Cover Contest! (Come Join!)

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After due consideration, I decided that yes, I would add another thing to my plate because that's just what I need right now!

In all seriousness though, I always say that I love interacting with you guys and I thought this would be a great way to do that and recognize all the amazing talent out there!


1. Anyone can join! While it would be amazing if you followed me, I'm not going to make it a requirement!

2. You can make a cover for any of my stories. Even Alien (Steve Rogers x Reader) which hasn't been released yet. The more covers you make, the more likely you are to win!

3. The cover has to fit. A really easy way to test it is to go and 'Make a new story' then put the cover in and see if it fits there. If it doesn't you can make adjustments

4. No NSFW content can be on the cover, for obvious reasons

5. You can have your name somewhere on the cover but it can't be dominating

6. It has to have the story title and By: Lydiaofthefallen on it somewhere


I'm undecided on these. Obviously if you win your cover will be used and you'll get a shoutout, but I want to do more. So if you have any ideas for these then go ahead and give them! I think I'll do a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner depending on how many I get, so the prizes for each one will vary (if I can come up with more incentives, lol) So, go ahead and drop any ideas!


To enter, simply put your cover on one of your stories and mention me in it so I can see it! If you don't have any stories, post it on Pinterest and send it to me (lydiaofthefallen) on Pinterest!

I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with!!! I love you all so, so, much, byyee!!


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