A/N-- Second Book Info/Sneak Peak

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Okay everyone! So this book is over *single tear*, but do not fear! The second books official publish date will be on New Years/New Years Eve. That's a Saturday or Sunday, but after that the book will go back to the regular update schedule of Tuesdays and Fridays.

I am so excited for this because I have been working on this since like August and I am so so thankful that you guys have been voting and commenting and reading this.

Most people do like the first chapter as a sneak peak, but I'm different and weird. So instead I'll write out some of my favorite pieces from the second book that don't give away the story line. Les go...

"Blüdhaven is where my college is. Moving here is so much easier than having to zeta and walk there. Now I just have to move my car here."

"And you're majoring in..."

"Mythology and folklore," I laughed, "I'm a supernatural being so why not study them? I can get a job as a professor after."

"Guys," (H/n) yelled into the mindlink, "I've been -"

She never finished her sentence.

"I can give you my word, I'm not evil." The team seemed to relax, my word was a strong, trustworthy one. "I'm wicked, and like it or not that's the side that wins."

"Wally, hey! What's up?" I asked awkwardly.

He picked up one of the tests, looking at me with wide eyes, putting it back in my basket, in a dazed state.

"Are you- Did you and Dick-"

Yin was playing with us. She knew things that no one else should have, and she used them against us, teased us. Nobody should have known these things besides the team, so how did she?

"Sorry doesn't cut it Dick! You embarrassed me in front of the team, in front of my friends! You left with alone for hours," I threw a fireball in the fireplace, trying in vain to calm myself down.

"I was trying to help you!"

"No! You were trying to help yourself Dick! You didn't want me as a liability to the mission! Just get out!"

Ash started to fall down slowly around us. To me, it looked like black snow.

"No one expects an angel to set fire to the world."

Okay, so I hope these sneak peaks didn't give away too much of the story. I just thought it would be better sharing my favorite parts instead of the prologue or first chapter. Stay tuned for the Q&A where I answer your questions!

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