Bonus Chapter

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Comment what you're going to be for Halloween, and if you aren't dressing up, what your going to do! I'm going to be Catwoman and my friend is going to be Harley Quinn!
Dinah (Black Canary) knocked on my door. It was my week with her. I sat up in my bed and sighed looking around the room. I was moving into the cave in Mount Justice today. I would be alone more since the league had moved to the Watchtower.

"Time to get up and ready, you're going to meet Batman's new sidekick today. Robin is his name I think. Flash got a sidekick very recently too."

"Is that why I haven't been able to see him for the past like, year?"

"Yes, Batman's been training him."

I nodded and slipped on an outfit. I quickly grabbed something to eat and ran out to meet Dinah. We walked through a secret zeta tube that was hidden in an alley.

"We're here."

We were at Mount Justice, killing two birds with one stone I suppose, now I didn't have to come here later. I walked into the living room and was met with two boys. One of them was my age, had black hair, and was wearing tinted glasses. The other one was a bit older than me, had fiery red hair, and bright green eyes.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)," I greeted with a wave.

"Nice to meet you," the red head ran around me, "I'm Wally, Kid Flash."

I looked to who I assumed to be Robin, he was standing in front of me now. A rose in his hand. He held it out shyly, I giggled and took it from him. The rose had a ribbon tied around it.

"Thank you."


I was spending the day at the Wayne Mansion since I hadn't been able to see Bruce in like, a year. I was out playing with Robin in the garden. He was hiding and I was supposed to find him. I looked behind a bush and saw a rose with a note under it. I picked it up read the note.

All those days chasing down a villain. All those years fighting in a blur. All that time never really life as it could be.

~ Dick Grayson

I smiled, so that was Robin's real name. I heard a rustling above me.

"Found you Dick." I said looking up. Dick was sitting in a tree, "your turn. Count to 100."

While he counting I decided to leave a note for him.

And so it began. With him I forgot about the trauma, and the torture. I was happy, truly happy for the first time in years.


I posted this in honor of Halloween and I seriously squealing while writing this because it's so adorable! I do hope you enjoyed this chapter!
~ Lydia💫

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