Chapter 23: Team Therapy

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The team sat in a circle looking at me intently. I huffed in frustration and crossed my arms. Black Canary thought it would be good for me, 'team therapy', she called it. I found it ridiculous and unnecessary. It's not like spending more time with the people I spent all day with would help me choose good.

"So (Y/n), what's up?" Wally asked awkwardly. I snorted, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.

"I'm seeing a 'figment of my imagination' constantly which always tells me to do the wrong thing. I have to choose between good and evil soon, and I have to keep going to therapy so how do you think I am?"

Everything was silent for a moment. B.E.M (Black eyed me, just a reminder) leaned up against the wall. She rolled her eyes at the tension. Tension, anger, wrath, all of her favorite things made her happier.

"Are you really considering picking these guys? The people that are putting you through therapy?" She questioned. I ignored her, she's just my imagination. I reminded myself.

"We want to help you make the right choice," Robin said carefully, taking his time in choosing his words so he wouldn't upset me. "We care about you (Y/n), and we are all worried."

"They should trust you more." B.E.M whispered, now right behind my chair.

"You should trust me more!" I yelled standing up. My eyes turned black. B.E.M smirked victoriously, "I think this 'session' is over."

I stormed out of the room. The once angry frown slowly turning into a devious smirk as I left the now tensely silent room.

Robin's P.O.V

I watched as (Y/n) left. A sad frown covering my face. This wasn't my (Y/n). This was a darker, meaner part of her. I knew that the figment of her imagination was that part of her. Another instinct she wants to follow. Another voice telling her to do things. A literal demon sitting on her shoulder.

"I thought I could help her." I whispered, standing up.

The truth was I knew in a way she couldn't be helped, it was a genie wish. I wished that she would choose good, we all want her to choose good. But maybe that's what's making her lean towards evil. The constant pressure that not only the team was putting on her, but the pressure that comes with being a hero. I suppose when you're a villain it's more care free. Unless you want to take over the world then there's no worries.

The team looked at me sympathetically. They were genie wishing too, that was obvious to see. I shook my head and left. I zeta-d back to Gotham, making my way to the manor on the rooftops since I chose not to change out of my Robin costume. The only thing on my mind as I was running was (Y/n). (Y/n). I loved her. I loved her as much as my 13 year old heart could.

They say relationships at our age never work out, and aren't serious. But we're heroes. We had to grow up when we accepted the life. We had to grow up early, accept death when other kids were learning multiplication. We were at a level of maturity, a state of mind, that most adults don't reach.

That was the thing about loving her though. It wasn't until recently that we had discovered what she truly was, yet from the first moment I saw her, I knew there was a fire in her. There was a blaze that didn't want to be controlled, it wanted to be free, and dangerous. She was a rose in a field of daisies.

Loving her was like accepting a dance with the devil. You want to so badly, that you throw away any cautious thoughts, any rationality. She can make you forget about everything, even if it's just for a moment. Her love was a drug, and I had become addicted.

In all honesty she was never supposed to mean this much to me. She was supposed to be a hero friend, a sparring buddy. I was never supposed to fall for her this hard. I guess the fire I saw in her eyes, sparked something in me too. While hers was wild and untamed, mine was raging for her, everything was for her, and I was losing her, I was losing everything.

As I was nearing the manor I heard a gunshot from the street below. Without thinking I jumped down, immediately freezing at what I saw. There was a girl, who looked just like (Y/n). Same (H/c) hair, and (E/c) eyes. She turned to me and all I saw was (Y/n).

"I can pick evil Robin, I'm leaning towards it. That's what you're scared of isn't it, you see me in this criminal because it's who I can become." She smirked.

"What?" I questioned blinking. When I opened my eyes again I saw it was the criminal, not (Y/n).

"I said get on the ground punk!"

Letting out a sigh I sent out my taser gun, the criminal falling to the ground. I climbed back onto the rooftops knowing the police would take care of the villain.

What scared me the most is that what I saw the villain as first, what she looked like. It was what (Y/n) could become.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I sat on my bed, boredom taking over. After I had stormed out of team therapy I retreated to my room. Turning on music and blaring it, letting out a sigh I turned it (the music) off. B.E.M appeared, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Why are you here?" I grumbled.

"Just came to warn you," she shrugged, "There's a storm coming (Y/n), and you're in the middle of it."

I laughed cruelly, something that would put B.E.M to shame. I walked forward, standing in front of B.E.M. My hands on my knees so I was the same height as her sitting figure.

"I thought you were smarter than this, you are from my head after all. I'm not in the middle of the storm. I am the storm."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next time! Byyee!


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