Justice Knight?

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A/n-  went back and changed my spelling mistakes That's what the updates were about. Other than that enjoy.

Arlo's POV

It was Sunset and The brotherhood of the doofus was flying high in the sky with me their honorary member. Flying high on their mounts while I was doing barrel rolls for Yugo.

Yugo: Wow Arlo you're so lucky that you can fly like this all the time.

Arlo: I know right, but you can fly too you know.

I answered and did another Barrel roll over Yugo and rubbed his head. Yugo laughed, and I landed behind him on his mount. The two of us got along pretty well with me talking about what I remember about life before and him telling me about his adventures.

It was all well. When suddenly Dally dived trying to catch his sword you all followed after him. After landing in a forest clearing Arlo hopped turning to the group. 

Arlo: Well we should make camp here for the night. We've made it farther ahead of plans anyway so.

I shrugged my shoulders as Yugo hopped off his mount.

Ruel: That's just what I was trying to say, But the girls didn't agree.

He complained before Amalia called him out.

Amalia: What?! You were the one disagreeing, besides I can't help if you are hard of hearing jeez.

Eva: Deaf as a post that's for sure.

She said walking past him to me and Yugo.

Ruel: well then I'm sleeping in my bag.

Eva: Yugo, Arlo you're going hunting with me. Amalia can you make-

We stopped focusing on hearing yelling in the distance and turned to the Yelling Shushu guardian as he slammed his sword into a rock each time changing shape.

Arlo: I'm not going anywhere near that.

I said and walked away some time passes, and we got a fire going in the night we all sat around listening to Amalia's story.

Yugo: And then tell us what happened,

Amalia: And that's how we discovered that it wasn't a bramble.

She finished and everyone laughed but me and Dally Well I didn't get it, so I couldn't laugh. But besides that Dally seemed upset.

Arlo: Come on Dally, you're a Guardian you shouldn't get upset.

Ruel: I'm sure he'll come back eventually maybe he's just thinking of better jokes.

Ruel added to cheer him up, but it didn't work.

Dally: Maybe but even though he spent most of his time insulting me we used to be thick as thieves.

He said the fire from the camp was crackling when he finished.

Amalia: But his ultimate goal was to destroy us all, it's not as if you were losing your best friend.

Arlo: 'ouch.'

Dally: sniff relax was my travelling companion before I even met all of you, But this is something you clearly can't understand, Heartless princess.

He sobs getting up and marching into the forest.

Amalia: Heartless  princess what's that supposed to mean

Arlo: 'Ice queen would've been better.'

I snickered at my thought. She glared at me with some suspicion.

Arlo: Anyway we should bring him back- Woah!.

I screamed as a tree fell on us, I zapped away with Yugo when suddenly a bright light came from the forest.

Arlo: what's that sound it's like a train engine.

Yugo: But there aren't any tracks.

He said when suddenly a train appeared out of a portal and shot a net towards us throwing us inside before I could say anything the room filled up with sleeping gas and black.

I don't know what happened, but I felt myself wake up from my snoring and find myself In a cage with everyone behind bars. I saw someone on the other side in shiny gold armour.

Knight: I am a good guy can you not tell by my armour.

The dude said walking away.

Arlo: Can someone brief me on what is happening?. And why are we locked in a prison?

I asked thankfully Eva briefed me about this Justice guy and how he deemed us, evildoers, because of Dally losing control of Rubilax one time.

Yugo: We can't use our powers either.

Arlo: Damn.

And we aren't also alone in this prison the people trapped beside us have a plan. Granny and Remington.

Eva: Granny and Remington, what a terrible surprise. I thought you were dead.

She said, and we all turned to her wanting an explanation.

Yugo: well who is Remington?

Eva: A rogue of the worst kind.

Remington: I can hear that you know. You could be a little polite.

The voice said. Eva frowned closing her eyes.

Eva: It would've been polite if you died from your fall.

Arlo: I'm sensing a lot of hostility here. 

Ruel: Sensing?.

So anyway he said he had a plan, so we all went up to the bars and saw something weird floating block. 

Arlo: So that's dampening our powers huh?

Remington: Exactly so long as you cover it with a piece of cloth you can stop it and drag it away.

He spoke calmly and then went on to say he couldn't as it was up to us except the girls moved back.

Dally: Last shot!.

He threw his cape and missed the floating cube.

All: Aw man.

Dally: We need more ammunition

Ruel: Don't look at me.

He said stretching his underwear and a coin dropped out. Then we turned to the only two people with clothes left.

Amalia: Do you expect the princess of the Sadida kingdom to undress!

Yugo: Well cover our eyes.

The two beside me and Yugo started giggling. But Eva stepped forward.

Eva: Not even in your dreams.

Dally: But I've seen you like that, and I wasn't dreaming.

We all paused at that I covered Yugo's ears in case he went into detail. Anyway, after that, they decided to use Yugo's Hat.

Arlo: Nope no way I should do it my hair can cover them.

I said and asked them to turn around, and I threw my hat just as It covered the thing I was able to create a portal and grab my hat on and smashed the box.  

Second POV

Eventually, everyone was let out even the Remington guy

Remington: Miss Evangeline you are even more beautiful than-

Eva: Don't make me regret this.

She said pulling the leather and letting him out. Just as he got close he smirked and grabbed her and threw her to the bannister, But you caught her before she fell over.

Arlo: Asshole!.

Eva: You should've died when you fell.

She glared at him as you let go and Dally comes to her side sword drawn.

He smirks and back away pulling a leather to another cage. A loud road escapes as a Shushu comes out staring down at him.

????: As thanks for letting me free I won't eat you. Heh

Remington: Heh, thanks.

The rogue said and started running for the stairs, but The Monster used its chains to destroy it.

He walked up to The rouge and grabbed his cat and his stomach opened and stuffed it inside.

????: Mm what a good appetizer.

You felt Yugo's anger At that moment, but before I could do anything he zapped toward him going for a punch but got hit and sent back to us. Dally also runs up with rubilax trying to swing at it but fails getting punched into a wall. The monster gins and grabs Rubilax away placing it in its stomach beside the cat.

Grinning the monster looks at him and suddenly a red portal came out.

Arlo: How!?

????: Thanks for the gift kid.

Yugo: You copied my powers!.

This is bad. He smirks and creates a portal and looks at it carefully.

Arlo: let's rush him!.

Amalia runs and creates some vines to trap his hands, but another portal read portal appears above her and his fist smashes into her.

You create a portal behind it and try to deliver a breath fire onto its back making it scream. It swings to get you away but you portal beside it and keep on burning it.

Eva runs up dodging it hits and jumps but when she's in the air multiple red portals appear around her and his fist comes through punching her into the ground beside Dally.

You kept turning up the heat and dodging, but eventually, he caught you by the leg as you were entering a portal and slammed you to the ground repeatedly until you were knocked out.

????: Good.

He said walking back to the prison and punching a hole through the wall.

????: Freedom is finally mine. Thank you for my escape you pesky little fleshing.

He grins and jumps out. Escaping.

You wake up in a panic to see everyone sitting around a table.

Yugo: You're awake!.

He shouted jumping off his seat and hugging you. You were shocked at first but hugged him asking what happened.

Knight: What have you done!. Your acts are unforgivable, and you have to help me rewrite this justice.

He goes on to say about whom the monster was and his power to copy others' abilities through physical contact.

Arlo: Who is Anathar.

Knight: The evil monster is my father he was once the greatest Shushu guardian of all history fighting great villains while donning the cape of shadows. But to protect me from Rubilax My father freed Anathar but his exhaustion from battle made him too weak to turn back, so I had to imprison him waiting for a chance to get him back once more.

Remington: As soon as I get my brother back I'm leaving.

Knight: Then let JUSTICE BE DOONE!.

You all nodded and followed him to his train which was how he was able to track Shushus around the world. While inside, you sat quietly waiting for the train to stop.

Knight: Were here everybody prepares yourself.

He shouted as you all went out but Anathar wasn't there.

Knight: Impossible my machine is never wrong!.

Arlo: Unless-!

You created portals beneath everyone's feet and got away from the train.

Your instincts were right as a red portal appeared above the train and Anathar came out of it crushing the Train.

Dally: Woah!

Eva: What!!?

Remington: Warn me, next time Kid!

Arlo: Nice try buddy.

He growled and went to charge you, but the knight came in the way blocking with his fist with his swords.

Knight: No FATHER!.

Anathar went for another punch Dally intercepted and got caught along with the Justice knight the two of them slamming into a nearby boulder.

He jumped and began creating a lot of portals and black tentacles came out of it. attacking everything

While Remington and Eva were shooting the tentacles You Ruel fought Anathar by tagging in and out to breathe fire and hit him with a shovel. It was going well before a large portal the size of himself appeared.

Remington: Can you feel the air.

Yugo: Yes it's hot it's like he's creating a portal to another dimension.

Arlo: We need to get him in there and out of this world.

You said and charged at him.

Anathar: NO!

He shouted and began elbowing your back. You would've fallen but luckily Yugo, Dally and Remington came to help.

Dally: Come on!.

Rubilax: Dally doesn't let me go please if I go back I'm dead.

Dally: *gasp* Rubilax you're talking to me.

He said and reached his hand out to try and grab it and so did Remington to gran his cat.

Anathar: I'm not going back empty-handed.

He grinned and spat out an old man?.

Knight: Father!.

Anathar used his arm and pulled you and the others with him into the portal. Everything went bright red.

Yugo: W-what is this place?. 

A/n- How was that.

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