hand... what? That was rude, why would I say that?

"You're no 'Injustice League'!" I laughed.

I landed and my knees buckled. Robin helped me up and let me lean on him. I struggled to keep my eyes open.

"I'm so tired." I groaned.

"How could you let him out on the helmet? Nabu will never let him leave now!" KF yelled.

Aqualad/Nabu slowly took the helmet off.

"Your friend Kent says hi." Aqualad smiled.

"KF your arm." I realized, KF must have broke it during the fight.

The Justice League arrived and took the Injustice League to Arkham and Belle Reve. Robin helped me onto the ship and into my chair. When my heat hit the seat I was out like a light.

3rd P.O.V

Robin looked over to (H/n) and smiled. A small piece of hair fell onto her peacefully sleeping face.

"Good job today team." Aqualad complimented.

"It wouldn't have been a success without (H/n). How did you know she would be able to do that?" Artemis questioned.

"I didn't"

"Did anyone else see her eyes, they were darker, like black." M'gann sighed.

The rest of the ride back to the cave was silent. It wasn't an awkward or tense silent, more of a relaxed happy silence. Once they arrived Robin gently picked (H/n) up and carried her to her room. He set her down on the bed, took off her mask, and set it on the nightstand.

"What are you doing to me? You're like a drug (Y/n), I can't live without you." He whispered before walking out.


Oh my gosh! It's so fluffy! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always thank you for all the support on this story and everything  else that I do! See you next time! Byyee!


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