Chapter 15: A Big Robot Family

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I woke up the next morning and sat there thinking. I was partially awake the entire time, or at least enough to hear what everyone was saying, but one thing stuck out to me. 'You're like a drug (Y/n), I can't live without you.'

I turned over to look at the time. I slept for a day! I jumped up, changed into a new uniform and ran out to the training area. Wally sat in a lounge chair being served by Captain Marvel.

"Are you seriously taking this much advantage of being hurt?" I asked. Despite my annoyance with this, it was a struggle to hold back a laugh.

"You try getting hurt on a mission."

I clenched my jaw and fists. Forget laughing. The team and Captain Marvel took a large step back. They knew what could happen.

"I don't try to to get shot by lightning for you guys. Pass out, get electrocuted, turn against you, receive claw shaped scars on my shoulders. I told you about and faced something that I never wanted to see again. So I think I have gotten hurt on a mission." I said calmly and walked away.

The team looked at me surprised and incredibly confused. I would have broke Wally's other arm, so this wasn't normal.

"Red- he taught me that my powers would burst out in times of extreme anger." I shrugged.

Zatara zeta-d into the cave and typed a few things into the computer. A girl around my age walked through the zeta tube.

"Meet my daughter, Zatanna." Zatara smiled.

"Welcome to the cave." Kaldur smiled.

"So are you joining the team?" Robin asked.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is strictly a visit. But I am sorry we missed the training. It is something in which she could benefit."

"Do the rest of you get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?" Megan asked telepathically.

"Not just Zatara, I mean, why is Marvel still around?" Conner questioned.

"Because we like having him around." Wally argued.

"You like having him around because he waits on you hand and foot." I snapped crossing my arms.

"And your point is..."

"It almost makes one nostalgic for Red Tornado as our supervisor." Aqualad sighed.

"Yeah, at least he trusted us!" Artemis agreed.

"If you ignore the fact that we shouldn't have trusted him!" Conner yelled, "he was a traitor! That machine nearly got M- all of us killed!"

"Are you guys having a telepathic conversation?" Zatanna asked, "cause I can't decide if that's really cool, or really rude."

"Alright fine we were talking about Red Tornado. It's been weeks since his attack and you haven't told us anything." I admitted.

"We are searching for Tornado, as well as the other androids that invaded the cave and their creator, T.O Morrow. Batman's made it a league priority." Black Canary assured.

"But you've found none of the above." Robin commented.

"Not yet, but Red Tornado is Justice League. The team is not to pursue this." Black Canary ordered.

"Why don't you all take Zatanna on a tour of the cave." Zatara suggested.

"Ah you're giving a tour! Cool." Captain Marvel walked in with Wally's nachos.

"Actually I was hoping you'd take wolf outside, he could use the exercise." Conner lied.

"Sure, sure, I can do that. Come on Wolf."

All of us led Zatanna through the cave. She walked up to me with a different outfit on, I didn't bother asking how she did it.

"I like your shirt." I complimented.

"Thanks. We're not really taking a tour of the cave, are we?" She asked.

"No we're hunting down that robot." Conner stopped.

"Yes, we are." Kaldur agreed.

"What about new girl?" Artemis asked.

"I'm sure she won't tell." Robin shrugged.

"I can't tell, not if you kidnap me." She smirked.

"Oh she's going to fit in great." Artemis nodded.

We flew out of the cave in the bio-ship.

"M'gann the bio-ship was not authorized for departure." Black Canary came over on the com.

"We're kidnapping Zatanna," she beamed then realized her mistake, "to show her Happy Harbor. Be back soon."

"Roger that, have fun."

"Where are we going? Batman is the world's greatest detective , and he searched for Tornado and Morrow in every logical location. If we're gonna do better, we need and illogical solution. A truly dumb idea."

We all looked to KF.

"As a matter of fact..."


We arrived at Belle Reve and started to interrogate Ivo.

"Warden Strange owed us a favor for stopping last months prison break. He's given us five minutes with you."

"Spill Ivo. How do we find T.O Morrow and his reds?" Superboy asked.

"Now why in the world would I know?"

"You're his competitor, who better to keep track." I smirked.

"Let me rephrase, why in the world would I tell you how to find Morrow?"

"He knows, do what you must." Aqualad nodded to M'gann.

"Oh please," Ivo laughed, "as if I've never faced a telepath before."

"Llips dna llet eth htrut." Zatanna shouted.

"Morrow's in a secret underground base beneath Yellowstone National Park, 100 meters south of Old Faithful."

We stared at Ivo in shock. I turned to Zatanna who had a triumphant smirk on her face.

"Wait, what just happened?" Ivo asked in a panic.


We landed in Yellowstone near the place Ivo told us about.

"I recommend you stay behind." Aqualad told Zatanna.

"Is that an order?"



She changed her outfit and followed us out. A sudden blast of air stopped us. Red Tornado stopped in front of us creating and spreading out tornados.

"Nail him!" Superboy yelled.

Aqualad was knocked into Superboy knocking them back and out. Artemis shot and arrow that flew back hitting her and Robin. Kf started to make tornados, but was knocked out by M'gann. This entire mission was a mess.

I sent a piece of earth at him which he sent back knocking me to the ground. I layed there and played dead.

"Quite a performance brother, but we both know that's all it was. I have all your memories, Tornado, plus a next generation processor. I know what you're going to do before you do it. A voice said. We slowly got up, "blowing a message into the sand?"

The other robot threw giant rocks at us. I lifted my hand bending the rocks over us.

"Red Tornado is flying away." Zatanna said.

"Is he abandoning us?" Artemis asked.

"I don't think so." M'gann frowned.

I blew myself up with a gust of air to the other robot. He threw another rock at me and I bent it back. I started to lose air so I brought a pillar of rock up to catch me.

"Zatanna, we're counting on you, he has Red Tornado's memories, but he never met you!" I yelled.

The robot brought lava out of the ground in a large fountain.

"He's activating a stage two eruption. It gets to stage three, kiss the atmosphere goodbye." KF told us.

"Hit him from all sides." Aqualad ordered.

"I think I can hold the lava back,  I need time."

I stood in front of the lava and got into stance. It's easy, just fire and earth... at the same time. I held my hands out in front of me and smiled in relief when the lava stopped moving.

The robot threw a rock at me that I couldn't deflect. I flew back and landed on my wrist. I screamed in pain slowly getting up off of the ground.

"(H/n)!" Robin ran to me and helped me up. A wave of water shot at the robot knocking it into the lava, "good shot Aqualad!"

"That wasn't me."

We all turned to see Red Tornado, Red Torpedo, and Red Inferno fighting the other Red, They kbicked him into the lava and followed him down. Aqualad pulled Tornado out as his legs melted.

"Tornado listen! We're on the verge of a stage 3 super volcano eruption! There's no turning back from that. We need to vent the pressure fast! The ash cloud will bring on a worldwide nuclear winter." KF yelled.

"I'm going to help RT." I claimed.

"No (H/n) you're hurt." Aqualad argued.

"It's just my wrist. I'll be fine."

"That much ash around a human, or even what ever you are is dangerous!" Robin yelled.

"I have to do this."

I ignored the pain in my wrist and blew myself up next to RT. I started coughing trying to get fresh air into my lungs. I put my hands out in front of me and vented the air.

I landed roughly on the ground and started coughing violently, taking in big gulps of fresh air.

"That was stupid (H/n)!" Superboy yelled.

"No need to thank me." I gasped.


M'gann just finished wrapping up my wrist.

"It's just a sprain, not too serious." She assured.

We got into the bio-ship and started flying to the cave.

"So, good kidnapping?" Robin asked Zatanna.

"Actually, yeah, best ever." She agreed.

"First of many hopefully. We could use another girl on the team." I smiled.

"If my dad doesn't ground me for life." She laughed.

I turned to KF and held up my wrapped wrist. He looked at me in confusion.

"What was that about getting hurt on missions?" I questioned.

He sunk down in his seat and crossed his arms. I chuckled and smiled victoriously.

Thank you all so so much for 1k!!!I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and had an amazing Halloween! As always thank you for the support on this story and everything else that I do! See you next time! Byyee!


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