Chapter 31: Choice

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We all stood watching the Justice League induction ceremony. Robin hadn't mention the punching bag incident and I was glad. As I was watching it all I could do was stand there and shake my head. Our new team member, Rocket, watched with us.

"Way to go Roy!" Wally cheered.

"At last he has his wish." Aqualad agreed.

"The first of us to make it, no one will call him a sidekick anymore." Robin added.

I stood up and walked out of the room. I couldn't handle everyone being happy for the mole. I thought Uncle Bat was going to take care of it.

"(Y/n), we got a mission!" Robin yelled catching up with me.


"Are you sure it's her?" Artemis questioned.

"Positive. Cameras picked her up from the Ashfield Regional Airport. Facial recognition confirms it's Jade Nguyen. But you've seen her without her mask. WHat do you think?" Robin questioned.

"It's Jade. Cheshire." Artemis mumbled.

"Agreed, but focus on what she carried. Is that the case you saw in New Orleans? The one that got away?"


"Okay, I'm guessing from the mug shot that this 'Cheshire's' the bad guy. But what's so important about that case?" Rocket asked.

"Whatever's in that case is important to the Injustice League's allies." I sighe.d.

"Approaching Cheshire's jest." M'gann announced.

We gasped when we saw the plane in pieces. Once we got to the scene we found no bodies.

"Where are the bodies."

"Here's one," Cheshire stepped out, "and it is stunning."

"I am flora not fauna. I am foliage not trees. What am I?" We looked up seeing the Riddler and other goons.

A green field surrounded us.

"Hey come on, you can get this," Riddler smirked, "I am shrubbery, not grass. What am I? I..."

"Ambush." Robin growled.

"That's clever." B.E.M complimented.

"Should I let it out?" I asked, my eyes darkening.

"Not yet." Aqualad ordered.

"Everyone online?" M'gann asked. A chorus of yeses went around.


I bent snow in a circle around me turning it into ice. I shot ti at the men around me.

"SB you're flying." Robin marveled.

The fight ended faster than it started. To me it seemed a bit too easy. We retrieved the case and flew back to the cave. All of us preparing for a lecture.


"Sound familiar, you hacked league systems, ignored protocol, and put your lives in danger. And you put three felons in jail, proving Warden Strange was using it as a cover for criminal activity," Batman had the ghost of a smile on his face, "and then there's this."

"Biotechnology integrated with some form of nano-circuitry." Icon frowned.

"Cheshire was tipped." I growled.

"Not the mole thing again." Artemis groaned.

"Mole thing? Again?" Rocket questioned.

"Mole suspects are Artemis, M'gann, or me." Superboy pointed at himself. He stopped for a minute. "There's something I have to do."

"It isn't any of them don't worry," I stated boredly, "although, all of them have their secrets. Wouldn't it be so much easier if we all told the truth?"

Superboy stopped in his tracks while M'gann and Artemis tensed.

"(Y/n), the way you're talking you act as if you know who the mole is." Aqualad crossed his arms.

"Oh it's not me," I shook my head, "it's not anyone on this team."

"Not anymore at least." B.E.M snickered.

"Do you know who it is?" KF asked.

"Possibly, sadly I can't, and won't tell you."

Superboy turned around and admitted everything. So it began, everyone started spilling their secrets like they were going to die if they didn't. Who knew, they could have died.

We all were silent before coming up with a plan to stop the light, but I didn't know if I wanted to anymore.


Once we were called out I jumped out of the bushes and bent rocks at Luther's robo cornering him. He shot Aqualad so I quickly ran to help. The clever man.

Once everything was said and done we all stood in front of the bio-ship, a comfortable silence in the air. Tension that we didn't even know was there was gone.

"So it is always like this," Rocket chuckled.

"Told you," Zatanna smiled.

Black spots started to surround my vision, I started to stumble.


I fell to the ground and blacked out.

"What am I not admitting to myself this time?" I asked.

"Oh no this is new information, I didn't want to give it to you with the others around. The Justice League, well, they aren't the Justice League anymore. Also, look out for Roy, he didn't know he was the mole."

I woke up in my bed. The team stood around me worriedly.

"The league, where is the league?" I asked frantic.

"Batman is on his way over. (Y/n), what happened?" Robin asked.

"Nothing, I guess I just pushed myself." I lied.

"Happy early birthday." M'gann smiled.

A wave of realization crashed over me. I forgot about that in the chaos.

"I have to choose tonight."


I walked out of my room still in uniform. The dream had shaken me. We met Batman in the den.

"The mole was Red Arrow." Batman announced.

"What no way! We've known him for 3 years." Robin argued.

"Sadly, not the real Roy Harper. This was another Cadmus. The real Roy Harper was abducted shortly after he became Green Arrow's protege." RT explained.

"That's why he was so determined to become part of the league, and why he was so angry at any setbacks. When he was admitted his secondary programming kicked in. He attempted to betray us to savage, but R.A is still out there, armed and dangerous. We must accept that the real Roy is gone."

Batman left quickly after that. RT came up behind Aqualad then shut down.

"What happened?"  KF asked.

"All systems shut down."

"I'm sensing mystical powers." Zatanna sighed.

"This is what she was talking about." I realized.

"Who?" Aqualad questioned

"Black eyed me. But it doesn't matter now," I pulled on of the chips that was in the box out of RT's hand, "something strange is going on with the league, and that's the last thing I need right now."

"Kid, Robin, Rocket, and Zatanna, stay here and see if you can fix Red Tornado. The rest of us will go look for Ro- Red Arrow."

We got into the bio-ship and went over possible places that he could be hiding.

"Ever since he went solo he has armouries in major cities."


We knocked down the door to the rundown apartment. We were met with Red Arrow pointing his nocked arrow at us.

"Tell me something only the real you would know." He ordered.

I stepped forward and took a deep breath.

"When we went out to dinner and I was about to go into the seat. We had the moment... you said we should enjoy it, no strings attached."

"Which you enjoyed." B.E.M added.

Red Arrow slowly put the bow down and got onto the bio-ship with us. He started to tell us about how he escaped and wasn't the mole anymore. I felt sorry for him.


I walked into the Watchtower with, RT, Canary, and Red Arrow.

"I was able to put Red Tornado and Red Arrow back under our control, and (H/n) had chosen us." Black Canary stated.

"The rest of the team awaits reprogramming." RT assured.

"I think not. You see starotech does not reprogram the mind. It requires someone to control it." Savage smirked.

"We know exactly who's infected and who isn't and you're not!" Klarion yelled.

I was surrounded by a green bubble. Made by none other than one of the Green Lanterns.

"Don't infect the girl, she'll make the choice on her own."

I watched as the other three were 'infected' again. Savage started to circle the bubble. A smirk on his scarred face.

"Such clever ones aren't you? You'll choose evil. Just think about it, no rules, no high maintenance team, just you, doing whatever you want."

"Stop it!" I shrieked grabbing my head.

The team ran into the room. I looked up from my hands, my breathing fast and heavy.

"It's 11:58, make your choice." I was released from the bubble.

I looked around me, the other 6 heroes were gone, where I didn't know. A thick silence filled the room. My eyes continuously switched. Black, (E/c), black, (E/c). B.E.M was standing near Vandal Savage and Klarion. I took a deep breath and walked towards Vandal Savage and Klarion. I had made my choice. The team looked at me with wide eyes.

"Good, you embraced the demon."

"No," I looked at them, then the team, "I went through Hell battling a demon. But I came out an angel," I walked towards the team's side.

Klarion and Vandal Savage growled and left the watchtower through a portal.

"Happy New Years." The computer announced.

I grabbed Robin's shoulders and kissed him. Wally and Artemis kissed, Spitfire! So did Rocket and Aqualad, and M'gann and Superboy.

"Would now be a bad time to ask you to be my girlfriend?" Robin asked when we pulled apart.

"Horrible, horrible time to ask. But yes, I will."

"Happy birthday (Y/n)."


I stood in front of the team and league.

"I think... I think I can bring him back." I assured.

I sat on my knees and put my hands out in front of me. My eyes switched to black, but this time, I wasn't feeling evil. The ground below my hands began to shimmer as a familiar shape appeared.

"Where am I?" Speedy asked slightly panicked.

"You're safe Speed." I said gently, "The league will explain everything."

I walked up to Red Arrow, "Hey Red," I greeted quietly, he gave a nod in response, "you're still Red Arrow, still the one we've known for 3 years."

"(Y/n)," Zatanna approached me, "how did you do that? I don't think it was sorcerery, but I don't know."

"I don't know actually. It all came and went so fast, I don't I'll be able to do it again."


I sat in front of the mirror, tilting my head and changing my eyes in a never ending pattern. Black, (E/c), black, (E/c).

"Robin has entered your room."

Once he saw me he laughed lightly. I realized I must have looked like a lost puppy. It put me at ease to hear him laugh, like one might find the sound of music soothing. His laughter told me that not everything had changed.

"It's weird," I admitted breaking the silence. "I still see Black Eyed Me sometimes though."

"You've grown, learned that's true, but you're still (Y/n) (L/n), the one I fell in love with." Robin assured.

"Thanks, it's nice to hear you say that. I guess it's over. There still is that whisper, but I won't listen to it."

"You made the right choice. You got traught while staying whelmed and felt the aster."

I looked at Robin, the flexible little bird, with wide eyes and a grin.

"You did not just say that."

"I did," he smirked.

"Never change," I giggled hugging him.

If we change we forget, forget everything. And nothing would be left of us, we'd be an empty shell of what we once were.

"But people always forget." A voice whispered. I looked up and saw B.E.M. She started blowing away, like sand in the wind. I hugged Robin tighter and smiled.

The voice, though quiet would never be silenced. Calm as it may be, harmless as that whisper may seem, it was waiting. Waiting for its chance to be a shout, a battle cry, drums of war. It was waiting to be free.


I stood in front of the supercomputer, ready to do what I had held off for 6 years. Their names were still branded into my mind. Like a scar, a reminder of a story best not told. I put my fingers on the keys and began typing.

Lilith and Azriel (L/n)

Everything the computer -the world- had on my parents was right in front of me. I took a deep breath, not looking at any of the information on the screen. I was going to do what my mom said, I was going to let them go. I had never really known my parents. Yet, I still loved them, I loved them so much. They were part of the reason as to why I was a hero. But the information the world knew was taunting me. I pressed a few keys as a tear rolled down my cheek, the drop landing on the keyboard. This computer could alter any information in the world. I pressed the one key that would stop the taunting. This is my new family. I thought before pressing the key that would change my life.



...This story is over! Do not leave yet though! I will be posting a A/N in like 2 seconds giving information on the second book! So look forward to that! I want to thank you all so so so much for all of the support on this story, it has been amazing! Byyee!


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